Better Debut: Kane or Chris Jericho

y2j hands down, the best debut in history i would say EVER!!!!!!! him and the rock were perfect and soooo entertaining, the rock pulled the "who in the hell are you" with it doesnt matter" than the rock made fun of him for beating juventud guerrera classsic, but kanes debut was wicked but nothing compare to jerichos
In terms of expectation, I think it was Kane. At the time the storyline between The Undertaker, Paul bearer and the *unknown* kane was one of the biggest storylines of the year so obviously people wanted the *unknown" (Kane) to be known.
But in terms of entertainment, and general aspects of what fans want to see from a wrestler, the debut of Jericho was superior by far. Possibly one of the biggest things to occur in '99. Which is saying alot as it was a huge year!
Chris Jericho's debut is YouTube gold. That's it. It created a bit of a stir, and set him up. It did not affect the WWF main event scene. It did not even affect The Rock after the event. It was on Raw, sandwiched between a tag match featuring Joey Abs and a hardcore title number one contenders match. In many ways it was almost identical to The Miz's promos last year on Cena. They established him on Raw, they had absolutely no effect on John Cena. Jericho's debut showed him at his best, then went to the archive where it is rightly shown often.

Kane's debut made The Undertaker look weak. Think about that for a second. It disrupted a PPV main event, and furthermore it had been set in motion by Paul Bearer's fantastic promo on Taker, about the fire he had started. Kane looked incredible, acted in a fashion nobody had ever seen before - monsters of the past took delight in what they had done, and Kane's nonchalontness was probably more frightening. If you want to let a midcarder make a bit of a name for himself, then Jericho's debut is what you do. If you want to turn a main event scene on its head, you do a debut like Kane's. Kane's was a big time debut, and probably the most impressive big time debut ever. Jericho's pales into insignificance in comparison.
I am going to have to go with Jericho, just for the crowd reaction when his name appears on the titantron...they go INSANE!!

Then, his verbal exchanges with The Rock are top quality too, giving Jericho immediate superstar status from going head to head with the biggest star in the company at the time. He was able to introduce his Y2J persona and catchphrases straight away and you could tell this guy was going to be something special in the WWF.

Kane making his debut was also awesome, he looked scary, had the great organ music and totally dominated the Undertaker, but for crowd reaction it was not on the level of Jericho's debut.

I have always been a big fan of Masked Kane, its one of my favourite gimmicks, but as good as his debut was (its still in my top 4 or 5 of all time), Jerichos is better
Jericho everyone knew he was about to become a breakout star after WCW dropped the ball with him. To me Kane was just another repackaged gimmick for someone with no talent.
I think that while both men had great debuts, I say Jericho had the better one. What better way to debut in the WWE than interrupt arguably the WWE's biggest star at the time during a promo? When you interrupt The Rock, you should know that you are going to be something moderately big in the company. Not only that, but also the fact that WCW fans were clamoring for Jericho to be pushed in WCW, and he never was. Because of that, when he debuted in the WWE, he also brought the Jericho fanbase with him because they believed that he would have the success he so rightfully deserved in the WWE. Also, the "Millennium Clock" was a pretty cool thing to see appear on the Titantron for the first time. So while both men's debuts were good, and shrouded by excitement in their own way, Jericho's was just a bit better.

You Just Got Stung!
What better way to debut in the WWE than interrupt arguably the WWE's biggest star at the time during a promo?

How about interrupting arguably the WWE's two biggest stars during the main event of a ppv in a match that had never been seen before.

When you interrupt The Rock, you should know that you are going to be something moderately big in the company. Not only that, but also the fact that WCW fans were clamoring for Jericho to be pushed in WCW, and he never was. Because of that, when he debuted in the WWE, he also brought the Jericho fanbase with him because they believed that he would have the success he so rightfully deserved in the WWE. Also, the "Millennium Clock" was a pretty cool thing to see appear on the Titantron for the first time. So while both men's debuts were good, and shrouded by excitement in their own way, Jericho's was just a bit better.

Jericho's debut was cool and all but it was nothing groundbreaking and it didn't lead to shit. He interrupted The Rock, later in the night he interfered in the Rock's match, and then...... he entered a feud with Road Dogg. Jericho's debut had some potential but it didn't lead to anything. Like Tasty said it was just another segment of an episode of RAW.

Kane debuted during the main event of a ppv and made the Undertaker look weak. He was one of, if not the first to make Taker look legitimately scared. No one had ever intimidated Taker like that before. The way Kane came out, ripped the cell door of the hinges, and proceeded to tombstone the Undertaker was truly a sight to see. Kane's debut also led to something. It led to a very good feud between him and Taker. Kane's debut was far better then Jericho's.
Bill Lesnar enjoyed Y2J's debut more. Although Kanes debut was good and put him over as a monster heel. Bill Lesnar though Y2J's entrace in the wwe was very cool and the crowd went nuts. Bill Lesnar likes it when the crowd goes nuts.
Jericho for me as he has always been able to cut great promos and when he's cut a promo with The Rock its always been a good one and I think thats what made it a good debut for me

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