Should <insert name here> go to TNA?

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Gone but never forgotten.
In lieu of the newly ignited war between the WWE and TNA, I was chatting with another poster on the site and they brought up a good point... some of the underutilized wrestlers of the WWE would probably benefit more from going to TNA.

It seems as if previous WWE stars have been successful in increasing their notoriety and making bigger names for themselves after jumping to TNA. Prime examples of this were Christian, Pope D'Angelo Dinero and Jeff Hardy. They made the choice not just to leave the WWE, but to leave the WWE for the TNA promotion.

Some wrestlers have jumped from the WWE to TNA, have made little to no impact, or kept their popularity the same by making the jump. Those wrestlers include Kurt Angle, Tara, Taz, Christy Hemme, Team 3D, and Kevin Nash.

However, some wrestlers have lost momentum and become more unsuccessful in TNA than they were in the WWE. Some of those wrestlers were Bobby Lashley, Booker T and Mick Foley.

So I'd like to discuss the wrestlers that would be making a SMART move by jumping over to TNA's roster. Who would benefit from it in the same way that Christian, Jeff Hardy and Pope did?

(Please keep in mind: This thread is not referring to the "WWE rejects". I'm referring to wrestlers that have made a (near) direct jump from the WWE to TNA.)

My initial suggestion would be Matt Hardy. This is for a few reasons:

First of all, with Jeff's current jump and past successes in TNA, Matt would be able to strike while the iron was hot and capitalize on the current "Hardy-fever." I think his arrival would make a big impact (no pun intended) in TNA and he would be a much better fit than he is in the WWE right now.

In the WWE, Matt has become the epitome of a stale character. He had his day in the sun as a successful Tag Team and Cruiserweight champion, but has also been lackluster as a former European, Hardcore Champion, United States, and ECW champion. He needs a new sandbox to play in.

Does anyone else agree with me? Are there any other wrestlers that you feel would benefit more from making a jump to the WWE? Please only choose wrestlers that are currently on the WWE roster and provide reasons for all of your answers.
I agree with you about Matt Hardy, but since you beat me to it by suggesting him, I'll pick someone else.

I think Shelton Benjamin could benefit from a direct jump to TNA. He has stagnated in the WWE and I don't think a sustained push is ever coming for him there. He could go to TNA and become involved in their mid-card, their X-Division, and possibly contend for a title which is probably not in the cards for him in WWE. Or he could become involved with Angle again (with or without Charlie Haas). I think he could be much bigger and used more effectively in TNA rather than WWE.

Unfortunately, much like Haas, I doubt the WWE would let him go, especially now while ship-jumping seems to be so in vogue. As with Haas, WWE would probably prefer to keep but not use him, rather than have him defect to the "competition."

Chris Masters could be one as well. While not a great wrestler, he could be the muscle for some faction over there. Plus they don't rigidly drug-test over there (I don't think) which would be a boost for his career (although not his health or life span).

As a different thread for another day, we should discuss the reverse scenario, ie, who could benefit from a direct jump from TNA to WWE. Could make for some interesting discussion, a direct jump from the supposedly surging upstart, to the tried and true giant of WWE.
As a different thread for another day, we should discuss the reverse scenario, ie, who could benefit from a direct jump from TNA to WWE. Could make for some interesting discussion, a direct jump from the supposedly surging upstart, to the tried and true giant of WWE.

Actually, this was going to be my next thread idea, all depending on the success of this one. However, I didn't mention it because I want to stay on one subject.

So, let's just stick with this one for now before people drift off subject and start discussing different avenues of the same thought process.
Personally I think there are a lot of people in the WWE locker room which could benefit from jumping ship to TNA, but then this creates the problem of TNA not pushing their current young stars and just filling up with EVEN more ex-WWE wrestlers. If i had to chose though i would suggest Evan Bourne to go to the TNA X-Division (he would be great in an ultimate x match) or him in a match with the Motor City Machine Guns would also be good. Another guy i would choose would definetly be Jack Swagger as he is underutilised in the WWE!
Great thread. You can honestly insert over 2 dozen names into this equation but I am going to pick two people who I would like to see the most.

