Sheamus - Let's Tally the Amount of Fucks You Give

I agree - it's a shame the forum isn't just a series of threads about how over wrestlers are. One post per thread would probably do it - maybe a couple of Youtube videos of crowd reactions on the odd occasion there's a disagreement. Members, frankly, should be banned if they wish to criticise, discuss, debate or - let's be honest - form any priority other than the gratification of strangers. My Wednesday afternoon's clear; I'm going to make you a list of threads to go into and say "Who cares!? X is/isn't over! Done." You're going to become very popular very quickly.

That Cena/Rock thread, for example, is a real mess. People are having different ideas and arguments, talking about their own experiences and tastes, discussing different segments and matches - chaos! We need you in there to tell us who's more over so we can finally lock the thread. Godspeed.

Why, by Madonna's bright blue pubic hair, do I care? You tell me if Bud Light is popular, yes or no, then leave. You run for the door before any other information can possibly get released. We establish a system and then you go and piss all over it! Honestly! I'll have to carry the torch alone.

Titanic - greatest film ever.
Harry Potter - blows 1984 out of the water.
Big Bang Theory - well the audience likes it, therefore every other comment is null and void. Get that criticism and analysis shit out of here. Discussion? Forgetta 'bout it!

Firstly, Sheamus is over - so it doesn't matter what you think - and I don't know why you're telling me this. Secondly, you're very astute in pointing out how Steve Austin also liked talking and hitting people, and how Sheamus has successfully aped that unique trait of his. Other shared interests include walking, breathing, eating and being a white person.


Character? Psychology? Ah! I thought we had something beautiful here, man! We were going to point out how a wrestler was over and refuse to discuss the matter any further. Don't spend all of those thirty pieces of silver in one place.
The thread and most people posting in it arrogantly act like sheamus sucks and like it's a universal thing. It's not at all. He's massively over, which is your job as a pro wrestler. He's good at wrestling. All the nonsense about his moveset are bogus.

Also, he didn't really ape Steve Austin, in fact back in the day that's how pretty much everyone got over.
I personally give quite a few fucks about Sheamus. He has the cool 'be your friend' then when whomever gets on his bad side he goes ape shit. I think his promos are different and just fresh probably because of the accent and him incorporating Irish stories. At first when he was shoved down our throats with his winning the title so quickly, yeah that was just wow... and why? But now that he's had to go back down the ranks and then winning the US gold was a nicely done feud. Fast forward to winning the rumble which was a minor surprise considering I had Jericho pegged, the only complaint I have is how Sheamus and Daniel Bryan have had their feud. The one major thing I like is hopefully what was a dark match at last year's Wrestlemania will turn out to be a hopeful great match this year. I for one am a fan and give a fuck.
His promos consist of Irish folklore and anecdotes about his uncle's farting dog (which I guess also qualifies as Irish folklore) which never fail to make the crowd go mild.

How do I put this without offending ... hmmm.

I think the problem is because he has an accent. I don't think people in the USA understand people that don't have an American accent ...

Anywho - I like Sheamus. Less so since he turned face, he was much better at being a heel. I think the highlight for me was back on ECW, he just had such a different look from everyone else and I found him very intersting. I loved his fued with Shelton Benjamin at that time too.

If he went back to being a heel I would give more fucks.
If i posted this in the wrong section, i appologize since this is my first thread so bare with me.

My question is as the title says, does anyone really care if Sheamus wins the title? Me personally am enjoying Daniel Bryan as the champion and am enjoying his character. Sheamus on the other hand just seems to one dimensional to me and can see if he wins just holding the title for a couple months then dropping it to someone else, thats my opinion.

So discuss, and if this has been otherwise started as a thread i appologize.
No, fuck Sheamus' pasty white skin in HD reflecting all the light into my eye blinding me. I could turn the contrast but that's what the WWE wants, damn it, and I won't give them that satisfaction!

