Shawn Michaels' Greatest Opponent

Shawn's Best Opponent?

  • The Undertaker

  • Ric Flair

  • Steve Austin

  • Bret Hart

  • Triple H

  • Marty Jannetty

  • Diesel

  • Other - Please Post

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i went w/ Bret. their fued is so well documented that theres really no need to go into why i chose him.

i've never really been a HUGE Bret fan but when they got together it was always interesting.

with that said i would rather watch a HBK/HHH or HBK/Taker match over either of Shawn and Bret's 2 big matches (WM12 and Montreal)...
I'd chose Bret. They had been wrestling eachother since 1989 both in tags & single comp & were always running neck & neck. The 2 best wrestlers of the entire decade of the 90's IMO. It was a fake fued turned real & the fact that when ever you saw these to near eachother, you knew you would see fireworks. They brought out the best in eachother in the ring but the worst outside of it. Despite their hatred for eachother, they still had such a great in ring chemistry working together much like Austin/McMahon. My #2 pick would be Hunter because of their long history togther in the kliq & dx plus their in ring chemistry was off the charts & #3 would be Razor who was left off the poll for whatever reason. Again great chemistry. They had 2 great ladder matches against eachother with the second 1 being better than the 1st IMO especially when you consider the fact that they were both babyfaces so the ring pschology was especially intriguing.
It's gotta be Bret Hart. The feuds they had on screen had a sense of realism that really pulled you into wrestling in that era. I'm not a huge HBK fan though, Hart Foundation 4 life. luls
I voted for Hart.

Taking nothing away from his feuds with Janetty, Triple H, Undertaker, Austin, Diesel, Razor Ramon, Jericho and many others.

To me it seems it was truly a feud! In the ring, out of the ring, on camera and off camera. Shawn had to do more fighting than just -in ring- with Bret to become World Champion.

Their beef lasted years and years. There was a 12 year break in which they had seen each other, been in the ring together, or were even employed by the same company. Yet their feud, and moments (Montreal Screwjob, WM Iron Man Match etc.) have ALWAYS been talked about and even stayed in main stream wrestling conversations, even after nothing was actually going on at the time.
When you think of rock you think of austin.
When you think of flair you think sting.
When you think of Michaels you think of bret.
They had three main event matches that were just epic. Its just a pity that their final match was overlooked because of the screwjob when it was booked so perfectly.

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