Sheamus - Let's Tally the Amount of Fucks You Give

I am very picky to whom I do and do not give fucks. I don't pass that shit out like candy. And Sheamus, mainly through no fault of his own, does not get my fuck. Sheamus has fallen into circumstantial obscurity, for primarily 3 reasons. One he is on Smackdown. I have a hard time giving a fuck about that show as a whole, let alone a talent on that show. It got to the point that so many people stopped giving a fuck about that show that they had to build their feuds on Raw.

Number 2, the rest of the Wrestlemania card. When the WWE does not give a fuck about your match, why should the fans. Let's put it this way. I love CM Punk, I love Chris Jericho, But I am having a hard time giving a fuck about their match at WM. This is because the WWE has put all of their eggs, antique porcelain, fine china, and crystal stemware in one shipping container. And that container is being held up by a crane operator with narcolepsy. If Rock/Cena is bad, that PPV has nothing to fall back on. There are no stories and no build to any other match so why should I care about the 4th most important match on the card, title match or otherwise.

Number 3 he opponent is a heel Daniel Bryan. Bryan as a heel has been as good as Sheamus as a face, which is to say cookie cutter and bland. How am I supposed to care about any one whose most recent feud was over someone running into his girlfriend. Some one who Michael Cole absolutely degrades night after night. I don't care about this feud partly because I do not care about Bryan.

Let's say it was the other way around. Face Daniel Bryan, who had been on a losing streak until the rumble or so where he has started a win streak, has decided to cash in his MITB at WM on the seemingly unstoppable Sheamus. I would honestly be more interested on a Daniel Bryan overcoming the odds for his first title at WM story than an cowardly heel getting cornered by an unstoppable face so get his just deserts at WM. Fact of the matter is Sheamus gains nothing from beating Bryan for the title. He wont look any stronger than he already does.

Pointless show, check. Pointless Spot on the card, check. Pointless feud, check. Looks like it's a go. All units initiate "final comment" sequence.

In short, I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck. I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck. Now if I gave a shit, than I'd probably give a fuck. But I don't give a shit, so I don't give a fuck.

Sheamus in his current form is a charisma vacuum. This guy merits so few fucks that I find myself caring more about Daniel Bryan because at least he provides some opposition to the Great White Blarney. There's no question that he'll take the World Title on April Fool's Day, though why can't WWE seem to build an angle around that? If Sheamus is an unstoppable force, where does the excitement lie him laying guys out from week to week?

We were long bored of him before his Rumble win. Having stolen Tommy Dreamer's signature pose, Sheamus appears more like a place-holder than anything else, similar to HHH's spot during his unwarranted Rumble win in 2002. The wrestler may have talent. The character doesn't make us care.
I don't give a shit about Sheamus. Not even a fuck about him. He has improved since he started but to me he is just another Triple H asskisser like Orton who get huge pops in arenas, fasttracked when they haven't proven they're able to carry that responsibility. Until I see actual spikes in buyrates and tv ratings (that can be proven is due to his presence on the show) , it still remains to be seen. He isn't a great storyteller in the ring, his character isn't the most creative I've seen, I mean he's ok but he's nowhere near as good as he hyped up to be.
The major difference is, Randy Orton is one of the best wrestlers of all time...Sheamus isn't nearly close to being there. I do think it is a bit premature to rip on Sheamus' future as a whole, but his present right now is boring as balls.

Maybe Wrestlemania can really get him over. I think his best bet might be to lose to D Bryan at Wrestlemania, and win the title later on.
Can I give a half-fuck to him? He's had moments where I've been interested or even found him amusing, but he's in creative limbo right now and it's hard to stay interested.
Right now I dont give one fuck about him.

Its been a long time since he has been in an actual feud. I kind of lost interest in him. All he has been doing for months is just squashing wrestlers. But it hasn't been as impressive or dominant like say a Brock Lesnar was.

I wish he was still a heel. I liked him more when he was just a mean physical brawler. I'm not a big fan of his irish folklore type promos.
I give one-half of a percentage point of a fuck.

