Shadowmancer's Wrestler of the Week

Fucking Mikey Whipwreck!!!!, good fucking pick, I've always been a fan of this guy, though I havn't seen a ton of his work, and will be spending alot of time watching all the matches you posted, There are two matches that stand out in my mind when I think of Whipwreck, one being the Ladder match against Sandman, which wasn't your typical ladder match (it only met that the ladder was legal in the match, you still could only win by pinfall), and the second match was a tag match with Cactus Jack where I believe he won the Tag titles, again great choice with Mikey, he may not have been the greatest wrestler by any means but I always found him and his matches interesting
Ah very nice Shadow. I had almost forgotten little Mikey. He was living proof that someone without a lot of size or a lot of speed can pull off a dream. This guy was 19 years old and was able to become a world heavyweight champion. He personified ECW as the person that would constantly get the hell beaten out of him and manage to get up again and again until he won. I can't wait to get into these matches as the only one I've ever seen was the 3 way with Austin and the Sandman. What does everyone else's favorite match?
Wait, whoa.. what happened to Kid Kash?! Shadow, didn't you say just a couple days ago the WOTW was gonna be Kash!?

So, is he going to be next week's then, or did you scrap it, or what? I'm generally interested to see Kash.
Kash has already been. Between Mick Foley and Curt Hennig. I haven't mentioned Kash in ages. This is week 41. Kid Kash was 31. I think you may have been mistaken when I posted the grouping of all of the Wrestlers.
correct me if im wrong but was mickey whipwrek
was he in ECW ? or no i may have him mixed up with someone else i hope you dont mind me asking something about him.
I thought this guy was a waste. I mean, neat gimmick, but didn't contribute ANYTHING to the world of professional wrestling besides being a humorous footnote in Mick Foley's book. The fact that ECW fans glorify him as the "David" figure to everyone else's Goliath is laughable. He's Zach Gowen with two legs.
No of course not. It is in the Information given as well. He was a triple Crown Champion in ECW. He also wrestled in WCW for a time.
The List of those that he has trained is big so you can't say he hasn't contributed to Wrestling. Ill List the ones that have some name value due to having been in either WWE or TNA.

The Amazing Red
Brett Major
Brian Major
Dawn Marie
Jay Lethal

2 of them have good potential in the Major's. Jay Lethal is current X-Division Champion and Amazing Red is a former X-Division Champ back when they promoted it as being a top level belt.
The List of those that he has trained is big so you can't say he hasn't contributed to Wrestling. Ill List the ones that have some name value due to having been in either WWE or TNA.

The Amazing Red
Brett Major
Brian Major
Dawn Marie
Jay Lethal

2 of them have good potential in the Major's. Jay Lethal is current X-Division Champion and Amazing Red is a former X-Division Champ back when they promoted it as being a top level belt.

Amazing Red is one of those guys a lot of people here probably haven't heard of or ever seen in action, which is a shame cause the guys matches are great, especially the few I saw between him and AJ Styles, Red is probably on of the fastest guys I think I've seen in the ring too, does he wrestle anymore, I heard he had to take it easy cause of so many injuries, Shadow if you haven't done Amazing Red yet you should look into doing a WOTW for him
I'm suprised about people not thinking that highly of Mikey. It was ECW. Meaning that not everyone was the biggest or the best but they all served a purpose. Mikey was the, if you'll pardon the pun, whipping boy of ECW. The people had sympathy on him and he got a title run. Made sense to Heyman and makes sense to me. Not to mention later on he and Tajiri had a pretty good tag team. And to top it off he had a cool finisher in the whippersnapper.
The List of those that he has trained is big so you can't say he hasn't contributed to Wrestling. Ill List the ones that have some name value due to having been in either WWE or TNA.

The Amazing Red
Brett Major
Brian Major
Dawn Marie
Jay Lethal

2 of them have good potential in the Major's. Jay Lethal is current X-Division Champion and Amazing Red is a former X-Division Champ back when they promoted it as being a top level belt.

Lots of guys were a waste in the ring but still contributed to wrestling. I shouldn't say a "waste" in the ring, but just not worth their accolades. Whipwreck should have never held the ECW World Title.

