Cody Rhodes is an excellant
You know Justin, for a Santino Hater, you sure do spend an awful lot of time in the fan club meeting room! They say the inferior tend to spend time with those better than themselves to associate with greatness, I do not blame you.
Besides, there's a big difference between people like you and the other person. You are constructive, funny, and speak in complete sentences. Like it or not, you ADD more to the fan-a-club than you DETRACT. Sad but true my friend...
Uh huh sure, yeah whatever helps you sleep better at night buddy

I figure somebody has to come in here and speak the truth, so that others will realize how bad Santino really is, hopefully someday Vince will realize that Santino is a waste of space and his roster spot could be given to a much more interesting wrestler, say Colt Cabana, now there's a guy who has both mic and ring skills, and he just so happens to be good buddies with the best champ in WWE, CM Punk