Sam's Thread of Chattin' w/ Jake & Other Robust Subjects

And I'm just going to watch all the movies on my shelf that I haven't watched. 2018 is the year of throwing convention out the window.

  1. Sorcerer ★★★★★

Friedkin, you dog. Not to pretend I have any idea how movies are made, but there are parts of this movie that I couldn't even make an educated guess on how they were put together.
Look, you've got to stop coming in here and flaunting films that won't be released in the UK until I'm an old man and my heart won't be able to take seeing them anyway.
Sorry bro, I don't have a good handle of the international release schedule of movies. That's on me.

If there's anything that's out here the weekend you're coming down that won't be out for a while in the UK, let me know and we'll add a movie to our itinerary.

PS our itinerary currently reads: eat a cheesesteak at some point and go to a wrestling show. Which is to say... let me know what you want to do when you're here. I have some ideas but I'm wide open to ideas.
Oh, absolutely. I'd have suggested The Shape of Water if you hadn't already seen it. Is there a particular movie theatre's schedule I should keep an eye on? Does Philly have any decent museums? Anything but art.
Oh, absolutely. I'd have suggested The Shape of Water if you hadn't already seen it. Is there a particular movie theatre's schedule I should keep an eye on? Does Philly have any decent museums? Anything but art.

There is a chain of theaters here called Ritz Theaters that typically show the Oscar nominated movies as well as a few indies and foreign films.

There's this medical oddities museum called the Mutter Museum that could be fun to go to. Also, I'm not sure if we've made it abundantly clear yet, but there are about 100 different national monuments dedicated to the birth of our great nation.
Oh, absolutely. I'd have suggested The Shape of Water if you hadn't already seen it. Is there a particular movie theatre's schedule I should keep an eye on? Does Philly have any decent museums? Anything but art.

It's got Independence hall which is free and during January they tours are longer than they normally would be.
  1. Sorcerer ★★★★★
  2. Hot Rod ★★★

The premise of Hot Rod - Andy Samberg wants to earn the respect of his stepfather, Ian McShane, by beating the shit out of him, but his stepfather is enfeebled by a heart condition and so Samberg has to raise money to get him a new heart before the fight takes place - is the funniest thing about it.
That's one of those I constantly see on Netflix and think hmm maybe.
Also isn't there some weird prison thing?

Eastern State Penitentiary, yeah. I went there shortly before Halloween when they had it all done up as a huge haunted house type thing and it was pretty cool, might be worth checking out.

  1. Sorcerer ★★★★★
  2. Hot Rod ★★★

The premise of Hot Rod - Andy Samberg wants to earn the respect of his stepfather, Ian McShane, by beating the shit out of him, but his stepfather is enfeebled by a heart condition and so Samberg has to raise money to get him a new heart before the fight takes place - is the funniest thing about it.

A friend of mine and I will often jokingly refer to someone or something as a chode simply because of this movie.
Барбоса;5779211 said:
This just made me think of Dan vs the Captain...

The ultimate hoss fight.

Man, if only that show was made five years later, it would probably have got a fourth season. I'm amazed Amazon and Netflix haven't tried to pull it back together. Maybe they have.

Godless and Westworld can get out of my face.

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