Shawn Michael's Final Match

Flair was hardly putting his friend above the company. And Shawn wouldn't be doing that if Triple H is the one to retire him.

I think he was. This is only my opinion, but in my view, Flair should have put over someone like Kennedy or even, at the time, Punk, somebody who was a young star and had a future to look forward to, complete with the title of "The man who retired Ric Flair" under their belt.

The 2 had an amazing match a while back, and I'm a big fan of Shelton Benjamin. However, I don't think he's ever going to be in the ME, and I don't think he's good enough to be Shawns last match.

I can see him in the main event. As I have explained already, Shelton is a great athlete and one of the WWE's best in-ring performers. He's already US Champion, and has been for a good deal of time, and don't forget, he's already had stellar matches with guys like (I believe) Kurt Angle and yes, Shawn Michaels. Hell, he's even gone over Triple H.

You say permanent as if he's near that now - he's no where near Main Event. US Championship is far from that. Can you ever see Benjamin as star of the company?

Actually, I don't say permanent as if he's near that now. That's not what permanent means, for a start. I say permanent as in he isn't in the main event now, but he would be if he took out HBK, and he would remain in the main event for the rest of his career. Which means permenant. Look it up. And yes, I can see Shelton in the main event, for the reasons I just explained.

There are plenty of better people for the job.

You know, instead of just making this statement, actually naming one or two of them might be an idea. I'm just saying.

Flairs match wasn't supposed to be a showstealer in the way Cena and Batista are supposed to have matches. The match at Wrestlemania was everything it was supposed to be - a proper goodbye to Ric Flair. Everyone had been complaining about his in-ring work for years, did you really expect it to suddenly become main event quality?

No, but I'm not actually complaining about the quality of the match. I'm simply pointing out that it was low, and that maybe Shawn would want his to be of a higher standard.

They have had great matches in the past. But Benjamin as his last match will not happen.

No, it won't. It will be Triple H. I'm not saying it will be Benjamin, I'm outlining reasons why it could and indeed should be him. If you'd read the start of my previous post, we could have avoided this misunderstanding. Still, it's cleared up now, so moving on...

He was just in a feud which led to a new champion being crowned. Haters are saying he had nothing to do with the great feud that was HBK/Jericho. which is obviously rubbish. While he's not in his 'prime' he's still amazing.

Now, again, I'm not claiming that Shawn isn't good. That'd be stupid, he's a great wrestler. What I am claming is that he isn't as good as he once was. Which you actually agree with in the bit I've emboldended. Which may not be a real word, but still stands. And I don't think he had nothing to do with the Jericho/Michaels fued, he was a great part of it, and I don't think there's many other competitors that could have done as well as Shawn did. However, I also don't think it would have worked if it was Shawn against anyone else. Jericho's cold, callous attitude made that fued IMO. But that's a debate for another time.

If he is that good he won't need to beat Shawn for him to become a main eventer.

Now, this is just silly. I'm not claiming that Benjamin NEEDS to beat Shawn to become a main eventer. He could take down Jeff Hardy or Edge just as easily and boom, he's there. What I'm saying is that it'd be perfect for a skilled young guy like Shelton to take the victory in Shawn's final match, and it would solidify his main event status forever. I mean, Shawn is one of the biggest names in wrestling today, and a bonafide legend. So, imagine what it would mean to be able to say "I'm the man who retired Shawn Michaels". If that doesn't set you up for life, I don't know what does.
Think about this. The guy that Shawn loses to is going to go down in history, he'll be a real main-eventer. The WWE will want this to be a guy who can make them a lot of money, and carry the company. Shelton isn't someone people really pay money to see.

Which is instrumental to a main-eventer.

If HBK decides to retire in a couple of years, then Benjamin has plenty of time to rise to the main-event. It doesn't take that much time to become an main-eventer. I believe one of the reasons he doesn't get much reaction is because of his wrestling style. Nowadays, fans want to see much high-flying action and Benjamin is mainly a mat wrestler so sometimes fans get turned off by that. I'm not that worried about his mic skills because Jeff Hardy and Mysterio don't have any and they are over so Benjamin can become an main-eventer in 2009 and face HBK at WM 26 or WM 27 if he retires then. Did HBK make a lot of money after he retired Flair? If Benjamin won that match in an underhanded way, he will get more heat than anybody in recent memory with the exception of Vickie.
It'll be against Triple H at a Wrestlemania. Triple H and Shawn always wanted to headline a wrestlemania and it was rumored that they wanted to restart their feud. It just makes sense for his last match to be against heis best friend and biggest rival. I would actually like to see HBK vs HHH but i wouldnt like it at as a Wrestlemania mainevent. I'd rather it be on the under-card of Wrestlemania 26. I dont know if it really matters who would win but i imagine that Triple H would pull off the win. Simply because Shawn Michaels would be retiring. The right thing for Shawn to do would be to lose to a young guy on the way out but i dont see his ego letting him do that.
I think he was. This is only my opinion, but in my view, Flair should have put over someone like Kennedy or even, at the time, Punk, somebody who was a young star and had a future to look forward to, complete with the title of "The man who retired Ric Flair" under their belt.

