Shawn Michaels: Not a company man

you guys seem to be having fun so i guess i'll join.

i'm not a sidetaker i speak my mind regardless of who thinks different. to all those who feel coco is posting this just to get attention, you (by that admission) have just turned yourselves into tools because you are giving him exactly what he supposedly wants.

Or in Cena's case, he'll be a fine champion any time he's given the gold.
it's funny how you are calling anyone who disagrees with you an HBK ********er while you have John Cenas cock juices all on your breath. let's speak facts.
Fact. Cena gets a bigger reaction than 95% of the current roster.

Fact. All the reaction he gets isnt cheers. it depends on who he is facing and what arena they are in.

Fact. Cena actually can put on good wrestling matches

Fact. His current gimmick doesn't allow him to use much more than his 5 moves. When he is allowed to do more he more often than not puts on great matches.

but enough on him as that is a different thread...

Sure, but what face on SmackDown is ready for that? Michaels is actually need, and his constant refusal to help that show leaves that brand high and dry at the moment.

It's funny how you take your opinion, apply a "not gonna back down" attitude, dismiss any opposition as ignorance, and *presto* it's now a fact. By your rationale that the blue brand needs face power and HBK is selfish for not going over there others that are "not company men" would include your lord and savior John Cena, HHH, and Batista. Of the three the last one that was a member of the blue brand was HHH and that's because he got to see his wife and kids more often. You know what while we are calling people selfish for not being top faces on the blue show let's continue. Damn you Jeff Hardy for (possibly) not re-signing and taking time off to heal nagging injuries, damn you Y2J for not suggesting that you turn face to save Smackdown. Basically your whole argument is to single out Shawn.

For the people that are talking about Smackdown needing a top face to run the show my question is WHY? Edge has been the face of Smackdown for years (and by face i don't mean fan favorite for any smart asses out there) and it has been working. Right now the focus of Smackdown is on great wrestling. Also if the WWE felt the blue brand needed more star power they would not have moved all the big names to Raw point blank. Your stance that it's a fact that the blue brand is in dire need of top faces is presumptuous at best and asinine at worse.

i guess i did end up taking a side. o well start a thread about how i'm not a man of my word or how i won't "take one for the team" of the IWC
DUDE ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING?!?!?!?!?! the fact that its Shawn Michaels aside if anybody wanted to do these things it would be ok in my book. So he wants tuesdays off smackdown has sucked for years and its not really nessicary for them to have too many stars.... OMG shawn doesn't want to be champion hes so selfish that is the most rediculios crap i have ever heard, esp when you have a guy like his best friend HHH who always wants to be in the title picture. As far as not being a company man you have got to be kidding, if you were talking about being a company man for a company that takes care of their former employees then thats 1 thing Shawn Michaels has givin way more to that company than they can ever give to him and he should take any time off that he feels entitled too now bc guess what, when hes gone from the company and they stop making money off of him do you think they are gonna give a crap about him BC i don't. he needs to do everything in his power to take care of himself and his family screw what the coompany needs they need to make new stars anyway.
Shawn not wanting to be world champion is commendable to be fair to be Shawn, if Shawn was dominating the main event scene and being a multiple time world champion and not putting the younger guys over everyone would be in an uproar, but the fact he's given the Edge's, CM Punks, Jeff Hardy's, Chris Jericho's the chance to shine with the World HW Title is respectable, yes I'd like to see him have one more run with the belt as a 3 week run to me personally could of been done better, and stretched to the Royal Rumble, but needless to say Shawn isn't selfish, once maybe but now he isn't.

Come when Triple H is Shawn's age I bet Trips will have either equaled Ric Flair's number of title regains or surpassed it, plus Shawn can make people look much better then they really are which is good for business, before Shawn hangs up the boots I'd like to see him feud with John Morrison (passing the torch) and a World title run, and possibly a rematch with the Undertaker.

