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Sheamus is U.S. Champion

I like it. Its refreshing to actually have that title defended. Maybe Sheamus can bring some prestige to the belt. Knowing his character, he makes enemies easily so feuds should be easy to come by. Hopefully he keeps the belt after Mania for these reasons.
Two of my current favourite WWE wrestlers locking it up in their fourth match ever and Sheamus walking away with the US Championship. I couldn't have asked for a better result. I enjoy the title switch, because with this, Sheamus has been able to revive himself from his slump. I do hope the feud continues into WrestleMania, but I'm not sure if they'll be adding that match to the card. If the feud doesn't happen, I do hope Sheamus holds onto the title and defends it successfully against all comers. I want his reign to last for a while as he dishes out punishment to those that beat him in the past. On the downside, I do feel somewhat disappointed with his slight decline into mid-card territory. No worries though as I'm sure he'll bounce back in due time.
I like it a lot actually. Sheamus was losing a lot of steam the past few months and it's good to see him get a nice win under his belt. DB even came away looking strong since it took a quite brutal looking Brogue Kick to put him down.

I'm thinking this continues into Mania, hoping anyway. I saw some good stuff from these guys tonight and I would love to see what they do with a few more minutes.

By the way, how much better is it seeing Daniels in a program with a wrestler as opposed to a couple of talentless Divas?
- I'm glad they actually devoted some time to a US Title matchup.

- I have no problems with Sheamus carrying the strap, but I had nothing against Bryan carrying it either.

- It'd be nice to see Bryan get at least one rematch.

- I hope Bryan and Sheamus are used at Wrestlemania in some capacity...
I like it a lot actually. Sheamus was losing a lot of steam the past few months and it's good to see him get a nice win under his belt. DB even came away looking strong since it took a quite brutal looking Brogue Kick to put him down.

I'm thinking this continues into Mania, hoping anyway. I saw some good stuff from these guys tonight and I would love to see what they do with a few more minutes.

By the way, how much better is it seeing Daniels in a program with a wrestler as opposed to a couple of talentless Divas?

I agree it was a good match/ending. I would have preferred seeing the high cross tho.

Gail kid looked great., she held her own against the other divas.

My only problem with the title switch is I would have preferred it to happen at Wrestle mania. I think its exciting for title changes to happen at ppv. It also could have allowed them to build up the feud. They really haven't had a promo or anything on each other.
1.Do you like the title switch?

Yes I like the title switch, it brings more focus to the USA Title Division.

2.Do you think the feud will continue?

Yes. I'm hoping for a Wrestlemania match between the two where Daniel Bryan wins the title back, and the feud will continue after mania.

3.Do you think Sheamus will have a long reign?

No, I think there will most likely be a Wrestlemania match between the two where Daniel Bryan will retain the title.

Overall thoughts?

I'm glad that Sheamus isn't on a losing streak anymore, and I'm glad that the USA Title Division is getting some focus on it. Now only if the Intercontinental Championship would get some focus before Wrestlemania 27.
1.Do you like the title switch?
Not really but I do see why they did it. Sheamus needs something to do and he has already feuded with all the top faces on Raw. Personally I think he should have lost, left RAW, and gone to SD.
2.Do you think the feud will continue?
Yes the feud will continue. Whats the point of Bryan losing the title and then nothing. The feud will continue to Extreme Rules maybe even longer.
3.Do you think Sheamus will have a long reign?
No. If Sheamus manages to keep the title away from Bryan, there are plenty of mid-carders that need this title more than Sheamus.
The whole King Sheamus thing wasn't working (I don't know why) and the WWE wanted to contiue a mid-card push for him. Giving him the U.S. title allows him to remain in the spotlight.
Daniel doesn't need the U.S. title. He's done a good job as the champion, I don't want to give the impression I'm not a fan of his. He just doesn't need that belt at the moment. Sheamus on the other hand has been sinking lately, even with the King of the Ring win. Hopefully this will slow down, if not stop his decline until he can go back into the overcrowded main event scene on RAW. If not, move him to Smackdown. That could be a good move too.
A long feud with Bryan could be fun to watch. No doubt there will be a rematch in the near future. Whether it will be at Wrestlemania or not is another matter.
I look forward to this title run. Being a heel, he has more opponents to face than Brian did.
1)i like the switch, maybe the US championship will get some new feuds, plus it was an amazing match between sheamus and daniel bryan.
2)i hope they have a couple more matches.
3)i think sheamus will have a fairly long reign since the wwe doesnt really care for the US championship belt anymore.
-this is the best match we have seen in quite some time now.
Did I like the title switch?- As a Sheamus fan I was generally happy that Sheamus got the win regardless of the title change. I guess that it is cool that Sheamus is champion. Anything is better than him having a losing streak.