In all seriousness, though. No, fuck Sheamus. He is about as bland as the colour beige and about as interesting as the colour black. And, black is an absence of colour, for pete sake! Daniel Bryan as champion needs to go on for longer. He still hasn't feuded with Orton which must break some kind of law, and he's still only half developed his character. Why not give him a lengthy reign to really establish his heat? Still though, I'd be pretty pissed if he lost the title to Sheamus in this current feud. Just because Daniel Bryan is a vegan, it doesn't mean they have to give him a feud with no real meat.

It's too early for Bryan to lose the title, and to much of a crime against everyone else for Sheamus to win it.
The Sheamus/Bryan feud looks like it is going to end ugly if either one of them wins the world title at Wrestlemania. If Bryan wins, Sheamus is the 5th consecutive Royal Rumble to lose at Wrestlemania, which would further weaken the whole idea behind the Rumble. And not only that, the entire push Sheamus has had as a face would have to completely restart from the ground up. All those months of Sheamus smacking the lips off the face of everyone in the ring. But what if Sheamus wins the title at Wrestlemania? Where does that leave Bryan? Bryan has made his character all about the world title, he lives, breaths, and drinks the world title. And if Sheamus mows him over at Wrestlemania, Bryan is going to be stuck treading the waters of the upper-card and mid-card with a still growing character.
I agree with most people on this thread I think Daniel Bryan needs this win way more than Sheamus. We all know Sheamus is going to be a big star one day but Daniel Bryan needs more work and this title run right now is really building his character and will help him in the future. Give Sheamus the title in a few months this isn't his last chance at a WM moment. Daniel Bryan is thriving with the title right now and he needs it for a few for months. If he loses this title it will feel like all of the momentum he has gotten will be a waste. This is a very similar situation Orton was in at WM24 he was just starting to find his character as a heel and they gave him that big WM win and retained the title and it did wonders for him and it will do the same for Daniel Bryan. No one expects him to win that would make his win all that more impressive.
i think they should bump that match off wrestlemania.

Actually that happened last year.

Or it should be the first or second match and not too long.

It probably will be and I don't see this as a bad thing as you seem to be implying. Wrestlemania always needs a good jump start and a WHC match is perfect. At least, it was a good opener last year.

I personally am rooting for Bryan, but crowd seems to be getting behind Sheamus. It's not that Sheamus would be a bad option to hold the WHC, I'm just perfectly content with our current champ. Also, I feel Sheamus needs this win more than Bryan. Sheamus needs the win to legitimize himself as a face. It's true that a major part of Bryan's character has been influenced by the WHC, but his heel persona will continue to thrive without the belt, if Bryan does lose. I loved the heat his "clean, vegan lifestyle" comment got on Friday's Smackdown.
No, i'm not interested at all with seeing Sheamus winning the WHC. He comes off as a very boring face who is also generic in the ring. His face promos from what i've seen haven't really improved and I can't stand when he goes into his whole "Let me tell ye a story about ma family back in Ireland," it's just boring. Plus, the build-up they have been giving Sheamus for the past few months have been bad and I don't think that helps the situation out. He squashed Jinder about 5-6 times and before that he got crushed by Mark Henry. This somehow leads to him winning the Royal Rumble all because HHH called for it since they are workout buddies.

As far as his in-ring skills go, I also find his moveset to be just as boring as Cena's. Sheamus is very slow, basic, and doesn't do anything that wows me. He is quickly starting to build up his own predictable set of moves which IMO bore me. I think he should have stayed as a heel because he looks like one and his heel promos were much better. I would take him more seriously if he was a heel because everytime I see him (even now) I think of him as a bad guy. His push is once again rushed but that's my opinion on that.