I know this is thinking outside the box but imagine if Shawn was in one of the Money in the Bank Ladder matches at Wrestlemania and won the belt, what away to cash in and have him have a run with the world title before retiring, hint of the old Shawn Michaels.
Most people practice religion on the weekend or time they're given off. Demanding special treatment for fucking Tuesday service is a waste of company time and money when Shawn is needed on the Blue Brand. If they had enough main eventers to get by, I wouldn't complain. But Shawn's selfishness does the company wrong.

Shawn would say no and Vince would back down. It's how those two play.

Taker is on crutches and actually worked post-Mania, doing his duty by showing up on Superstars AND making Big Show look great in their pre-Backlash match. Taker's awesome.

Difference being that people have been getting tired of Hunter and pre-Mania and onward his reactions were getting smaller week-by-week. Michaels gets great pops and the fans would actually be interested in him as champ.

If it's good for the company, it doesn't matter what the guy wants.

Wow. He almost killed that reign. The damage went on even after the feud with Michaels was over. Cena and Hardy and to clean that mess up.

Cena doesn't need good matches pulled out of him. He does it all on his own and has been doing it for years. If anything, he carried an over-the-hill Michaels to the first good match he'd had in well over a year.

They worked the Rob Van Dam-Jerry Lynn style of wrestling only they did it while being far more ordinary. I don't see what is so special about those overrated piles of garbage.

Not even close. Some early Manias are absolutely awful with the exception of a few matches. Mania didn't become anywhere near decent in overall quality until 2001. Mania 25 would be ranked in the top half of all Manias ever if people were objective. Hardy-Hardy and the World Title match were both awesome, and Steamboat had a great moment. Nowhere near a bad Mania.

Don't give Michaels and Taker too much credit.

He got one over on a man he hated and loved every second over it. God bless him.

And then threw a fit when Hogan wouldn't return the job in a cage at Unforgiven.

Michaels was just pissed that someone could play politics better than him.

I'll give you the fact that shawn could meet on other days for worship. WWE doesn't have a problem with it though. I don't know why your getting all bent out of shape about it.

Okay, Undertaker is on crutches. Yet every year he takes time off durning the summer, look at the past three for example. Yet your blasting Shawn for taking time off to nurse injuries. Shawn hasn't taken a break since his knee injury in middle of 07. When he was on crutches.

Yeah HBK would be a great champ, but for how long. The IWC would turn around and say that he wasn't putting over younger talent.

In 2007 people were tired of Cena, and were bashing the crap out of him because he couldn't have a decent match. And he was being overused. Just look on these forums.

You say that Michaels killed that reign... Wow, did you not see his feud with Hardy? He constantly was getting his ass hand to him. Then in their match at the rumble hardy was dominating him. He counter one move and one. Then he tapped out to Cena just to keep the belt. Orton's entire reign was laughable. He never looked like a Champion.

You really think that this years mania was that great. Let's look at the matches with out Michaels vs Taker
MITB: I'll admit it was a ok opener, but their were botches all over the place.

Ms. Wrestlemania battle royal: you had a cross dressing man win it.

Jericho vs Legends: Terrible, the only saving grace was Steamboat. Then we had this crappy looking stand off between Jericho and Rourke.

The IC championship match last maybe 10 seconds...

Hardy vs Hardy: wasn't give enough time and ended rather quickly, they built this match so high, then it last ten minutes.

WHC: I thought it was a decent match, I enjoyed like yourself. Still though it was sub-par for both Cena and Edge... Yes Cena did pick both Edge and show up, that was cool.

WWE Championship: It was a glorified squash match... One of the worst ME matches in Mania history.

Yeah that was a great pay per view. The only decent match was the triple threat..

Here's another point I'll give you Hogan is better at politics then Shawn, but if you want to blast Shawn for not being a company man, then why aren't you doing the same for Hogan. Hogan would whine and complain if he didn't get his way and if he still didn't get it, he would walk.

