Better Debut: Kane or Chris Jericho

I'd say Jericho. I consider his debut probably the best in WWF, if not of all time.

Look at the facts. @_@ He was coming to the WWF from WCW. WCW! Where he was overlooked, underused and (while being what held the damn company together) company-wise a nobody. WWF debut? come out and interrupt one of the main eventers. :) Word!
Better is really the defining—and perhaps slightly subjective—word here. In terms of immediate impact it absolutely has to be Kane as he was physically dominant over one of the biggest names in the company/business right from the word 'go'. So in that sense Kane's debut was much much "better" than Jericho's.
That said, I personally prefer Jericho's, which to me is "better" as I was more entertained and more interested in seeing what he did next (which actually wasn't much, but I'll return to that in a moment). It was certainly the "cooler", "hipper" debut (Do people still use those words?).
What always pissed me off about Jericho's debut, and which was in stark contrast to Kane's, was that if you actually remember Rock got the (verbal) better of him and really Punk'd him out. As an aside Jericho never should have ran with that hair-fountain pony-tail "thing" on his head.
More often than not I've been a big believer in the debuting guy getting the rub (as long as we're not talking about no-name rookies/jobbers) at least in some way. I always felt that in that sense they semi-buried Jericho in that exchange and then confirmed it by sending him straight into the mid-card—where good ol' "butter boots" actually floundered for a little while—to deal with Road-Dogg, X-pac, Shamrock and the like.

P.S. Did Jericho's debut theme start with something along the lines of "Get on your knees bitch –Break the Walls Down!"? Even watching it now, I still can't quite make out what's being said. I don't think it was ever used again (but I could be wrong). Clarification(s) anyone?
I'll have to go with Chris everyone knew who he was and knew he was an Established mid-carder who was under-used in WCW. He debuts with a war of words against THE Rock, you had 2 of the greastest talkers going at it on the mic. I have feeling Chris is going out the same way he came in a heel getting cheered.
Now as for Kane's he had a good build up but like many said they didnt know what to expect with him.

So I have to go with Chris Jericho.
Good thread KB. Honestly a damn good question. On one hand you have Jericho who interrupted the top face in the company next to Austin, and with Kane he comes out and dominates Taker and costs him a WWE title shot.

I'd say Kane because his program with Taker shot him up to instant main event status, as he feuded with Austin over the WWE title afterwards and where he had his infamous 1 day title run. Even though that was a great way to debut Jericho, he still had to feud with a lot of midcard guys and he even feuded with Chyna briefly over the IC title.

Yes, Kane has had a lot of ups and downs since that, but that debut shot him instantly up to main event status. Whereas Jericho still had to work a lot of midcard programs/feuds to get to that main event level.
I have got to say Kane for several reasons.

1) Kanes debut was well built and it actually made Taker looked scared a little. No one has ever done this before Kane. Then when Kane came out at Bad Blood he manhandled Taker. Something we also didn't see (in a long time). Kane was built to be this big destruction machine and it worked. Because he is still the same now.

2) Jericho had such a great build, for alot of lower midcard feuds. When he came out against the Rock everyone thought he was going to finally get his chance in the upper midcard/main event level. But he didn't. He got alot of lower midcard feuds to start of his WWF/WWE career.
First off, you are comparing two totally different debuts here. On one hand you have a guy who people know from the rival company all of a sudden jumping ship and interrupting one of the biggest stars WWE had at the time while before that he was only a mid-carder in WCW.

On the other hand you have Kane, who know one really knows, taking out The Undertaker in his debut. They both had high profile debuts but the big difference is that one of them was a well known wrestler who came in and cut a promo on The Rock and the other was almost a nobody who came in and dominated the almost unbeatable Undertaker.

If no one knew who Jericho was then his debut would've meant nothing and nobody would've cared the week after. But Kane, who hadn't been seen prior to his debut, came out and made a lasting impact that made the fans care about his character and the storyline instantly.
I'm gonna go with Kane..

This story was so majestically built-up. With Bearer doing an outstanding job selling the story. The twists and turns of how Undertaker accidentally killed his parents and burned Kane (God! I wish they do that reference in their storyline right now).
I can still remember Undertaker choking Paul Bearer and Paul at last screaming "Kane told me Kane told me, he's alive Undertaker, he's breathing like everybody here!!" and then the expression on Undertaker's face was pure brilliance.
And then the debut.....