It's like Mike Sanders in WCW. He was given a decent feud with Ernest Miller and became the WCW Commissioner as the manager of The Natural Born Thrillers. Sanders was straight MONEY on the mic, but never panned out as a pro wrestler. He made a great contribution to wrestling with his entertaining mic work, but NEVER deserved the WCW World Title Belt. So, he never held the WCW World Title Belt.
Lots of guys were a waste in the ring but still contributed to wrestling. I shouldn't say a "waste" in the ring, but just not worth their accolades. Whipwreck should have never held the ECW World Title.

It's like Mike Sanders in WCW. He was given a decent feud with Ernest Miller and became the WCW Commissioner as the manager of The Natural Born Thrillers. Sanders was straight MONEY on the mic, but never panned out as a pro wrestler. He made a great contribution to wrestling with his entertaining mic work, but NEVER deserved the WCW World Title Belt. So, he never held the WCW World Title Belt.

This is very true but there are always people getting placed in the main event that don't deserve it. Granted I wasn't a fan of ECW at the time that Whipwreck was champion and the limited exposure I had to it was only it's time on TNN, but from what I can tell Whipwreck was popular at the time so I guess Heyman thought it was a good idea at the time. It also kind of showed what ECW was all about: the underdog making it to the top.
Im going to apologize for not coming out with a Christmas iedition of this but I couldn't find the right number of matches for the guy I had planned. That combined with how hectic Christmas Time is with working and shopping for family. This is the first of the requests that I am going to be doing. This was from a long time ago.

This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Marty Jannetty


Finishing and signature moves

-Rocker Dropper (WWE) / Showstopper (WCW) (Arm wrench leg drop bulldog)
-Diving elbow drop
-Dropkick / Missile dropkick
-Flying crossbody
-Diving fist drop

Championships and accomplishments

American Wrestling Association

-AWA World Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Shawn Michaels

Central States Wrestling

-NWA Central States Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
-NWA Central States Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Tommy Rogers (2), Bob Brown (1), Shawn Michaels (1)
-NWA Central States Television Championship (1 time)

Continental Wrestling Association

-AWA Southern Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Shawn Michaels

Michigan Wrestling Alliance

-MWA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Midwest Territorial Wrestling

-MTW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

New Breed Pro Wrestling

-NBPW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated

-PWI ranked him # 57 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1991.
-PWI ranked him # 85 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1992.
-PWI ranked him # 13 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1993.
-PWI ranked him # 157 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1994.
-PWI ranked him # 107 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1995.
-PWI ranked him # 122 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1996.
-PWI ranked him # 154 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1997.
-PWI ranked him # 210 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1998.
-PWI ranked him # 253 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 1999.
-PWI ranked him # 283 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2000.
-PWI Match of the Year award in 1993 – vs. Shawn Michaels
-PWI ranked him # 194 of the 500 best singles wrestlers during the "PWI Years" in 2003.
-PWI ranked him # 33 of the 100 best tag teams of the "PWI Years" with Shawn Michaels.

Southern Wrestling Alliance

-SWA Television Championship (1 time)

United Wrestling Council

-UWC Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Purple Hooter

World Wide Wrestling Alliance

-WWWA Intercontinental Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Federation

-WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time)
-WWF Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with the 1-2-3 Kid.

Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-Tag Team of the Year award in 1989 – with Shawn Michaels


The Rockers on the Barbershop

Marty Jannetty saying Iron Sheik Story

Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty backstage segment

Marty Jannetty and the Young Bucks Promo

You Gotta Pack a Lunch


Marty Jannetty Vs. Scott Steiner

Marty Jannetty Vs. Raven

Marty Jannetty Vs. Ludvig Borga

Marty Jannetty Vs. Goldust pt.1
Marty Jannetty Vs. Goldust pt.2

Marty Jannetty Vs. Johnny Polo pt.1
Marty Jannetty Vs. Johnny Polo pt.2

Marty Jannetty & Razor Ramone Vs. Shawn Michaels & Diesel pt.1
Marty Jannetty & Razor Ramone Vs. Shawn Michaels & Diesel pt.2

