Shawn Michael's Final Match

I personally think Shawn should win the belt at WrestleMania 25 or 26.Then the night after Mania he announces he retires,no matter what,at Mania next year.Hopefully he will be on RAW with one guy:HHH.He defends his belt and retains against these people in this order:
Backlash:Chris Jericho
Judgement Day:Mr. Kennedy
ONS:Edge-TLC match
Night of Champions-Matt Hardy
SummerSlam:EC:HHH/C.M Punk/Elijah Burke/Kane/Carlito
No Mercy:Elijah
Cyber Sunday:C.M Punk
Survivor Series:MVP
Armageddon:Jeff Hardy
RR:John Morrison(HHH eliminates Taker to win Rumble)
No Way Out:J.Hardy/Morrison-ladder match(Taker and HHH have a match to see who gets the Mania title shot and there is a draw)
So the next night on Raw its determined that Taker will come to RAW and there will be a triple threat title match at Mania w/ HHH,HBK,and Taker.It will be a three-way last man standing match.About 40-45 minute into the Mania match HHH hits Taker three times with a chair followed up with a sledgehammer shot.Then HBK hits Sweet Chin Music on the Game.None of the three men can answer the three count.That way we can have a match between Taker and the Game for the title at Backlash,Taker's streak doesn't end,and Michaels can end his career with the two men who everybody wants him to end it with and he can end his career with a show-stopping match.And technically nobody ended his career show we don't have to see a fued like Batista and HBK's.
Lmao. Sorry, but Bret Hart is NOT participating in Shawns last match. No way, no how. Shawn Michaels has made no secret of the fact he dislikes Brets style, and even his abilities. Their feud is world famous, and even though for the fans as a piece of memrobillia almost, it would be good to see, it would completely disrespect Shawn. He would never want his last match to be with Bret.

I wouldn't be so quick to judge, or jump the gun on this. I mean, there is definately no way Bret Hart v. Shawn Michaels will ever happen again. Bret Hart is simply and completely unable to wrestle again, ever. His stroke and black-outs are the main reason for that. However....

Would it be so out of the loop to have Shawn Michaels gets incredibly screwed over in his farewell match? I mean, H.B.K. LOVES controversy, he LOVES whenever the spotlight is completely on him for all the right and wrong reasons. And the Bret Hart issue, good, bad or in-different. H.B.K. I can almost guarantee you.. loved every minute of the spotlight he got off it. He might hate the backlash of it, but he loved the attention, I'm sure. Its (even as you've said) made him "world famous."

So, with all that being known.. would it be so out of the loop, out of the question to shock the wrestling world in such a way thats never been done since honestly 1997.. and have Bret Hart come from the crowd, during a match in which if H.B.K. loses, he "must" retire, and have Hart blast Shawn with some type of object.. resulting in him losing, at the hands of Bret Hart.

The STORYLINES that could come from such an event. The backlash, the hype and the shear "WTF" type of shock every wrestling fan around the world would get.. everyone would want H.B.K. to return the instant he lost, because he lost unjustly. And everyone would LOVE (even in hating it) to see Bret Hart become the reason, on why H.B.K. was "forcefully retired."

I mean, lets face it.. how many wrestlers do you know, that've retired willingly, without having a "comeback" match. Terry Funk is horrible with the shit. Foley did it. Flair I'm sure will, or rather technically already has in 1993-4, Hogan's unofficially done it. Its more than likely, barring a career-ending injury.. no "last match" will ever be a wrestler's "last match." So why not make H.B.K.'s "retirement match" that of shock and awe?
In my perfect world Shawn's last match is a ladder match against Scott Hall or HBK, Hunter, Hall, Nash and X-Pac vs some 5 man team in a Survivor Series match where HBK gets the win for the team as the sole survivor. And then after the match the Kliq runs out for a final curtain call.

But my world's not perfect :(

It'll most likely be HHH at a WrestleMania in some form of a gimmick match to end a storyline. And honestly I'd expect Hunter to win after a hard fought battle. To me Shawn Michaels isn't the guy who leaves while he's on top, he leaves when he nothing left to give. And if he's winning, he still has more to give. IMO, anyway.
In my perfect world Shawn's last match is a ladder match against Scott Hall or HBK, Hunter, Hall, Nash and X-Pac vs some 5 man team in a Survivor Series match where HBK gets the win for the team as the sole survivor. And then after the match the Kliq runs out for a final curtain call.