Shawn did what he had to with Hogan, and yes he was mad when Hogan didn't job back because that's what Hogan said he would do.
:wcw: i tell you what coco this is a good thread. very interesting. i cant decide which side to lean on with this. one side everything shawn has done in this business over the years, the matches hes put on and what hes put his body through, i think he should have the right to come back when he wants and have all the freedom in the world. on the other hand if this company needs him, and it will help out the company, he should come when hes called. i responded on another thread the other night saying that i would love to see him have the whc one more time. hbk has played a big part in the wwe, but he is not the wwe. i think his ego tells him that he is.
Okay, This post is flat out messed up. What's worse? Shawn Michaels not wanting to have the title, so young guys get over. Or Triple H who has had it 13 times? Shawn is trying to put over young wrestlers, he puts on great shows for us. What's wrong with that?

HBK has been wrestling since the mid 80's, and has had countless knee injuries, and almost ended his career with a back injury. Guess what, even when his back was screwed up as it was, he wrestled at that year's mania, to put over one of the most famous wrestlers, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Was he feeding his ego? No, he was putting over the young talent, because we thought shawn was done.

So, 20 loyal years to the company, the guy doesn't deserve a couple days a week off? Undertaker and HBK have been loyal (I stress loyal) to the WWF/WWE for 20 years each. They many injuries. Hence, the time off. These two 45 year old men put on one of the best Wrestlemania matches in history. They out did the rest of the show, and had a better match than they did in the 90's, before their bad injuries. That's selflessness on both wrestlers. That shows that they will do anything to make us go, "woah" They deserve time off to be with their families.

Tell me these younger wrestlers that Shawn has "put over". He tried with Shelton but we've seen how that turned out. Bret Hart put Austin more over than HBK in that submission match. HBK didn't even want to drop the belt to Austin but the Undertaker would have kicked his ass so he decided to do the job.

If HBK wants to spend time with his kids, he should retire. He has nothing left to offer the company and in my opinion, if he never came back in 2002 he would be better off than what he is now. If Vince calls up Shawn and asks him to go to Smackdown, Shawn should answer that call. Vince gave him the opportunity to make a name for himself in the wrestling business and Shawn should give him that same respect.
DUDE ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING?!?!?!?!?! the fact that its Shawn Michaels aside if anybody wanted to do these things it would be ok in my book. So he wants tuesdays off smackdown has sucked for years and its not really nessicary for them to have too many stars.... OMG shawn doesn't want to be champion hes so selfish that is the most rediculios crap i have ever heard, esp when you have a guy like his best friend HHH who always wants to be in the title picture. As far as not being a company man you have got to be kidding, if you were talking about being a company man for a company that takes care of their former employees then thats 1 thing Shawn Michaels has givin way more to that company than they can ever give to him and he should take any time off that he feels entitled too now bc guess what, when hes gone from the company and they stop making money off of him do you think they are gonna give a crap about him BC i don't. he needs to do everything in his power to take care of himself and his family screw what the coompany needs they need to make new stars anyway.

HHH is always in the title picture because he is a safe and reliable option. If Vince wants Michaels to be the champion on Smackdown, then Michaels will be the champion on Smackdown. HBK is bad at backstage politics than most people think even sometimes on the same level as HHH.

The company has given Shawn way more than the other way around, because if the WWE didn't employ him, where would he be now? He'll probably be in WCW where he would be stuck in the land of cruiserweights.
My understanding is they've offered several times and he's not interested. But more importantly, what you think title belts are for is disgusting. Belts aren't there to get someone over. Someone should be over before they get the belt, and the overness of the wrestler holding the belt should elevate the belt in question. Belts don't elevate wrestlers, it's the other way around. That kind of logic is why we have a bunch of meaningless titles around guys who've done nothing, like Kofi Kingston.
"the belt is just a prop" - Vince Russo
that's when pro-wrestling died