Marty Jannetty Vs. Mr. Stronko pt.1
Marty Jannetty Vs. Mr. Stronko pt.2

Marty Jannetty & Razor Ramone Vs. Psycho Sid & 1-2-3 Kid pt.1
Marty Jannetty & Razor Ramone Vs. Psycho Sid & 1-2-3 Kid pt.2
Marty Jannetty & Razor Ramone Vs. Psycho Sid & 1-2-3 Kid pt.3

Marty Jannetty Vs. Mr. Kennedy

Marty Jannetty Vs. Chris Benoit

Marty Jannetty Vs. Dean Malenko

Marty Jannetty Vs.Chris Jericho

Marty Jannetty Vs. Black Cat

Marty Jannetty Vs. Brian Adams

Marty Jannetty Vs. Perry Saturn

Marty Jannetty Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.1
Marty Jannetty Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.2
Marty Jannetty Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.3
Marty Jannetty Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.4

The Rockers will be done as a team at a later stage.
Very nice choice as always. It's a sad thing that he hasnt been able to escape either the shadow of his former partner or the demons that plagued his career for so long. He was a great in ring perfomer and also fairly good on the mic. Jannetty still does soem indy work but looks so much different now than he used to. The rockers were such a great team and its a shame that they couldnt be like a team like edge and christian that could be a phenomenal team and both have great singles careers as well.
Thrilled, Shadow, about the choice of Jannetty here. He is, along with Chris Jericho, my all time favorite pro wrestler. I marked out for the Rockers big time when I first started watching wrestling, and I alays envisioned myself hitting the "flying fist from the top rope."

Jannetty's match with Shawn Michaels at the 1992 Royal Rumble I still feel was the greatest of all time along side Hart vs Bulldog at Summerslam. I saw more near falls in that match- and I mean 2 and eleven-twelfths near falls, than ever before.

Unfortunately, Jannetty is also someone I could see being used as an example in the world of professional wrestling. He can still go even at this stage in his life, but he is WELL past his prime and can just look back on what could have been. He wound up in WCW coming out to the old Hollywood Blondes music which did not suit him, jobbing out to anybody. Teaming with Al "Lief Cassidy" Snow was a joke as well. WWF/E and WCW tried to give him chances, and he squandered them. He could have been a world champ.

If you watch the clip of Jannetty vs Saturn on YouTube, he comes to the ring looking like he'd rather be anywhere else.
I dont know as much about Jannety compared to most other choices but all of what Ive seen and heard its all been good. from what Ive seen when him and Michales were just starting as the Midnight Rockers back in the AWA before much huge worldwide exposure that Jannety was even better than Micheals. and he has had some undeniably good years in wrestling, however his image to me has been hurt with how many chances hes gotten to come back in the last 3 or 4 years or so and just ends up geting arrested or finding another way to mess up yet another chance. regardless the man had great talent and was a great choice for wrestler of the week
from what Ive seen when him and Michales were just starting as the Midnight Rockers back in the AWA before much huge worldwide exposure that Jannety was even better than Micheals.

I compare the old Midnight Rockers to Sudden Impact / The Thrillseekers team of Chris Jericho and Lance Storm. Jannetty had more raw talent than Michaels did, just as Lance Storm had more raw talent than Chris Jericho. If you've ready Jericho's book, Chris says that himself. But what Michaels and Jericho represent is the success of an individual based off of work ethic, maturity, and thinking outside the box.

Both Michaels and Jericho found characters that worked for them, and both were given the chance to take the ball and run with it because they were trusted. Jannetty and Storm sorta typecast themselves. As a result, Storm was labeled "talented but boring" and Jannetty "talented but immature."
Jannetty definatly had and might still have the talent but he never really seemed like he had the passion for the business. Michaels I always sensed loved being there but Jannetty seemed like he was there just to get a paycheck.
This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Jumbo Tsuruta


Finishing and signature moves

-Release back suplex / Back suplex pin
-Gutwrench suplex
-High knee
-Lou Thesz press
-Diving knee drop
-Exploder suplex
-Tiger suplex
-Stretch plum
-Double underhook suplex
-German suplex pin
-Spinning toe hold
-Front missile dropkick
-Kesagiri chop to the back of the opponent's neck