Now as good as Jericho was/is/will be, when Kane came in with preceded by that haunting organ music and red pyro and then McMahon screaming "that's gotta be KANE!!!" over and over. And then the sight of a man who looked larger than life in his appearance and stature. And above all ..that mask. It was something outta of a horror movie. I was super scared and super interested as a 9 year old at the sight of that man.
His ripping apart the cage door and going toe to toe with his brother, I mean the whole storyline was so well done and the debut's execution was and is unparalleled.
That's why Kane.

(and,IMO, Kane Vs Undertaker stole the show at WM 14 )
Jericho. If you watch the video on Youtube, Jericho's name got a huge pop from the crowd. Then he has a verbal battle with the Rock, one of the biggest stars in the world. Kane's debut was good for the storyline, & he turned out to be a good character, but no one knew who he was, & no one was waiting to see him. We knew Paul Bearer said the Undertaker had a brother, & that he would be a threat, but no one was saying "Oh, I can't wait to see 'Taker's brother!" Fans were waiting to see Jericho, & he delivered on that debut.
Even though im a bigger Jericho fan the debut of Kane was much bigger and exciting, Paul Bearer kept talking about Undertakers brother still being alive and when he appeard and tombstoned Undertaker it was exciting and awesome, Kane better debut but Jericho better carrer.
On topic now, Kane. Easily Kane, WCW was barely on in the UK and I for one didn't have a clue who Chris Jericho was, so why should I have been excited about this random dude rocking up and interrupting the great one.

That's true. If you didn't watch WCW, you would have no idea who the hell Jericho was. I watched some WCW and I knew who Jericho was and I heard his promos. Knowing who Jericho was, played a big factor on his debut to WWF/E.
Jericho's debut was huge, massive, insane and one of the greatest moments in the WWE, however that is because he was already well known. People knew who Chris Jericho was, they knew of his underutilized talent in WCW, his work in Canada and Japan. They knew he was great, so we knew when we finally saw him the WWE that it would be epic. As has been stated, if no one knew who Jericho was, his debut would have been met with little fanfare, it would have fizzled out quickly.

Now Kane on the other hand, was only before as Isaac Yakem DDS, but back then, most people didn't really know that, so to them this Kane they have heard only stories of was unknown, a mystery. No one knew what to expect when he finally showed up, but he stunned the crowd by ripping the cage door off, tombstoning Undertaker and standing over his fallen brother. The build up he received was rare and it worked, when he came out the fans didn't pop because they didn't care, they didn't pop because they were shocked and stunned at what they were saying. Kane's debut left an everlasting impression on a lot of people that day. Where as Jericho's was good, but looking back I am not impressed by it anymore, it was great, but that was then. Kane's still sticks with me, whenever I see Kane I think about his debut.

So Kane's debut was better in my opinion. I loved both, but Kane's still gives me goosebumps and takes me back to a wonderful time and place in wrestling where gimmicks like his where still believable.
Taking nothing away from Kane's debut, I think Jericho's was better. The moment his name popped up on The TitanTron, the crowd exploded. It is one of my favorite moments ever! Plus the banter with him and The Rock immediately established that he could handle himself, at least verbally already with WWE's BEST!

One thing that stands out about Kane's debut to me is Vince McMahon screaming, "That's gotta be Kane, That's gotta be Kane!"...
I think both had their flaws, but I honestly think Kane had a bigger impact, and here is why.

Kane and Jericho were both hyped for months one by sheer name by Paul Bearer and the other by countdown, Jericho may have had the rumors going through the IWC, but Kane had word of mouth mystery to him because the IWC wasn't as big as it is now, so it wasn't as spoiled that hey remember Issac Yankem he is now Undertakers Brother and has also been known as fake Diesel and even wrestled Hulk Hogan in the 80's.
Kane had his debut at Badd Blood in the first ever Hell in a Cell when he cost Undertaker the Victory over HBK. This setup a feud that went on til well after Wrestlemania.
Jericho debut on Raw cutting a promo over one of the greatest of all time on the Mic, The Rock, but there never really was any real feud between the two after that for a few years.
So really in retrospect Kane definitely had a batter debut then Jericho
What a dilemma,,, two of my fave wrestlers of all time, how to choose?
I was a huge WCW fan in the day, jerichos work there was amazing, i hadn't watched as much wwE/F when Kane debuted.

I have to give the edge to Jericho's debut, the countdown, the pop, the verbal sparring with the Rock, the use of catchphrases for both Superstars. Epic.

Kane's debut was amazing, a true monsters appearance. Tore off the door and attacked the phenom.
I would have to go with Jericho. Kane's debut was great but Jericho's was epic and the pop was huge.

