Santa #IC25

I have spell check, damn Open office. You can get me that Dragon speech thing though, I would loveeeee that.

Theo- A bust of yourself and Abe. Just so you can prove your beard is better.
J- A box of Dvds, your choosing.
Crock- A place to stay, since J is moving you out of Utah.
Ty- More money for the booze fund. I've been slacking as of late.
Nate- A wedding gift, a cool topper for your cake. I believe you're still getting married.
Doc- A nice black Derby hat, for your nice hat collection.
Justin- A nice new comic, since they are charging you up the ass with the extra charges.
David- More viewers, and a studio for your show.
Kb- More red Gatorade.
Jw- The new Lamb of God cd, on the drop date. So you can talk about it's epicness with me.
Natural- A ticket to a Tna house show, with Tara on the card.
Dirty- All the people in the world who need a haircut. So you can show the world your trade. Or a juggernaut fat head, with a speech bubble next to it. That says, I like your raincoat bitch.
I have spell check, damn Open office. You can get me that Dragon speech thing though, I would loveeeee that.

Windows 7 has a program just like it that comes with the OS, click start and type in "Speech", it's called Windows Speech Recognition

For text files you're best off using WordPad when speaking and the copy/pasting into your document file of choice

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