Championships and accomplishments

All Japan Pro Wrestling

-AJPW Triple Crown Championship (3 times; First-ever champion)
-AJPW Unified World Tag Team Championship (7 times) – Yoshiaki Yatsu (5), The Great Kabuki (1) and Akira Taue (1)
-AWA World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-NWA International Heavyweight Championship (3 times; Final champion)
-NWA International Tag Team Championship (9 times) – Giant Baba (6), Genichiro Tenryu (2) and Yoshiaki Yatsu (1)
-NWA United National Championship (5 times)
-PWF Tag Team Championship (2 times) – Tiger Mask II (1) and Yoshiaki Yatsu (1)

NWA Detroit

-NWA World Tag Team Championship (Detroit version) (1 time) – with Giant Baba

Pro Wrestling Illustrated

-PWI ranked him # 28 of the 500 best singles wrestlers during the PWI Years in 2003.

Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-Feud of the Year award in 1990 - vs Mitsuharu Misawa
-Wrestler of the Year award in 1991
-Feud of the Year award in 1991 - vs Mitsuharu Misawa
-Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame (Class of 1996)

Jumbo Tsuruta's Ring Entrance Music


Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Ric Flair

Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Mitsuharu Misawa

Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Tommy Rich

Jumbo Tsuruta & Tiger Mask II Vs. Ted DiBiase & Pete Roberts

Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Nick Bockwinkel

Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Tiger Mask II pt.1
Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Tiger Mask II pt.2

Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Curt Hennig

Jumbo Tsuruta & Haku Vs. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig & Rick Martel

Jumbo Tsuruta & Genricho Tenryu Vs. Ric Flair & Rick Martel pt.1
Jumbo Tsuruta & Genricho Tenryu Vs. Ric Flair & Rick Martel pt.2

Jumbo Tsuruta & Giant Baba Vs. Billy Robinson & Wild Angus pt.1
Jumbo Tsuruta & Giant Baba Vs. Billy Robinson & Wild Angus pt.2

Jumbo Tsuruta & Yoshinari Ogawa & Masanobu Fuchi vs Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi

Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Bruiser Brody

Jumbo Tsuruta & Akira Taue & Masanobu Fuchi VS Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada & Kenta Kobashi pt.1
Jumbo Tsuruta & Akira Taue & Masanobu Fuchi VS Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada & Kenta Kobashi pt.2
Jumbo Tsuruta & Akira Taue & Masanobu Fuchi VS Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada & Kenta Kobashi pt.3
Jumbo Tsuruta & Akira Taue & Masanobu Fuchi VS Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada & Kenta Kobashi pt.4

Jumbo Tsuruta & Ricky Fuyuki Vs. Mike Rotunda & Barry Windham

Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenryu Vs. Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody pt.1
Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenryu Vs. Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody pt.2
Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenryu Vs. Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody pt.3

Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenryu Vs. Nikita Koloff & Krusher Kruschev pt.1
Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenryu Vs. Nikita Koloff & Krusher Kruschev pt.2

Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenryu Vs. The Road Warriors pt.1
Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenryu Vs. The Road Warriors pt.2

Jumbo Tsuruta & Giant Baba Vs. Gino Hernandez & Gypsy Joe

Jumbo Tsuruta & Yoshiaki Yatsu Vs. Stan Hansen & Genichiro Tenryu pt.1
Jumbo Tsuruta & Yoshiaki Yatsu Vs. Stan Hansen & Genichiro Tenryu pt.2
Jumbo Tsuruta & Yoshiaki Yatsu Vs. Stan Hansen & Genichiro Tenryu pt.3

Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Genichiro Tenryu pt.1
Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Genichiro Tenryu pt.2
Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Genichiro Tenryu pt.3

Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Abdullah the Butcher pt.1
Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Abdullah the Butcher pt.2

Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Bruiser Brody pt.1
Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Bruiser Brody pt.2
Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Bruiser Brody pt.3

These are just a few of Jumbo Tsuruta's 3,329 career matches. It is a shame that he died in 2000 but for watching the matches you will realise his place in Wrestling History as one of the greats. I will be away next week but I have gotten Next Weeks Wrestler ready and will be sending the stuff to the OneBigWill to post up next week.
I know very little about Japanese wrestling but I have heard great things about Tsuruta. He was the man that elevated Misawa to the legend that he is today. If that doesn't say somethign about this man, nothing else will.
It Is probably about time to say what Wrestlers have been done again. And if any of our Guests read this, including you Cash post your thoughts on the guy, opinions on a guy allow for more people to gain a better idea of why this guy is either good or bad depending on the variety of responses.

