Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

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Why? Because he's been in a couple matches as a spot filler?
That's not a good enough reason to say he's in a main event feud, try again.

Simply Priceless w/ Manu and Cryme Tyme and, I suppose, Kofi.. Are nothing more than a supporting cast for the Orton/Punk feud.

But just 'cause Kofi is part of the supporting cast proves nothing. Santino isn't second or third generation.. So, he can't be with them.. He's not a face, so he's obviously not going to be helping Punk anytime soon. Kofi is the only one without a storyline.. So, bam, he's put with them.

Face it, Santino is doing more than Kofi.. If it was the other way around.. Wouldn't Kofi still have the belt? Thought so.
No, Kofi doesn't have the belt now because he dropped it so he could move up on the ladder. Santino is a comedy worker and that's fine, he's good at what he does. But to say that he's better than an athletic workers like Kofi that has a unique moveset and has gotten over quickly is nothing but ridiculous.
Why? Because he's been in a couple matches as a spot filler?
That's not a good enough reason to say he's in a main event feud, try again.

Simply Priceless w/ Manu and Cryme Tyme and, I suppose, Kofi.. Are nothing more than a supporting cast for the Orton/Punk feud.

But just 'cause Kofi is part of the supporting cast proves nothing. Santino isn't second or third generation.. So, he can't be with them.. He's not a face, so he's obviously not going to be helping Punk anytime soon. Kofi is the only one without a storyline.. So, bam, he's put with them.

Face it, Santino is doing more than Kofi.. If it was the other way around.. Wouldn't Kofi still have the belt? Thought so.

even though you're from West Virginia, you can be a member of the SFAC. Yes, you're an official Member.
Unique moveset? Since when was a couple kicks unique? Or a double leg drop? Right.

Now, this is the part where you say Santino only has a roll up. Bring it.
Why? Because he's been in a couple matches as a spot filler?
That's not a good enough reason to say he's in a main event feud, try again.

Simply Priceless w/ Manu and Cryme Tyme and, I suppose, Kofi.. Are nothing more than a supporting cast for the Orton/Punk feud.

But just 'cause Kofi is part of the supporting cast proves nothing. Santino isn't second or third generation.. So, he can't be with them.. He's not a face, so he's obviously not going to be helping Punk anytime soon. Kofi is the only one without a storyline.. So, bam, he's put with them.

Face it, Santino is doing more than Kofi.. If it was the other way around.. Wouldn't Kofi still have the belt? Thought so.


Seriously you are now my officially least favorite poster, your ignorance just astounds me, Kofi is well on his way to a feud that will be featured on PPV, something Santino is nowhere near , at least not right now
Why? Because he's been in a couple matches as a spot filler?
That's not a good enough reason to say he's in a main event feud, try again.

Simply Priceless w/ Manu and Cryme Tyme and, I suppose, Kofi.. Are nothing more than a supporting cast for the Orton/Punk feud.

But just 'cause Kofi is part of the supporting cast proves nothing. Santino isn't second or third generation.. So, he can't be with them.. He's not a face, so he's obviously not going to be helping Punk anytime soon. Kofi is the only one without a storyline.. So, bam, he's put with them.

Face it, Santino is doing more than Kofi.. If it was the other way around.. Wouldn't Kofi still have the belt? Thought so.

Welcome in! Ac... um, is Ace still in to update the list?
Ok. Name another move that Santino has besides the roll up. Kofi has a moveset that is at least varied. And name someone else with the double leg, or the spinning kick in WWE today.
Unique moveset? Since when was a couple kicks unique? Or a double leg drop? Right.

Now, this is the part where you say Santino only has a roll up. Bring it.

It's not the moves that makes him unique, it's how he ultilzes the moves in his matches, it's how he features his athletic ability, and makes his matches appear to be more realistic, unlike Santino who doesn't do shit, except butcher other wrestlers catchphrases and tell bad jokes
It's not the moves that makes him unique, it's how he ultilzes the moves in his matches, it's how he features his athletic ability, and makes his matches appear to be more realistic, unlike Santino who doesn't do shit, except butcher other wrestlers catchphrases and tell bad jokes

This sums up my argument perfectly. Kofi has something that will always work for him: athleticism. People never get tired of seeing wrestlers put on good matches when they have the slighest bit of charisma, which Kofi has a good amount of. Santino has the sasme problem as Haas: Eventually he's going to run out of material.
Are you positive about that, klunder? Have you been to the future to see when Santino will run out of material?
I will do once more.. But this time, I will do so completely on purpose.. Did the Rock run out of material? And please.. Please.. If you want to bash Santino, don't compare him to Haas. Santino is far from being on his last leg, as Haas is. He has talent, but now he's got a gimmick that did nothing for Big Show. For what? Cheap pops.

It's only a matter of time before grow tired of Kofi running around, smiling all the damn time.
Riiiiiiiiiiight. So, comedy that isn't something that everyone finds funny will win out over athleticism and actual wrestling talent? That makes perfect sense to me indeed.
So as I think Sly said, if Santino "goes away" and "trains" to become a better wrestler, has a full moveset, would you like him?
He's not my style, but I'd certainly think more of him. My issue is that he's too one dimensional. Partially that he has the IC belt too. It makes a mockery of it. Its exactly like when David Flair was US champion. To answer your question though, it would make him light years better in my eyes, even if he had a moderate moveset.
He may not be your style.. But he's clearly more over than people think.
Otherwise, why would we be on TV so damn much? He's on there more than your precious Kofi Kingston.

But no, Kofi is way more over than Santino.. Riiiiiiiiiiight.
Some sort of an angle where he learns a bigger moveset, and locks in armbars wouldnt be that bad. or an angle where he learns from other IC champions.
Why is JBL on tv so much? I'd hardly call him over. And if you'd think for a minute, you'd realize that Kofi IS going to be on tv more. He was at the ppv last week. Where was Santino? No where. He's kept on Raw because he is good for laughs, not being in the ring. Why do you think Beth won the tag match and the belts for him? Because no one would believe him pinning the champion.
Some sort of an angle where he learns a bigger moveset, and locks in armbars wouldnt be that bad. or an angle where he learns from other IC champions.

That could work. Don't get me wrong, he's good at what he does. While I think there are people far more deserving of the belt, Santino is a pretty good comedy character. Its the wrestling aspect I don't like.
So as I think Sly said, if Santino "goes away" and "trains" to become a better wrestler, has a full moveset, would you like him?

I was the one who suggested he go away and "learn how to wrestle", this of course should happen when WWE is ready to give him a new gimmick, and the best way to go about this is if he were to get injured and had to take a few months off anyway, they could film some footage of him training and learning and then after a few months have him return in a more serious role, casue lets face it no one has ever reached ME status doing what Santino is doing right now, that being a complete joke all the time
but a shoot fighter only gets you so far, unless you are Ken Shamrock, but with a dream of wrestling and not MMA
Yeah that's why I said overdone. And there's already Kozlov. Santino could be decent, but he could use a name change if he's going to be a serious worker. A moveset and a gimmick change and he could be a decent midcard worker.
Some sort of an angle where he learns a bigger moveset, and locks in armbars wouldnt be that bad. or an angle where he learns from other IC champions.

No it wouldn't be that bad, in fact they could possibly kill to birds with one stone here, by having Tazz be the guy that trains him, that way you can get Tazz out of the announce position on SD! and not have to suffer through his crap commentary anymore, adn Tazz is a guy known for his suplex and submission skills, plus they could play off his time as a trainer on Tough Enough

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