Sheamus - Let's Tally the Amount of Fucks You Give

Odd though,when he was a heel he jobbed all the time.Now hes a face hes the new Super Face. Odd how that works. LOL.
I do give a fuck about Sheamus. The guy is good in the ring, is decent on the mic and is incredibly over. I am quite interested to see where the DB-Sheamus story goes especially considering that Sheamus is almost certain to win the belt at WM28.

The only problem I have with him has been his booking. Ever since SummerSlam, he has been steam-rolling through his opponents with the greatest of ease. In most of his matches, he has hardly ever been pinned. I don't remember him losing a match since SummerSlam. I would definitely care much more about him when he wins the WHC and gets involved in a legitimate feud where he has a challenging opponent.
Well, on one hand you could say that he has done little wrong since turning face, but on the other hand you could say that Sheamus has done little since turning face. He has beaten some people up and told us some nice Irish folk tales...and that's it. Oh wait, he won something called The Royal Rumble too but I'm sure that's not too relevant.

I think that the entire objective of Sheamus' face turn so far has been to get us to like him and accept him in his face role. Once that has been accomplished, I think that WWE will try to get us to give a fuck about him by booking him in some entertaining feuds. There is little doubt that Sheamus looks legit and will be very believable as the champion of Smackdown. The question that remains, however, is if he will be accepted as the champion of Smackdown. I really hope they put him against Christian again because Christian is really the best cowardly heel out there and would make a great contrast to Sheamus' character. Maybe a feud with Miz or Cody Rhodes might do the trick as well.

So to answer your question, no, I do not care a lot about Sheamus but nor am I ready to give up hope on him yet.
Personally, I couldn't give two fucks about Sheamus. As a heel, boring. As a face, even more boring. I understand how the Irish-American audience could get behind this guy. His promos are rubbish. Yeah, he's a big dude. He can put on a semi-decent squash match. So can half the roster. And I know I will be bashed for not coming up with facts to follow up my statements but hell with it. I DONT LIKE SHEAMUS. :wtf:
Sheamus' character is lacking. I think he is tremendous in the ring and the way he carries himself.

Anyone ever seen Gangs of New York?

Why not paint his face and give him a wardrobe...but only for big pay per view matches. He is the Celtic Warrior right? I think a Goldberg style entrance too would be great for him. Where the camera follows him in the hallway...

Idk, just an idea.
nny DeVito's body'' bracket. He's fun to look at, at first, and he'll provide you with a few s******s but, after a while you're just laughing at a midget with a slow metabolism. Okay, maybe it's not the exact same thing. Anyway, I'd still use that particularly delightful comparison to describe Sheamus' face turn. It was fun at first during the whole ''Hey, I'm Sheamus, I'll fight you Mark Henry, spud!''. It wasn't exactly original, but it was fresh to see Sheamus as a face. He worked the crowd well and his Irish folk tales were gripping. Seriously, I'm still waiting to find out what happened to his Uncle's left leg. Ever since then, though, it's just been so meh. I know who Shemus is, but I don't appreciate him flaunting his Irish-ness in my face. The new finisher is the old finisher of Hornswoggle's dad. Who, quite frankly, pulled it off much better than Sheamus. That's not exacly saying much, seeing as he won the Royal freakin' Rumble. The whole ''beat chest until red, shout things with an Irish accent'' shtick is really getting old. I understand there was no real feuds for him to have on Smackdown but now he's in the main event of WM, he has been disappointing so far. There's been four shows he's appeared on since making the decision to face Daniel Bryan and has he impressed me once? Unless I consider the second time he threw Daniel Bryan into the ring with rather perfect execution, no. He doesn't look like a main eventer where as Bryan does. That's sort of worrying.

Anyway, Sam, you beautiful soul, slot me in the elusive ''Sort of gives a fuck, but then again sort of doesn't. Blames 9/11 and the economy'' bracket.
While as of this very moments the amount fucks that I'd give are relatively low I think this lack of interest in Sheamus has more to do with the surrounding circumstances rather than Sheamus himself. When you look at Wrestlemania what exactly are Sheamus and Bryan up against in terms of trying to get us to care about their match? Well let's see The Rock vs Cena, CM Punk vs Jericho, and HHH vs Undertaker Hell in a cell. 2 of those are monumental matches right off the bat, and I'm sure that Punk and Jericho will easily get us to care about the match soon.