Do I think that the fued will continue?- Yes. It will probably go into Wrestlemania.

Do I think that Sheamus will have a long reign?- He probably will not have a long reign. Somebody will win the title from him in less than two months most likely.

As for the match itself, it was amazing.
1.Do you like the title switch?

Yes, it was time to change the title holder and i think it was a good match and a good start for the feud...

2.Do you think the feud will continue?

Yes. i think they will have a rematch at wrestlemania, and i think if they are given the time, the match itself could result to be very good...

3.Do you think Sheamus will have a long reign?

I dont really think so, i think the feud will go on for a short time, then bryan gets the title back to feud with other mid card talents that deserve the spot on the title...

Overall thoughts?

i really like it, i think this is a feud to put bryan more over, so he can end up winning the feud and stablish himself as a threat for major things ( a world title maybe)...
I don't want to say that Bryan was getting stale with the Title, but he's had it for how long now, and never really had any credible challenges or title defenses? So many of his matches were non-title matches, seemingly, that I don't think it makes too much of a difference whether or not Bryan has the title or not. Sheamus,, on the other hand, his character needed the win and the title to salvage the tailspin he's been on since falling from grace and being a headliner. I think the title belonging to Bryan was basically a means to justify his place as a solid mid-card guy, when he was in the WWE, only a Nexus cast-off with Cole constantly ragging on him. In my eyes, anyway, he's proven himself, so let the title help Sheamus now.
Please add a rematch to WrestleMania. The match would look great as an opener, with a good 8 or so minutes to it. I'm really interested in seeing these two go at it a few more times. I expect now Bryan will move to SmackDown! There is plenty he could do on SmackDown!
If Daniel Bryan gets shoved away from this feud, it may be the biggest waste of talent in a long time.

1, I see it being a needed title switch to build interest, Daniel Bryan could build more creditability chasing after his title than holding it
2, I can't see this going any other way, nobody else has expressed an interest towards the US title, and Mania is close enough that they had to give Sheamus something without being in the Main event, and DB/Sheamus work really well together. very entertaining clash of styles.
3, I don't see Sheamus running with the title long, I never have been a fan of foreigners taking the US Title, specifically heels, I could see him doing some "disgracing the US title" and stuff for some international heat, but generally US title reigns from foreign heel talent needs to be short, also Sheamus is above this title, he gains less than DB Did from holding it.

I can't really see any swerves coming from this, It looks like a traditional feud coming and culminating at Mania, I even could see this going to Extreme Rules if they mesh together well at Mania.
I think this is leading into the potential Shelton return... I can see a Sheamus open challenge or similar and Shelton showing up to take the belt... Shelton v Sheamus v Bryan is a very interesting feud...
I would of rather seen him get in a good feud at Wrestle-Mania instead of taking a demotion to the US title.

Don't get me wrong, the US title is a good title to hold, but Sheamus has held the world title twice. I would think him and the Big Show would make sense for a feud for Wrestle-Mania. Have Sheamus get that big win at Wrestle-Mania, then get him back in the title picture.

Do I see, Sheamus having the title for very long? Depends. Draft happens after Wrestlemania, and they might switch Champions.
I think this is leading into the potential Shelton return... I can see a Sheamus open challenge or similar and Shelton showing up to take the belt... Shelton v Sheamus v Bryan is a very interesting feud...

I hope you're wrong. I don't care for Shelton Benjamin at all.

I think they just put Bryan and Sheamus together to give both of them a program for WM. It's an interesting matchup, so I hope they actually feud. It'd be nice to see them go at it for more than a month...
1. I have mixed feelings about the title switch. Whilst this puts some positive focus back on Sheamus, it essentially confirms his recent status as a midcarder - a far cry from the main event status which he carried so well a few months back. If they had booked his reign as KOTR a bit better, this title change wouldn't have been necessary. This will however put him on track to regain momentum which he so badly needed.

2. Yes I think it will continue into Mania where he will retain. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense giving it back to Bryan. Sheamus needs it more atm and Bryan will continue to look excellent in the ring whatever happens.

3. I think he will hold it for a while and if he is booked strongly, it should give him a route back into the main event.