But my world's not perfect :(

Well, your world might not be perfect but at least from the sounds of it, it has a subscription to W.W.E. on Demand. :lmao:

It'll most likely be HHH at a WrestleMania in some form of a gimmick match to end a storyline. And honestly I'd expect Hunter to win after a hard fought battle. To me Shawn Michaels isn't the guy who leaves while he's on top, he leaves when he nothing left to give. And if he's winning, he still has more to give. IMO, anyway.

If Triple H. is Shawn Michaels' final opponent in his career, I just do not see H.B.K. losing the match. H.H.H. & H.B.K. are the best of friends. Triple H. has already defeated Shawn Michaels more times than H.B.K.'s defeated H.H.H., so I'd see the match being Ric Flair/H.B.K. like in both men having a tremendous match, albeit without the "you lose, you must retire" bit.. and in the end, H.B.K. wins at Wrestlemania, then thanks the fans for a wonderful ride, hugs H.H.H. and thats that.
i think one way to give shawn the kind of send-off he deserves and has earned, while making the most out of his retirement for the business itself, could be to have everybody doubt his ability to be the showstopper again, have him be seen as a guy who should retire cos he can't do it anymore... then have HBK say he knows he is old but he knows that deep down he can still be the man he always was and he will prove everyone wrong...then out of nowhere have him win the royal rumble...then claim that if he doesnt win the title he would retire...and after a great match, he loses and retires...a graceful way to go out, on top, and making a new star and putting someone over in true HBK fashion. As an alternative the same storyline could be attached to HBK winning the WWE title in an elimination chamber type of situation, then saying he will retire if he ever loses the belt...then at wrestle mania he does, and goes out on top.
Nah.. if it s next year, Micheals should retire against Undertaker at Wrestemania!!!
So Shawn beats Taker for the belt in a LMS match and ends Takers streak at the same time...
It would be awesome!! Marc and Shawn are the longest active wrestlers in WWE now... I m sure Callaway would nt mind Shawn ending his streak.. if it will ever ends...
i think one way to give shawn the kind of send-off he deserves and has earned, while making the most out of his retirement for the business itself, could be to have everybody doubt his ability to be the showstopper again, have him be seen as a guy who should retire cos he can't do it anymore... then have HBK say he knows he is old but he knows that deep down he can still be the man he always was and he will prove everyone wrong...then out of nowhere have him win the royal rumble...then claim that if he doesnt win the title he would retire...and after a great match, he loses and retires...a graceful way to go out, on top, and making a new star and putting someone over in true HBK fashion. As an alternative the same storyline could be attached to HBK winning the WWE title in an elimination chamber type of situation, then saying he will retire if he ever loses the belt...then at wrestle mania he does, and goes out on top.

Best Storylines I've read for Shawn's farewell so far. Either way would be awesome to watch what happens through the entire way through...and you would want to watch...just to see what Shawn would do next just to hang on. Awesome awesome ideas.
I'd like to see him actually put a younger guy over for once, seen as though all he's done for his career his hold them down. It should be Mr. Kennedy, this guy just needs a big break, and this could be it, ending HBK's career, possibly in his home state at WM25, after this he could go into a feud with HHH which is a pretty logical choice.

That being said, it will most likely be HHH, and it'll be the exact same scenario of HBK vs Flair this year, which will be boring, and I'll probably fast forward it again.

But to be honest, HBK's last match can't come soon enough.
I'd like to see him actually put a younger guy over for once, seen as though all he's done for his career his hold them down. It should be Mr. Kennedy, this guy just needs a big break, and this could be it, ending HBK's career, possibly in his home state at WM25, after this he could go into a feud with HHH which is a pretty logical choice.

Are you serious? If i didn't have a life i would tell you that shawn michaels has put over Jeff Hardy, Mr.Kennedy, Batista, and the list goes on. The shawn michaels i know and have personally met because he lives in my hometown has put over plenty of people and just from talking to him isn't an as**ole like Triple H.

That being said I really don't like talking about HBK's final match because it sends chills down my spine. But in 1 billion years when it finally happens would like it to be a passing down the torch storyline. Say he wins against his opponent at wrestlemania just barely. Then the next night on raw when he has his ric flair moment the opponent from mania comes out and shawn say's "It took the showstopper, the headliner, and mr.wrestlemania to beat you last night, therefore you are one of the hardest oppnenets i've had in a while, and in my eyes you are the man." That would be amazing in my oppinion
I'd like to see him actually put a younger guy over for once, seen as though all he's done for his career his hold them down. It should be Mr. Kennedy, this guy just needs a big break, and this could be it, ending HBK's career, possibly in his home state at WM25, after this he could go into a feud with HHH which is a pretty logical choice.