I used to love Sheamus. As a heel, he was badass. Heartless, ruthless, just a big white monster. The problem I have with Sheamus is that once he turned face, he abandoned every aspect of the personality he displayed as a heel. The same guy that mercilessly ended Jamie Noble's career and attacked HHH from behind as he was saying farewell to his best friend suddenly turned into a happy-go-lucky Irish stereotype. Just another run of the mill cookie-cutter WWE face. To me, the moment that defines this change in character was on the special live "Christmas" SmackDown whenever Hornswaggle outsmarted Sheamus to win that battle royal and Sheamus responded by parading Horny around on his shoulders and celebrating. Seriously, what the fuck?! Just because the fans cheer him now doesn't mean they should abandon all aspects of his former character. The old Sheamus would have brogue kicked the shit out of that little asshole. That drastic shift in character soured me on Sheamus.

As for now, he floated around doing nothing of note, having a mini-feud with Jinder fucking Mahal of all people, then he suddenly wins the Rumble in a swerve. Fine. Made no sense at the time, but surely they'll do something with him now, right? Or, he can not even have a match at the Elimination Chamber, and then just have random matches every RAW and Smackdown. The WWE have done a really shitty job with Sheamus since turning him face. It's amazing that he's as over as he is with the live crowds, because the development of his character and the "feuds" he has been in don't really give one reason to cheer.

Agreed, he abandoned everything. I remember that battle royal like it was yesterday. Yeah the watchable sheamus would have destroyed HS. I've always said some guys have no business being a face. Ex. Once Khali, MVP went face that was it, Mark Henry was able to recover from the face turn. But Sheamus has no direction, nothing and as I stated the guy has gotten stale.
Well of course smarks aren't going to like a new-age WWE face... Majority of IWC fans nowadays long for the rebel/anti-hero type of faces of the attitude era - hence why every smart will jizz over heels, because they're 'more interesting' or 'more edgy', disregarding the fact that as a true face Sheamus is doing nothing wrong. He smiles; so what? What's wrong with a face that smiles? The masses love it, clearly thats a bad thing, eh? It's not like he's not living up to his tough guy Irish brawler gimmick - he's absolutely brutal.

*News flash*: Sheamus is the way he is because the majority of fans of all different types think that Sheamus is interesting enough to 'give a fuck' about. Maybe not IWC, but the casual audience certainly do care about him. Maybe people care less about his feud with Bryan because the card for WM28 also includes HHH/Taker, Punk/Y2J and Cena/Rock? I mean, it's hard for a new guy to get a bigger reaction when they're compared against several legends of the industry?

Sheamus is doing nothing wrong, he's keeping to his gimmick as an Irish brawler except he's a face. Just remember, you don't HAVE to like EVERY wrestler on the show, the same way that you might not like every character on your favourite sitcom or movie. People on this site just like him less now because he isn't the 'cool heel' type anymore, even though when he was a heel the smarks on this site didn't give a fuck about him regardless. People on this site get bored too quickly; there must be something wrong with your attention spans. He only JUST won the Rumble match, he's not going to automatically shoot up to Cena or Randy's level.
I liked Sheamus at the beginning of his face turn. He wasn't all smiley and didn't keep making "Let me tell ya bout an ol irish tale" jokes. He's becoming lame and Cena like. He needs to go back to the aggression and not giving a fuck about anyone. He and Orton have the same issue, they were great when they were loners and beat up whoever they wanted and weren't all smiles or playing nice with others. Thats what got them over as a face to begin with, then they turned soft.
You know, I'm going to be the person who raises the question... What exactly has changed about Sheamus since he turned face? He's still the same ruthless bad ass that goes around beating the hell out of people for no reason other than he just loves fighting. For fucks sake, he destroyed Jinder Mahal for like 8 weeks in a row just because he could. He still has that same anger, that same fire, and that same look. What in the world has changed? Absolutely nothing, other than the fact that he's a face. You people really need to grow up and stop trying to act like you know how the business works. You're nothing more than arm chair bookers who really wouldn't be able to point out a truly great match from a garbage match if they were right in front of you.

Obvious by my little rant, I still find Sheamus to be a very believable bad ass and still a down right monster. He doesn't have to be mad all the time just to kick someone's ass. He could do it just because the sun's bright and he likes the smell of ozone. I mean shit, the guy's a brawler who's destroyed person after person on Smackdown recently.
You know, I'm going to be the person who raises the question... What exactly has changed about Sheamus since he turned face?

His personality has wilted and died like a daffodil in November. The whole American Sheamus thing wasn't exactly great television, but it was at least something you could sink your teeth into.

