What's the most interesting story going on currently in the WWE?
Kane mystery
[tally] 544
HBK/Jericho story
[tally] 177
Edge/Vickie saga
[tally] 80
CM Punk title scenario
[tally] 118
Raw chaos
[tally] 132
[tally] 25
votes: 1076
Other being How awesome Santino is! Vote now on Wrestlezone.com!
Kane mystery
[tally] 544
HBK/Jericho story
[tally] 177
Edge/Vickie saga
[tally] 80
CM Punk title scenario
[tally] 118
Raw chaos
[tally] 132
[tally] 25
votes: 1076
Other being How awesome Santino is! Vote now on Wrestlezone.com!