Sheamus is stuck with Daniel Bryan on the difficult task to get us to ease some of our infatuation with the 3 other matches and give a damn about the world title match. Neither man is nearly as charismatic as the other 6, thus it's hard to get emotionally invested into the storyline. Sheamus hasn't really captivated me to the point where I am emotionally invested into his WM match which is his task at hand right now. His mic work is slightly above average but then again so are the mic skills of many. His feud right now doesn't compare with the other Wrestlemania matches, it's rather bland. The guy himself has at least tried to be a good face, as of now I think he is doing a good job but is overshadowed by the other WM main eventers this year.

I'm sure he will be somewhat interesting again once Wrestlemania season is over.
Posts like this trouble me. You guys act like wrestlers who have used someone else's finisher in the past isn't being original or won't get over. Such a stupid, thoughtless complaint.

Ever heard of a guy named Randy Orton? Well, he has a move called the "RKO" that's been used by guys like Diamond Dallas Page and even Bubby Ray Dudley during his singles run with the WWE. But I guess that means Orton isn't original, right? Especially after he's taken that same move, put an original spin on it, and now it's one of the most effective and anticipated finishing maneuvers in all of professional wrestling.

The problems with Sheamus stretch far beyond his choice of finishing maneuvers. Using that excuse is just a cop out.

I said other issues with Sheamus besides just the finishers. Read the entire thing. But I'll do it again, how about this he's much better as a heel, his music needs a remix, he's cheesy as hell right now, he hasn't had meaning in how long now, no direction, is that enough? And far as finishers never said he was the first person to steal wrestlers finishers and won't be the last but clearly those moves especially Razor's edge isn't a move that fits him at all. That's like a wrestler trying to use the Rock-bottom, or the f-5, those are moves that will never look good duplicated.
Sheamus is a good talent, not great but good. He's the nice guy you can see being friends with...likeable. Personally I don't see anything else in him. It doesn't bother me, which is pretty sad, i guess i like others have grown to accept Main eventers gaining no emotional input into them by fans. I put that blame on WWE not creating anything worth investing in.
I'd have to say I give somewhat of a fuck about Sheamus.

It's absolutely true he's been used horribly since winning the Rumble, that needs to change quickly. It's also true he hasn't really had a meaningful feud since turning face. So it has been quite a while since he's really been at the forefront of people's minds, especially with so many other things going as we gear up for WM. Right now, Jericho's return, Taker/HHH and Rock/Cena are all taking up everyone's attention. They haven't done anything with Sheamus/Bryan to get anyone's attention yet. I think once they do that, more people will give a fuck, although they better make it something major, as they have a lot of ground to make up.

As for Sheamus himself, I'm actually a bit surprised by how good he is as a face. I'm not saying he's setting the world on fire, but I think he's done a pretty good job with his face turn so far. His promos can get a bit long winded, but are usually fairly amusing. His in ring work is always pretty solid, his moveset is good. I don't think his character lacks depth completely. He does still have that agressive, "Hulk-up" side, as someone else put it. Some people complaining about his character are probably those who are always against faces no matter what.

All in all, I'm fairly interested in Sheamus, and definitely interested and hopeful to see where he's going to go between now and WM. Hopefully they finally give him something intriguing to do to get others interested as well.
I give zero fucks about Sheamus. Honestly, I don't think I've managed to sit through even one of his promos without fast-forwarding. He's just bland, very ... well, for lack of a less punny term, vanilla. He's a sort-of angry (but shiteater-grin wearing) bland face, with only his looks to help him stand out. He does nothing for me on the stick or in the ring (far too formulaic and uninspiring).

I don't know that it's because of a lack of feuds either... he just comes off as a generic babyface with nothing to distinguish him. Ain't makin' me mark out, that's for damn sure.
On this day and for this poster, not a single fuck was given. We'll see what tomorrow holds.
This is a pretty good thread here and I like that it has generally been cordial between the give a fucks and don't give a fucks.