That's true. If you didn't watch WCW, you would have no idea who the hell Jericho was. I watched some WCW and I knew who Jericho was and I heard his promos. Knowing who Jericho was, played a big factor on his debut to WWF/E.

Now you can argue people who didn't watch WCW did not know who Jericho was. But in the era of the Monday Night Wars a lot of fans did tune in to both the WWF and WCW. As for me I would catch Nitro occasionally but felt it was a huge moment Jericho arrived. You could tell from the promo with The Rock that Jericho and the Attitude era would be a perfect fit and we can expect nothing but great things.

Of course I was right.
Both were tremendous debut's and probably two of the best ever making this a very tough choice however I will have to go with Kane's debut here. He was built up for months as this guy that could go toe to toe with Taker in a time period when next to no one could, the way he was built up Rey Mysterio could have walked through the curtain and you would believe he could take out Taker. Then when he debuts he interupts the first ever HIAC match between two of the companys biggest stars, he rips the f*cking door of the cell and tombstones Taker, thats how you build someone up to be a monster right there. From there he goes on to be 2nd from last at his first ever WM, not bad hey.
Why does everybody say Chris jericho's? The rock owned him in a war of words. Kane tore off a steel door, and attacked the undertaker, setting up a legendary feud.
This is good thread. Personally it's hard to compare the two. Kane's Debut was physical and scary. Jericho's was a promo and very exciting.

They had were both brilliantly done.

I'm going to go with Kane's, because it led into a long fued (The first, and the best) with the Undertaker. Jericho's- amazing as it was, didn't lead up to anything directly.
Both were still amazing though.
"thats gotta be kane!!!!!! thats gotta be kane"-vince mcmahon

and id go with kane.while rock and undertaker are both great i think taker was more feared in 1997 than rocky in one in their wildest dreams could have thought that some one would rip apart the cell cage and tombstone taker.also the fear in taker's eyes was something new.

jericho as someone mentioned and though jericho fans might think otherwise got punked by rocky.also the fact that jericho lingered on in midcard and lower midcard feuds after that made it seem that rocky was right bout jericho.

also i knowfor saying this ill get more heat than any heel in wwe today but as good as jericho is on the mic he is not second to rocky.he is the best in wwe today(maybe but i like punk more) though.
well Chris had a good one but remember kanes started the most continued rivalry in wwe history cuse they fought at wrestlemania 14 and 20 and there having a fued right now that means more people no about kanes then chrises
This is kind of like comparing an orange and a grapefruit both are fruits but there are major differences. I have to go with Kane on this one. For a couple of reasons Kane was an actual debut not a guy hoping between WCW and WWE. Now i love Jericho and think he is the top 10 wrestlers of all time. But like i said Kane was a Debut we had never seen this character and were not sure what to expect. With Jericho we knew something was coming and we had a countdown. But in Jericho's case we knew what he could do in the ring / mic, Kane not so much. So yeah Kane gets the Debut vote, Jericho gets wow the crowd just went nuts.
Both were great.

But Kane's debut is my fav of the two, months of build.. one of the best periods of takers career. Hell in a cell... HBK, tombstone to the taker! And seeing that red monster that was bigger than taker.... damn.

I highly doubt that WWE can repeat a debut like kane's.
Wow I'm loving the overwhelming Jericho majority despite the epicdom that is Kane's debut. Just reading your post on how Y2J debuted gave me goosepimples so I have to go with The Best In The World At What He Does. The Rock was my favourite wrestler at the time too so it was even more magical in my mindhole.

This is in no way to discredit Kane's debut because he easily had one of the greatest introductions in professional wrestling. It was an intriguing storyline and immediately made Kane believable in the main event.

However when Jericho made his debut the roof was blown right off the stadium marking the beginning to the ultimate war of words (W.O.W.)
I have to go with Jericho. You could tell he was going to be something HUGE when he appeared and said "welcome to RAW is Jericho!!!!!". Only to add on to that they put him with the company's top promo man and had them duel it out. While Kane had the perfect build up we knew he was coming Jericho was supposed to be the new millennium but instead of Y2K he was Y2J which stuck with him for close to 10 years before he had to change his gimmick which he didn't actually HAVE to because it never got stale and it was perfection from the start while Kanes gimmick was somewhat cartoonish and nothing really came of it.
Kane by a long shot.

I too had never even heard of Chris Jericho when he made the jump to the 'F'. I thought he was great on the mic and was interested to see what he could do in the ring with the WWF guys. Mere minutes after captivating my attention purely through a lengthy promo (which is difficult, because i hate long promos), The Rock tore through him with two catchphrases and his moment was gone. On to the next segment.

