Scotty's Showcase Thread


I have a PHD in Horribleness
I just started making sigs and these are my first two.


Great sigs!

Could you make me a sig?

If so I want the Evolution Logo in the middle standing out.
Then have a picture of batista,randy,flair and hunter somewhere in the sig.Colour is up to you don't mind.

If you cant fit all of the members in then just have hunter and randy.

Thanks and Please!
There ya go Scotty, your best one yet. Judging by the background pictures I just assume you drop the opacity down a notch. If you want to add background images try and take them out of the normal stage and play with the other settings like linear dodge, soft light, darken, etc... Keep it up kid.

PS-What font did you use for it? I must say I am a fan and I do not have that in my collection.
Awesome sigs you got going there Scotty! especially the very first one (the Straight Edge picture)
That font is called Feedback Loud. It's a great font, and it works really well with Anderson. Great font choice, Scotterson. I'm also a big fan of how you color-coordinated the center pic and the background. Theo is right, thoough, for the background pics. Try messing around with blending options and using layer masks to blend.

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