1) Shelton Benjamin &#8211; Athleticism, stamina, great look, and he wrestles more of a TNA style type of match. Not so good on the mic, but guys like AJ Styles weren&#8217;t good not too long ago. He&#8217;ll be able to have someone take him under the wing in TNA to help him grow. Him working with Kurt Angle again will make him a star bar none, and him being in TNA would be a perfect fit for both.

2) Chris Jericho &#8211; I feel he has nothing left to do in the WWE. Nothing at all. He has feuded with everyone. His character is not stale, but it has run its course in the promotion. He has nothing to prove, and does not even need to win any more titles there. He has solidified his legacy in history and is one of the best entertainers in the world of pro wrestling right now. His current character can be taken off the leash in TNA and we can see some variety in his promos. He will get to work with people, who really want to make a mark in this business, which will only make for great television. Jericho would bring the TNA entertainment level up significantly with every promo he cuts and match he works.
Im going with a guy who left WWE recently (no not Kennedy)

THE Brian Kendrick

I have only seen a handful of his matches but this guy is very athletic, he could help revitilise the X-Divison, while probably never in the main-event this guy would be a valued asset and would always be around.
Besides the possible lists of people that aren't in WWE such as: Paul Heyman, RVD, Kennedy, Dreamer, and Brian Kendrick. I feel that Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Gregory Helms, and Chris Jericho could benefit most with TNA. Except a possible Edge or Christian feud, there isn't much left for Jericho to do in WWE.

Like some have said, Jericho has pretty much done it all in WWE. I think he could really mesh his style well with the TNA talent there. Shelton has received a decent push, but he is still nowhere near where he could be. Nothing has been clicking lately for Benjamin. The same is true about Helms and Matt Hardy.

Helms became heel as himself and no one really cared about it. He then became his old persona The Hurricane, and still the fans still haven't got behind him much.

One diva I would suggest going to TNA that some may or may not agree with is Gail Kim. WWE hasn't used her at all except as a jobber or a third bella twin. TNA has a good Knockout's division, but I feel they need someone like Kim back again where she actually had an Impact. She has no reaction in WWE and even worst matches.

Jericho would obviously be the biggest name in my opinion to give Impact a boost. Hardy, Helms, and Benjamin would be great assets to the mid card and X Division. While Gail Kim would greatly improve the Knockouts. I would love to see Edge in TNA too, but I don't think that would benefit him.
Someone who is on the WWE roster would be Chavo Guerrero.

The guy was a former cruiserweight champion, can still go in the ring and could put people over, what better place to put him than the X-Division, he would give all the participants rubs as he could be classesd as a veteran in this style of wrestling, if he won the title it would make it more prestigious and other competitiors might want to try for it more.
There are some guys that you already mentioned but if I had to choose, i'll probably pick Evan Bourne. He's a great wrestler, very exciting to watch, and is kinda over with the crowd but eversince he got drafted to RAW he has been treated like crap. Jobbing to mid card talents and getting squashed by Sheamus for 5 mins. I remember when he was in ECW back then and was on fire. People loved him and his high flying antics and could be potential ECW champion but WWE pulled the triggered on him by moving him to RAW a little too soon and now he's nothing but a jobber. If he went to TNA he'd probably take the X division to the next level where his talents won't be under utilized.
I think Londrick would make a good addition. Notable tag team, quite popular in the indys and WWE, very talented wrestlers, and if you add them to Lethal Consequences, MCMG, and The Young Bucks you could start an X Division Tag Title.

Also, Ken Kennedy would make a great addition. A feud with D'Angelo Dinero would be epic, and he'd be much better than Orlando Jordan.

The obvious suggestion is Matt Hardy, but i find him boring so that gets a meh from me.

From ROH, I'd love to see KENTA come in as their foreign superstar, and perhaps Tyler Black could fit in well with the X Division?
I honestly think that Carlito should jump ship to TNA. He certainly has talent, and hes doing jack shit in WWE now. He would make a fantastic addition to the X-Division. He could even team with Homicide and Hernandez, there's so many possibilities if he went to TNA.
Iron Sheik.
Yes, he should. Due to the Iron Sheiks internet and shoot popularity i think he would be a fantastic new member of any roster. Have him as a manager (and sometimes he gets down and ruff), and have him shoot on superstars left, right and centre.