I've seen it mentioned how Sheamus "loves to fight" in this thread a few times, but I'm pretty sure that's something people've just mistakenly attributed to him. You're probably thinking of Finlay, actually. There's nothing I can see that indicates he likes to fight more than any other wrestler. All I've managed to glean from face Sheamus is that he likes dog farts and Irish history. And who can blame him?

You talk about how Sheamus ran through Jinder Mahal week after week just because he could, but did you find that interesting? If you did, I recommend you also look into sock puppets, slow drying paint and the colour blue; all equally as thrilling as Sheamus beating up some jobber for weeks on end.

If I wanted to watch people fight but not understand why I should care, I'd have never stopped organising bum fights. Crack's more of an understandable motivation than whatever bits of Fit Finaly's personality we're haphazardly tying to Sheamus this week. He loves singlets, so I hear.
His personality has wilted and died like a daffodil in November. The whole American Sheamus thing wasn't exactly great television, but it was at least something you could sink your teeth into.

I've seen it mentioned how Sheamus "loves to fight" in this thread a few times, but I'm pretty sure that's something people've just mistakenly attributed to him. You're probably thinking of Finlay, actually. There's nothing I can see that indicates he likes to fight more than any other wrestler. All I've managed to glean from face Sheamus is that he likes dog farts and Irish history. And who can blame him?

You talk about how Sheamus ran through Jinder Mahal week after week just because he could, but did you find that interesting? If you did, I recommend you also look into sock puppets, slow drying paint and the colour blue; all equally as thrilling as Sheamus beating up some jobber for weeks on end.

If I wanted to watch people fight but not understand why I should care, I'd have never stopped organising bum fights. Crack's more of an understandable motivation than whatever bits of Fit Finaly's personality we're haphazardly tying to Sheamus this week. He loves singlets, so I hear.

I quite like sock puppets :lmao:

Seriously though I do like Sheamus though I don't understand how he has been booked recently. I'd have liked to have seen more involvement with Daniel Bryan before coming out and challenging him for the title. It was obvious he was never going to choose CM Punk as an opponent at Mania but a gentle tease that he may have done wouldn't have been a bad thing either.

I'm fairly certain he's going to walk out of Wrestlemania the new Heavyweight Champion though I think they need to do something to make me care as to why. I'd like to see Randy Orton somehow put into the title picture and taking the title at Mania in a triple threat. Sheamus could go mad at the Mania moment being stolen from him by Orton and go back to being an angry heel.

At the moment the whole feud ain't doing much for me.
I give no fucks about sheamus. He is bland as hell. He tries to funny on the mic and he fails miserably. His accent pisses me off. He is so white and has akward looking legs. I think his wrestling move set includes a axe handle clothesline, the thing where he beats his opponets chest, a side slam thingy and a bicycle kick. He won his first wwe title and go absolutely no reaction in a fucking terrible match. He's still green in the ring and on the mic. I don't buy into him. I wouldn't buy a ticket to see him and i damn sure wouldn't spend any money on merch.....wwe only put the wwe title in his toy box so people would buy him(for the belt.)

i also give absolutely no fucks about:
wade barrett
daniel bryan
zack ryder
david otunga
ezekiel jackson
ted dibase
big show
kofi kingston
epico and promo

although i would give an unlimited amount of fucks to rosa mendes
Pretty fuckin stupid thread. Sheamus is VERY over. Doesn't matter what you think. I fuckin hate Bud Light, but the shit sells because people enjoy bland, no hops, no nothing beer.

Sheamus is simple. He's going to come out, say some Irish shit about kicking your arse, then club your face in. Wrestling fans are simple people, they like that. Sheamus is like an Irish, big guy version of Steve Austin's character.
No fucks from me. I cant get behind anyone whos in-ring accumen doesnt extend past Punch Kick Bodyslam Repeat.

Throw him on the forgettable bigmen heap.
What about his ring psychology like how he plays to the different sides of the crowd? Or how about how he stalks his opponents with a brisk walk but never runs, like he's anxious to kick the piss out of someone? Or like how it'd be FUCKING STUPID if he did anything more than club and slam? Or how about EVERY thing he does makes sense and fits his character?

You don't know anything about wrestling. I've NEVER in my entire life, in person or on a DVD, heard anyone who actually has succeeding in wrestling give a shit about moveset. It's all about storytelling and psychology which Sheamus is very good at.

You're post is dumb because it 1) assumes that the moves sheamus does are all that he knows and 2) makes the IWCtastic assumption that more moves=better wrestler.

Wait, shit. Confused, I am.