winning a title is like getting an "employee of the month" plaque. Ever watched a tour of a wrestler's house and saw their trophy case full of replicas of the belts they've won? A wrestler is picked to be champion because the controlling powers feel they would make a great representative of the company, not because they feel that wrestler would make the belt more interesting.
You are completely correct in your basic premise, Shawn Michaels is not a company man, at least not first and foremost. He is a family man and a man of faith first, and a company man second. Yet you seem to take that as a negative whereas I personally think of it as a positive. There is the old saying that no one ever laid on their death bed wishing they had worked more. HBK has his priorities figured out and the WWE isnt number 1 anymore. Your argument seems to be that unless HBK is on Smackdown and the World Champ than he is somehow hurting the company. I am hardly an HBK mark, prior to his return in 2002 I would have said I couldnt stand HBK. Since coming back I would consider myself a HBK fan, although I think he can be just a little overrated at times. You call HBK selfish for not putting the company first, but yet it really seems like most HBK marks are the selfish ones acting like it will be some big travesty if he never has another run as champ, despite him not wanting it. And yes HBK has allegedly turned down being champ on multiple occasions, but if they got in a situation where he was the only one credible to win it, I think he might consider it. When Cena got injured a couple years ago, HBK came back early from his own injury because he was needed.

I personally am in a similar situation as HBK in that I am very active in my church. I am technically on staff at my church part time, but what they give me isnt anywhere close to paying the bills. I have been at my current church for about 7 years doing the same basic job, although I have only been paid for it for like 4 years. Regardless of whether I was getting paid there or not, anytime I have changed my "real" job, I have made it clear to them before accepting the job that I wont work on Sundays or Wednesdays evenings. This has caused me to not accept some jobs in the past if they weren't willing to work with me on that schedule. The fact is, I will give all I can for a job when able, but I will not put it above my religious beliefs. But I still manage to find jobs that feel I still can contribute enough to justify this schedule. In the same way, HBK feels dedicated enough to his church he asked for this schedule, and clearly Vince McMahon and the WWE feel HBK is contributing more than enough to justify him staying on Raw. That happens to be the day his church offers the service he attends. His church doesn't offer services every day of the week, so it isnt like he specifically chose Tuesday that just happens to be when they meet. And it isnt like HBK has refused to help out on occasion when needed. He appeared on Smackdown a few times prior to Wrestlemania, and gives us Sundays typically once a month when he is on the active roster.

Plus I think it works out best with HBK on one brand and Undertaker on the other as they are really the two main "icons" left in the WWE, and it looks like Taker may be back before Michaels, and whenever HBK does return, they could send Cena or HHH over to Smackdown if they really feel like they need a new main face there. Personally I think Smackdown is the superior brand right now as it is and even if they lose Hardy &/ Mysterio, I dont think it would hurt them that bad if Taker comes back soon after.
I realize this is kinda a long reply, but I tried to keep it to the point as much as possible.
You wanna know PROOF that having that belt doesn't do ANYTHING? Or at least it won't do anything if not done RIGHT?


Triple H has been in the title picture for 99 percent of the time the past SIX YEARS. (Or around there) And it hasn't done really anything for ratings outside the Austin/Rock era. Because he doesn't do what's right for business. He does what's right for him..

Instead of making a thread about how HBK doesn't do anything for business, make a thread about how HHH doesn't do anything for business.

PS: If anyone starts going off about me hating on HHH, whether I do or don't, all this is, is a comparison on HBK and HHH.
No, this isn't a thread about him getting more of a push than he deserves. This is a thread about the man not taking the push he probably should!

Shawn Michaels is not a company man. He refuses to work Tuesdays because of prayer services which he could easily find another day to attend. He refuses to be the champion because of personal preference. That last part might work for a guy like Kane who has no value as champion and going in for weekday worship services would be fine if the man was an undercard scrub who isn't needed on Tuesday nights. However, when push comes to shove and if the company is in dire need of him to do his duty and be a big player, Shawn should be a company man and step up to the fucking plate.

The rumor mill is wild with speculation of Jeff leaving the WWE and Rey being on shakey ground with management as a result of their treatment of Vickie. With Taker out on injury, a possible Edge face turn in the works (the success of which is still up in the air if it is even going ahead), and CM Punk's face heat in question from time to time (especially after the ending of Extreme Rules), SmackDown needs a credible top face. Yet time and time again, every time the man has been asked, Shawn Michaels has turned management down and chosen what's best for himself. The man has no concern of what the company may require of him. It's all about Shawn, as usual.