'Iron Sheik, No1. USA Hhhaaccckkkk Phhhheewww!!!'
I have to say I agree with the Matt Hardy logic. If he were to come to TNA and " strike while the iron is hot " so to speak, it'd be a smart move on his part. TNA could freshen up his character, plus almost all of the matches would be ones we haven't seen before. It could also lead to a possibly Hardy's tag team reunion again, which would not be so bad.

As for other wrestlers who could jump directly from the WWE to TNA and have an immediate success/impact, I'm not too sure on this one. I'd have to say MVP might be able to be a success there. All of his pushes in the WWE have been massive failures since his face turn and he's done a lot of useless nothings until this past Monday. I believe if he was to go to TNA , he could debut with his original heel gimmick, and might be able to succeed there.
IMO, you can throw in any of the Hardy boys' boys into the "Hardy fever", as Moore has already made the jump. That means Matt Hardy and Gregory Helms. Helms IMO most certainly deserves it, and would benefit in a more long-term aspect because his Hurricane character is probably one of the worst on-going stories in the entire WWE.

Matt Hardy would probably be able to make the jump to strike while the iron is hot, as you so aptly put it, D-Man, but if my estimations serve me right, just as he did prior with his heel (and subsequent face) turn on the Jeff dime, it would be short-lived, just as it was in the WWE. The WWE tried to re-create Owen/Bret, but Matt simply isn't a strong enough character to matter as a heel (for very long), and it's even harder to deal with him as a face. There's a reason Matt fell by the wayside while Jeff vaulted into success, and it's not just because Jeff was the one taking the high-flying dives. Jeff is simply the stronger character of the two, IMO.

Aside from the Hardy-factors, the single most prosperous jump would probably come via Carlito. He'd give the X-Division another heel (which is greatly needs right now), and his natural style would be much better suited in TNA than it is in the WWE.
christian ( cage ) would be great if he jumped back to tna, he was great in the ring and on the mic and tna made great use of those skills. i could see him returning and feuding with aj styles

another pick would be rey mystero, i could just see him being the main x div star.
It really depends on what the person wants. I don't really think anyone on the WWE roster is going to get MORE money by going to TNA, so it really comes down to health/time (ex. TNAs lighter schedule, and tapings in one location) or the desire to become a bigger star.

I'm not really a fan of Matt Hardy, but I do think he'd probably have a higher profile in TNA than he does in WWE. I also think that as mentioned, Shelton would have a higher profile in TNA, but they are both just very uninteresting IMO, which is why they haven't had a huge run in WWE.

I've always thought that Carlito might be better suited in TNA. He always seems to get a push, only to have it diminished. And we have heard for years about how he is unhappy in WWE.

But here's a surprise I'll throw out there...Ted DiBiase. WWE thinks highly enough of him to associate him with Orton and put him in a movie (but they did do the same with Kennedy), but really, he's done nothing. If WWE does not push him (but I think they will at some point) I could see him coming into TNA and doing very well, maybe feuding with Roode over a $ gimmick.

Like I said, unless TNA suddenly gets larger or can somehow pay better than WWE I think it's going to be tough to get people to jump unless they have enough money and want a reduced schedule.

That's just WWE guys though. I do think that TNA should (and can and will) be seeking out fresh young indie talent that they can cultivate. There are some great guys out there begging for the big time.
My initial suggestion would be Matt Hardy. This is for a few reasons:

First of all, with Jeff's current jump and past successes in TNA, Matt would be able to strike while the iron was hot and capitalize on the current "Hardy-fever." I think his arrival would make a big impact (no pun intended) in TNA and he would be a much better fit than he is in the WWE right now.

In the WWE, Matt has become the epitome of a stale character. He had his day in the sun as a successful Tag Team and Cruiserweight champion, but has also been lackluster as a former European, Hardcore Champion, United States, and ECW champion. He needs a new sandbox to play in.

