Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

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Well you and Brian can talk about that. MF and The Show, how about that Canadian election that only took a couple weeks.
it's pretty sad really. What is the real point in them, and the bloc party for that matter. Canada should just have three parties, Conservatives, Liberals, and a third one that the other two can say there always ahead of, also known as NDP. lol
Hey with Al Gore you would've had flying cars, no pollution, zero crime-rate, plus he would've killed Osama Bin Laden with his bare hands and Dick Cheney would've shot a couple of murders instead. lol, I love Family Guy
Well there was this time when my dad lost his job due to cuts by Jean Chretien. Pretty much threatened my parents economic future. Then that party lost control, and a new party came to power that instead of putting money where it shouldn't be, brought back jobs to those who wanted them. Now my parents gross $300,000, and we do not have to worry about money, we don't have to worry about losing our house. I am able to go to school, and become a better person in my opinion. I owe my life to Stephan Harper.
I voted for Harper last election cause I wanted to see if he would really lower the GST. He did, and then I forgot to vote this year.

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