Week 01: Masato Tanaka

Week 02: Raven

Week 03: Alex Shelley

Week 04: Shawn Michaels

Week 05: The Bushwhackers

Week 06: Chris Jericho

Week 07: Tom Billington

Week 08: Bruno Sammartino

Week 09: Steve Corino

Week 10: Ricky Steamboat

Week 11: Triple H

Week 12: Jushin "Thunder" Liger

Week 13: Rob Van Dam

Week 14: Delirious

Week 15: Owen Hart

Week 16: Eddie Guerrero

Week 17: Booker T

Week 18: Lance Storm

Week 19: Claudio Castagnoli

Week 20: Mitsuharu Misawa

Week 21: Jeff Jarrett

Week 22: Bob Backlund

Week 23: CM Punk

Week 24: Masahiro Chono

Week 25: Abdullah the Butcher

Week 26: Christopher Daniels

Week 27: Kurt Angle

Week 28: Abyss

Week 29: Jimmy Jacobs

Week 30: Mick Foley

Week 31: Kid Kash

Week 32: "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig

Week 33: Little Guido/Nunzio

Week 34: The Honky Tonk Man

Week 35: Sgt. Slaughter

Week 36: Kenta Kobashi

Week 37: Edge

Week 38: Christian Cage

Week 39: Edge and Christian

Week 40: Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Week 41: Mikey Whipwreck

Week 42: Marty Jannetty

Week 43: Jumbo Tsuruta

After Week 52 I may start repeating some of the guys that weren't properly covered last time. Mainly the first 3. But until I have done a years worth of these things you won't see another Week devoted to Raven, Masato Tanaka or Alex Shelley. If There are more Matches up on You Tube I may even redo The Bushwhackers/Sheepherders. But Post your opinion on the Wrestler after watching a few of the matches it gives other people more information and also it gives you a good grounding for debating in the Wrestlezone Tournament. Because Knowledge is a good thing when deciding who would win in a match.
On Behalf of Shadowmancer:

This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Jerry Lynn


Finishing and signature moves

-Cradle piledriver / Cradle Tombstone piledriver
-Cross armbreaker - as Mr. J.L.
-Tornado DDT
-Over the shoulder belly to back piledriver
-Running sitout powerbomb
-Gory special
-Rope hung guillotine leg drop
-Sunset flip powerbomb
-Tilt-a-whirl headscissors

Championships and accomplishments

3X Wrestling

-3XW World Heavyweight Championship

All American Wrestling

-AAW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Anarchy Championship Wrestling

-IWA Texas-ACW Championship (1 time)

Continental Wrestling Association

-CWA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

East Coast Wrestling Association

-ECWA Super 8 Tournament winner (2007)

Extreme Championship Wrestling

-ECW World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Gateway Championship Wrestling

-GCW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Global Wrestling Federation

-GWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Independent Wrestling Association East Coast

-IWA East Coast Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South

-IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

New Era Pro Wrestling

-NEPW Triple Crown Championship (1 time)

New York Wrestling Connection

-NYWC Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-NYWC Hi-Fi Championship (1-time)
-NYWC Interstate Championship (1 time)

Pro Wrestling America

-PWA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-PWA Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with The Lightning Kid
-PWA Light Heavyweight Championship (3 times)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated

-PWI ranked him # 281 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003
-PWI Most Improved Wrestler of the Year Award (1999)

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling

-NWA World Tag Team Championship (2 times) - with A.J. Styles (1) and Amazing Red (1)
-TNA X Division Championship (2 times)
-2004 World X Cup Winner (with Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper as Team USA)

World Wrestling All-Stars

-WWA International Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Federation

-WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)


