Santino Marella Fan-a-Club (SFAC)

Where will Santino / Santina land on Monday Night?

  • Staying on RAW

  • Drafted to SMACKDOWN

  • Going EXTREME

  • Freelance

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because you'll be president if something ever happens to me. I.E. Banned. Impeached. Stepped down.... and so forth.
OOO, I would so take a bullet for you king. I'm the man for the job. Write it up on your little ballot boxes right now people. Just dot that box right beside david_SHOWTIME_cougar
and I'd vote for you too wwefan 49, I'd vote for anyone who came back after being teddy harted. By the way, how did u get teddy harted, I thought I saw ur profile was one day.

I was banned for a week for not giving enough reasons in a post...oh well I'm back now and I haven't gotten in trouble
As Vice President, I will help unify the top of the Officers into a well oiled machine, working closely with my Pittsburgh friend, creating a cross nation, cross continent team of Santino. Together, we will make Santino proud, and the Santino Fan-A-Club prosperous!
As your VP, I will spread the word of Santino and unite all Santino fans to this club. I will make Santino a regular part on my soon to be starting weekly wrestling radio show at the University of Winnipeg, speaking highly of him and advertising the Santino Fan-a-Club. (I'll do it anyway, but it would sound way cooler if I could say that I was the VP of the club, ya know it does) I will, with the help of my members in office, help establish a global fan base for Santino and, as my opponent perfectly stated, make Santino proud and this already prosperous Fan-a-Club become even more prosperous!
My job is very important thank you very much! What Brian Didn't tell you is that making that list in the first place was a pain in the ass I had to start on the first page and go through each and every page until I got everyone, keeping it updated is work to you know.
Thread: Ultimate Mark Out
Santino winning the WHC

other than that, well a lot if things would be neat.

Thread: Santino Devaluing the IC Title

I originally posted this in the SFAC, but Ill post it out here too.

So this guy thinks he knows anything about history? This Nick is it? Where was he during the greatest moments of the wrestling world? His mommas basement. Where was I? My momma's living room. the diference between us? He thinks he has the ability to call a great Intercontental Champion down? IS Santino not better than giving the belt away every week, like it was the hardcore belt? Is Santino not better than a man with pimps carrying the title around? Is the IC Championship not better on Santino than being molded with the WHC Belt? The US Belt? How about giving this belt to the tallentless Billy Gunn? The Hairy boring Albert? Lifetime jobber Val Venis? The Woman with a Penis? 400 pounds of crap Rikishi? And anyways, how was the Honky Tonk Man a great champion? Because he held the belt for a long time during a time frame when the IC was shit, and had no challengers? Was he not squashed for the title over a year after winning it? Look at the challengers now in the Midcard! Kofi Kingston, William Regal, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Lance Cade, Jamie Noble, Charlie Haas, JBL, Paul Birchill, DLo brown, as well as any great wrestler on the other brands that could challenge. Right now the WWE has a huge amount of men that should be trying to use the IC Belt as a stepping stone to get ahead, but they will have to wait their turn, as Santino Marella, one of the best IC Champions of not only this decade, but maybe all times is in the midst of his reign.

I agree with this statement about the IC Championship. But I have to make it to this day. Is Santino not one of the best workers in the WWE? He is probably more dedicated to his character than many others in the WWE. He is a hard worker, he puts a lot of effort into his matches, physically, verbally, and mentally. You want to make the IC Championship mean something? Keep it on this guy, and dont blow the build up on Kofi. Maybe Kofi doesnt come out with the championship in this feud? That keeps the heat and build up on Santino. Maybe Cade doesn't beat Santino. Maybe no one can beat Santino. Wouldn't that make him look...unstoppable. Wouldnt someone unstoppable get to go for the WHC Championship? Nick is intitled to his opinions. Too bad he is just too blind to see the history and beauty of this reign, in the short term, and the long term.

Thread: Santino Marella, Why?
I got my friend to watch WWE the other day. He never respected wrestling, despite us being friends for a long time. But I got him to watch it. yesterday i met up with him again after class. Funny thing is, he kept talking about Santino Marella. Yes, that guy the writers have been putting into the show consistantly for months, giving him more time than Lance Cade, Carlito, MVP, Mister Kennedy, Paul Birchall or any other of those midcarders ever get. Why you ask? My friend is why. He laughed his ass off. A man who hates wrestling, loves this wrestler. Monday will be here in a few days. What will he do? He will fucking be watching wrestling. What does that mean? WWE Writers have brought in a fan. My friend is just one case going around this world. Another case study would be me. Do you know the last time I missed a Santino segment? I'll give you a hint. Every Raw since April 9th, 2007, guess what show I watched on Monday? You got it, it was Raw. Guess who does not go out on mondays, who does not do readings or homework on Mondays? Who planned his courses and even dropped a class so it wouldn't interfer with Monday? It was me. Why? So I can watch Santino Marella. He usually occupies the middle of the show. Why is that a great place to have him? Because WWE hates lossing viewers in the middle of the show. You kjnow what Santino does? Keeps those fans interested. Santino is one of the most important characters on WWE TV. How can you deny that?

