Save Kane


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With everyone saying kane should have never of removed his mask (and i agree) what would you do to save his character. the once most dominating man in the wwe is know running from the punjabi playboy.

In my opinion id take him of our screens unprononced and a few weeks before wrestlemania when the final man for mitb is to be decided we have all the participents so far in the ring and theodore long comes out and say hes found the 9th man and with all the participents in the ring confused the lights go out and the four corners of the ring explode like Kane pyro. Then the next week one week befor wrestlemania after an 8 man tag between the mitb participent the most hated heel of the lot gets a ladder from the ring and takes the other 7 out with it. He then climes the ladder symboling him winning mitb only to have the lights go out then back on with a masked kane at the top of the ladder with him and then chokeslam him of. He then does his pyro on top of the ladder light go out back on and hes gone. He wins at Wrestlemania and wreaks havok on all 3 shows not deciding which belt hes going for and eventualy wins world or wwe title.

What do you think would that just about do it and how would you do it.
With everyone saying kane should have never of removed his mask (and i agree) what would you do to save his character. the once most dominating man in the wwe is know running from the punjabi playboy.

In my opinion id take him of our screens unprononced and a few weeks before wrestlemania when the final man for mitb is to be decided we have all the participents so far in the ring and theodore long comes out and say hes found the 9th man and with all the participents in the ring confused the lights go out and the four corners of the ring explode like Kane pyro. Then the next week one week befor wrestlemania after an 8 man tag between the mitb participent the most hated heel of the lot gets a ladder from the ring and takes the other 7 out with it. He then climes the ladder symboling him winning mitb only to have the lights go out then back on with a masked kane at the top of the ladder with him and then chokeslam him of. He then does his pyro on top of the ladder light go out back on and hes gone. He wins at Wrestlemania and wreaks havok on all 3 shows not deciding which belt hes going for and eventualy wins world or wwe title.

What do you think would that just about do it and how would you do it.

Yeah I really hate how Kane is having to feud with Khali at the moment as I just can not stand Khali and think he one of the most boring and terrible performer's the WWE has at the moment. Everything about Khali just plain sucks to me. Neway as for Kane I think your idea is pretty good, although I would probably just have it set up like a week before Mania, it's revealed there will be another star added to the MITB match on the night of Wrestlemania. They start the match and everyone is still looking over their shoulders for this extra oppenent to come out but start the match neway and then they can end the match the way you said it with the lights going out and Kane just appearing on the ladder, kicking whoever else off it and taking the briefcase.
I agree that WWE should have never removed Kane's mask but they did and its not just as simple as putting the mask back. The only logical way to bring the mask back would be having Kane burned on TV or PPV ala and Inferno Match. However, even that seems whatever.

People always talk about Kane's return to dominance and the mask is always the integral element in that plan but what a lot of people fail to realize is that Kane has the ability to return to dominance on his own if the WWE just gives the green light. Kane is a huge monster. All you have to do is have him start taking out random people in the back, maybe let him gain the US Championship belt, and over time put him into the title picture. A Kane push would be so simple it seems like everyone just overthinks it...including the WWE.
Hate to break it to you, but I don't think Kane is save-able right now. That's coming from a Kane fan.
But if I thought it was possible, here's what I'd do.
First, put Kane into a feud with Undertaker when Undertaker returns. Have it about Kane blaming Undertaker for Kane never being able to make it to the top and Kane being haunted by how he's never been able to defeat Undertaker. Build it up for a month with Undertaker playing his usual mind tricks and Kane being completely unaffected by them. Have Kane come in during every Undertaker match and absolutely destroy Taker's opponent, no matter if it's a jobber or a main eventer.
Have Kane go over Undertaker. Not in a squash, but make Kane look pretty dominant. Sort of like their Wrestlemania 14 match, but with Kane winning. Then have Kane defeat Taker again inside Hell in a Cell at the HIAC PPV.

Then comes Bragging Rights. Kane says he'll destroy anyone who has been given a title shot before him as he has deserved one for months. Naturally, he goes straight for Jeff Hardy. Hardy vs Kane at Bragging Rights, they have a good back and forth match which Kane wins. Then Kane destroys Hardy after the match, through tables and chair shots and chokeslams flying all over the place, giving Kane major heat. This is Jeff Hardy's window to leave.
The world title match at Bragging Rights was CM Punk vs John Morrison, with Morrison losing but still being built up as the top face on SD.
The night after BR, Morrison is granted his re-match. This pisses Kane off, as he feels he deserves a title shot. In the weeks leading up to Survivor Series, Kane beats Morrison, Morrison beats Punk and Punk beats Kane.