Are you seriously kidding me? Luther, you sound like a n00b. Its no wonder you rarely post in the wrestling section. Hes always holding down the younger talent. Hes never giving anyone their due when they're young and up-in-coming. Seriously.. do you read this crap outta a n00b book, or is your mind just loaded with the stuff?

Shawn Michaels was the first "victim" of the Legend Killer, when Randy Orton was still nothing more than a "new comer" that hadn't yet made a name for himself. Randy Orton was nothing and a nobody, and he defeated Shawn Michaels on a Pay Per View, not once, but several times throughout the beginning of this career.

Don't even get me started on the countless times Shawn Michaels has sold the shit outta Shane McMahon being anything decent, not to mention all the times during the McMahon feud that H.B.K. jobbed to the Spirit Squad. Even Triple H. never did that.

But lets not stop there, shall we? Because maybe you don't yet believe me. Mr. Kennedy defeated Shawn Michaels already. Christian back when they were building him as a single's star in the Intercontinental division, defeated Shawn Michaels. Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Chris flippin' Masters, Kurt Angle, Carlito, the list literally can and does go on.

Shawn Michaels has laid down and put over major names when they were nothing and noone. You're just being naive and blinded by stupidity to accept it. Why? Because all you wish to see is Shawn Michaels being what he is.. a BIG NAME at the TOP of the company. I bet in your mind hes still undefeated, accept for when hes lost to Triple H. too, isn't he?

Seriously Luther. I'll respect that you believe this, but not without making the opinion look like complete crap.. because honestly, whether hes "held down" people in the past, present or future.. hes put over enough names in between as well, that it really evens the shit out.

That being said, it will most likely be HHH, and it'll be the exact same scenario of HBK vs Flair this year, which will be boring, and I'll probably fast forward it again.

Then do it. But don't assume, because even the Ric Flair/H.B.K. match wasn't boring. And to be quite honest, it was one of the best Ric Flair matches within the passed 8 or more years. Just because you have a personal issue against Shawn Michaels, doesn't mean that everything he does is wrong.. and nothing he can do is right.

I guarantee you his final match, if announced in the same light as Ric Flair's (to where people know its coming) will get HUGE fan fare and people will downright be heartbroken (no pun intended) when he leaves the company for good. Ric Flair may be a legend, but Shawn Michaels has definately not just walked into the business yesterday. He'll go out the same way, with as much, if not more ovation.
Oh so now this is a Ric Flair ripoff have Shanw retire at WM come on. He can retire at any ppv now and it will still be a great moment. Why have him end Taker's winning streak. That is part of Taker's legacy he will retire unbeaten at WM. Have him go out as world champion beating out old time friend and rival HHH for the wwe championship. And by the way HBK has put over younger talent alot on his wwe career.
I hope you're seriously kidding. I mean this is blatant ego feeding to Kennedy marks. There is no way Shawn Michaels would be high on Kennedy ending his career, or being his last match. And if you think it'll happen, you're just as crazy as they are.

You being the biggest H.B.K. fan I know, should know from Shawn Michaels himself that he'd want to go out with a bang, not a fizzle. Mr. Kennedy, "next big thing" or not, is no where near 'bang quality' for Shawn Michaels.

Now as much as I'd love to see John Morrison vs. Shawn Michaels, I'd be just as naive as Kennedy marks, to think that would be H.B.K.'s last possible match.

You never know what will happen with Kennedy in 5 years time, which is when I said Kennedy would be an option. In 5 years Kennedy could be huge. I love the guy, so call me a Kennedy mark if you like, but he has a hell of a lot of potential; something I haven't seen in a while on that scale. In 5 years time Kennedy could be the best in the company, so to speak, maybe viewed such as someone like Cena is now. It's not definite but you've seen his fan following, it's definitely an option.
John Morrison is nice and could be a hugh star him damn self in the next couple of years. I would love to see him feud with HBK but HBK would like to go out with a bang and feud against someone on his level. That someone being HHH old time friends and rivals compete one last time with the wwe championship on the line. HBK wins and goes out as wwe champion.
I don't understand why people want Shawn to win the WWE championship in his last match. It'd mean nothing. The champion doesn't make a belt great, the feuds and matches and defences do. Shawn would have none of that. He'd win the belt but we'd never remember it properly as it wouldn't mean anything.