These people have spent their lives putting people over. A last match shouldn't have to be about that. Flair is a great example. No, it wasn't a match with precision, and yes, there were botches. But it conveyed what it was supposed to - the sadness at Flair retiring and a thank you for all he'd done. I think Shawn would be really suited to something like this.

I can see him in the main event. As I have explained already, Shelton is a great athlete and one of the WWE's best in-ring performers. He's already US Champion, and has been for a good deal of time, and don't forget, he's already had stellar matches with guys like (I believe) Kurt Angle and yes, Shawn Michaels. Hell, he's even gone over Triple H.

Oh I'm not denying he's had great matches, his with Shawn was one of my favourites. But is he really good enough to be the face of the company, or one of them? I love him, so don't think I'm a hater. But I also don't see him drawing money as champion.

Actually, I don't say permanent as if he's near that now. That's not what permanent means, for a start. I say permanent as in he isn't in the main event now, but he would be if he took out HBK, and he would remain in the main event for the rest of his career. Which means permenant. Look it up. And yes, I can see Shelton in the main event, for the reasons I just explained.

You implied he was a semi-permanent wrestler in the Main Event now, and retiring Shawn would solidify that. I don't think simply retiring Shawn will get Benjamin a full ME place.

You know, instead of just making this statement, actually naming one or two of them might be an idea. I'm just saying.

Maybe reading the thread where I stated who I thought it would be mightbe an idea. I'm just saying.

"I've been thinking about this actually. And don;t get me wrong, I don't want Shawn to retire at all, but it'd be stupid for someone to think that this isn't on his mind if not everyone elses. He isn't in the same physical condition as he has been. and even though that doesn't make much difference to us as the fans as he is still brilliant in the ring, it makes a lot of difference to Shawn Michaels, as he's the one who feels the pain and tiredness that many other people don't understand.

With your suggestion, the one thing I don't understand is him winning the belt the day he retires, I find this pointless. However what I wouldn't fnd pointless is him having a championship run in his final year of wresling, or at least some time before he retires. I don't think many would disagree with the fact he deserves it, and definately deserves more runs than the amount he has been given.

I think Shawn, unlike Ric, should win his last match. the storyline with Flair was good, for him. However I don't think it'd work with Shawn. I think he should set a date, e.g. a Wrestlemania, and tell the world that will be his last match, regardless of win or lose. Him losing the match wouldn't be a bad thing, or a bad reflection of his career, as it certainly wasn't for Flair, however due to the nature of his gimmick of going out compared to Flairs, Shawn should win.

When trying to determine who should be the person to end his career, I think it's safe to say very few people have earned that honour. With Ric Flair, they chose a brilliant superstar to end his career, someone who always has great matches, and who had definately earned that. Out of respect for Flair, Shawn was one of few people who really should have been allowed to end the legacy. This is something Shawn Michaels also deserves. However, take Shawn out of the equation and who are we left with?

Triple H - Definately an option, and at the moment probably my favourite. The 2 have had such brilliant careers, and I'm a fan of HHH. Every WWE fan is familiar with the amount of history between the 2, whether it's love or hatred. Their matches have also always been brilliant. I love seeing them in the ring together, whether together or apart, as you just know you're going to see something special.

I'd never like to see them have another feud, as I think it's been done to the death and would definately take away from every other brilliant thing they've done in the ring. Fans should always remember the past matches they've had, as if they had anymore people would remember this feud for the many who would comaplin "We've seen it all before". However the one thing they haven't seen before is Triple H ending Shawn's career, in Shawns last ever match.

Hulk Hogan - The two had a good match a few years back, and Hogan definately has the fanbase to make this huge. However Shawn doesn't need that, and it'd be upsetting to see Shawn's career ended by this man. The 2 just don't compliment each others styles at all, and even though they can work together, I'd much rather see someone else who Shawn works with brilliantly.