Then, at Survivor Series, Kane wins the title and holds it until the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out. Kane shouldn't headline Wrestlemania in his current state, but he instead has a high profile match against HBK at Mania. HBK wins, but Kane wins the rematch at Backlash. After that, Kane goes right back into being in the main event on Smackdown.

I think that would work pretty well.
I would rekindle the highest profile feud he's ever had in the WWE, and that would be his rivalry with the Undertaker (except have Kane 'win' for once). To do this, I would have Kane form a stable, much like the Ministry of Darkness. The stable would form by having wrestlers mysteriously go missing in the middle of their matches (lights would have to go out obviously), and showing the same kinda signs that the Undertaker showed when he first formed his stable (blood, evilness, etc). This leads to people thinking that it is the Undertaker who is just reforming his faction and he gets accusations from everyone. After 3-4weeks of random abductions, Kane's character returns in emphatic faction w/ his old school attire during the next PPV's main event (which would be sick if it was HIAC, but would still work regardless, and of course Undertaker would have to be involved). Kane comes out with his new stable, costs Taker the match and wreaks havoc for a few weeks on Smackdown, dismantling other wrestlers that are involved in matches with members of his new stable and playing all sorts of mindgames with Undertaker. Kane would be alot more independent in these assaults than say Randy Orton, and would not require the aid of his stable as much as Orton needs Legacy, but it would still not surprise anyone to see them get involved whenever they are needed. Finally, after weeks of build up Taker and Kane have a match, and Kane wins clean. This could lead to future matches w/ different stipulations (mayber a Taker retirement match), and yeah, Kane is back.
I'm really liking both of these ideas especially with Kane being the heel already at the moment so he wouldn't need a heel turn they could do it right now in my opinion. If not, then turn him face and have him squash maybe a jobber or so and then just start wiping the floor with the SmackDown! roster and finally give him the Intercontinental Championship. I liked the ECW title reign he had last year and another nice little title run or something would be great for a guy that was so loyal to the WWE.
I think maybe the pendulum has shifted away from the "big man" lately, and people like Kane and Big Show and Khali are suffering from that. I can't speak for wrestling fans as a whole, but for myself and the handful of people I've discussed this with, they're just not as exciting as people like Morrison, AJ Styles, and Jeff Hardy (not a Hardy fan myself but enough are to include him here).

There used to be a certain ring psychology associated with "big men" that could be exciting, but I just don't see that anymore. I'm not sure who or what's to blame for that, but that's how I see it. I don't know how to fix it, if it's even fixable.
THE BIG RED MACHINE!!! I used to be a big Kane fan and I'm one of the many fans that want and preferred masked kane.Even nowadays I always play as masked Kane on my SvR games. Anyway before I start let me just say this,firstly apparently Kane doesn't want to be a champion and secondly I don't think my idea is exactly PG friendly more like PG-13 lol. But here goes... I would firstly bring Big Show and Kane back as a dominant tag team holding the Unified Tag Titles. This would eventually lead to them getting involved in a fued with Legacy. Somewhere during this fued Kane and Randy's paths will cross which would lead too a match between the two at let's say Armageddon. Maybe the week before they could lose the tag titles too Legacy just too keep it unpredictable. Leading up to Armageddon Randy can play mind games with Kane saying that he knows Kane's one fear/weakness and teasing him with fire. At Armageddon at one point maybe Big Show can turn on Kane (jelousy) and with Legacy they could set the turnbuckle on fire and slam Kane into it face first. Kane dissapears after this and they can play it out as if he got badly burnt and scarred. Then maybe at No Way Out during a Orton championship match Kane's Pyro goes off distracting Orton and costing him the title. The next few weeks Kane can Haunt Legacy. Doing things like Orton finding his locker room on fire, getting locked in his car that starts burning ect. even beating up Dibiase and Rhodes and do something like they see Kane's face and gets terrified of his sight. Kane will then make is official return at Wresltlemania in a Inferno match against Orton. With his mask of course. After Wrestlemania he carries on destroying the WWE roster. Even having a good Title run. I'd also would like too see him defeating Taker at some point after that.
Wow! These are all really great ideas. I think all of them can work. I don't see Vince doing anything with Kane at this point, and I would have liked for Kane to be Jericho's partner. I thought having the ECW title would propel Kane to a little higher on the charts but it didn't. I honestly see Kane retiring within a year or so. One more run as a legit champ is much deserved for the big fella. How about another feud with taker, leading to an inferno match at WM 26 where Kane is burned and comes back with the mask on in about 2 months. Too obvious and won't happen. Kane is one of 2 guys I would like to see with the title again, the other is HBK.
Uggghhhhh another one of these threads? There's at least a thread every month on how to "Save Kane" and every month, the following is decided...

