Sheamus' selling


Occasional Pre-Show
Sheamus is a good worker and I like him but he's one of thew worst sellers ever. The Orton match from S-Down this week proved it. Orton works on his "injured" arm/shoulder for about 7-8 minutes and a few minutes later in his comeback hes doing forearms,axehandles,powerslams,and the worst was the 10 forearms to Orton's chest when he was on the apron.All the while not selling the arm.He never yells out in pain or anything.

Take Orton's match w/ Del Rio last week. ADR worked on Orton's arm the whole match and even in Orton's comeback moves he still sold pain in the arm and sold it the whole match,whether on offense or defense. THATS how you sell.
You are stupid, it is not him. It is the people in the back who told him to win the match in such a fashion. Sure it was poor booking to blatantly ignore the previous 10-15 minutes of the match and have such an irrational ending, but it does not have to do with Sheamus and his wrestling ability at all.
sheamus does no-sell alot, but i think that means there's more of an impact when he does sell, take cena for example, no matter who he fights he spends a hell of alotta time looking like he's been knocked into next week. Sheamus on the other hand is trying to look like the tough warrior that his character is, i mean how much of a beast did daniel bryan look like when he held sheamus down for most of the match?
It isn't like he went in there and told Orton, "Ok you work on my arm for 5, 6, 7 minutes straight, then I will no sell the shit out of everything." Orton isn't a guy who would allow that for one. Two, a lot of guys have done it in the past as part of their gimmick. Hogan would Hulk up, Warrior would no sell like it was his job, Undertaker and Kane to a lesser extent would do the sit up, Michaels and the Rock in his heyday would kip up, Cena turns into Super Cena. You get the picture? Big stars will no sell a lot when they build up to their go home sequence or their moves of doom. Sheamus is no exception, he is a big Irish fella who wants to fight, and when he loses his temper, he will fight you and no sell. Its just part of his gimmick. The shoulder barge/battering rams, the Irish Curse back breaker, the forearm clubs, those are his signature moves. The fans like to see them being hit and are usually willing to overlook some sub par notes from the agents to see them
Sheamus is one of those guys that you never believe is injured. He is so big and so strong that no matter how much tape you put on his arm,you still believe that he can go powerbomb Mark Henry. But I think its poor booking to have Bryan,a far less powerful man than Orton,do more damage to Sheamus' arm than Orton.
You're ignoring the part that adrenaline can play when it comes to the effects of an injury. When your adrenaline is rushing and your heart is pumping, it's possible for you to be able to perform & function, although you'll pay for it later when your adrenaline level returns to normal and the pain kicks in. I've heard soldiers talk about instances where they've been wounded or suffered some sort of injury during combat, but have been able to push through the pain & limitations of said injury or wound in order to get the job done, get to safety or what have you. In the extremely colorful world of pro wrestling with it's over the top characters, it can be chalked up to Sheamus' tenacity, pride & willingness to work though "the pain" to prove he's "the best" in the face of a top notch opponent in Randy Orton.

It's not an uncommon happening guys, so let's not overthink things. Sting, Austin, Flair, Savage, Hogan, Rock, Cena, Orton, Taker, Triple H and damn near every relevant name in wrestling during the past few generations have all done the same thing at times. It revs the crowd up to see an "injured" wrestler muster the guts to work through "the pain" and give as good as he possibly can.
Orton also had "adrenaline" in the ADR match after he had his arm worked over for 5 plus minutes and still sold it after each move. Even Big Show has sold "injuries" in his matches before when hes hurt in them.

And last time I checked Show is alot bigger than Sheamus is yet he still sells when hes "hurt" in his matches.Plus it wouldve made Sheamus look even "tougher" while beating a top guy like Orton after selling his "injury."

Orton and Punk always sell pain in their matches after getting certain "injured" body parts worked on in a match. Sheamus shouldve also.
agreed no matter how you look at it Sheamus should of sold the arm. He can still do his "moves of doom" but afterwards he should hold his arm or something at least. It's the little things in wrestling that matter and something Sheamus is not grasping.
I think it's part of Sheamus's character. He's being built up as this warrior type figure who if you hit in the face comes back and hits you in the fact ten times harder. I don't mind it. They need to be careful not to over do. Let him look weak every now and then, like they did against Bryan, which allows him to put other people over and also adds a bit of excitement to his matches as there is a chance he might lose.
Ok, let me get this straight........ This is all about how Sheamus lack of move selling? Does the op not understand that this is "wrestling" and that some things in "wrestling" just don't get sold based soley on the character? The Road Warriors for the first few years they were around wouldn't sell a move to anybody and look at how much people still talk about them today. Stan Hansen, Bruiser Brody, Abdullah the Butcher, Vader, they didn't sell moves either and all were very very successful.

Would Sheamus have to sell a move in the style the infamous "finger poke of doom" that led to a WCW world title change be needed to make people believe it more?
Sure he undersells, but it's a part of his character. He's supposed to appear tough and competitive with anyone and he does. I don't really see the issue.

I could appreciate it if you had an issue with him underselling in a Hogan fashion where he just shakes off anything done to him beforehand, but at least he carries through the fatigue and injuries he's received in a match and opts to struggle through. I think it works and gives Sheamus a distinct style in the ring which you could argue he lacked when first entering the WWE.
In professional wrestling, arms and legs are routinely subjected to the kind of punishment that should render them utterly useless. In a 'real' fight, legs would be broken and damaged beyond any recovery. Wrestlers shouldn't even be able to stand. And yet, five minutes later, they're 'gutting it out' and maybe even winning the match. It's just one of the fictions that we accept. Selling the injury is important and a nice touch, but even people who sell an arm injury are DRASTICALLY underselling the damage it would really do.

Just like finding the strength to break a sleeper hold after your already 98% unconscious, it's just one of those things that make wrestling wrestling.
This is really simple; Sheamus is a big fella who the WWE Universe buys as a legit badass. No-selling always sucks but Sheamus' selling isn't nearly as bad as Hogan's or Taker's were back in the day. It sucks but doesn't affect match quality or the eventual outcome.

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