Also, as I stated above, I want Shawn to win his final match. With the people we have at WWE, I think I can say quite easily that Shawn Michaels would not win if put against Hogan. Due to his 'hero' status with many fans, they would be unhappy with him losing, despite it being Shawn's match.

Austin/The Rock - I'm sure you know what I mean by classifying them together. They're both gone now, but still firm in the fans hearts, and still classed as big stars by the majority. Both have been the face of WWE, and everyone knows who they are, even the completely new fans.

Shawn and Austin had a great match before Shawn retired in 1998. Just imagine how much better it'd have been if Shawn wasn't on his way out due to an injury that bad? I think they could really have a good match, and I'd love to see it happen. However, same stands for with Hogan, would he come back to lose? He may do, but I can't see it as completely sure.

And also, a problem with bringing a wrestler such as The Rock, Austin or Hogan back for just that one night, is that the fact it's Shawn's last match would be taken away from. He deserves all attention to be on him, and every cheer to be for him and his career. I can't see it happening with these people returning.

Mr Kennedy - Has A LOT of potential at being huge. I think he's defiately going to be face of the comapny in a few years time. I think the odds on Kennedy ending his career are dependant on when Shawn does decide to retire. If it's Wrestlemania 25, I definately don't think he has a chance. However if it's closer to Wrestlemania 30, I could see him doing this. Not only would it further push his career in the right direction, it would also instantly give him a hall of fame name, if he wasn't aslready at that stage.

Whoever ends Shawn's career will automatically go down in history, as it would be one of the biggest things for someone to do. I also think it would fuel heel heat massively. I can't see many fans being happy with Shawn retiring, and if Shawn also lost his last match to this person, the crowd would turn on him like that. IT all depends on the direction they go in, but it would certaily be interesting.

As for type of match, I think in the end it should just be a regular singles match, no titles, no gimmicks, just Goodbye and Thank you Shawn. This way, nothing could take away from the skill we will see of Shawn that last time, and that we know he will deliver in massively, no matter his physical condition. He will be remembered for so much, that his last match will just be a tribute, yet the tip of the ice berg in what has been an amazing career."

Just because I'm nice :)

No, but I'm not actually complaining about the quality of the match. I'm simply pointing out that it was low, and that maybe Shawn would want his to be of a higher standard.

Once again, I don't think the match was of a low quality. It wasn't about the moves, it was about the meaning.

No, it won't. It will be Triple H. I'm not saying it will be Benjamin, I'm outlining reasons why it could and indeed should be him. If you'd read the start of my previous post, we could have avoided this misunderstanding. Still, it's cleared up now, so moving on...

And I'm posting why he shouldn't be. All clear?

Now, this is just silly. I'm not claiming that Benjamin NEEDS to beat Shawn to become a main eventer. He could take down Jeff Hardy or Edge just as easily and boom, he's there. What I'm saying is that it'd be perfect for a skilled young guy like Shelton to take the victory in Shawn's final match, and it would solidify his main event status forever. I mean, Shawn is one of the biggest names in wrestling today, and a bonafide legend. So, imagine what it would mean to be able to say "I'm the man who retired Shawn Michaels". If that doesn't set you up for life, I don't know what does.

If it was going to be a youngster, I still don't think Benjamin has what it takes. For reasons I've stated above.
These people have spent their lives putting people over. A last match shouldn't have to be about that. Flair is a great example. No, it wasn't a match with precision, and yes, there were botches. But it conveyed what it was supposed to - the sadness at Flair retiring and a thank you for all he'd done. I think Shawn would be really suited to something like this.

Did it? It certainly didn't convey that to me. The aftermath, and particularly the following Raw, they conveyed the sadness. The only sad thing about the match itself was the sorry state of these two old men putting on one of the worst matches of either of their careers when it was supposed to be a WrestleMania main event, and a fond farewell to one of the all-time greats.

Oh I'm not denying he's had great matches, his with Shawn was one of my favourites. But is he really good enough to be the face of the company, or one of them? I love him, so don't think I'm a hater. But I also don't see him drawing money as champion.

I wouldn't think you're a hater, because I think hater is a stupid term. You either like someone, or you don't. I don't consider myself or anyone else "a hater" of anyone or anything. But, I don't see how you can say that Benjamin wouldn't draw. He was already massively popular once before, during his fued with Evolution, and he's got the perfect combination of mat skills and high-flying ability. Anybody who says he doesn't do high-flying has never seen WrestleMania 21, 22 or 24, just to name a few. All he needs are the mic skills, which he's developing at the moment, and have already improved during his run as The Gold Standard.

