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Shelton Benjamin

I just read about this too. Im actually quite interested in this for one reason only. Vince says he has high hopes for Kong and that she will revitalize the woman's division. Maybe Vince will bring back Charlie Haas as well and reform the Worlds Greatest Tag Team. This can boost the tag division.

However if he just comes back WWE will give him one solid program and have him job again most likely, which is disappointing. :banghead:
Personaly i wanted to see Shelton in either TNS's main event scene or atleast with Kurt & Charlie going against immortal.
But i also would not mind him returnig to the WWE as i believe he belongs on the big leauges.I think he should debuet heel the he was cut and go after the IC title and win it.

!!just my opinion!!
God no, I hope he doesn't return.

I hated Shelton Benjamin. He was only good for Money in the Bank high spots. If he was going to be something, they should have kept the push after he pinned Triple H. I personally feel after he brought his mother in, it all started going downhill and he was just so boring on the mic, he couldn't cut a decent promo and I think WWE would be wasting their time bringing Shelton back.

He was shit last time, they'd have to do something pretty drastic and give him a huge change in character for him to be interesting.
It's entirely possible that Shelton Benjamin was brought in for a one time gig. They occassionally bring in indy workers for dark matches on occassion so that could be all this was.

I've never been all that wild about Shelton Benjamin. I appreciate the man's athleticism but this guy is NEVER going to be main event material no matter how much the IWC might want it. Benjamin has ZERO personality and charisma and the fact that he wasn't able to make it big in the WWE after working there for nearly a decade is a good indicator. He was given pushes at times and a couple of very lengthy mid-card title reigns; even wins over big stars like Triple H and Rob Van Dam and Benjamin still couldn't get over.

Taking his annual spill from the 20 foot ladder at the MITB match at WrestleMania was probably Benjamin's single biggest contribution to wrestling. Since that match isn't happening at WM, they'd have to come up with something interesting to do with him and I don't think Benjamin has it in him.
I just found out about this here on this site with this topic. I hope he does return. I think he's a good performer, although he does lack consistency and also has virtually no ability on the mike. I'm not saying he should have a main event push, at least not right away but if he improves (especially on the mike), he could be far. Let's face it, far worse performers have gotten the belt, so he wouldn't be such a long shot. It would be great if WWE brought back Charlie Haas as well, and actually gave him something to do instead of just impersonating other performers, he deserves that at the very least. I think he has skill but never got the chance to showcase it after Angle left and WGTT broke up.
I want him to come back. I know, he won't be Main Eventing, but I'd still like to get to see him perform.
Shelton was never a good fit for WWE. He's a "professional wrestler", not a "sports entertainer". When he first came in as part of Team Angle, Kurt did most of the talking and gave him & Charlie Haas a rub. They were still a great team when they split from Angle and became the World's Greatest Tag Team.

Shelton has the wrestling skills to be one of the greats, but he lacks personality. Like so many other stars in WWE, when someone lacks personality, they try to make them "entertaining" by giving them a stupid gimmick - like having his momma as his manager.

Shelton is just fine right where he is, teaming with Charlie in ROH. That audience appreciates a solid pro who knows what they're doing in the ring. I know Charlie doesn't want to work a full-time schedule and doesn't need the money. If Shelton saved his money from his WWE time (he was there for 7-8 years) and invested wisely, he doesn't need to wrestle all the time, either.
what's the point.. I thought Shelton was great as a wrestler, but until he catches Michael Jackson's Vilalargo sickness he will never be champ...same went for MVP.... Booker T was the last hope for a Black American World Champ.. some say Rock, ... *sigh* another story... it's just never going to happen... everytime I see a Black wresler (Mr. Jennifer Hudson for example) I think to my self... well you better entertain me real well at mid card and wear the US or IC title with pride cause that's your limit... I refuse to hold my breath on Kofi.
Shelton Benjamin should never be a world heavy weight champion. Doesn't mean he isn't great. You young bucks need to learn that every good wrestler ever does not need to be in the main event. Back in the 80s and even 90s there were tons of great wrestlers that never got to carry the ball. Why is it you guys think every guy has to be the world champion or they are a failure? If JoMos career ended today he would still have been a memorable guy in the wrestling business. Same for Benjamin he definitely has some incredible WM moments to hang his hat on.