I'm almost 100% certain Bryan will lose the title to Sheamus come 'Mania. HHH didn't book Sheamus to win the R.R. just so he could lose to Daniel Bryan on the biggest stage of them all. I do think Bryan has improved a decent amount since turning heel. Hell, he's even come up with the simple but effective "YES!" chant he does before his matches. His in-ring skills are still entertaining and he seems to add a little something everytime he wrestles. Like Miz, he should have a solid title reign in terms of length. Then again i'm happy that he won the WHC and it didn't end up like Christian's. Feuding with the Big Show IMO was bad but i'm grateful he came out on top for the whole road to WrestleMania. If he does somehow win at 'Mania i'd be shocked.
see, i wouldnt be too shocked if daniel did walk out champ, i was convinced last year that del rio was gonna take the title last year from edge, whether edge and his neck was a factor is something us fans will never know. sheamus to me as posted above is a good heel, but a boring face. how does a guy go from kicking people in the head to letting hornswoggle eliminate him from a royal rumble? wait, didnt going from kicking people in the head to happy face happen a couple years ago to another boring mic person? perfect world, let bryan just wrestle, let shitmus go do his boring bag of moves (what happenned to the running razors edge?) then let bryan keep the belt. i totally smell an a.j. slap when bryans yelling at her, turns around, shitty face kick, then shittymust wins the title. i see this match as a curtain jerker match

royal rumble means battle royal, sorry folks
People are saying Daniel Bryan shouldn't be Champion, and now we're not even days from WrestleMania and already the Sheamus shouldn't be Champion. At this point, we should just give the belt to Santino. :shrug:

Anyway, I don't get the no love for Sheamus here. I like the guy to be honest. The fans love him, he seems to love that he's getting a lot of love from the crowd cause he's always smiling, and he's turning into the #2 face on SmackDown right behind Randy Orton. The way his promos go back to his Irish heritage which kinda makes sense since that's his whole thing and his story-driven promos all round up and make this Sheamus guy pretty damn cool. I like him a lot more than a face than as a heel to be perfectly honest. This World Championship run is just the thing to really make Sheamus THE Man and really take his career to that next level. Props to him if he does go over.

And as far as Daniel Bryan goes, he's come to the end of this great heel run with the Championship. I want to see this heel character continue, but what if he does win at Mania. What's he gonna do? Go back to the Big Show? Nope. Face Sheamus again? Nope. Sheamus would have already had his shot and lost. Randy Orton? Doubt it cause I highly doubt this feud with Kane is gonna end at WrestleMania.

Besides, I'm interested in seeing how Daniel Bryan's heel character is when he's chasing the Title.
Randy Orton? Doubt it cause I highly doubt this feud with Kane is gonna end at WrestleMania.QUOTE]

my question is where in the hell did the feud begin??? kane pissed off he lost to cena shows up on smackdown and attacks rko, hmm, if thats a feud then why have creative, why not just throw a handful of face names and a handful of heel names at the wall and see who pairs up? let daniel win, hell i dont care if the dragon loses at a shittier ppv a month or two down the road to sheamus, but let the daniel get over, show that you dont have to be mega huge to be a champion, that technical WRESTLING, KEY WORD WRESTLING, CUZ THATS WHAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WATCHING, can stop kirby
see my whole thing is, who has to lose more? if sheamus loses, fine, hes still a mega huge guy that ppl will belive can still kick there ass. now if daniel loses, whats the upside for him? You just wasted months letting him get over a lot of top smackdown guys but in the end can not defeat a man with as others are saying, a cena move set. where does he go from there? seems like poor booking to me
Sheamus's popularity as a face began to peak last summer. He almost killed Sin Cara at the Money In The Bank pay per view, but the crowd in Chicago went nuts, when Cara was thrown through the ladder. He had a good amount of momentum heading into Summerslam, and he could've been inserted into the WHC picture, but he lost his one on one match to Mark Henry. The winner of that match would become the new #1 contender for the WHC. This was obvious, because both guys were very over with the fans around this time, but WWE decided to pull the trigger on Henry. Henry would eventually have a memorable reign as the WHC, and The Great White had to take a backseat for a while. Sheamus was peaking around this time, but Mark Henry was in the middle of an outstanding run as the monster heel. Orton would have his rematch, Big Show had to get his revenge at some point, and Daniel Bryan's MITB cash in was going to happen soon enough. The WHC on Smackdown was crowded back then, and there wasn't enough room for Sheamus. He had to wait for his chance, but the waiting time did put a dent in his momentum.