You implied he was a semi-permanent wrestler in the Main Event now, and retiring Shawn would solidify that. I don't think simply retiring Shawn will get Benjamin a full ME place.

No, I didn't imply that, and I'd appreciate if you stopped trying to tell me what I said. I said he would become a permanent main eventer if he retired HBK. I was implying by that (get ready for this) that he would become a permanent main eventer if he retired HBK. And no, I don't mean if he just retired Michaels out of the blue, that'd be stupid. But I don't think Shawn's planning to retire next week. With a decent fued with Hardy or Edge first, then a good 3 or 4 month battle with Shawn (Survivor Series - WrestleMania sounds sensible) Benjamin would become one of the biggest stars in WWE.

Triple H - Definately an option, and at the moment probably my favourite. The 2 have had such brilliant careers, and I'm a fan of HHH. Every WWE fan is familiar with the amount of history between the 2, whether it's love or hatred. Their matches have also always been brilliant. I love seeing them in the ring together, whether together or apart, as you just know you're going to see something special.

I'd never like to see them have another feud, as I think it's been done to the death and would definately take away from every other brilliant thing they've done in the ring. Fans should always remember the past matches they've had, as if they had anymore people would remember this feud for the many who would comaplin "We've seen it all before". However the one thing they haven't seen before is Triple H ending Shawn's career, in Shawns last ever match.

Hulk Hogan - The two had a good match a few years back, and Hogan definately has the fanbase to make this huge. However Shawn doesn't need that, and it'd be upsetting to see Shawn's career ended by this man. The 2 just don't compliment each others styles at all, and even though they can work together, I'd much rather see someone else who Shawn works with brilliantly.

Also, as I stated above, I want Shawn to win his final match. With the people we have at WWE, I think I can say quite easily that Shawn Michaels would not win if put against Hogan. Due to his 'hero' status with many fans, they would be unhappy with him losing, despite it being Shawn's match.

Austin/The Rock - I'm sure you know what I mean by classifying them together. They're both gone now, but still firm in the fans hearts, and still classed as big stars by the majority. Both have been the face of WWE, and everyone knows who they are, even the completely new fans.

Shawn and Austin had a great match before Shawn retired in 1998. Just imagine how much better it'd have been if Shawn wasn't on his way out due to an injury that bad? I think they could really have a good match, and I'd love to see it happen. However, same stands for with Hogan, would he come back to lose? He may do, but I can't see it as completely sure.

And also, a problem with bringing a wrestler such as The Rock, Austin or Hogan back for just that one night, is that the fact it's Shawn's last match would be taken away from. He deserves all attention to be on him, and every cheer to be for him and his career. I can't see it happening with these people returning.

So, you start off by presenting no less than four options for people who couldn't possibly need this less. Triple H is already one of the two biggest stars on the roster, and so he doesn't need to retire Shawn Michaels to make himself any bigger. And as for the other three, they're all retired from in-ring competition, with Austin only re-appearing as a guest referee every Cyber Sunday, and neither Hulk nor Rock look like they're ever coming back. So, the only possible suggestion of of these four is Triple H, and as I've already said, while I know in my heart it will be him, it doesn't need to be him and when it comes down to it, it shouldn't be him.

Mr Kennedy - Has A LOT of potential at being huge. I think he's defiately going to be face of the comapny in a few years time. I think the odds on Kennedy ending his career are dependant on when Shawn does decide to retire. If it's Wrestlemania 25, I definately don't think he has a chance. However if it's closer to Wrestlemania 30, I could see him doing this. Not only would it further push his career in the right direction, it would also instantly give him a hall of fame name, if he wasn't aslready at that stage.

Now you're talking. I'd love it to be Kennedy. If it isn't Benjamin, this is my second choice. However, the reason I'd put Benjamin first is that he needs it more. Kennedy already has challenges for the World Title under his belt, and he's beaten names including Batista and even The Undertaker. Plus, Kennedy has his whole "I beat 7 former world champions in one year" thing to fall back on, so I believe the honour of taking the career of Shawn Michaels should go to Shelton.

Once again, I don't think the match was of a low quality. It wasn't about the moves, it was about the meaning.

Once again, I don't think the match itself put that meaning over, not until the last 10 seconds anyway.

And I'm posting why he shouldn't be. All clear?

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

If it was going to be a youngster, I still don't think Benjamin has what it takes. For reasons I've stated above.