I think Shawn does deserve the belt yes, but not on his last match. Hedeserves it for a few months at least, having good feuds, meaningful feuds, and matches which we could watch forever. He deserves a title reign which will always be remembered as one of the best.

The belt is already losing prestige. We need to increase that again, and the way to do it is not to throw it on anyone for them to leave the next day.
I don't understand why people want Shawn to win the WWE championship in his last match. It'd mean nothing. The champion doesn't make a belt great, the feuds and matches and defences do. Shawn would have none of that. He'd win the belt but we'd never remember it properly as it wouldn't mean anything.

I think Shawn does deserve the belt yes, but not on his last match. Hedeserves it for a few months at least, having good feuds, meaningful feuds, and matches which we could watch forever. He deserves a title reign which will always be remembered as one of the best.

The belt is already losing prestige. We need to increase that again, and the way to do it is not to throw it on anyone for them to leave the next day.

At first I didn't agree with this, but thinking about it, his last title run was such a joke that I wouldn't mind him having one more run with the belt. As long as he didn't feud with HHH over it, I think I would enjoy it for the most part.

Anyway, as far as HBK's last match is concerned, if it were up to me, it'd be against Brian Kendrick at a Wrestlemania. Sort of a Teacher vs. Student type of deal, after a very long storyline. The match and feud would be beyond epic IMO. It pisses me off to no end how bad they're wasting Kendrick and London.
For his final match it should be important, like for the belt, but is is unneccessary. I don't think he deserves the belt and I especially don't think that he deserves to retire as champ. I think he and Undertaker at Wrestlemania sounds good. Have the match close but let Undertaker win and keep his streak. It would be a nice match for him to have and nicely remembered then some other last matches of other wrestlers.
Then do it. But don't assume, because even the Ric Flair/H.B.K. match wasn't boring. And to be quite honest, it was one of the best Ric Flair matches within the passed 8 or more years. Just because you have a personal issue against Shawn Michaels, doesn't mean that everything he does is wrong.. and nothing he can do is right.

I guarantee you his final match, if announced in the same light as Ric Flair's (to where people know its coming) will get HUGE fan fare and people will downright be heartbroken (no pun intended) when he leaves the company for good. Ric Flair may be a legend, but Shawn Michaels has definately not just walked into the business yesterday. He'll go out the same way, with as much, if not more ovation.

Flair vs. HBK was boring. Flair was sucking wind and looked out of it five minutes into the match. The "Chain Wrestling" spot was some of the most atrocious stuff I've seen in the ring in a long time. Being one of Ric Flair's best matches in the last 8 years isn't saying much, because Ric Flair was just above the borderline of shit since his return to the WWE.

Granted HBK's final match will be met with huge fanfare, but outside of the core WWE crowd, no one will give a shit. Hell Ric Flair's obvious retirement was enough to get people to buy Wrestlemania 24 like they did for Mania 23.

HBK should retire, and retire fairly soon in my opinion. What else is there for him to do accept for take the spot of someone else that is trying to come up the ladder. I feel the same way about Undertaker, Kane and Triple H. It's long past time these guys stepped aside and allowed other guys the spotlight.

In a perfect world, HBK puts over a young guy while it still means a damn to beat HBK, but as Luth said, in all likely hood it will be a crap match against Triple H.
Before Shanw Retires i just want to see him together with all his buds in a match (I know given the state of them ie Hall and the fact nash is on tna) its unlikely to happen but i would love it.

Shawn together one last time with Nash, Hall, HHH,X pac would be great.

As for his last match i suspect that only one man is in line for that accolade and that will be HHH, at the biggest show in wrestling Wrestlemania.
UNDERTAKER!!!! And since they are rumors of having him returning on Raw as the guy who caused Vince McMahons accident so he would be reinstalled... that would be awesome!!! WRESTLEMANIA 25 (TEXAS, both guys homes), Taker vs HBK, career vs streak and Shawn wins... ends Takers streak and then retires the next night on Raw... Or Taker wins... Streak intact and Shawn retires next night on Raw!!!!
Good looks to a lot of you... Great ideas, some just retarted. Personally I think that Micheals should get one more run with the title, not a very long one, but a respected one. Have win it as a conisedence, and have Vince FURIOUS about it. Have him win it 3 months before a wrestlemania, either 25 or 26. Then have Vince just throwing match after match of big names like, Jerhico, Cena, Orton, JBL, even some younger guys, Morrison (would be unbelievable) Kenndy, Micheals vs Benjaim at survior serious was a SICK match, (NOT PUNK) but people who would just be able to have a good match.

