Sheamus: Sterling Golden 2.0?

CM Steel

A REAL American
I know that it's a month before St. Patricks Day but.

The Celtic Warrior Sheamus is a WWE superstar that's ahead of his time. And is said to be second behind John Cena as being "the face of the company". Sheamus was hand picked by the game Triple H himself to be the future superstar of the WWE. And WWE chairman Vince McMahon has taken a liking to him as well. But in a way doesn't Sheamus kinda reminds you of Hulk Hogan's first character in wrestling "Sterling Golden"?

For those who don't know or remember Hulk Hogan started out in the then-WWWF under the name Sterling Golden. A monster heel of irish decent. Much like how Sheamus was when he first debut in the WWE. And back then Vince McMahon Sr. wanted "Sterling" to dye his hair red to fit his irish profile, but "Golden" refused. Now what if when time goes on and John Cena comes closer to retirement or just starts working as a part-time wrestler. Will it be Sheamus that rises up as the next face of the company in Cena's place?

Now Sheamus & John Cena are around the same age but Cena started out wrestling long before Sheamus did. And no I'm not saying that Sheamus should or could be the next Hulk Hogan (either). But if the WWE continues to market Sheamus as a top heel there's no telling where Sheamus can be in the WWE as the companies top superstar. Movies, TV shows, ECT.

What do you think?
I don't think that the comparison helps your point at all in here, but talking about Sheamus is something we should all do because for all intents and purposes he is one of WWE's biggest stars. He has a very simple gimmick as of right now and his goal to deliver the concept of the character is to go to the ring, brawl, kick and punch the crap out of his opponents. This is very uni dimensional for a top star and one of the reasons people started turning on The Big White.

An heel turn should be the next logical step for him, because there's so much more you can do when you have Batista, Daniel Bryan and John Cena filling up most of the babyface roles. However if by any chance we have Batista doing the turn - letting Sheamus stay as a babyface may be a a smart decision, but it will eventually backfire if they don't give him anything appropriate to do and if they don't twist a little bit of his character. He's been an upper to main event star way too long, so refresh him in the midcard scene. He doesn't need to lose constantly as a midcarder usually does, but he could get some television time where he would be able to entertain the fans in a less restricted area. What I mean, is that Sheamus being in the midcard means more freedom for him and different opportunities to twist his character and to add some credibility to those twists.

I'm all for giving Sheamus a push after WrestleMania - he's one of my favorite workers and his style is definitely a thing that makes him stand out, but he needs a good foe and better content for us to invest in him. I'm all for Sheamus v. Batista or Sheamus vs. Bray Wyatt in the future, it's something different and could be the opportunity Sheamus needs to be a more relevant asset come SummerSlam. As of right now if the plan is to maintain him as he is, I could see him go to WrestleMania and have a good preliminary bout with someone of the likes of Antonio Cesaro or Ryback. It will have a purpose as far as Sheamus future goes and it will not over expose him to us so early from his return and with so minimal differences.
I like Sheamus but IMO he needs a tune-up in his character. There is only some much he can do Brogue Kick,Goin a Clubberin (Which is cool)but he is a tough irishman who plays a face. Doesn't work for me it really doesn't it. A tough Irishman his character IMO is supposed to have no friends loves to fight at the drop of a hat,and drinks. He says so himself.

I think he needs to turn heel. A heel as he was King Sheamus was the perfect character for him. he was at that time just dominating as a character,hell he put HHH out of action earlier that year destroyed him as i remember.. The Jolly Ol Irishman who's always happy is not working. He needs to be that brute force that brutal SOB when he first came in and cast his friends aside to obtain the WWE WHC! Thats the Sheamus that needs to happen
I think Sheamus is another casualty of having had way too much faith invested in him from HHH and Vince. Sterling Golden was never the WWWF or WWF Champion, he may have had a few title shots but he never beat Backlund and he always put Andre over.

Sheamus beat John Cena in an *ugh* tables match. I don't think I ever shouted "FOR FUCKS SAKE!" louder than when they put that match together. How in the fuck are you going to have a world title decided by a fucking tables match? Whew, had a flashback there.

Sheamus was given a highly indecisive win over John Cena (go figure) and carried the belt through a series of matches with Cena and Orton where he would only retain his belt by disqualifying himself. It wasn't exactly a formula for a performer that we fans could actually take seriously, he only carried that belt because Cena and Orton would only allow fluke finishes when he was able to retain it.

Sterling Golden built a reputation for Hulk Hogan to maintain. He eased his way into our hearts and his main push came after he proved his mettle in Japan.

Sheamus is a guy who HHH likes, and that's pretty much all there was to his reputation when he was given a Royal Rumble win.

The two are only similar because of the Irish thing. Giant Haystacks is comparable to him as well I suppose.
Sheamus was great as a heel monster who put Cena through a table, and Brogue Kick'd the crap out of every face on the roster. I thought he was just as good after he got his King of the Ring win and was King Sheamus for the briefest of times. Basically, a nasty attitude and overall meanness just works for him.

Jovial "Hey Fella" guy doesn't. He's now as bland as he is pasty. The saving grace for Sheamus is that he's still fun to watch in the ring. I like his moveset, he can put on good matches, and there's a lot to like when he's wrestling. But his promos are just boring.
Can you post some links to back up your claim that he was Sterling Golden in the WWF? From what I read, he was SG in other promotions, but when Vince Sr signed him, he told him to change his name to Hulk Hogan. Meaning, he debuted in the WWF as Hulk Hogan, and was never SG in the WWF.
Can you post some links to back up your claim that he was Sterling Golden in the WWF? From what I read, he was SG in other promotions, but when Vince Sr signed him, he told him to change his name to Hulk Hogan. Meaning, he debuted in the WWF as Hulk Hogan, and was never SG in the WWF.

Terry Bollea was Sterling Golden for a cup of coffee in the WWF before Vince renamed him and then fired him back when Backlund was champ as that's when they changed his name from Sterling Golden to Hulk Hogan. So it was for a brief period of time. Read Hogan's book and watch his 1st DVD Set. As far as Sheamus is concerned he's in the Triple H role of this ERA's Hollywood Hulk Hogan n Hunter Hearst Helmsley and will never be a successful heel as the fans love him.

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