And I do think he has what it takes, for reasons stated above. Shelton has the talent, he's gaining the charisma, and he deserves the oppertunity. I don't see why he shouldn't be the man to beat HBK.
Would have to b at Wrestlemania, as Shawn always steals the show and his last match would excel that even further. However, winning the title? That to me would look like they were sticking it to Bret Hart jus that little bit more, to purposely go against tradition when that's Vince's reason for screwing Bret in the first place.

Um no Vince "screwed" Bret cause he didn't want him to jump ship and take the title with him like Alundra Blayze did

HBK isn't jumping ship to the competition, he's retiring from full time activity, we are assuming thats still not set in stone.

If he was to win the world Title then retire, would he not be the only guy in WWE History to have retired as World Champion? That would totally turn around the shit his character has gone through the past yr, from a wrestling story stand point.

I mean think about ever since he beat Ric Flair at WrestleMania 24 he's been kinda on a downhill slide character wise, he got "blamed" for not jobbing to Flair, Jericho put him through hell, and now JBL is owning him

Question is who will be the champ for him to beat. Personally i think DX should have one final tussle and have it for the World Title. Kinda like the Mega Powers exploding at WrestleMania 5. They've set the scene already with Triple H questioning HBK's decisions as of late, that was also the catalyst of there fued when Shawn returned the first time.

I was watching Raw the night following WrestleMania 14 when Austin beat Shawn, and Trips came out and was sayihng as such "You said trust me, You said it's in the bag" "And you dropped the ball Shawn, but don't worry I'll make the decisions now, you just stay home"

But thats just a dream. It's more likely HBK will be facing the Undertaker in a Legend Career vs Undertaker Mania Streak, irony HBK puts Flair out, then 1 yr later he himself loses a retirement match
The following are choices to help shawn end his amazing Career:

Triple H: Lord knows they've been friends ever since Trips came into what was the World Wrestling Federation. It would be simply good to see these to go at it as they work great together and have put on some of the best matches in the past, im sure im not the only one who remembers their Hell In A Cell match. Plus as someone said earlier when Shawn lost at Mania 14 Hunter's exact words were " Don't worry shawn, although you dropped the ball i will call the shot now, you jus go home and rest"

Chris Jericho: This one basically explains itself. Every time these two get together all i hear is " MATCH OF THE YEAR!!". Their Wrestlemania 19 match was one hell of a show and im pretty sure this one would be as well. But just like the Triple H match we've seen this match up done to death, could you stand to see it again?

The Undertaker: Personally if Shawn was going to retire i would love to see it be against this guy. They have only had one high caliber match and two others that were cheated. The problem with this is that i want to see Shwan win his last match and lets be honest, no body wants the damn streak to end. Plus im betting $1000 that Shawn's final match is at Wrestlemania 26 when their in Glendale,Arizona.

The point im trying to get across is that i really can't tell you his final match up is going to be with, whether its against a rookie like Mr.Kennedy, Shelton, or MVP i couldn't tell you but whoever its going to be against you can bet on a hell of a match.
Only 1 man should Face HBK at Mania in his last match and that is HHH.

The history these 2 have had is Incredible, they are great friends, have been great enemies, has some stellar matches against each other and always work well together. I dont think the Feud shouldnt be soured by Heel Vs Face, i think it should be face vs face two friends putting on a great match to end a great career.

Ideally id love to see Bret hart vs HBK but we all know thats never gonna happen
Everyone knows that in the Wrestling business you traditionally retire on a loss.

HBK should win the title again before he retires and i possible good ending would be to drop the belt at Wrestlemania to a person he admires and can pass the torch onto.

It has been said that HBK recently stated he feels fine and thinks he still has a couple of years still in him. He is 44 and he now wrestles a lighter schedule and has adapted his wrestling style to cope with this schedule.
I think shawn michaels should go out with one hell of a bang. heres what i was thinking. Make shawn a huge face for wrestlemaia and have a fatal 4 way elimination match Orton,Michaels,Cena,Batista. Michaels with the match with sweet shin music on Orton (last person remanin) pins him and dose a trish stratus retires with the title
It will most likely be against triple h although i would like to see him job to an upcoming star on his way out but whatever. Heres an idea for his final match with Triple H, which of course should take place at wrestlemania because shawn michaels is Mr. Wrestlemania.

Vince McMahon does the same thing to Shawn Michaels that he did to Ric Flair, he says that the next time he loses his career will be over. Michaels goes through a series of career threatening matches winning them and keeping his career alive.