I honestly don't know where I stand ... which by default must mean I don't really give a fuck.

I LOVED Sheamus bursting on to the scene as a heel and rolling to the WWE Championship so quickly in shocking fashion. I liked his feud with Triple H. I liked his run as King of the Ring. But, I seriously have had a hard time caring about him as a face.

His feud with Daniel Bryan right now is crap and not even a feud. Hell, Bryan seems to be feuding more with Chris Jericho. I am beginning to wonder if they are worried about Sheamus on the stick, because he never cuts real promos anymore and the ones he does cut are very funny-based instead of "I am going to beat your ass" based.

I am hoping to care more about him in the future. I do think he has a bright future and is a good worker. I just am waiting for them to really make me give a fuck about him as a face.
Can I be chalked down as half a fuck?

It's not that I think he sucks. It's quite the opposite, actually. I like Sheamus as a face more than his heel run (which had 1 ok WWE title run, then a lackluster one). I like his vicious demeanor in the ring and I love his moveset. Even his character entertains me, unlike the majority of posters I've read on this thread. The problem is that while I think he's good, I'm not checking for him.

The WM card is stacked with matches and superstars in a way that leaves Sheamus outclassed. I can honestly say that even though he's in a World Title match, this is the match on the current card that I care the least about other than Show/Cody. There's just so much more to care about, honestly.

I guess you could say that I actually ran out of fucks to give.
I want to give lots and lots of fucks about Sheamus. Redheads need to stick together, y'know? Just in general, I think his looks and accent give him an edge over so many of the other guys. He's unique in a variety of ways.

However, no, I don't really give any fucks. Maybe one or two fucks, tops. I don't really like his wrestling style all that much -- he's a power brawler like so many before him, yet for some reason he doesn't feel as intimidating or imposing. His move set (or at least the move set they allow him to utilize) is painfully limited. And he doesn't really have an established character. He's one of those guys that just sort of comes out, dukes it out, and goes on his way. I feel like I know his origins and motivations, but his character lacks any real depth. He's sort of cartoon-like in that regard.
I give a huge amount of fucks.

Firstly, I'm proud to have a pure Irishman running out and killing people on a weekly basis. That warms my heart like a stout Guinness.

Secondly, his face turn has been PURELY on him coming out and killing people. I can't think of a single extended-feud he's been in over the last six months. Hell, he even just shows up on PPV to kill people for fun. I can't remember his last singles match attached to a feud on PPV. Fact is, he hasn't had anyone attempt to put him over: he's done it all on his own.

Thirdly, the guy can go. He has this awesome intensity when he wrestles (the over-the-top-rope forearm clubs can get BRUTAL and he always makes people eat shit on the Brogue Kick) and his promos, while nonsensical in nature, are at least different from the two kinds of promos we've been getting for two years: monotone and superficial (Miz, Jericho, Cody), and snarky and quick (Punk, Cena, Ziggler). Plus having the actual ability to move while still being big as shit helps.

Finally, he has that intangible...the "it" factor. You can just look at the guy and go "yeah, he'd whip my ass." He's believable as a top guy. He's marketable, as a heel or a face. When he first debuted on WWECW a few years ago, they immediately made a big deal about him, and his position hasn't really floundered...he's always been an upper carder.

So yes...many fucks should be given about Sheamus. Those were just a few.
I think youre being a bit harsh on Sheamus. He's a good, young talent that has improved a shitload since his first couple of title runs as a heel. If you can't see that you're either blind or stupid. He's a great intense, strong face that does get a good pop (everyone got outpopped by Santino at the Chamber PPV btw) from the crowd. He's the perfect foil for Daniel Bryan, because while he's strong enough to hang with the Big Show and Henry, he's athletic enough to keep Bryan from weasling out and finding some bullshit way to win. He'll go over at WM and be solidified as a top face for the forseeable future. I love how people bitch about how stale things are and when a unique face with talent is about to be launched, people bitch about that too. Can't win, some people just like to bitch.
Your title made me laugh. My co-worker thought I was going to fall over onto the floor laughing (gotta love lunch breaks).