Overall I think this will bring prestige back to the belt, depite pegging Sheamus back at midcard level for the time being. I think he has the talent to make it look a lot stronger than Bryan did - simply through his aggressive style and domineering physique. I would like to see the title defended a lot more though. The belt loses credibility if it's not defended on TV and PPV. I can't remember the last time Bryan defended it before this, and that's not a good thing.

Would be nice to see this feud carry on as well because they work really well together. Might be a good chance to test Bryan a bit on the mic as well. Giving these guys more airtime cannot be a bad thing whatsoever.
If this is designed to actually bring attention to the US title, I'm all for it. I've been complaining forever that the mid card titles have been long overlooked and this is a step in the right direction to change things.

You have way too many mid card talents who need the TV time that can benefit from a functioning US and IC title division. Neither title have been pushed in on TV or defended regularly for too long throughout this past year.

This in my mind could have worked with either Bryan or Sheamus as champion, but now they have to be sure to not bury Bryan or other mid carders. They have a heel champion who can actually put people over as a credible threat. The Sheamus/Morrison feud is evidence of that.

Now let's see what happens.
i do appreciate the title change(nice to see the belt still has a pulse). I think the question should be where does daniel bryan go after this. i guess if he were to feud w/ sheamus it could be a neat little gimmick-like david vs goliath thing. but after the severe ass whooping i saw him take the first time they met...idk...but we'll just have to wait and see. the whole thing for me is that sheamus isnt from the US and i hae no idea y the wwe names the championships the way they do, but it is a championship nonetheless. i guess i could see him holding on to the belt for a while but the damn thing looks more goofy than that cape and crown he comes out in.
I'm relatively pleased. This, more than likely, isn't going to be a long term move so I'll enjoy it while I can. I see Sheamus moving to SmackDown in the draft and assuming that it's going to be just before/after Extreme Rules in April/May and that the US title is staying on RAW, I think we'll more than likely see him lose it either at WrestleMania or at Extreme Rules. I'm a fan of both Sheamus & Bryan and it's nice to see them feuding in the midcard and hopefully bring a midcard feud to WrestleMania with a belt at stake. Sheamus could use a small boost and this is just the ticket especially if he does wind up on the blue brand.
I'm really non plused on this move. Considering the struggle in effort (and in spot execution) by Seamus in this match compared to the beat down he gave Danielson last time, I think it only emphasises how far his stock has fallen. The title win really does little to improve his stock and merely confirms this is the level creative sees him at for the forseeable future.

I was more sold actually on the idea of him going to SD, who need replacements with Taker mainly appearing on Raw and Ziggler being sent across. The only caviate to that, is that they need faces not heels sending over, so in that sense, sending Danielson, probably JoMo after the rediculous match at WM and debuting Mystico on SD will help. With Big Zeke, Barrett, Kane and Show on SD, Seamus would likely have fit in worse than he does on raw at present.

Does the change hurt Danielson? Short answer, no. He put on a competitive match with a former WWE champ and sold a good match despite Seamus botching a few spots. While I have no idea what they do with him going into WM, a mini fued the Seamus would seem pointless as the outcome is obvious, given there is likely no MITB, a draft move to SD would allow him to be moved into the WHC level much quicker. The idea of a Danielson v Del Rio WHC fued (Edge being likely occupied with Christian post WM) would be a very smart move. Albeit when was the last time creative made a smart move with a talent like Danielson?
To be completely honest, Sheamus needed the win much more than Daniel Bryan and I'm glad that he got it. He needed a little burst of momentum to get him back on track and I'm hoping that they have a rematch for the title at WrestleMania.

If the rematch does happen at 'Mania, which it's expected to from what the backstage rumors are, it should be great. They had a great match last night and I'm hoping it was mostly a sampler for WrestleMania. I won't be surprised to see Sheamus drop the title back to Bryan at WM. I don't know why, it's just what I see happening.

It's nice to see Bryan no longer bogged down by the whole thing with the Divas, I just wish that it'd come about earlier rather than so close to the end of his first title run.
Honestly is was a good move. I like it. The feud will go through WM, I hope the let Sheamus retain, to allow DB to move on to newer matches and feuds. I don't want him to have it along time unless they use that to help build his dominance and have a match against the Jizz for the title's if he retains or gets another chance at the title later. I think it would be decent feud.

DB can feud with most people i think and it would be ok except for his mic work. I wish he was paired with good mic skills so he could feud with anyone then.

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