YOU CAN'T!!!!!! In simplest terms, Kane is a shadow of his former self and will not ever be a main event performer ever again. Don't try to save Kane and put the world title on him because IT. WILL. NOT. HAPPEN. The poor bastard has jobbed to some of the smallest guys in the WWE and giving him the title will give the title, and Kane, less than zero credibility. The days of Kane being featured as a dominant force are over, have been over, and will always be over for the rest of time. It would be like trying to save King Kong Bundy in 1998 or something. Let this poorly booked guy rest in the mid-card hell until he retires and goes on to the HoF because he always was a loyal guy and hard worker. I'm not a Kane fan at all, but he deserves the HoF and such.
What you all fail to remember is WWE is PG. That alone destroys everyones idea. Masked Kane can't work if WWE is PG. Why? Simple, Masked Kane is a scary, destructive, i'm-gonna-burn-you-to-hell gimmick. A super evil type of gimmick, that in the current WWE isn't going to happen.
BUT I will play along.
To bring Kane back to his dominant Main Event Form you can do it 3 ways.

1. The Mask, although highly unlikely do to the PG Era of WWE, it would work, you keep him in the rivalry with Khali, Thats right KEEP HIM IN IT, they have a few matches that all cumulates into a match at Hell In A Cell, in the build up you have Kane loose to Khali again and again, Kane becomes frustrated like crazy, the he attacks random people in the back, but we never see him, then he abducts Singh and in the Smackdown! before Hell In A Cell, we see Kane with his Mask on in some were in the Arena with Singh, Khali in the ring goes nuts trying to find him, as Kane just laughs, At Hell In A Cell Kane finally wins vs Khali and is now the number 2 Singles Heel on Smackdown!, then take it from there.
-----Id give this a 30% of happening. Mainly because its not exactly PG WWE.

2.ECW. Plain and simple. You put Kane in ECW, he starts dominating, like he did the first time, he loses a match to either Khali or 'Taker thats a Loser Leaves Brand Match, he goes to ECW and destroys Christian in weeks leading to Breaking Point, at breaking point he dismantles Christian to become the ECW Champion, he dominates for 3-4 Months then loses it to maybe Sheamus at WM26, thus being the end of Kane on ECW as he drafted again to either Raw or Smackdown, or he stays on ECW and feuds with Sheamus.
-----Id give this a 73% chance of happening. Because hes been in Loser Leaves Brand Match before, and it would be a good, None Draft way to be moved, plus it then boosts ECW.

3. Brothers Of Destruction or Kane and Big Show. Either way he becomes a Tag Teamer again, if its with 'Taker then they go around destroying the other teams, then a Hell In A Cell, its Jericho and Big Show vs The Brothers Of Destruction. Guess who wins. Then after a few months of that, Kane betrays 'Taker and goes to another brand, and looses the Belts on purpose and goes into the Main Event on either Raw or ECW.
-----Id give that a 50% Chance of happening because I don't think 'Taker wants to be a Tag Team competitor.
OR you put him with Big Show again, I remember when they were together on RAW I think in 2004-2006 I think, correct me if I'm wrong, they were dominant, they were good to watch, it would start the Main Event arrival for Kane and would boost Big Show as well. At Hell In A Cell you have Show and Jericho in the ring, Kane comes in and both Show and Kane double choke slam Jericho, Shows turn is because over the past weeks he says that Show is screwing up to much, he keeping the team down, so Show turns on him with Kane.
-----Id Give this a 85% Chance Of Happening, because I think thats whats gonna happen, Plus it would make sense.
As a Kane fan, I find myself answering one of these threads nearly every other week. I love to read them because you usually get all these people coming out with all these weird and wonderful ideas about how to 'save' Kane....but the truth is, all he needs is a decent push and some wins over established main eventers to rekindle his dominance. Therefore, that means NOT working with the Great Khali (when Kane inevitably faces Khali he needs to convincingly beat him and then move on quickly) means continuing to beat guys like Punk, Hardy, Mysterio (as he already has this year) and entering into meaningful feuds with them...that is all Kane needs. He doesn't need to be put into another random feud with a weird motive behind it, he doesn't need a mask, he doesn't need inferno matches and the such (great ideas by the way but I just don't think they're necessary to make Kane a relevant main eventer again)....all Kane needs is a normal feud without all these extravagant loopholes in it with someone like Hardy, Punk or even Taker. As a Kane fan, all I want is to see him do something meaningful again...he doesn't have to win the title but please just a decent feud that makes sense.
Like kbrill, good ideas. but first 2 Jason nothing against ur idea but da statement about Kane not wanting 2 b champ is bull. Steve Austin once said if ur not in it 2 win the belt then u hav no reason 2 b here. Kane truly deserves da belt. he's loyal. obviously he needs his mask bak n he really just needs 2 go on a rampage backstage not do alot of talking. him as a heel is no fun so just beat up da right peeps n he will return to face. i liked da inferno match leading 2 mask idea. n a mitb match is perfect 4 his title return. he just cant lose in a day like him vs austin. he doesnt need an ic belt or us belt, he just needs da right wins. look at morrison how long has it been since he held a singles belt nn hes already up for da heavywieght title. fueds push wrestlers not belts.
that actually sounds like a dam good idea and maybe after he wins money in the bank and terrorizes both shows he could win both big tittles and be the undisputed champ and terrorize all of the wwe for a long time until an awaited return of taker comes back and defeats him for the belts
Mask or not (I prefer mask), Kane more than deserves another title run. They should have this running away from Khali crap actually end with Kane completely taking out Khali (I think I read on here not that long ago about Khali needing time off - if not, give it to him anyway) and then go completely monster crazy heel taking out wrestlers big and small on all brands for no apparent reason.