Anyways I would love to see Benjamin back but only in a tag team with Haas otherwise I hope he stays where he is. Then again i would love to see the WWE realize the untapped potential of the tag ranks and start bringing it back. Then stop breaking up every good tag team trying to make singles stars. Anyone remember when the Bulldogs, LOD, Hart Foundation, Horseman, RNR Express, etc., could main event a show? I didn't think so. it could happen again though, the talent is there. Vince just needs to quit hating tag teams.

Be honest the Mizs current title run would be a lot better if him and Morrison were still friends and together on t.v. ala Shawn and HHH. In conclusion i would love to see Benjamin back on my t.v. as i don't get the ROH channel but Vince would just waste him again.
Shelton could be used in a great way. He won't make main event as many have said. But he could give mid-card up and comers that aren't quite ready for the main event spot light some damn good matches! Shelton is capable of putting on quality matches and can you imagine what that would do for up and comers to have quality matches that the fans actually enjoy? I'm not one for Sheltons charisma (or lack there of) but when I would watch his matches I enjoyed them because of his pure athletic ability. Shelton could essentially become the equivalent of a Kane for the WWE. Reliable, durable, shows up does his job never complains doesn't whine about not being in the main event.
Does the WWE NEED Shelton? No
Would they benefit from him being there? Very likely
Would he be a valuable asset to the company? His value is undetermined IMO. WWE knows they have something great with him it's just a matter of them bring him back and using him correctly. Not sticking him with "his mama" or "the gold standard". Just let Shelton be Shelton. Let him have 10-15minute quality matches.
And before anyone tries to say anything about my opinion. NO I am NOT a Shelton mark. I'm a mere Shelton fan who appreciates his ridiculous athleticism.
what's the point.. I thought Shelton was great as a wrestler, but until he catches Michael Jackson's Vilalargo sickness he will never be champ...same went for MVP.... Booker T was the last hope for a Black American World Champ.. some say Rock, ... *sigh* another story... it's just never going to happen... everytime I see a Black wresler (Mr. Jennifer Hudson for example) I think to my self... well you better entertain me real well at mid card and wear the US or IC title with pride cause that's your limit... I refuse to hold my breath on Kofi.

Bro your name fits right. Young Sleeze that's for sure. Why do you think race has anything to do with this!? Bobby Lashley, Booker T, Ron Simmons. and onto the women
Jazz, Jackie both black..both very successful. They used ABILITY not SEX to get to the top.
Mark Henry got a decent push. It's just hard to get behind some of them. Mark Henry for example... very big, very strong...but that's all he's got. He's BORING.
Kofi will hold the WHC or the WWE Championship one day. So will Jackson from The Corre. They are building him up to be a monster. Look at what Nexus was made of. Mixed races superstars.

If all you are going to do is bring in the race card then get the hell off of the forums. It's people like you that cause a serious problem for others. And by you I mean a PERSON, not a COLOR. PEOPLE like YOU. Morons, searching for a reason when the truth is so obvious yet you can't accept it. Black American? I thought the correct term was African American...maybe I'm racist then for thinking I'm supposed to group Black people as African American. According to your logic I must be a racist since the majority of the African American talent in the WWE I find boring. With the exception of Jackson, Shelton, Lashley, and a few others. Get over yourself.
Shelton Benjamin is just another Morrison. Terrific and a ridiculously gifted athlete. That doesn't mean he's a great WWE wrestler.
I remember Shelton Benjamin back in the good old days. I just recently watched that Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania 2008 and Ive got to say it was so awesome what he did. Remember hes the one who flew off the ladder and onto another ladder breaking the ladder. See it for your self. I believe Shetlon belongs in WWE.
Bro your name fits right. Young Sleeze that's for sure. Why do you think race has anything to do with this!? Bobby Lashley, Booker T, Ron Simmons. and onto the women
Jazz, Jackie both black..both very successful. They used ABILITY not SEX to get to the top.
Mark Henry got a decent push. It's just hard to get behind some of them. Mark Henry for example... very big, very strong...but that's all he's got. He's BORING.
Kofi will hold the WHC or the WWE Championship one day. So will Jackson from The Corre. They are building him up to be a monster. Look at what Nexus was made of. Mixed races superstars.