Once again, Sam chooses to rape and pillage my people and village. Thats my metaphor for "things I say a lot in the LDs and when i text message J-Glass".

This whole thing has been so limp dick, half hearted shit from the beginning. It started off 110% the way it should "..ILL FIGHT HIM" and then....We went into the Irish riddles, and the poop and fart jokes. Just atrocious.

What maybe the most frustrating part of it is, people WANT to like him. He is fairly over, despite the nothing push...Along with the fact he is an EASY lynchpin of the WWE's whole anti bully push. Uh, hello, Sheamus looks fucking weird, and if any kid looked like him, they would be endlessly fucked with. He could be an example of someone who doesnt look "normal" being comfortable with themselves, and overcoming any and all odds, while standing up to people who are "bullies" (heels)....

What we get, is, well....Rhyming jokey stories, and squashing Jinder Mahal every week.

Its all so obvious. So easy. Fucking WWE.
His character is one of the more interesting ones to debate at this point. He is relatively over with the fans and since turning babyface the two things that have improved are 1) he no longer inexcusably acts like a coward after walking around like a big tough bully, which was just ludicrous and was the worst type of heel he could have been. he has now started calling out others for bullying and changing which i believe is a start to make him the face for the B.A star thing. and 2) His appearance is much better, he has much more energy in his entrance and is wayy more over than he ever was heel. Remember when he was coming out completely vanilla faced, wearing that rediculous crown and cape calling himself king sheamus? because he won KOTR that for the most part took place on an episode of monday night raw? Rediculous.

But now as a face, he's becoming just as annoying, with this continuous forced push. Its like they cant come up with anything new for him now. I mean, the first time he comes into the ring smiling with a mic, he gets a decent reaction to saying the word "Arse", and now since then we have to see the same stupid segment every week with him saying a bunch of crap that half the audience doesnt understand or care to listen to, just so we can hear what type of animals arse daniel bryan or some jobber is most like. And seriously, can we get some talent against the guy? It seems as if they just want him squashing all the way to WM which really doesnt help get the guy over at all. What does this prove? That he's as good as Brodus Clay? What does beating Jinder Mahal 37 times do? Prove that Mahal will never be more than a jobber? It certainly doesnt help put Sheamus over more than the first 36 victories did. I want to like the guy myself, he has a good, albeit a unique look to him, BUT i bet as usual we'll see him come to the ring Monday and babble on for 5 minutes about who knows what while the crowd becomes increasingly disinterested and calls someone an arse. THE GUYS BEEN FACE FOR 15 MINUTES AND HES BEEN STALE FOR 10 OF THEM. I don't think it's Sheamus himself just awful storyline writing. When Lawyer O'Tunga hit Sheamus with a couple slams a couple weeks back i was legit surprised and happy to see someone do SOMETHING to the guy and inflict some sort of damage. Like most of you I believe he's walking out WM the champ, but i'm praying that's not the case.
I give a few fucks about Sheamus, not just because he's Irish, and I'm Irish, but because I actually have a genuine interest in him and respect how much the guy has came along.

Think back to when he defeated John Cena for the WWE Championship. A lot of people called it a mistake, but in a way it instantly took a guy who was a nobody with spiky red hair and no skin pigments in-sight, into a genuine name within the WWE. Did everyone get behind him when he was a heel? No. When he lost the title did many people care? Not really. However what made Sheamus is when he got the belt for a second time, because it highlighted how far he had came between his second reign as Champion and his first. He came across as much more of a Champion, of someone to be feared.

Sure he had a bit of a bad patch, Sheamus didn't even make last years Wrestlemania main card with Daniel Bryan, however since then I think he has made a pretty good deal out of the face turn. He still has that anger in him from when he was a face, he has a lot of people behind him, evidence of this is when he came out at the Royal Rumble and the place went into a rapture of cheers and applause. Sheamus, although a bit bland some weeks and even dare I say, off, is still a very good talent to have and is making a great go at becoming one of the top guys on the Smackdown brand.

When I look at Sheamus I start by looking at what he was when he started, when he beat Cena, when people hated him because he was "Triple H's friend." Sure he probably got it based off that one friendship, but since then he has earned the respect of a lot of people and continues to do so.