In conclusion, Shawn not being World Heavyweight Champion proves once again just how selfish he is.

& if he did take the WHC Belt you would be sitting here crying & complaining like a little crybaby either way.

The belt isn't rightfully HBk's either way. He's not the Top guy anyway so no he shouldn't get the belt! You're wrong!
It's selfish because there is no new talent that is ready to take over yet. John Morrison, who is presumably the next face to jump to main event level on SmackDown, has lost to Chris Jericho and Edge in consecutive weeks. They were good matches, but losses nonetheless. The entire point of this thread, which was stated when it was started however long ago, was to say that if Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio leave SmackDown, which is a good possibility, the show would be desperate for a main event face who could carry the title if/when needed. There is currently no one there who can do that. Michaels was suggested because he has been out since Wrestlemania and can move without messing with storylines.
No, this isn't a thread about him getting more of a push than he deserves. This is a thread about the man not taking the push he probably should!

Shawn Michaels is not a company man. He refuses to work Tuesdays because of prayer services which he could easily find another day to attend. He refuses to be the champion because of personal preference. That last part might work for a guy like Kane who has no value as champion and going in for weekday worship services would be fine if the man was an undercard scrub who isn't needed on Tuesday nights. However, when push comes to shove and if the company is in dire need of him to do his duty and be a big player, Shawn should be a company man and step up to the fucking plate.

The rumor mill is wild with speculation of Jeff leaving the WWE and Rey being on shakey ground with management as a result of their treatment of Vickie. With Taker out on injury, a possible Edge face turn in the works (the success of which is still up in the air if it is even going ahead), and CM Punk's face heat in question from time to time (especially after the ending of Extreme Rules), SmackDown needs a credible top face. Yet time and time again, every time the man has been asked, Shawn Michaels has turned management down and chosen what's best for himself. The man has no concern of what the company may require of him. It's all about Shawn, as usual.

In conclusion, Shawn not being World Heavyweight Champion proves once again just how selfish he is.

Have you ever worked for a corporate company before? Have you ever worked in a company where there are hundreds of employees? If you have then you will understand this.

There are people at your job who have paid their dues. They are now older, more tired, and do not have the capacity to handle more work, however they are far too valuable to let go, and they have the respect of their peers and their supervisors because of the dedication that they have put in. Out of respect they are now given a more comfortable schedule. They do not have a desire to move up, and that is fine because they are old, and it would be better to have the younger more energetic people move up.

Shawn is old in terms of wrestling. He has paid his dues. He is now the old guy in the office who knows a lot, gets respect, but will not be getting a promotion, nor does he need or deserve one at this point in his career. He's paid his dues, he can do what he wants at this point in his career. Its called seniority.
Have you ever worked for a corporate company before? Have you ever worked in a company where there are hundreds of employees? If you have then you will understand this.

There are people at your job who have paid their dues. They are now older, more tired, and do not have the capacity to handle more work, however they are far too valuable to let go, and they have the respect of their peers and their supervisors because of the dedication that they have put in. Out of respect they are now given a more comfortable schedule. They do not have a desire to move up, and that is fine because they are old, and it would be better to have the younger more energetic people move up.

Shawn is old in terms of wrestling. He has paid his dues. He is now the old guy in the office who knows a lot, gets respect, but will not be getting a promotion, nor does he need or deserve one at this point in his career. He's paid his dues, he can do what he wants at this point in his career. Its called seniority.

Shawn Michaels is still employed by Vince is he not? So if Vince asks him to go to Smackdown and HBK refuses, then he can fire him. I don't know if Vince needs Taker on Smackdown right now, but if he did Taker would do it. If Hardy and Mysterio are rumored to be leaving then it wouldn't hurt HBK to be one of the top faces of Smackdown because they would need it. Morrison isn't ready yet and the only other face would be Undertaker.

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