There's a reason Matt Hardy is a stale character. He's a shit wrestler, and a shitty professional wrestler. He has had how many pushes? And how many of his fans legitimately like him because he's a good performer, and not because he's Jeff Hardy's brother? That pop you barely hear when he exits the Titantron? How much of that is because of him, and how much of that is because of Jeff Hardy? I'd wager 100%.

So yeah, sure. Let Matt Hardy jump over to TNA. He'd just do what he had done since his early days in the WWE. Capitalize off of his brother Jeff's fame. Unless he gets lucky and manages to have one of Team 3-D or Beer Money steal his new girlfriend. Then he'll totally get some great face heat until no one cares anymore in 5 months.

Does anyone else agree with me? Are there any other wrestlers that you feel would benefit more from making a jump to the WWE? Please only choose wrestlers that are currently on the WWE roster and provide reasons for all of your answers.

Shelton Benjamin, mostly because it would get him off of my WWE TV. Isn't the X division all about jumping around and shit? I know my TNA, and X Division matches are mainly about who can do the craziest shit. Maybe with Shelton Benjamin in the X Division he'll jump really, really high more than once a year. Hell, he might even do a ladder bump twice in 5 months!

Seriously though, I would have to go with someone from the current mid-card that is simply wallowing in their own filth. MVP or Swagger really fit the bill here. I love the two, and I think they have all the ability in the world to make it in the WWE. However, the WWE doesn't seem like they have enough room to juggle everyone at the same time. Bleeding off MVP or Swagger to TNA may just do both the WWE and TNA some good. WWE has that extra spot to help whoever stays, and TNA has a new, good recruit that can step up and immediately make a splash.
I think a Morrison Swagger feud in T.N.A would be great

Benjamin vs A.J would be interesting

and T.N.A needs to get Matt Sydal away from wwe take him of his wwe leash turn him heel give him a new gimmick and have him feud with Amazing Red for the X Division Title
Red, Sydal, Daniels and Sabin in ultimate X would be awesome
With TNA Genesis basically revolving around who's this new "aquisition" that is coming to TNA, I've been wondering for a while about who is it that I would see jumping ship to either WWE or TNA. There are a number of factors that I think determine someone leaving a company for another. For WWE you got reasons like being overlooked and unappreciated, unhappy with the booking, burnt out from the schedule, heat with someone, etc...

For TNA you got being poorly booked, low pay, unhappy with the direction of the company, etc..

Based on these reasons, here's a few people I see jumping ship to either WWE or TNA:

Shelton Benjamin to TNA for being overlooked for such a long time.
Samoa Joe leaving TNA for being unhappy with the company.
Matt Hardy going to TNA for a better schedule and because Jeff's there.

Those are my picks. But who do you picture going to either WWE or TNA?
I think almost any one of the guys above would do well in TNA, many better than they ever will in WWE (Matt Hardy, who's a bum anywhere he goes, Benjamin, Bourne, Mysterio). I actually think TNA is lacking a number one heel (AJ Styles doesn't count, won't be a heel for more than a year most likely), so I don't see why Randy Orton wouldn't be a good fit over there. For starters, they are going in the direction WWF did with the attitude era. They are going to be more of an adult program than WWE is, so I think his character is perfect for that (probably better on a TV-14 or TV-MA show than TV-PG). When asked which five guys Vince Russo would take from WWE right now, he said Randy Orton, Randy Orton, Randy Orton, Randy Orton, and Randy Orton. It shows this guy is definitely a hot commidity. If I were him, I would want to wait a while to see if they actually become competition. But, I have always liked the exchange of talent (WCW/WWF/ECW) when two or more wrestling companies are competing with one another.
It seems as if previous WWE stars have been successful in increasing their notoriety and making bigger names for themselves after jumping to TNA. Prime examples of this were Christian, Pope D'Angelo Dinero and Jeff Hardy. They made the choice not just to leave the WWE, but to leave the WWE for the TNA promotion.