Sheamus is still over with the fans, so his face turn hasn't flopped. He's the rough and tough Irishman, who can knock your teeth down your throat, and Sheamus does a wonderful job with his character. Although, Sheamus' character has lost some of that "intimidating tough guy edge" over the past couple of months. The Irish folktales can be funny, but they can also sound so ridiculous and silly. "Should THIS guy really cut promos like this?" This is the question I always ask myself, when I hear one of Sheamus' old Irish stories. Yeah, I know he's a face, but these type of promos just seem out of place for a guy like Sheamus.

So yeah, I do give a fuck about Sheamus, but he NEEDS to win the title from Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania 28. The Royal Rumble win did provide some much needed attention for him, and the Rumble win did give Sheamus a nice spark. But besides the Rumble win, Sheamus' character hasn't done anything interesting in months. Constantly squashing Jinder Mahal didn't do him any favors, because watching Sheamus kick the shit of Mahal over and over again did become very tiresome very fast. Sheamus really can't afford to take another backseat, because Randy Orton will return to the title picture soon enough. Wrestlemania 28 is a perfect opportunity for The Great White to receive a tremendous boost, and he really can't afford a lost on the big stage at all.
my question is where in the hell did the feud begin??? kane pissed off he lost to cena shows up on smackdown and attacks rko, hmm, if thats a feud then why have creative, why not just throw a handful of face names and a handful of heel names at the wall and see who pairs up? let daniel win, hell i dont care if the dragon loses at a shittier ppv a month or two down the road to sheamus, but let the daniel get over, show that you dont have to be mega huge to be a champion, that technical WRESTLING, KEY WORD WRESTLING, CUZ THATS WHAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WATCHING, can stop kirby

see my whole thing is, who has to lose more? if sheamus loses, fine, hes still a mega huge guy that ppl will belive can still kick there ass. now if daniel loses, whats the upside for him? You just wasted months letting him get over a lot of top smackdown guys but in the end can not defeat a man with as others are saying, a cena move set. where does he go from there? seems like poor booking to me

Orton and Kane have been beating the hell out of each other for two weeks now. Kane obviously has some problem with Orton. Sounds like a feud to me.

Also, Daniel Bryan is already over. WWE has done a great job building Bryan up. He beat Big Show and Mark Henry in a Steel Cage and retained the belt at the EC. His heel persona fits him and he's getting over. He can lose the title to Sheamus at Mania and still will be able to keep a good deal of credibility.

If Sheamus loses however, his build is shot. He's way over with crowd and has been on a roll since winning The Royal Rumble. All that momentum, all that hype, the face turn, winning the Rumble, challenging him right at EC, all that build will mean pretty much nothing if he loses. I say Sheamus has a lot more to lose here than Bryan.
I think its time for a change as far as the WHC is concerned. DB's run and feud with Show has run its course and Sheamus has been on top so its only natural for him to hold the title after Mania. Its not like DB wont win another title and although there are some out there who just love his current character, imo its too one dimensional for a world champion. I'm not saying Sheamus isnt either but its been Great White's year so far so expect him to leave WM with the title.
sorry, but I think this is prettu obvious where things are heading. Yes Sheamus wins the WORLD TITLE at Wrestlemania, Orton turns heel after mania, his reasons being quite simple: He should have been main eventing and instead he is buried on the card in matches with a guy like Kane. Orton is far more effective as a heel, and Orton having Sheamus chase him for the title would be far better entertainment post Mania 28.
Sheamus will win the title, but it wont be a long run, he will be a caretaker champion to get the title to Orton.
I'm not interested at all, since Sheamus has turned face he has in my opinion done nothing interesting at all. His promo work lacks the intensity which made him stand out as a heel and has been replaced with this smiley babbling folktale stuff which just comes across as stupid and insincere. In-ring he's ok and nothing more, his no-selling of moves is pretty annoying and the inevitable emergence super-Sheamus the heel burying machine isn't great either, I suppose I can't critique him too much for that though every top level face is the same.