Have him come out to the ring and interrupt matches by decimating everyone, even the ref. Show up on RAW, destroy The Miztake, grab a mic and yell into it "you're wrong, I... am... AWESOME!!! HAHAHAHA!!!".

After he wins the whc, have him feud with Undertaker.
Everyone keeps mentioning feuding with 'Taker. Am I the only one that doesn't want to see this? It's been kinda done to death and quite honestly, 'Taker could do better than a Kane feud when he comes back.
I, too, have always wanted the masked Kane back. Not sure why they only have Rey Mysterio as the only masked man but maybe it is out of respect. I have no idea. Creative dropped the ball big time when they unmasked him to make him more human. "Emotionally burned/scarred" is/was a terrible storyline. They don't even have his pyro on the ring posts any more. He is getting as bad as Goldust jobbing to everyone.

I have had that thought of burning him and having him put his mask on. But by Jericho's hands. This can be done in a pyro accident like Jeff Hardy, an explosion in the parking lot like Vince's "death" or the electrocution like Goldust.

My hopes is that if none of these ideas come to fruition, when Kane decides to hang it up and retire, his last match is in the mask.
With everyone saying kane should have never of removed his mask (and i agree) what would you do to save his character. the once most dominating man in the wwe is know running from the punjabi playboy.

In my opinion id take him of our screens unprononced and a few weeks before wrestlemania when the final man for mitb is to be decided we have all the participents so far in the ring and theodore long comes out and say hes found the 9th man and with all the participents in the ring confused the lights go out and the four corners of the ring explode like Kane pyro. Then the next week one week befor wrestlemania after an 8 man tag between the mitb participent the most hated heel of the lot gets a ladder from the ring and takes the other 7 out with it. He then climes the ladder symboling him winning mitb only to have the lights go out then back on with a masked kane at the top of the ladder with him and then chokeslam him of. He then does his pyro on top of the ladder light go out back on and hes gone. He wins at Wrestlemania and wreaks havok on all 3 shows not deciding which belt hes going for and eventualy wins world or wwe title.

What do you think would that just about do it and how would you do it.

well sadly the wwe will never give him back his prestige because he doesnt want it. kane is my fave but he needs to get some dignity cuz he rlly shouldnt be jobbin. if he does grow a set, wwe would explode. i cant believe how big the wwe would be if he was again a M.E. More attitude era fans will be drawn again. kane running from khali = failure.
There's nothing wrong with him being scared of Khali, it adds an interesting element to it. I mean, if Kane, the guy who's scared of no-one, is suddenly scared of Khali then people are going to wonder why, and that's a good thing.

But if you want to save him, you DON'T need to take the mask off. When he returned, he should have done more. Sure, he attacked Khali, but he didn't really do much. Had he say, layed Khali out, maybe a chokeslam through the announce table, it would have been more effective. He should have taken out Ranjin Singh (sp?) then too.