So I'd like to discuss the wrestlers that would be making a SMART move by jumping over to TNA's roster. Who would benefit from it in the same way that Christian, Jeff Hardy and Pope did?

Umm concentrating on these two paragraphs mainly the bold...So how has Jeff Hardy been more successful in TNA than WWE, correct me if I am mistake (Don't worry I take criticism pretty well) Wasn't Jeff WHC/WWE Champion at some points in WWE? Not to mention but he also had the feud of the year (imo) with CM Punk. And all he has done in TNA was attack Homicide? TNA had arguably the BIGGEST Draw in American wrestling not named John Cena, also arguments have been made that Hardy was more over than Cena, and you have him attack a mid-carder? How is that remotely close to being more successful???????

Anyway just little rant there, as for guys that I think could make an impact jumping to TNA.....Carlito comes to mind...Evan Bourne..Gail Kim and probably Charlie Hass. All are pretty athletic and when not having attitude problems (Carlito) can be really entertaining. Carlito and Bourne would awesome for the X-Division and Gail Kim could put on the quality of matches that the Knockouts were built on with her and Kong.

I don't say Matt Hardy or Helms because personally I believe both have become overweight and out of shape since their injuries and really didn't come back in shape and their work quality has gone down.
Umm concentrating on these two paragraphs mainly the bold...So how has Jeff Hardy been more successful in TNA than WWE, correct me if I am mistake (Don't worry I take criticism pretty well) Wasn't Jeff WHC/WWE Champion at some points in WWE? Not to mention but he also had the feud of the year (imo) with CM Punk. And all he has done in TNA was attack Homicide? TNA had arguably the BIGGEST Draw in American wrestling not named John Cena, also arguments have been made that Hardy was more over than Cena, and you have him attack a mid-carder? How is that remotely close to being more successful???????

Ah... tsk, tsk my young n00b. It seems as if after 21 posts in this thread, you're the only person that read my initial post incorrectly. Let's read it again... this time, more carefully:

It seems as if previous WWE stars have been successful in increasing their notoriety and making bigger names for themselves after jumping to TNA. Prime examples of this were Christian, Pope D'Angelo Dinero and Jeff Hardy. They made the choice not just to leave the WWE, but to leave the WWE for the TNA promotion.

So I'd like to discuss the wrestlers that would be making a SMART move by jumping over to TNA's roster. Who would benefit from it in the same way that Christian, Jeff Hardy and Pope did?

I guess you weren't watching TNA a little over 5 years ago.

It's true that Jeff Hardy reached the pinnacle of the WWE by capturing both the WWE and WHC titles. However, he was not given this opportunity until he was able to prove himself worthy as a main event contender. Granted, he was given a few opportunities to capture a ME title in the WWE, but no one took him seriously as a main event contender until he jumped to TNA from 2004-2006. During that short time, he was able to establish himself as a credible main eventer by feuding with AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and other top stars; something he was unable to due in the WWE due to the oversaturation of main event stars such as Triple H, HBK, and the Undertaker.

Once Jeff Hardy jumped back to the WWE, it seemed as if management began to view him in a different light. After a few brief stints as IC champion and tag team champion, the WWE decided to give Jeff a push to the main event by placing him in a deep storyline with Triple H. With the Triple H rub in effect (and due to his past experiences in TNA), Jeff was elevated to levels that he never achieved before. He was finally viewed as a believable main event title contender and was given both titles on multiple occasions.

In my eyes, his 2 1/2 year jump to TNA both saved and further elevated his career. I think many would agree with me on this.
Once Jeff Hardy jumped back to the WWE, it seemed as if management began to view him in a different light. After a few brief stints as IC champion and tag team champion, the WWE decided to give Jeff a push to the main event by placing him in a deep storyline with Triple H. With the Triple H rub in effect (and due to his past experiences in TNA), Jeff was elevated to levels that he never achieved before. He was finally viewed as a believable main event title contender and was given both titles on multiple occasions.

In my eyes, his 2 1/2 year jump to TNA both saved and further elevated his career. I think many would agree with me on this.