Just keep having Vince throw people at him every week let everyone get a match with the lengenday HBK in a short period, that way its a repected, strong, yet short title run. Then come wrestlemania have Undertaker or Triple H come in and either or should cut a promo of something like. "Shawn your times up ole pal. Come wrestlemania, I am going to be your Final Test.
That way....
A. Undertaker keeps his record -OR- B. Trips ends his career as his best friend.

C. Shawn gets a ovation out of this world, and to a worthy opponet.

D. Shawn goes out without the belt, letting Bret Hart not suffer another blow to his pride by a company that gave him so much and took so much away.
In my opion Shawn Michaels only has two maybe three possiable Storylines for his retirement match.

1. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H -long time realtionship best of friends who wants to C whos best.

2. Shawn Michaels Vs. Future WWE Main Event superstar. -He has the belt, loses the match and Hands over the belt to a future wwe superstar then says: "it's your turn kid your now Mr. Wrestlemania, the showstopper. Passing of the torch

3. Shawn michaels vs. Vince or Shane Mcmahon -The best performer vs.The Boss, maybe the biggest Rivalvary on screen and off screen in sports Entertainment history comes to an end?

4. Shawn michaels vs. The Rock -1st time ever, arguably the two best overall sports entertainer goes head to head to See who is the supreme best. The Rock would be Heel and lose to Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels is my favorite superstar -since the rock retired- i Hope he goes down as the Best performer wrestler in history. "no dis to Bret hart or Kurt Angle"
Well, I guess we can all say we can see this coming in the somewhat near future, though we don't want to.(Also similar to Undertaker's career.) But I'm agreeing with the idea that Shawn win an insane match at Wrestlemania that's not for the title, but is given the main event slot, (Though that might kind've be a slap to the face ot Ric Flair.) Before WM he needs a good lengthy title reign, against popular opponents, and if he's willing, go against some of the younger guys who wanna wrestle HBK before he reitres. This would help elevate, "The Next Generation" I guess you could say. I'm only posting on this thread once, because all I need to say that I have alll the respect in the world for the The Icon, The Main Event, The Showstopper, The Heart Break Kid... Shawn Michales.
Ok, let me throw a few scenarios out then.

1. Lance Cade. If Cade gains enough serious steam to become a main-event level talent, it would be just like Shawn to put over his pupil. Shawn could go out well, but what a shot in the arm for his young student to retire the Showstopper! Now, I would not hold this match at Wrestlemania - I'd do it at Royal Rumble, and for two reasons: 1. It gives Cade legit steam going INTO Royal Rumble, 2) it allows a retiring Shawn Michaels to have a "farewell match" against a HHH or John Cena, with Shawn getting the win to go out on top.

2. The Undertaker. Check this out. A Best out of 3 falls match between two of the biggest Wrestlemania performers of all time. Loser retires, winner gets a title shot. Taker wins the first fall to put Shawn on the ropes, but Shawn wins the 2nd fall to become the first man in history to score a fall on The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Then, Taker wins the 3rd fall, and still stays undefeated at Wrestlemania, thus keeping the overall streak alive. I'd obviously wonder if that'd be as asterisk to the Taker streak, but I think it'd be AWESOME booking.
Ok, let me throw a few scenarios out then.

1. Lance Cade. If Cade gains enough serious steam to become a main-event level talent, it would be just like Shawn to put over his pupil. Shawn could go out well, but what a shot in the arm for his young student to retire the Showstopper! Now, I would not hold this match at Wrestlemania - I'd do it at Royal Rumble, and for two reasons: 1. It gives Cade legit steam going INTO Royal Rumble, 2) it allows a retiring Shawn Michaels to have a "farewell match" against a HHH or John Cena, with Shawn getting the win to go out on top.

2. The Undertaker. Check this out. A Best out of 3 falls match between two of the biggest Wrestlemania performers of all time. Loser retires, winner gets a title shot. Taker wins the first fall to put Shawn on the ropes, but Shawn wins the 2nd fall to become the first man in history to score a fall on The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Then, Taker wins the 3rd fall, and still stays undefeated at Wrestlemania, thus keeping the overall streak alive. I'd obviously wonder if that'd be as asterisk to the Taker streak, but I think it'd be AWESOME booking.