I give a fair few fucks about Sheamus, because he has earned them.
I think Sheamus sucks. The guy looks like a damn cartoon character. Its hard to take him serious. He is pretty average in the ring and on the mic, so I don't why people act like he is something special. I will probably never like him though. The fact that WWE handed him the world championship on a silver platter, and allowed him to beat their biggest star, when he had only been in WWE for 3 or so months and had accomplished absolutely NOTHING, was complete bullsh*t.
Pretty fuckin stupid thread. Sheamus is VERY over. Doesn't matter what you think.

I agree - it's a shame the forum isn't just a series of threads about how over wrestlers are. One post per thread would probably do it - maybe a couple of Youtube videos of crowd reactions on the odd occasion there's a disagreement. Members, frankly, should be banned if they wish to criticise, discuss, debate or - let's be honest - form any priority other than the gratification of strangers. My Wednesday afternoon's clear; I'm going to make you a list of threads to go into and say "Who cares!? X is/isn't over! Done." You're going to become very popular very quickly.

That Cena/Rock thread, for example, is a real mess. People are having different ideas and arguments, talking about their own experiences and tastes, discussing different segments and matches - chaos! We need you in there to tell us who's more over so we can finally lock the thread. Godspeed.

I fuckin hate Bud Light, but the shit sells because people enjoy bland, no hops, no nothing beer.

Why, by Madonna's bright blue pubic hair, do I care? You tell me if Bud Light is popular, yes or no, then leave. You run for the door before any other information can possibly get released. We establish a system and then you go and piss all over it! Honestly! I'll have to carry the torch alone.

Titanic - greatest film ever.
Harry Potter - blows 1984 out of the water.
Big Bang Theory - well the audience likes it, therefore every other comment is null and void. Get that criticism and analysis shit out of here. Discussion? Forgetta 'bout it!

Sheamus is simple. He's going to come out, say some Irish shit about kicking your arse, then club your face in. Wrestling fans are simple people, they like that. Sheamus is like an Irish, big guy version of Steve Austin's character.

Firstly, Sheamus is over - so it doesn't matter what you think - and I don't know why you're telling me this. Secondly, you're very astute in pointing out how Steve Austin also liked talking and hitting people, and how Sheamus has successfully aped that unique trait of his. Other shared interests include walking, breathing, eating and being a white person.


What about his ring psychology like how he plays to the different sides of the crowd? Or how about how he stalks his opponents with a brisk walk but never runs, like he's anxious to kick the piss out of someone? Or like how it'd be FUCKING STUPID if he did anything more than club and slam? Or how about EVERY thing he does makes sense and fits his character?

Character? Psychology? Ah! I thought we had something beautiful here, man! We were going to point out how a wrestler was over and refuse to discuss the matter any further. Don't spend all of those thirty pieces of silver in one place.
I don't recall much of a personality in the first place.

I like Sheamus more now than I did when he first arrived, but that's not saying a lot. I just think he's boring. When he speaks, he doesn't say anything worth remembering. I don't see much thinking while he's in the ring. Those kinds of things. The unimportant stuff, I guess.

I say unimportant because he's definitely over. The face turn worked, so fans obviously accept him. I'm not sure why, but whatever.

When it comes to Sheamus, I ask myself this question - do I really want to watch this guy do this for the next ten or fifteen years? Not really. Again, I don't think he's bad, but if I miss something he's doing (in a feud, a promo, etc), I'm always confident I didn't miss much.
Oh Sam, you smarmy little devil. Good luck calculating all these fucks! With totally legit metric measurements like "a few", a fuck ton, a shit ton, a bag of fuck, and Peoples_Champ's ridiculous system of fucks, I'd say science isn't exactly being done in this here thread... Also, you can't count Matth3w's anti-fuck, because he seriously asked if zero was a number.

I'm not sure if I can live up to the harsh expectations laid down by Pancake's superb posting abilities, but I'll give it a try:

After reading through the vast majority of complaints adressed in this thread, I think the issue is more of a "creative" problem, rather than a Sheamus problem. I can see what the WWE is trying to do with him by simplifying his character and cheesing up his promos; as an obvious baby face he has the potential to make a lot of money and connect with a lot of kids. But he's also just intense enough to draw from the older audiences as well (or at least not get boo'd out of buildings like a certain other obvious baby face).