Then out comes Vince McMahon and announces that at Wrestlemania, shawn michaels will be in a career threatening match aainst his own friend Triple H. Triple H will go to Shawn and say he doesn't want to put him out but shawn tells triple h that he doesn't want him to hold anything back at wrestlemania, he says he wants the best of the game. Triple H promises to give him his best and says that it will be a wrestlemania match no one will ever forget. Similar build up to the Shawn Michaels vs. flair match with the added dimension that these 2 are actually best friends.

At wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels and Triple H show each other respect and put on an epic match. They go back and forth and triple h eventually hits the pedigree. 1,2, michaels kicks out. Triple H picks up Michaels and hits a second pedigree, Michaels kicks out again. Then Triple H hits a thrid pedigree and Michaels kicks out for a 3rd time. Michaels will not die, he does not want his career to be over.

Triple H cannot believe it, he doesnt know what he has to do to finally put Michaels away. He stands up and then proceeds to set Michaels up for the sharpshooter. He locks in the sharpshooter in the center of the ring, michaels crawls to the ropes but keeps getting dragged away, Vince McMahon makes his way down to the ring at this time. he has comes to watch michaels suffer and have his career ended. Michaels is still in the sharpshooter back in the middle of the ring, hes fading but refuses to give up and end his career. Vince McMahon then calls for the bell the same way he did in Montreal at the 1997 survivor series. Michaels is screwed, and his career is now over.

Triple H and Vince McMahon celebrate as triple h continues the assault on michaels in the ring. They wlak out of wrestlemania triumphantly.

Michaels may have lost the match, but he was screwed, he never gave up and quit because the desire to continue his wrestlign career was so strong. Triple H is now one of THE top heels in history. He screwed over his best friend on the grandest stage of all, ending his best freinds career and he is now once again aligned with Vince.
It will most likely be against triple h although i would like to see him job to an upcoming star on his way out but whatever. Heres an idea for his final match with Triple H, which of course should take place at wrestlemania because shawn michaels is Mr. Wrestlemania.

Vince McMahon does the same thing to Shawn Michaels that he did to Ric Flair, he says that the next time he loses his career will be over. Michaels goes through a series of career threatening matches winning them and keeping his career alive.

Then out comes Vince McMahon and announces that at Wrestlemania, shawn michaels will be in a career threatening match aainst his own friend Triple H. Triple H will go to Shawn and say he doesn't want to put him out but shawn tells triple h that he doesn't want him to hold anything back at wrestlemania, he says he wants the best of the game. Triple H promises to give him his best and says that it will be a wrestlemania match no one will ever forget. Similar build up to the Shawn Michaels vs. flair match with the added dimension that these 2 are actually best friends.

At wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels and Triple H show each other respect and put on an epic match. They go back and forth and triple h eventually hits the pedigree. 1,2, michaels kicks out. Triple H picks up Michaels and hits a second pedigree, Michaels kicks out again. Then Triple H hits a thrid pedigree and Michaels kicks out for a 3rd time. Michaels will not die, he does not want his career to be over.

Triple H cannot believe it, he doesnt know what he has to do to finally put Michaels away. He stands up and then proceeds to set Michaels up for the sharpshooter. He locks in the sharpshooter in the center of the ring, michaels crawls to the ropes but keeps getting dragged away, Vince McMahon makes his way down to the ring at this time. he has comes to watch michaels suffer and have his career ended. Michaels is still in the sharpshooter back in the middle of the ring, hes fading but refuses to give up and end his career. Vince McMahon then calls for the bell the same way he did in Montreal at the 1997 survivor series. Michaels is screwed, and his career is now over.

Triple H and Vince McMahon celebrate as triple h continues the assault on michaels in the ring. They wlak out of wrestlemania triumphantly.

Michaels may have lost the match, but he was screwed, he never gave up and quit because the desire to continue his wrestlign career was so strong. Triple H is now one of THE top heels in history. He screwed over his best friend on the grandest stage of all, ending his best freinds career and he is now once again aligned with Vince.