He hasn't had a proper fued up till DB unless you count fighting jinder mahal 5 weeks in a row and even his big World title fued for mania ahs amounted to nothing. There has been no build whatsoever, it has so far basically consisted of Sheamus running out every week and throwing Bryan back into the ring.

To be honest at this point the WHC looks like one of the most unattractive matches on the card, the IC title match thanks to some excellent promo work from Cody has me more interested. I have honestly never been a fan of DB, having said that recently he has shown a little more character and I feel like he is growing into the main event. Sheamus however, will almost inevitably win and his championship reign I fear will be as vanilla as his skin tone.
Orton and Kane have been beating the hell out of each other for two weeks now. Kane obviously has some problem with Orton. Sounds like a feud to me.

Also, Daniel Bryan is already over. WWE has done a great job building Bryan up. He beat Big Show and Mark Henry in a Steel Cage and retained the belt at the EC. His heel persona fits him and he's getting over. He can lose the title to Sheamus at Mania and still will be able to keep a good deal of credibility.

If Sheamus loses however, his build is shot. He's way over with crowd and has been on a roll since winning The Royal Rumble. All that momentum, all that hype, the face turn, winning the Rumble, challenging him right at EC, all that build will mean pretty much nothing if he loses. I say Sheamus has a lot more to lose here than Bryan.

daniel bryan is only over because of his heel turn and the belt, if he loses it, whats he gonna do? rematch then cry what about me? and define way over. on smackdown, a taped show, yes he sounds way over, listen to the crowd on raw, no "stick fans cheering in now" package. now i see what you mean about the build cuz they did this with del rio, but i think del rio and sheamus are two different packages. one, del rio was still a noobie (sorry) while sheamus has tasted championship gold, and did anyone care then? just cuz you lift some weights with the game doesnt mean your able to carry the load. im sorry, i dont see him drawing, hes boring, plain and simple.

meant to say daniel bryan is over because of his heel turn and belt?
daniel bryan is only over because of his heel turn and the belt, if he loses it, whats he gonna do? rematch then cry what about me?

Like I said before, WWE has done a great job at building up Daniel Bryan's heel persona to the point where if he loses at WrestleMania, he's really not going to lose anything. He'll still be over.

And I don't see him going the Christian route and whining about a rematch. This is what makes Bryan losing so interesting, you don't know what turn his character is gonna take.

and define way over. on smackdown, a taped show, yes he sounds way over, listen to the crowd on raw, no "stick fans cheering in now" package.

Well no duh SmackDown has canned crowd noise. If you paid attention to the Royal Rumble and heard the pop when we won, and the pops he's getting on RAW. His crowd reaction is steadily getting better and better. It's not like the dude is hearing crickets when he comes out.

now i see what you mean about the build cuz they did this with del rio, but i think del rio and sheamus are two different packages. one, del rio was still a noobie (sorry) while sheamus has tasted championship gold, and did anyone care then?

When you take down the top man in the business, John Cena, people are gonna care about you then and they did. And then his second reign, he was more over, if not better than his first reign and feuding with the #2 man at the time, Randy Orton.

just cuz you lift some weights with the game doesnt mean your able to carry the load. im sorry, i dont see him drawing, hes boring, plain and simple.

Lifting weights with The Game? Really? Do we need to go that route?

The fans don't seem to think he's boring.

and about the kane orton thing, as i said, two guys with nothing better to do, hmm, my neighbour who i have no heat with took his trash out early, i think im gonna go chokeslam him....thank you wwe creative for that tid bit

It's only been two weeks. Chill out.
I give exactly 0 and a half. Sheamus has been shoved been down our throats with crappy matches,idotic promos,and the Cena-equse abilty to make the 6-year olds in the crowd go wild. If he wasn't being put a position by the always horrible Creative team to make him look like this unstoppable force of nature I might,JUST MIGHT bring that number up to 1 and a half. But,to my unimagineable displeasure,Daniel Bryan WILL drop the title to Sheamus and he will hold it until Wade Barret returns.

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