The ME of the night comes around, and Jericho does a run in to cost Rock his match and that was the grand sum of Chris Jericho's debut.

2 weeks later he's got Howard Finkel carrying hs bags and he's not even on the card at Summerslam, except to interrupt the Road Dogg, who was the guest ref in a hardcore match.

Plus the majority of the fans in attendance at that show already knew it was going to be Jericho coming through the curtain anyway. For those of you who are 'remembering the pop', go back and listen to the 'Jericho' chants that preceeded the end of the countdown. And when the camera pans through the crowd, look at the number of 'Jericho' signs there were in the audience that night.

Kane on the other hand......

It's 1997, the Deadman has been bashing Mankind and Paul Bearer for a fair while, won the title at WM13 from Sid, and lost it to Bret Hart because HBK smacked him with a chair accidentally.

A fued begins between the two, where after a PPV match ended in a no contest (due to DX interference, and injured refs/camera men) HBK and Taker competed in the first HIAC match at Bad Blood 1997.

Throughout the majority of the time frame i've just covered (and i'm talking months here), Paul Bearer, the Undertaker's former manager, has been talking about the arrival of Kane, the Undertaker's brother, not dead as the Phenom has led everyone to believe, or as he himself believed, but alive and well (minus the hideous "scarring") and with a taste for extreme bloody vengeance.

Now, fans are thinking, "Wtf? Taker's got a brother now? Is he supposed to be a zombie too?"

Anyway, there's a lot of talk and very little action going on around Kane, so people are focusing on HBK getting skinned alive by the Deadman inside a cage with a roof instead.

The match commences, there's no DX in sight, more camera men get beaten up, the combatants beat each other senseless, they breach the cage, scale it, battle further, and Shawn Michaels plummets to the ground in a stunt that would be completely forgotten some 10 months later.

As Taker throws his victim into the ring and delivers the killing stroke and moves to claim his vengeance in front of a capacity crowd, the lights go out, eerie and unfamiliar music starts playing and a loud fiery pyro ignites at the top of the ramp, and through the curtain comes Paul Bearer leading a man that stands even taller than the Undertaker, but instead of being a fat sack of crap like 'Giant' Gonzales or King Kong Bundy, this guy is built solid, clothing covering all but his left arm and a mask that simply shows two eyes, one a piercing white and the other a soulless black.

Vince McMahon is screaming in his headset that this must be Kane, in order to remind the confused viewers around the world who the hell this guy is supposed to be, and then suddenly confusion and Freddy Krueger comparisons become irrelevant as this guy literally rips the cage door off and gets in the ring and squares up to the Phenom. The camera changes and fans actually see the Deadman hesitate in fear and confusion.

Suddenly, Kane grabs his brother, hoists him up, and drills Taker with his signature move, the Tombstone Piledriver, leaving him laying in the ring, for HBK to crawl over and stick it to the Deadman again, 1,2,3.

Kane then went on to beat Taker down multiple times over, tore up the entire roster in a style that wasn't seen again until Brock Lesnar came along in '02, sent monsters like Vader back to the locker room a beaten mess, and even set Taker on fire inside a casket.

As someone already said, a debut isn't just about the very first day you turn up, it's about the immediate aftermath of that debut that makes your arrival significant. Making one big noise during a Rock promo and then doing nothing, surely pales far in comparison to walking in, leaving a ME'er laying, and continuing to do so for the next 6 months, and then becoming the freakin' champion over Austin of all people, 24 hour reign or not.

To be honest, The Radicalz had a better debut than Jericho, if you judge by the criteria i just listed. They turned up in the crowd during Raw and attacked Road Dogg and X-Pac during a hardcore tag match, and were in matches by the end of the night, and continued to be involved in the DX/Rock 'n' Sock/Two Cool scenario that went on during December of 1999. Ok, so Eddie broke his arm that first week, and everyone knew they'd never get ME material out of Saturn or Malenko, but Benoit just ran with it to the point that he was ME'ing before BOTH Jericho AND Kurt Angle, another of WWFs hottest acquisitions in late 1999.

Boy, i went on a tirade there didn't i? Thanks to all those who actually read it all, but yeah, i say Kane's was better. Purely because Kane's debut equalled a new ME player that was able to finally give us a decent 'Big Man' fued with Taker, whereas Jericho interrupted the Rock, then interrupted the Rock's match and was then just interrupting people that no one was interested in. It wasn't until his face turn that Jericho was being put in matches and being used prominently with guys like Kurt and Benoit who were pretty much cemented in the upper mid-card/ME tier boundary, despite BOTH joining the main roster AFTER him.

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