I don't like. It's just a mix of Flair's ending and the MSJ. I have changed my mind slightly from my OP though. I think Triple H should be champion going into WrestleMania and Michaels wins the Royal Rumble. He then decides to challenge Triple H in the one match that they haven't had before, an Iron Man match. During the match, the scored is tied at 1-1 and it goes into sudden death overtime. Michaels hits the SCM on Triple H out of nowhere and wins the belt just like when he won it for the first time. The two men get up and celebrate together. Michaels retires with the belt and a tournament is held the next night on Raw or SmackDown to decide the next champion.
Triple h will, in my mind, be shawn michaels final opponent, and when he is gone, Triple H won't be obviously, so we will need a ne Degeneration X, and as a replacement for HBK, i would recomend sounds corny, but without a DX, WWE would lose lots of ratings, and who better to be a new HBK than the old Chris jericho, Y2J, both christians, and both are unique and charismatic
His final match should be hyped up very well...Than the man who defeats him will be non other than the one and only super cena. At WM28 HBK will chose to do what no man has ever done before...beat John cena clean in a title match. After a forty minute match of HBK carrying cena in the match, cena hits two moves during the match, the FU and STFU for the win. Afterwards HBK retires...losing his smile.
This is totally not going to happen, and I know that before I even type it. Shawn is my second favorite wrestler of all time. Behind Sting. That being said, a HBK-Stinger bout is a dream match for a lot of people. Sting's career is probably going to end a lil' bit before Shawn's, admitedly. But if "I" could chose a dream last match for both of them, it would be against each other, with both men retiring afterward. The winner?

A time limit draw of course. :)
I honestly think a match at wrestlemania would be a perfect end to HBK's career but to have him lose his last match isn't something fitting of his iconic career ( like victoria) however a loss to the right person wouldn't hurt his legacy as a loss to a up and comer would having him lose to someone like cody rhodes in his last match would hurt him way more than help his legenday status.

My I dea would be for him to face the Undertaker at wrestlemania in a title vs streak match that way if he indeed did lose his last match it wouldn't bother anyone to have him lose to another legend especially someone who he has a well documented past with
I like the idea of pitting HBK's career v.s Taker's streak, but here is my take. HBK should win, and end Taker's streak. Then on RAW the next night retire while Taker (out of character) raising his hand to a roar of cheers. It has a nice feel because HBK accomplishes the task of doing what no one else had done before him. Copying his career as a pioneer of the industry. Taker still goes on, and hardly loses face losing to HBK.
Ok, my dream career ending match for Shawn would be this.

It would of course have to be a WM, maybe next year or the year after. It would build up for a few months from a feud between him and.... Morrison.

About 6 months b4 WM Shawn could announce that the next WM he will be wrestling in his last match and that he wants someone to carry on his legacy. This is were he takes Morrison under his wing and the 2 of them continue wrestling together and feuding with others. Sort of like how Jericho took Cade under his wing in the Michaels/Jericho feud but have Morrison doing a bit more than Cade did for Y2J.

Then have at the Rumble Michaels and Morrison 2 of the last 3 or 4 and have Morrison eliminate Michaels. This could set up a match between the 2 at WM. This would be awesome i think because Shawn would have trained up this guy to continue his legacy only to have to wrestle him in his last match. I would have Morrison beat Shawn and the 2 of them make up after the match and Shawn saying that this is exactly the kind of guy he wants to continue in his footsteps.

What do you guys think about this, i thought about what i would like Shawn's last match to be and this got me very excited, even though it is just a wish.....
John morrison? Seriously? I think at wrestlemania it should be taker vs hbk, hbk ends the streak, and then they both retire.
John morrison? Seriously? I think at wrestlemania it should be taker vs hbk, hbk ends the streak, and then they both retire.

I doubt WWE wants to end two great careers likethat at once. Its kinda like saying "Hey induct Austin and the Rock on the same year" That would be cool if Rock was inducted but again, its giving a "little too much candy."

I agree that Morrison would be a great candidate to end HBK's career, but not yet, maybe in 2-3 yrs time, we can see those two in a great match. (I'd like to see a ladder match :D)
No matter what HBK's final match will be Wrestlemania, unless cause of injury.

It would be nice to see HBK hold the World Title for his final match at Wrestlemania and lose it as part of passing the torch, ala Wrestlemania 14. I like the idea of him raising another profile through it. Though I'd like if he didn't give away it's his final match maybe and announce it on Raw the next night? Might be anti-hype though...
I've been thinking about this actually. And don;t get me wrong, I don't want Shawn to retire at all, but it'd be stupid for someone to think that this isn't on his mind if not everyone elses. He isn't in the same physical condition as he has been. and even though that doesn't make much difference to us as the fans as he is still brilliant in the ring, it makes a lot of difference to Shawn Michaels, as he's the one who feels the pain and tiredness that many other people don't understand.

With your suggestion, the one thing I don't understand is him winning the belt the day he retires, I find this pointless. However what I wouldn't fnd pointless is him having a championship run in his final year of wresling, or at least some time before he retires. I don't think many would disagree with the fact he deserves it, and definately deserves more runs than the amount he has been given.