Jerry Lynn Promo after AAW Winning Title

Chistopher Daniels Attacks Jerry Lynn


Jerry Lynn Vs. Steve Corino

Jerry Lynn Vs. Rob Van Dam

Jerry Lynn Vs. Jeff Hardy

Jerry Lynn Vs. Senshi Vs. Chris Sabin Vs. Austin Starr

Jerry Lynn Vs. AJ Styles pt.1
Jerry Lynn Vs. AJ Styles pt.2

Jerry Lynn Vs. Justin Credible pt.1
Jerry Lynn Vs. Justin Credible pt.2
Jerry Lynn Vs. Justin Credible pt.3

Jerry Lynn Vs. Paul London pt.1
Jerry Lynn Vs. Paul London pt.2

Jerry Lynn Vs. Super Crazy Vs. Tajiri

Jerry Lynn Vs. Horace the Psychopath

Jerry Lynn Vs. Taka Michinoku

Jerry Lynn Vs. Austin Lane

Mr. J.L. (Jerry Lynn) Vs. Barry Houston

Jerry Lynn Vs. Rob Van Dam pt.1
Jerry Lynn Vs. Rob Van Dam pt.2
Jerry Lynn Vs. Rob Van Dam pt.3

Jerry Lynn Vs. Mr. Aguila (Essa Rios)

Jerry Lynn Vs. Grand Master Sexay Vs. Crash Holly Vs. Taka Michinoku

Jerry Lynn Vs. Petey Williams pt.1
Jerry Lynn Vs. Petey Williams pt.2
Jerry Lynn Vs. Petey Williams pt.3

Jerry Lynn Vs. Krotch pt.1
Jerry Lynn Vs. Krotch pt.2

Jerry Lynn Vs. Joey Matthews Vs. Jonny Storm Vs. The Zebra Kid pt.1
Jerry Lynn Vs. Joey Matthews Vs. Jonny Storm Vs. The Zebra Kid pt.2
Jerry Lynn Vs. Joey Matthews Vs. Jonny Storm Vs. The Zebra Kid pt.3

Jerry Lynn Vs. Sabu

Jerry Lynn Vs. Tajiri

Jerry Lynn Vs. Rob Van Dam pt.1
Jerry Lynn Vs. Rob Van Dam pt.2
Jerry Lynn Vs. Rob Van Dam pt.3

Jerry Lynn Vs. Christian York pt.1
Jerry Lynn Vs. Christian York pt.2

Jerry Lynn Vs. Chris Sabin Vs. Christopher Daniels pt.1
Jerry Lynn Vs. Chris Sabin Vs. Christopher Daniels pt.2

Jerry Lynn Vs. Sabu

Mr. J.L. (Jerry Lynn) Vs. Sabu

Jerry Lynn & Jamie Malibu Vs. Biohazard & Jerry Draven

Jerry Lynn & Rob Van Dam Vs. The Impact Players

Jerry Lynn & Masato Tanaka Vs. Mike Awesome & Justin Credible pt.1
Jerry Lynn & Masato Tanaka Vs. Mike Awesome & Justin Credible pt.2
Jerry Lynn & Masato Tanaka Vs. Mike Awesome & Justin Credible pt.3
I would say nice choice Shadow, but I guess it's nice choice shadow and will?
i never was the big on Lynn, but hes always been consistently good. Some of his stuff with RVD in ECW was just freaking awesome. I also really liked his time in TNA last year where he was the original X division guy against the new wave of wrestlers. As much as this storyline is overdone this one worked well for me. His indy stuff might be even better than his mainstream.
I would say nice choice Shadow, but I guess it's nice choice shadow and will?

Nope, it was all Shadow. I'm just glad I could help out, hes the one that does all this & puts all the time & effort into making this thread as big & popular as it is. He deserves far more credit than he gets as well. Now then, since I'm here.. my opinion of Jerry Lynn...

I loved him in E.C.W., thats where I feel he got his truly big break. I was never a fan of his work as "J.L." in W.C.W. because they had him wearing a fricken mask, & they truly just buried him by having him job to everyone on Saturday Night.

I think it was a collective effort between both men, but I really enjoyed the Jerry Lynn/Rob Van Dam classics. Every match they put on was pure gold, & nothing they could do was wrong. Not even their Sunday Night HeAT match that was edited & cut short. Lynn flowed well with Van Dam, & as such, became a household name.

