Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

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Harper is bad, just remeber that! In all honesty I'm not very political. This was the first year I could vote and I voted Green. I'm more liberal leaning in my beliefs, even though I'm christian. I really don't care who's in power to be honest, I just don't like alot of Harper's values.
Harper has done a great job in my opinion. He just gets blasted by the left wing media. They fill they youth with belief that Harper is evil, despite being strong economically, socially, and politically. He only needs to work on his environmental issues. We shall see his plan in a month.
It's comments like these that really bug the shit out of me.

First off Maria is not a ****e. She was actually asked to do Playboy long before she appeared in the Magazine but she refused because she didn't want to do it while her younger sister was in high school

Yeah you don't get to be Intercontinental Champion for 56 weeks (I think it is) by being crappy

It's comments like these that make me wonder why you're in the Santino Fan-a-Club in the first place. You hardly praise the guy, ever. Double posts also bug the shit out of me.
In the John Morrison Fan Club

my point and santino is so dumb. he gets to carry the best mid card tittle around like a joke with his dumb honk a meter just to gain heat. he sucks as champion when he does not defend against crediable people. i hope Regal takes the belt he can wrestle and bring some value back to the belt.

You know what to do.
Allow me to do the honor. Santino is the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all the times. Case closed.
Allow me to do the honor. Santino is the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all the times. Case closed.

Wow what an argument you sure taught me a thing or two (:weird:)

Santino is the worst Intercontinental Champion of all times. And anyone who says otherwise needs to give me some facts instead of spam.

But still shock you're sigs rule.
Wow what an argument you sure taught me a thing or two (:weird:)

Santino is the worst Intercontinental Champion of all times. And anyone who says otherwise needs to give me some facts instead of spam.

But still shock you're sigs rule.

I'm gonna make a new Santino sig and put this quote in it. :lmao:
You're lucky I can't have enough lines to put the quote in. But regardless, new Santino sig! Anyone like it? :)
Shock64, your sig is kick ass! You are very talented! Santino Rules and it's great that your representing that. Would you make me a possible Melina sig? Thanks in advance, even if you can't :)
Wow what an argument you sure taught me a thing or two (:weird:)

Santino is the worst Intercontinental Champion of all times. And anyone who says otherwise needs to give me some facts instead of spam.

But still shock you're sigs rule.

Jericho, Jeff, and Umaga did nothing for the belt. i remember Jericho would come to the ring without it. Jericho downgraded the belt because he was already larger than it. More people care about the belt now just because Santino carries it around.

Jericho, Jeff, and Umaga= total fail when it came to wearing the IC title
Santino sucks, TM try to prove me wrong. You'll probably fail.

What is your reasoning? Mmm?

Wow what an argument you sure taught me a thing or two (:weird:)

Santino is the worst Intercontinental Champion of all times. And anyone who says otherwise needs to give me some facts instead of spam.

But still shock you're sigs rule.

Again, what is your reasoning? You asked both times for reasons why he is great, yet you supply none saying he isn't.

When was the last time, before Santino held the belt, that people actually cared about the Intercontinental Championship? Mm. Exactly. It's been years. They care now though.

He is the best IC champ they've had in years. And it's not even close.

Is he a public enemy? If not, he is now.

Red rep.
new public enemy

The worst segment I believe was the honka meter shit. Santino may seem very funny, but they could at least make it into something hilarious, not the shit he's doing right now. To me, he's lame. If they put him over as some one hilarious (not acting goofy all the time), I will accept him as IC champion.

Yay or Nay?
Santino sucks, TM try to prove me wrong. You'll probably fail.

Haven't we already had this conversation already? And didn't I prove it, causing you to freak out and leave? I don't understand why this issue has been brought up time and time again. Santino is obviously good, which is why he has the IC Title, and it is why it has been elevated. It is brought out on Raw EVERY week, it is even defended at Pay Per Views. The question I ask to you is, do you hate Santino because it is his job to make you hate him?
Haha no problem! People with their blind hate. As soon as a superstar get's as popular as Santino is, you'll always get naysayers.

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