That being said, as a long-time fan that isn't a child nor is spending a lot of money on WWE merch and/or live shows just to see Sheamus, there are some glaring issues with his character that need to be addressed. I'll be the first to say that I hated his heel run - it was pushed way too suddenly and we never had any time to grow into his character. Any hatred I had for him at that point was more or less out of annoyance than genuine "heel heat". He definitely grew into the role though, and had they given him more time to flourish as a heel I think he could have made one hell of an impact. The problem I saw was that he's not the type of guy that should be winning by DQ or countout. While guys like the Miz NEED that route to get over as a heel, Sheamus could have very easily taken the Triple H route and beaten the hell out of people to draw the same reaction; something he was doing very early on that he promptly stopped doing upon winning the WWE Championship. It was that character direction that ruined him for me.

But Sheamus does have all the tools necessary to make a huge impact in the WWE. He's incredibly over with the fans, he's a halfway decent wrestler, and he seems to understand the basics of ring psychology. I do enjoy his promos, and I think the strange Irish folklore thing could be used in a really great way for him. I want to like him so much because he provides that necessary dichotomy we're not seeing in WWE's new wave of talents. When you look at the up-and-coming scene I see CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, and a lot of other talents their size. Sheamus and Wade Barrett are the only two "larger than life" Superstars that hearken back to that classic age of big man wrasslin' (at least the only two I see with a future in the company).

He doesn't NEED to be heel. In fact, while it may seem like the more obvious answer given his look and intensity, I actually prefer they keep him face. Because he is so over, there are a lot of mediocre heels that do need a subject to draw heat off of - Sheamus is that guy. The bigger problem I see is that he's on Smackdown, and that throws him in the same path as Randy Orton. You don't need two main event faces using generally the same type of gimmick - in character they are different, but mechanically similar. They are both intense guys that are over with the younger crowd, that can draw on a viscous streak in the ring if pushed far enough. Move Sheamus back to Raw later in 2012 and trade him for somebody like the Miz or R-Truth that could use a change of scenery to get back over. All the guy really needs is a direction and for creative to allow him some freedom. He's got the tools, he just needs to be able to use them! Combine that "I'll fight anyone, any time" attitude with the World Championship and his ridiculous Irish folklore gimmick and you have a perfectly packaged main event face that could carry the ball for years in WWE.

I suppose what you're really after is this: I do give a fuck about Sheamus, and I think he has the potential to force out a lot more "fucks" if given the correct creative decision making. Bottom line is that when it comes to a match on Raw or Smackdown I'd rather see him in that ring than about half the roster. He's not the greatest out there, but he's decent enough that I don't roll my eyes when I hear his music hit.
i fuckin hate babyface shaemus.

he just does NOT click with me.

i hate his look, i hate his wrestling style, i hate how he talks, i hate his goody-two shoe character....everything

i hate how he caters to the crowd too much and smiles like crazy all the time.

although i think he will be booked to win, i could care less about his title match at mania.

looks like we'll be in for one of THE worst, unentertaining title reigns since jack swaggers (and daniel bryans)..UGH
they've given him a new finisher, which is about as exciting to behold as Jim Ross taking a seat.

You're aware that if JR happens to be sitting at the announce table, especially if it's in place of Michael Cole, then that would be rather exciting right?

All that out of the way, I like Sheamus and his in ring work, but I'm not a fan of how this face turn has been booked. He's pretty much been the vanilla unstoppable face guy running up a decent win list on people. I wish the stories would stop as well as any attempt they have for him to be silly and just let him be the brawling, irishman he's always been who is out for a fight and to prove he's the top dog on smackdown. He really doesn't need much more than that, it like if you decided Stone Cold needed to be bringing up christmas carols in the middle of his promos one minute and then talking about stomping a mud hole the next, it just really doesn't belong and detracts from what he is really capable of.
Sorry Fella's but Sheamus is still money, hell he's taken Randy Orton's spot in the K-Mark Commercials, so someone higher up has some faith in the guy.

Sheamus is a beast who loves to beat up people.

I don't know where all this new found hate has come from, maybe its his face persona, maybe its his feud with Bryant that's been lack luster so far, maybe most of you are still pissed he won the Rumble, but either way you cut it he needs to be pushed, he needs to win at WM28, the WWE needs to build Sheamus into a Main Event Star.

You people bitch and moan and cry that there's no depth to Smackdowns Roster, and you have a guy like Sheamus who managed to get over with the fans when he turned face fairly easy, he puts on some exciting matches, hes had some memorable feuds, and hes got all the tools needed to be a Main Event star in the WWE. Do not doubt this guy just yet.

So to answer how many Fucks I give about Sheamus, Id say more than most.

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