Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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Canadians are better off than Americans. Our economy's not down the drain, we have free health care, and we are not univerisally hate like Americans. Oh and Santino is from here.
I am going to take a leave from the Santino Fan-A-Club. Because I do not know how long this leave will be, I am giving up my Vice Presidency. This Fan-A-Club has meant so much for me, but I must do this for many reasons. I will not offer my support to anyone to be named in my stead, there are too many to choose from, I am sure that Brian will be able to make a choice. I would like to thank all of you for becoming my friends in her, it has meant a lot to me. I know this group will continue to grow. I hope to come back, and see a bunch of new little Santino fans in here:).

Thank you for the memories.
Your Faithful Santino Fan
Your Faithful Santino Fan-A-Club Fan.
I'm sad to say this, but this thread is just getting more ridiculous by the day. Slyfox has brainwashed me :(

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