Not wild on the Cade scenario. The story of student vs. teacher is a good idea, but hearing Lance Cade being the guy that gets a big win over one of the best in ring performers of all time just doesn't do it for me. That could change, but it would take one of the best career turnarounds of all time in a very short time.

Now the Undertaker one, that would be sweet. To have Taker win the first fall would bring about this sense that Michaels was going to be just another victim on Taker's win streak. To have him land an unexpected superkick for a quick 3 would send myself, and possibly the rest of the audience into stunned shock. Imagine: Taker getting pinned at Wrestlemania? I know people around here tend to say that it's overrated, but it's just like Hulk Hogan. People talk down about him all the time, but when it comes around again, people mark out like crazy. Michaels getting the win over him, even just 1 in a 2/3 falls match, would be simply epic.

On a side note, Shawn is constantly sees as a WM legend, but his overall record there is only 6 wins and 9 losses.
I can see it now. who are some of Shawn Michaels biggest enemies? One might be Vince McMahon. Remember when Shawn jumped from the heavens with his buddy G to the od onto Vince and sent him to hell at WrestleMania 22? The next year Vince McMahon and his infamous partner were separated. I say we push that partner to the fullest extend possible. I'm not talking about Umaga, I'm not talking about money. I'm talking about... His Hair! Wrestlemania 26 is on the horizon, after Michaels was pumbled by Undertaker the spring before, Michaels is back and hes here to prove something. Triple H then comes out, also recently pumbled at WrestleMania in a compete for the WWE presidency fight (which is where the Vince McMahon's new storyline is going) by Hornswoggle. Trips says to Shawn to quit bitching, he is so sick of it. If Shawn Michaels is soo sick of losing, he should just leave the WWE. Shawn then reminds Triple H that he himself isn't on a winning streak himself. Hornswoggle comes out and says he wants them to shut up, and with his new power, he has the ability to make any new matches he wants to. Right here tonight, Whoever loses will have to retire tonight. The match starts out with some heavy shots, with Triple H having the advantage. Shawn Michaels then hits the thuper kick, as they both fall to the ground. the ref counts to 10, and they are both counted out. After the commercial break, Hornswoggle has come up with an idea. They will both have an opportunity to save their jobs. They must each win their own matches tonight. The beginning of the next hour, its Triple H vs the entire Raw Roster. Triple H is grinded to the ground, but fights break out between the rivals on Raw, and the fight spreads out to the outside. Triple H his the pedigree on Colin Delaney for the win. Shawn is up in the main event. His match is against all the WWE Champions (WWE- Edge, US- Carlito, WWETT- The Hardys, World- Orton, WorldTT DH Smith/TJ Wilson, IC- Chris Jericho, ECW- John Morrison). When Morrison goes for the pin, The Miz comes out to hit him with a chair. Due to the DQ, the next week on Raw, Hornswoggle has made up his mind, he will have to win all of his matches from now on, in non disqualification matches, or be fired. In the mean time, Cats are been found dead, suffocated around the buildings raw is at. Police are called to the ring to question the crowd. Hornswoggle works with the authorities, and he believes its an inside job. He senses an evil presence he hasn't felt since Vince McMahon was here. That spring, the problem continues until into January. From the rafters at the Royal Rumble, something is found in the rafters. It comes down ala Shawn Michaels via the grapple after Shawn has pinned Snitsky. The audiences gets to see what a year of buildup has brought us. In the ring with Shawn Michaels stands, Vince McMahon...'s hair. It has been watching Shawn, and knows its either him or Michaels. At NWO, In a match between Michaels and Kane, The hair hits Shawn Michaels over the head with a sombrero. Kane goes for the pin, and miraculously, Shawn Kicks out. He then hits the super kick on Kane for the 3 count. Shawn demands Vince's Hair at Wrestlemania, Hair vs Career match. The match starts out with all the anticipation of the Hogan Andre match 23 years before. The match is back and forth, until the hair puts on a sleeper. He goes to the outside, and Michaels is hitting him with everything to try and keep him down. into the fans hes goes, pop and beer is flying everywhere. they are covered in the stuff. they get back into the ring, and Michaels goes for the super kick. Hair doges it, and gets the sleeper going again. Michaels is on the mat. The hair goes up to the top, going for the flying headbutt. He Connects! But wait, he is stuck! Michaels bald spot is covered, for the 1-2-3. and hes is forced to retire. The next night on Raw he gets a retirement party, where he able to show the world, he has hair again! He retires happily in his home in SA, Texas

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