So, let him have his match at SummerSlam. Then, have him come out and have a match with a top name on SD! Let's say, Big Show. Main event, and it's a good match, back & forth, then Kane just destroys Show. There, he's legitimate again. Want Jericho to interfere, sure. Maybe two on one, but Kane still comes out on top.

Maybe the week after Show & Jericho attack Kane backstage, maybe Undertaker comes back. It's not hard to save Kane.
I think they need to end his fued with Khali with Kane going over strong, maybe even a squash. Then I think he needs to start targeting Jeff Hardy. Where Kane should eventually go over and become World Heavyweight Champion. He does not need his mask, though it would have been better if he had returned wearing it. He needs to have a dominant reighn as champion, but loose it before Wrestlemania. He still needs to be in main event fueds, and eventually fued with a face Edge for the title again with him winning in the end. I don't see this happening and think Kane will probably retire in a few years at the most, but he deserves one last push.
It's not good for Kane right now in terms of his character. His career is starting to wind down and he has put in a lot of good years with WWE and to see him reduced to feuding with Khali is sad. Here are some ideas. Put him in the chase for any title that's out there. Put him in some title matches or some #1 contender matches so he can be perceived as a threat. Another idea is to move him to ECW where he can REALLY shine. Think about it. ECW really needs another star over there and who better to exist in the Land of Extreme than Kane? I think he would be great over there. Finally, put him in a tag team and have him chase Jericho/Big Show around. Who would his partner be? Only one choice really....Undertaker.
i think kane can be saved, all he needs is a good fued with a main eventer, here's how I would do it:

have chris jericho in a huge promo about how him and big show are the most dominent tag team of all time, he asks big show to come out so they can celabrate thier title reign, but show doesnt come.
next week is breaking point, and show and jericho have a title match with some team, lets say the hart dynasty. Jericho comes out, but show doesnt follow, there is a backstage shot of show unconcious, kanes music hits and he walks down, and fills in as jerichos partner. Jericho has kidd in the boston crab, when kane steps into the ring, and clears out dh smith, he smile at jericho, then kicks him in the face, then, chokeslam, kane walks away, and kidd locks in the sharpshooter, and jericho taps.
A rivalry starts up between jericho and kane, wich leads to a match at hell in a cell, in wich kane loses, having his face badly injured by jericho, possibly burnt, after this kane is not seen for a while.
In kanes time away, Jericho manages to win a world title, wich he defends, at the royal rumble. Kane makes his return in the rumble match, with the mask returning, due to the facial injuries, kane breaks his own record number off eliminations, and wins the rumble, and continues to destroy everyone in his way, then at no way out, jericho is defending the title in the elimination chamber, he is last out, and it is a one on one match now, when kane comes down, and tears the door of the chamber (much like his debut). he destroys but men, possibly using the tombstone (also like his debut), and throws jericho on top of the other so jericho wins, kane then challenges jericho at wrestlemania, saying he wants revenge. Kane wins the match, becoming champ, and then destroys Jericho after.

imo this is a great way to bring kane back to his terrifying, monster status, push him, and get him over with the fans at the same time.
I wouldn't do much. Kane is getting what he wants, a program with Khali! Plus Kane is old and battered, he's 42! He wont be winning any more world titles. But yes I would make him the most dominating force in the WWE again. With out that factor, who the hell is Kane any ways? Just some dude who is willing to put the younger guys over? I feel as if the WWE took away Kane's identity. But if this is what Glen wants, who are we, especially all you big Kane fans, to say he shouldn't?
I like the basic idea of kane leaving and then coming back... but not for MITB.

Royal Rumble: The 30th man, the guys are waiting in the ring to see who the last contender is... and BLAM the four corners of the ring light up and out comes Kane... with his mask on. He wins the Rumble after tossing ALL of the remaining wrestlers out. He goes on to win Wrestlemania, and has a long title reign to make his position stable.

Unfortunately, Kane doesn't have much more time left to wrestle and has apparently thought about retirement. Plus, he's been getting more involved in politics as of late (if I've heard correctly, I may be wrong).
Personally i think kanes career slowed down ever since paul bearer left. paul was kanes mouthpiece he was a good manager he could tell the fans about the big red monster.
I like kanes new music though although it should be like the way it was when the lights would go out an then the pyro would go off.

I think the wwe needs to revamp kane an make him back as the big red machine an not as the kane now whos runs from khali of all people. bring a manager in put him with kane an see where it goes from there. I always thought James Mitchell from TNA would of been a good manager to pair with kane

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