If all you are going to do is bring in the race card then get the hell off of the forums. It's people like you that cause a serious problem for others. And by you I mean a PERSON, not a COLOR. PEOPLE like YOU. Morons, searching for a reason when the truth is so obvious yet you can't accept it. Black American? I thought the correct term was African American...maybe I'm racist then for thinking I'm supposed to group Black people as African American. According to your logic I must be a racist since the majority of the African American talent in the WWE I find boring. With the exception of Jackson, Shelton, Lashley, and a few others. Get over yourself.

Young Sleez kinda has a point no matter if you want to except it or not Black wrestlers don't get pushed as much as others of different Ethnic backgrounds. Now the race card does get thrown around way to much in the black community, but that doesn't mean race still isn't an issue. You say its hard to get behind some of them, cause they are boring. Well that is true & I agree they are boring, but so are the other guys. Besides for a few guys there is really noone at the E currently that is really that entertaining. So if you are going to push boring guys why not push one that's black also. Stop kidding yourself Kofi isn't going to hold any World Titles, & IMO he shouldn't cause he isn't that great to me, but if the company is going to make guyz like Miz, Jack Swagger, & Sheamus champ then hell why not make him champ also.

Now if we are speaking about Shelton Benjamin race has nothing to do w/it. The guy just isn't M.E. material, but that doesn't mean he has no place in the WWE. IMO he should have never been taken out of the Tag Division that's where he fit & shined well. Some ppl are just better w/a partner Team 3D for example. I would like to see Shelton back only to help the failing Tag Division cause I feel thats where he belongs & thats where he could be the most help to the company.
Oh man do I love me some Shelton Benjamin. I'm one of the many who wanted to see Shelton pushed and while I didn't complain as much as other, but I do think he could have been pushed. When Benjamin was feuding with Evolution and defeating the likes of Triple H and Randy Orton they really could have elevated him. The crowd bought into him and he could have been a star then and there. I even recall reading a WWE magazine article that claimed Orton and Benjamin were the future of the WWE and it wondered who would see the main event success first.

With that said I hope to see Benjamin back just from being a fan of his. I'm not sure what to expect from him, but the potential is there for him. Maybe return to Raw and try to take the US title from Daniel Bryan. The matches they could have would be pretty awesome and PPV worthy. This could also bring some relevance back to a midcard championship.
well i for one certainly hope shelton comes back hes awesome a lil weak on the mic give him a mouth piece maybe even william regal i mean think about it hes pretty good on the mic and very well respected in the company and a good heel hed help shelton get heat someone like that who can rial (sp) up the crowd u kno thats all he needs his in ring work can do the talking as long as there is someone else to actually do the talkin hha
I certainly hope he returns, I loved his matches and he could always manage something interesting...other than botching the paydirt constantly.

If he does return it would obviously have to be on smackdown as theres too much going on on raw and he would get lost immediately. I would want him to be heel and return with no hype but by destroying someone, possibly during an intercontinental title match, and inserting himself in the picture. Imagine champion vs champion Daniel Bryan vs. Shelton Benjamin? That would be an insane matchup.

I know many of you will find it to be cliche or whatever but its just my opinion and what I'd like to see.
First off before i start talking about how great it would be if Shelton returned, i just want to talk about this mic issue of his. You do not need great mic skills to be a world champion! Its all about how you are booked that makes you credible. And this is an issue i have with pro wrestling in general in todays world. WWE bookers especially try to book everyone the same way. No star or individuality can come from that.

