Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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I have trouble with the ones in bold. I need help.

Since I am not sure if you mean you do not understand them, or you are having trouble following them, I'll tell you about them. If you are having trouble about with them, just keep Santino in your heart, say a few Psalms of Santino, and pray

Santino's Commandments!

2. Thou shall not covet the Glorious Amazon
This mean's you shall never envy Santino's future wife, and bearer of his Children, Beth Phoenix.

3. Thou shall not covet Santino's Casa

This means you shall not envy the House Santino has chosen to keep his wife and children

5. Thou shall not make mention of that ****e in the boobie magazine
Santino once had his eye on the women who would have the privilege to bear his children. Like Eve, this women could not be trusted and was left. I cannot mention this person's name, for it is strictly forbidden. You may have to dig through past achieves of the Santino Holy Bible to find out who it is I talk about.

6. Thou shall not worship any title not in the position of Santino as they are false idols
As of right now, there are no titles of value in the WWE, If Santino wants to win the WWE Intercontinental Title tonight, than that title will become, the Undisputed Universal Championship.

10. Thou shall not ask for Santino's name in writing as he is eating his Pasta Fagioli
Santino gives his life for us, this is why he was put here on Earth. His only free time is when he is enjoying a plate of his favorite thing, Pasta Fagioli. Leave him alone, and do not ask for his autograph during this time. I warn you. Wrathful Santino will harm you.
K, read the last 6 pages or so, has this club been flipped around and shaken up a bit. I don't see any problem with talking about other wrestlers here, but I've seen nothing but Morrison and Kennedy being praised and talked highly of here. Who's wresliing at SSlam, not Morrison or Kennedy, Santino is!!! THIS IS THE F'ING SANTINO FAN-A-CLUB, and I didn't start posting in here to talk about other wrestlers, I came here to share my wonderfuls views and opinions about Santino. Now with that being said, the countdown to Santino winning the IC title is about 8 hours away. What time does SSlam start central time, 6, 7, 8?
K, read the last 6 pages or so, has this club been flipped around and shaken up a bit. I don't see any problem with talking about other wrestlers here, but I've seen nothing but Morrison and Kennedy being praised and talked highly of here. Who's wresliing at SSlam, not Morrison or Kennedy, Santino is!!! THIS IS THE F'ING SANTINO FAN-A-CLUB, and I didn't start posting in here to talk about other wrestlers, I came here to share my wonderfuls views and opinions about Santino. Now with that being said, the countdown to Santino winning the IC title is about 8 hours away. What time does SSlam start central time, 6, 7, 8?

Its that n00b who should be banned. FOTH Jr. Though I agree, this group has to go back to its roots. We need some sort of contest, any ideas?
It's 7 Central, and I agree. Santino and Morrison are both awesome... but this is the Santino Fan Club. Morrison discussion should go in the Morrison Fan Club.

Who cares about the overrated and frail Kennedy?
There are three up and comers for the SFAC. Santino 48/7, david_showtime_cougar, and hardcore kennedy. Maybe we pit them in a death match for the last remaining SFAC spot? Is that cruel? Or we do something for their benefit, like rep them like crazy? Or we get them to make us pizza?
there's a limit to this club?!?, well then I am so finding out where the other two guys live and killing them, all for Santino!
I think that as a show of Fan Club solidarity, we should give Santino a nickname that only we use.

How does "Brock-a-Toon" sound?

(Major props to anyone who knows the reference)
Maybe we could each debate why each of us should get to be a member in the club. Or the pizza idea cause i'm starting to get pretty hungary myself

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