I still disagree, before Hardy left to TNA he was still getting a singles push, had numerous feuds over the IC/European title, the Hardcore title, and not to mention one of my personal favorite matches against Taker on RAW. Then once he and left to TNA and then came back but it was still almost a year before he was really seen as a main eventer and even then it was still a shaky thing. Because the fans really started to get behind him more than when The Hardys when feuding with Cade & Murdoch.

And plus to most fans TNA doesn't exist so alot have no clue what happens afters some leave to WWE, so they really don't change their mind on someone once they come back. Jeff Hardy is no different. The 1 thing that helped made Jeff more than anything would be him going over HHH at Armageddon. I really don't think anything in TNA Jeff did had anything stock on what he did in WWE. Once he came back it wasn't like he was main eventing right away he had almost a year before anything good happened considering him main eventing in WWE.

I see what your saying but I just disagree with it.

Anyway some other names I think that could benefit from moving across companies, from a push standpoint....Vance Archer or Lance Hoyt, he really is almost just a waste right now on ECW taking the standard Monster Squashes approach, sure he is big but imo he really doesn't have the look for a Monster type guy. Than kind of touched on this but for the most part any Women that can decently wrestle such as Mickie..Gail.Beth...Katie Lea..Melina and hell you could probably throw in McCool. The divas are just there for Eye Candy and won't really ever get a chance to show what they could do in the ring.
I still disagree, before Hardy left to TNA he was still getting a singles push, had numerous feuds over the IC/European title, the Hardcore title, and not to mention one of my personal favorite matches against Taker on RAW. Then once he and left to TNA and then came back but it was still almost a year before he was really seen as a main eventer and even then it was still a shaky thing. Because the fans really started to get behind him more than when The Hardys when feuding with Cade & Murdoch.

This is simply because Vince has a track record for punishing employees for making jumps to other organizations. When Jeff returned from TNA, Vince threw him right back into midcard feuds. However, the crowd, live audiences, and the internet made their voices heard and backed Jeff to the point where Vince knew he had to put him in the main event, especially after the great work Jeff did in TNA.

And plus to most fans TNA doesn't exist so alot have no clue what happens afters some leave to WWE, so they really don't change their mind on someone once they come back. Jeff Hardy is no different.

This is SO untrue. Why do you say this, because TNA's ratings were low? That was because there are tons of WWE loyalists and people who just choose to watch WWE, instead of TNA. Low ratings for TNA didn't mean that people weren't aware that it existed. It just meant that they would rather watch the WWE.

I see what your saying but I just disagree with it.

That's cool. It's making our conversation more interesting ;)
This is simply because Vince has a track record for punishing employees for making jumps to other organizations. When Jeff returned from TNA, Vince threw him right back into midcard feuds. However, the crowd, live audiences, and the internet made their voices heard and backed Jeff to the point where Vince knew he had to put him in the main event, especially after the great work Jeff did in TNA.

This is SO untrue. Why do you say this, because TNA's ratings were low? That was because there are tons of WWE loyalists and people who just choose to watch WWE, instead of TNA. Low ratings for TNA didn't mean that people weren't aware that it existed. It just meant that they would rather watch the WWE.

That's cool. It's making our conversation more interesting ;)

Not trying to hate on TNA and yes Vince does have an ego, but it just seems to me that Jeff really started to gain momentum about 1 year after coming back to TNA. And than once he went over HHH and had that small quick feud with Orton it was apparent that he could main event for WWE. For TNA they could take almost any WWE midcarder and start to throw them in a high profile feud.

Second point. Ok I might have worded that wrong, but when you compare the audience that watches TNA(and WWE) to just people who watch WWE(and not TNA) I think there is alot more % wise that just watch WWE. At least back than, the mainstream WWE didn't watch TNA. So most of them had no idea that Jeff was in TNA or if they did, they weren't sure what he was doing in there.

Anyway Jeff is a interesting guy in terms of his fans, I do believe he could take a year break from say WWE and come back and some how he would still be popular if not more,but the fans that generally like Jeff, tend to be the more younger, casual fan and less than people that are on the internet. Now I am not saying people on the net don't like but a majority of his fans tend to be the less hardcore wrestling fans.
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