If Benjamin returned you would book him as a legit wrestling badass who stormed through people using suplexes and double legs. You don't put him on the mic. Do you think Goldberg or Broc Lesnar got popular cutting 20 min promos like the Miz....Hell No!!

It would be something fresh and different into todays product. So like i said if he is booked properly like he was in 2005 when he was one of the most over wrestlers on RAW he could be a World champion.
This was definitely a one-off. Shelton was just brought in for a dark match and that's it. Him and Charlie Haas are challenging for the ROH World Tag Team Titles WrestleMania weekend against the Kings of Wrestling and facing the American Wolves the night before. He is a much better fit in ROH and is not coming back to WWE.
to the nerd KoC417, first off I'm a Black American. Secondly most Black Americans born in America don't like to be called African American... they prefer to be called Black American or just American.. why? because most Black Americans aren't from Africa... secondly big shout out to my homie... Hollywood E Rock cause he is absolutely right. Now lets be honest... Zeke isn't a Black American or as the ethnic way to say it "African American," the dude is from South America... secondly he isn't to well on the mic so I really don't see that going to far for him unless they do the Batista thing (give him some shades and let him look down at the mat the whole time he speaks). Your other claim to fame was who Bobby Lashley... seriously he was in ECW and the title he had didn't have much matter to it.. remember even Matt Hardy burred the ECW title,, and lets not forget what he got called by the HEAD WRITTER.. MICHAEL PS HAYES.. And Mark Henry.. I love the dude but he is a fall guy... Seriously he been in WWE/WWF for God knows how long, and his major accomplishment is what the ECW title.. not even the European Title or the Hardcore title, at least he got a hand from Mae Young right so seriously dude come a little harder with your facts fam... Learn ya self before you burn your self bro
People want to talk about shelton benjamin never winning the world title because he lacks charisma? The fact that he can't work the mic? Last year Jack swagger won the world title! How can he work the mic? how does he have chairsma? Heck Chris benoit didn't have mic skills, niether did warrior! Saying he doesn't deserve the title is a just stupid! If the can give a guy the wwe title after only bring there for 6 months means noone cares about the world title! Shelton had great matches with people while other stunk in the ring and they still got the title! I guess shelton is right some if not most african americans are only secondary stars while the one's who can't hold a candle to him are the main eventers.
I would love a Shelton Benjamin return. Before he left, he was known as the best gifted athlete in the WWE. How should he return? I don't see him returning in a tag team capacity, as Charlie Haas is a good wrestler, but didn't have good things to say about WWE; and he wanted Shelton out to go to ROH with him. But, he should immediately go on smackdown and get back in the Intercontinental title picture, and make a run for the IC Championship. Round at least summerslam, if he's a heel, give a a shot at the WWE Heavyweight title shot, because, he can create a great match, and plus it will be a noticable but fresh face in the WHC title picture. Something very much needed. Benjamin is WHC title material, and a very dominant midcard performer if WWE let him be. But I think a fresh Shelton Benjamin start is good for WWE and Benjamin. Let's see how this play out.
I would love to see him in the WWE ring again!!! :)

I mean, the guy is God in the ring :worship:

Whichever brand he's put in, whichever division he's put in, he will make wonders! Put him in a tag team, the division will improve. Put him in the mid-card for either US Title, or Intercontinental title, the division will improve. Put him in the uper mid-card, the division would improve. Hell, put him in the world title picture, and you have a legitimate contender for the title!!!

He doesn't have mic skills? So? That would not be a problem, considering how great his in-ring performance is!!

When he left WWE, he had implied he would return sometime.....I don't know whether he will return right now despite having been in the dark match, but he will surely return some day.
personally i always thought shelton had alot of talent and i was surprised when they fired him id love to shelton return and for wwe to bring back haas as well to reform the worlds greatest tag team id love to see TWGTT vs Gabriel & Slater for the titles could b good and maybe TWGTT could make the tag division better who knows but i wont b surprised if its a 1 time thing. :icon_neutral:

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