As for Sheamus. I like the guy. He's just lacked direction over the past year. He has not had a solid feud since he was dealing with Triple H... He just needs to get into a feud and stick with it and he will be better. He has all the skills needed and is constantly getting better.

So that is 3 fucks. There. I used you units. You win.
Judging by the consistent response he gets whenever he comes out to the ring and during his matches, it seems the majority of the fans would agree that, sometimes, less is more.

I'm not asking for Hamlet. I'm not asking for the writing team to have an emergency brainstorming session to decide his motivations, his fears, his passions, and his favourite colour. Wild stab in the dark - burgundy. This is professional wrestling after all, which is hardly known for its depth and nuance. I just need something. Anything.

Right now, Sheamus is an out of control steamroller, and that's it. I'm struggling to know why I should root for him; what his character traits are; how I'm expected to empathise with him; where the tension comes from for a guy that runs through everyone without a scratch. The last guy that was anything approaching a thorn in this lion's paw, Mark Henry, got a good, solid boot in his face this past Monday. Right now, I know "Hey, this bloke looks funny, and he wins a lot."

If Sheamus doesn't win at WrestleMania, I'll do that thing you see cartoon characters do. You know, take a gulp of a drink and then spew it everywhere. I'm sure Tastycles will appreciate that. I'll take an even bigger gulp and coat even more of Tasty's furniture with Tesco Value Lager if he wins the belt and I feel anything other than the dull thud of disappointment.

He's a great intense, strong face that does get a good pop (everyone got outpopped by Santino at the Chamber PPV btw) from the crowd.

Santino got a strong pop, sure, but Sheamus got a similar reaction to what I would get if I went out there and did my patented pec dance; apathy and confusion.

I love how people bitch about how stale things are and when a unique face with talent is about to be launched, people bitch about that too. Can't win, some people just like to bitch.

You shouldn't attribute what you've seen some anonymous stranger say to other anonymous strangers just because you can.

For argument's sake, let's just strap that particular strawman to my back. I want a unique face with talent to be pushed, let's say. Not the most outlandish request I've ever made. No, that'd be the hooker coated in sesame seed oil I asked the escort agency for. Sheamus gets pushed. Hey, he's unique. Perhaps not in the sense that he's exceptionally charasmatic or a unusually gifted wrestler - though he's not half bad - but more in the sense that he's got ginger hair that rises five feet off his head and skin whiter than the stains on a teenager's duvet. Because he gets pushed, am I obliged to like it? If his push is entirely unremarkable, am I not allowed to complain? If his entire character sheet reads "babyface, Irish (?)", do I have no choice but to be compelled?

Just because one wants something new, it doesn't mean one wants anything new. Something new and good would be nice. Watch as I melodramatically point over to CM Punk as an example of that.

I don't dislike Sheamus. As a matter of fact, before this quiet fart of a push, I'd have described myself as a Sheamus fan. I'm irritated that the material he's been handed is making me apathetic - I want to pound my sofa and yell at the screen for him to fuck some poor dude up. I've just been given no reason to.
This has gotta be the funniest thread I've ever read. Loved the OP's post, it hits the nail right on the head! I am in the same boat as John Jameson Liam Neeson O'Flannagan. I give no fucks. Like a poster already said before stealing the words right from my mouth, he's a total channel changer among the likes of Wade Barrett and anyone who participated in the Nexus invasion. There's not a whole lot Sheamus can do to gain any interest unless he's booked like Triple H and wins 13 world titles and thus makes everyone think he's fantastic. Sheamus just has jobber written all over him. I don't know why guys like him get pushed on us. WWE should send a recruiting team to Ireland to try and find the most charismatic Irishman who looks like he could wrestle and just throw him in the ring. I'm sick of all these guys with perfect bodies with the charisma of a toilet plunger.
I'm not sure about fucks, but I definitely give a damn when he gets in the ring or speaks on the mike. He's a believable character, someone that looks tough and when he tosses his opponent around the ring, even bigger guys like Mark Henry, it looks like he hurts them. He's a legitimate tough guy. Since HHH, there haven't been many of those. Like someone earlier alluded to, a Batista type, but much better and safer in the ring.