I think Shawn, unlike Ric, should win his last match. the storyline with Flair was good, for him. However I don't think it'd work with Shawn. I think he should set a date, e.g. a Wrestlemania, and tell the world that will be his last match, regardless of win or lose. Him losing the match wouldn't be a bad thing, or a bad reflection of his career, as it certainly wasn't for Flair, however due to the nature of his gimmick of going out compared to Flairs, Shawn should win.

When trying to determine who should be the person to end his career, I think it's safe to say very few people have earned that honour. With Ric Flair, they chose a brilliant superstar to end his career, someone who always has great matches, and who had definately earned that. Out of respect for Flair, Shawn was one of few people who really should have been allowed to end the legacy. This is something Shawn Michaels also deserves. However, take Shawn out of the equation and who are we left with?

Triple H - Definately an option, and at the moment probably my favourite. The 2 have had such brilliant careers, and I'm a fan of HHH. Every WWE fan is familiar with the amount of history between the 2, whether it's love or hatred. Their matches have also always been brilliant. I love seeing them in the ring together, whether together or apart, as you just know you're going to see something special.

I'd never like to see them have another feud, as I think it's been done to the death and would definately take away from every other brilliant thing they've done in the ring. Fans should always remember the past matches they've had, as if they had anymore people would remember this feud for the many who would comaplin "We've seen it all before". However the one thing they haven't seen before is Triple H ending Shawn's career, in Shawns last ever match.

Hulk Hogan - The two had a good match a few years back, and Hogan definately has the fanbase to make this huge. However Shawn doesn't need that, and it'd be upsetting to see Shawn's career ended by this man. The 2 just don't compliment each others styles at all, and even though they can work together, I'd much rather see someone else who Shawn works with brilliantly.

Also, as I stated above, I want Shawn to win his final match. With the people we have at WWE, I think I can say quite easily that Shawn Michaels would not win if put against Hogan. Due to his 'hero' status with many fans, they would be unhappy with him losing, despite it being Shawn's match.

Austin/The Rock - I'm sure you know what I mean by classifying them together. They're both gone now, but still firm in the fans hearts, and still classed as big stars by the majority. Both have been the face of WWE, and everyone knows who they are, even the completely new fans.

Shawn and Austin had a great match before Shawn retired in 1998. Just imagine how much better it'd have been if Shawn wasn't on his way out due to an injury that bad? I think they could really have a good match, and I'd love to see it happen. However, same stands for with Hogan, would he come back to lose? He may do, but I can't see it as completely sure.

And also, a problem with bringing a wrestler such as The Rock, Austin or Hogan back for just that one night, is that the fact it's Shawn's last match would be taken away from. He deserves all attention to be on him, and every cheer to be for him and his career. I can't see it happening with these people returning.

Mr Kennedy - Has A LOT of potential at being huge. I think he's defiately going to be face of the comapny in a few years time. I think the odds on Kennedy ending his career are dependant on when Shawn does decide to retire. If it's Wrestlemania 25, I definately don't think he has a chance. However if it's closer to Wrestlemania 30, I could see him doing this. Not only would it further push his career in the right direction, it would also instantly give him a hall of fame name, if he wasn't aslready at that stage.

Whoever ends Shawn's career will automatically go down in history, as it would be one of the biggest things for someone to do. I also think it would fuel heel heat massively. I can't see many fans being happy with Shawn retiring, and if Shawn also lost his last match to this person, the crowd would turn on him like that. IT all depends on the direction they go in, but it would certaily be interesting.

As for type of match, I think in the end it should just be a regular singles match, no titles, no gimmicks, just Goodbye and Thank you Shawn. This way, nothing could take away from the skill we will see of Shawn that last time, and that we know he will deliver in massively, no matter his physical condition. He will be remembered for so much, that his last match will just be a tribute, yet the tip of the ice berg in what has been an amazing career.

The only person you mentioned who would work would be Triple H.Rock,Austin,or Hogan would never come back for that.Kennedy is way too much of a liability. I could only see one of three men.

Triple H-The obvious choice because of the history and the fact that he's Shawn's best friend. I would personally prefer this choice.

Randy Orton-The Legend Killer is the future of wrestling and we all know it. Orton would lock up a spot in the Hall of Fame if he ended Shawn's career. Orton doesn't need this but it would be a huge honor.

John Cena-These two have had nothing but classics. As much as I dislike Cena its nothing to do with his abilities but his character. It's very white meat. But there is no arguing the last time these two competed against one another at WM it was a classic. The rematch on Raw was even better. This match would steal the show.

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