However, I'd be discrediting him if I didn't say he was more than that with others. His feuds with Justin Credible were amazing, especially during the Summer of 98 I believe. I completely enjoyed thier classic at Heat Wave.

I wish he could've received a much bigger push in W.W.E., but once again he fell unnoticed & invisable because he wasn't a "huge" name. Or perhaps he never had the right "look" of a Main Eventer.

I completely enjoyed him in T.N.A., & his last hooray (so to speak) against Chris Saban & Christopher Daniels were amazing to say the very least. Also, his match-up against Sean Waltman was quite possibly one of the best matches I've seen Waltman in.. & as such, I give complete credit to Lynn for making that match worth it.

This all of course goes back to the R.V.D./Lynn classics, in which everyone loves R.V.D. from them, but people go unnoticed when Lynn's name pops up. I feel thats disrespectful, when if it wasn't for Lynn, R.V.D. may not be the household name he is today.
Slightly delayed this Week due to me being at Big Day Out and proceeding to recover as well.

This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Brian Pillman



Finishing and signature moves

-Air Pillman (Springboard diving clothesline)
-Modified cross armbar
-Running crossbody / Diving crossbody
-Standing dropkick, as a counter to a diving opponent
-Chop block
-Missile dropkick
-Tornado DDT


-Beulah McGillicutty


-Flyin' Brian
-The Loose Cannon
-The Rogue Horseman
-The Ticking Time Bomb
-The Walking Time Bomb

Championships and accomplishments

Stampede Wrestling

-Stampede International Tag Team Championship (2 times) - with Bruce Hart
-Stampede Wrestling Hall of Fame

World Championship Wrestling

-NWA United States Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Tom Zenk
-NWA World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with "Stunning" Steve Austin
-WCW Light Heavyweight Championship (2 times) (First)
-WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with "Stunning" Steve Austin


Brian Pillman's ECW debut

Brian Pillman antagonises Shane Douglas

Brian Pillman continues to Provoke Shane Douglas

Brian Pillman returns to the ECW arena

A Flare for the Old

Pillman's Got a Gun

Brian Pillman Interview at MSG

Pillman's got a Gun Behind the Scenes pt.1
Pillman's got a Gun Behind the Scenes pt.2
Pillman's got a Gun Behind the Scenes pt.3

Eric Bischoff interviews Brian Pillman


Brian Pillman Vs. Owen Hart pt.1
Brian Pillman Vs. Owen Hart pt.2

Brian Pillman Vs. Mean Mark Callous

Brian Pillman Vs. Dude Love

Brian Pillman Vs. A Giant Pencil

Brian Pillman Vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Brian Pillman Vs. Shane Douglas pt.1
Brian Pillman Vs. Shane Douglas pt.2

Brian Pillman Vs. Flash Funk

Brian Pillman Vs. Goldust

Brian Pillman Vs. Jesse James

Brian Pillman Vs. Mankind

Brian Pillman Vs. Marcus Bagwell

Brian Pillman Vs. Sting pt.1
Brian Pillman Vs. Sting pt.2

Brian Pillman Vs. Lex Luger pt.1
Brian Pillman Vs. Lex Luger pt.2

Brian Pillman Vs. Eddie Guerrero

Brian Pillman Vs. Ricky Steamboat

Brian Pillman Vs. Tom Zenk pt.1
Brian Pillman Vs. Tom Zenk pt.2

Brian Pillman Vs. Scotty Flamingo pt.1
Brian Pillman Vs. Scotty Flamingo pt.2
Brian Pillman Vs. Scotty Flamingo pt.3

Brian Pillman Vs. Norman "The Lunatic"

Brian Pillman Vs. Buddy Landell

Brian Pillman Vs. Buddy Lee Parker

Brian Pillman Vs. Barry Windham pt.1
Brian Pillman Vs. Barry Windham pt.2

Brian Pillman Vs. George South

Brian Pillman Vs. Brad Armstrong

Im Not posting any of the Hollywood Blondes stuff because that will be in its own week somewhere down the line.

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