He rose to the top quickly because he made the right friends, but he also has a unique look and is comfortable on the mike and in the ring. I'm sure we'll all tire of him at some point when he never loses and wins tons of titles, but at the moment I sincerely am enjoying his success and can't wait for him to have a legitimate feud with John Cena with the title on the line and without a fluke tables match serving as a victory excuse. He's reached the next level and will be a star for years to come.

I've also been a fan of his since his Fiery Red Hand finisher in FCW and he was SoS, Sheamus O'Shaunessy. He clearly had the talent to succeed even back then. Everyone who saw him had to realize he'd be a star.

Lastly, I'm glad the racism towards his pale complexion has finally ended and he's treated as the legitimate star that he is. People either like him in the ring or don't, but you no longer hear the BS about how him being on the TV makes 'their eyes hurt.' You can like him or dislike him, but that kind of crap has no business being tolerated around here.
I give one-half of a percentage point of a fuck.

I used to love Sheamus. As a heel, he was badass. Heartless, ruthless, just a big white monster. The problem I have with Sheamus is that once he turned face, he abandoned every aspect of the personality he displayed as a heel. The same guy that mercilessly ended Jamie Noble's career and attacked HHH from behind as he was saying farewell to his best friend suddenly turned into a happy-go-lucky Irish stereotype. Just another run of the mill cookie-cutter WWE face. To me, the moment that defines this change in character was on the special live "Christmas" SmackDown whenever Hornswaggle outsmarted Sheamus to win that battle royal and Sheamus responded by parading Horny around on his shoulders and celebrating. Seriously, what the fuck?! Just because the fans cheer him now doesn't mean they should abandon all aspects of his former character. The old Sheamus would have brogue kicked the shit out of that little asshole. That drastic shift in character soured me on Sheamus.

As for now, he floated around doing nothing of note, having a mini-feud with Jinder fucking Mahal of all people, then he suddenly wins the Rumble in a swerve. Fine. Made no sense at the time, but surely they'll do something with him now, right? Or, he can not even have a match at the Elimination Chamber, and then just have random matches every RAW and Smackdown. The WWE have done a really shitty job with Sheamus since turning him face. It's amazing that he's as over as he is with the live crowds, because the development of his character and the "feuds" he has been in don't really give one reason to cheer.
I like Sheamus a lot. I do however see him becoming the most recent victim of the "The WWE is pushing him so now I'm going to hate him" mentality of many IWC types. And then there's the "I liked him as a heel but I hate all baby faces not named Punk". Yeah, they make wrestling so much fun to discuss on the interwebz. But anyway, put me down for one more who gives a fuck.
First of all, you win my award for Best Thread Title, Ever. Even if you weren't trying to make me laugh, you still did. Thank you.

Seriously, though, I think I laughed so hard from the title because I don't, "Give a fuck," about Sheamus.

I liked him at first, when his face turn went over really well in his match with Mark Henry. I'm always amazed at how well Sheamus has played the little man, considering how massive he is. He got Henry over the right way, by making the guy look huge, and that can't be discredited. I'll give him all of the props in the world, for that. Sheamus is honestly pretty good, and he's getting better.

But, and my number one knock against the guy has always been this:

He's just so damn boring.

Nothing about this guy pops. He stands out because he's more white than a Nintendo Wii and he's built like an Irish army tank, but the guy has such a bland personality, both as a heel and a face.

Is he good? Of course he is. But, does he deserve to be a Royal Rumble winner and a two-time, soon to be three-time world champion? This poster says, "Nae." I like him a lot more now as a face than I did when he was heel, but he lacks the excitement factor, big time, and he mostly gets a main event spot because he's liftin' buddies with the son-in-law. I seriously hate being the guy that always brings that up about Triple H, but we all know it's true. He used politics to get Punk pushed back, he's used politics to get Sheamus pushed forward, and he's used them to be a 13-time world champion.

Sheamus is good, but yeah, I don't give a fuck about the guy.

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