One of my many Welcoming in the thread: Welcome all new members

Welcome, try not to spam, and you will do fine here. Check out the SFAC if you are a Santino Marella Fan, we would happily embrace a 14 year veteran in our club

What would you do if you found $1M Thread
Id give it to the Santino Marella Fan-a-club. They are the most deserving. We could use the money to invest in stocks, and get us all nice and rich. We could begin paying the officers even more than what we make. We can also set up more dinners over Pasta Fagioli with Santino in his Casa to discuss all the business deals wen need to do together. I could also see us buying a plane to travel to all the raws to see hime live. Oh what good we can do with that money.

A thread about Comedic Heels I made:

In the SFAC
Santino's Commandments!

1. Thou shall believe in only one Milan Miracle
2. Thou shall not covet the Glorious Amazon
3. Thou shall not covet Santino's Casa
4. Thou shall not make wrongful use of the name of your Santino
5. Thou shall not make mention of that ****e in the boobie magazine
6. Thou shall not worship any title not in the position of Santino as they are false idols
7. Thou shall not joinith other fan clubs, as there is only on true fan club
8. Thou shall observe the Sabbath that is Monday, when thou shall not work, instead thou shall watch Raw and pray to Santino. Thou shall also make April 16th the holiest of days in the Santino Calendar.
9. Thou shall not bear false witness to Santino
10. Thou shall not ask for Santino's name in writing as he is eating his Pasta Fagioli

I still remember where I was when I welcomed Santino into my life. I was being a sinner, watching my Monday Night Raw, when from the heavens, on the date of my 20th birthday, later to become day one of my rebirth, Santino came and hacked down the evil Umaga. That sinner Bobby Lashley tried to take the spotlight from Santino, but we all know it was Santino's superiority that caused him to be awarded the greatest title in WWE History, and uniting him with heaven, the Intercontinental Championship or as I like to call it, the Interworlds Championship. He then worked to try and save us from damnation, starting with that ****e Maria. Unfortunately, she took to the dark side, and Santino has to let her go off and sin before us, to teach us of man's horrendous ways. He then focuses his godly ways on Stone Cold Steve Austin, another sinner. As with Maria, Stone Cold was to found to be already "Condemned". Santino also worked on the perverted Jerry Lawler, but again found him to be a mistake given to this world. Santino did find one man on Earth who showed what was in Santino's vision to be "cool", and that man was Carlito. Now that Carlito has learnt the Santino way of the world, he has been sent to Smackdown to free them of sin, while Santino stays on Raw to right the wrongs.

Here are just an example of the posts I have made in honour of our great Santino. This is the reason why I would make a great VP.
48/7 said he's been busy with football and school in stuff so he wouldn't be posting as much. ... Funny stuff you forgot wwefan49??? although I know you don't want me to win.

You hate me...:(

I dont hate you, I just find you too new in here.
My job is very important thank you very much! What Brian Didn't tell you is that making that list in the first place was a pain in the ass I had to start on the first page and go through each and every page until I got everyone, keeping it updated is work to you know.

But gonig through al the pages is fun. I love doing it on rainy days.:)
Lets not forget my battles against the John Morrison Fan Club, as well as my recent battles against the Charlie Haas fan club.
Thread: Ultimate Mark Out

Thread: Santino Devaluing the IC Title

Thread: Santino Marella, Why?

One of my many Welcoming in the thread: Welcome all new members

What would you do if you found $1M Thread

A thread about Comedic Heels I made:

In the SFAC

Here are just an example of the posts I have made in honour of our great Santino. This is the reason why I would make a great VP.

That might be the longest post ever...but I didn't get bored at all.
Well it was a short post made with older posts which I value a lot. Santino means more to me than I can imagine. I may be the person on Wrestlezone who is on here the most, so I always have the ability to check ot the SFAC at all hours of the day. The SFAC means more to me than anything these days. I am always on here, always posting, always defending Santino. A vote for me, is a vote for Santino's Legacy.
I just found 55 cents in my mail box. I would like to donate it to the club.

That brings our funds to 55 cents.

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