Ryback Unsafe - Big E?


Dark Match Winner
So, Ryback has been getting the IWC hate for injuring a couple of guys and alledgedly being so unsafe people are refusing to work with him.

And it got me thinking - 3 times Big E has hit his running steamroll and busted open Ambrose, Reigns and now McIntyre - why is there no IWC discussion about Big E being unsafe and dangerous like Ryback?

My opinion - like hating Cena, it became the cool thing to hate on Ryback but because there have been no mentions of Big E busting guys open, there's no bandwagon to jump on.

Discuss :)
I just read a report that Big E Langston has given Drew McIntyre a cut over his left eye that required stitches. The incident happened on the tapings for main event, add to this the cut he gave to Roman Reigns that required him to have stitches from Raw a few weeks ago and from HIAC where Langston cut himself and Ambrose and made them need stitches.

Since October 27th Big E Langston has hit moves that have caused 4 people to require stitches. The move he used was his clothesline again and it has now caused 4 cuts in recent months and could create a reputation for that move or him being dangerous. Reports suggested Ryback had heat for being dangerous and his career prospects plummeted as a result. Therefore will Big E face any punishment or be required to change moves to his moveset and will it affect his push
I don't consider cuts and bruises as real injuries. As far as I know, he's never caused a concussion, he's never caused any broken bones or torn muscles. It's not like Mr. Kennedy, who nearly dropped Randy Orton on his head. Big E. isn't dangerous, he's just a bit rough around the edges.

Fans of old-school wrestling would call it a "strong style." Hell, fans of Stan Hansen probably think Big E. is too soft.
Ayyyyye!!!!! This is my first ever post in here lol

But, seriously, I think Big E has always been reckless to say the least. I think that he tries too hard to look strong sometimes so he does moves with an excessive amount of "power". He is also very stiff and that usually doesn't work out too well. So I think that a reprimand is the least they could do to punish him.
Big E indeed isnt slamming people on their necks or being sloppy in the ring... Cuts n Bruises happen in wrestling all the time! He is totally safe to work with CASE CLOSED INDEED
No. Getting a cut is hardly an injury. Big E isn't slamming people on their heads and necks and being unsafe. There's a difference between being unsafe and getting a boo-boo. Case closed.

I think it's kind of a dick thing to say (safely from behind your keyboard and not in the ring risking your life . . . which could be an assumption, for all I know you could be Jeff Hardy or some shit posting on Wrestlezone in between bumps of cocaine and swinging from trees booty butt naked in the redneck wilderness or some shit) getting busted wide open and needing stitches is a "boo-boo", considering the art of professional wrestling is to protect your opponent while still looking like you're fucking their shit up. I believe Bret Hart said something to the effect of, "if someone gets injured, someone did their job wrong"

That being said, to answer OP, the reason why Ryback gets shitted on is because people are constantly wondering why he isn't higher up on the card. And rightfully so, dude got demoted from the unstoppable force main eventing PPV's to midcard/jobber tag team with Curtis Axel, and became even more entertaining (outside of the ring, i.e. in promos, on social media, his mannerisms on the way to the ring, coming out and circling the ring during other people's matches).

So people are wondering why he isn't higher on the card and featured more prominently on RAW in an era devoid of full time star power. And for some reason we as internet wrestling fans seem to think an account on an online wrestling forum grants us magical mind reading abilities and we know what Triple H and Vince McMahon are thinking, and due to his history of injuring people that's the first straw people grasp at.

In my opinion, it seems as if big muscular dudes in general have a tendency to be unsafe. Brock Lesnar, Big E, Goldberg, Ryback, etc. I feel like through training, they should be striving to get better and safer every chance they get.
This really makes me feel old. Personally, I don't consider a cut that requires less than twenty stitches to be worthy of being called an "injury". If you split a vein open, then you'll obviously need to take a time-out. For crying out loud, it's not like Big E gave anyone a concussion.

I don't think that Big E has been reckless, I think he's a little green and he'll better himself for the minor breaks in skin he's caused. It's my understanding that he's a very respectful person and that other performers enjoy working with him. From what I've seen, he's not a stiff performer. His finisher involves his opponent landing on top of himself, even for his finisher he takes the full brunt of the impact.

I realize that this is a PG generation we're talking about, so blading is off limits and it would be silly of me to down-play these "injuries" by referencing how excessive blading had been before 2010. I feel old because I grew up watching NWA and WWF during the 80's and from then until the late 2000s performers would juice the hell out of themselves, the saying was "The more red you see, the more green you make". Now a performer receives a non-debilitating break in their skin, and we're calling them "injured". Good grief.
Oh good fucking god, it's happening here too. *face in hands* You've got to be kidding me, you've got to be fucking kidding me.

I only just responded to a thread that asked the seemingly innocent question of "Is Big E injuring people too much?". The hot topic isn't why Ryback isn't getting a push, the hot topic is how we can spin Big E's mistakes in a way that speculate affirmative action racism in the WWE.

Uh oh, look what I did there. I'm not supposed to pull back the denial curtain so soon, but there it is. Big E Langston is black, and he's the *gasp* INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION! Something fishy is going on here. What's that? He's been *shudder* injuring people? He's been brutally gashing open his poor opponents' beautiful faces in a blind rage of over-zealous and stiff rasslin'? Oh how I fear for the safety of sixteen year old girls everywhere, I suggest they all hide in Ric Flair's basement so they can be safe.

Whew. At a certain point of having the hard lesson that I'm getting too old for this world stomped into my consciousness, I give up and just start playing along in an exaggerated tone.

Are we seriously considering the level of which Ryback fucks up, and are then making a comparison of such to Big E's accidental head butts? It's not a "cool" thing to hate Ryback, it's a "cool" thing to ignore Ryback because he's fucking boring. He chose to make his character a one-note dork-ass who breathes like he has severe asthma, he didn't fall off our radar because he's too stiff in the ring. He was only ever popular because he posed a threat to Cena's dominance, on his own he's just another Ted Arcidi.

There's no mention of Big E causing minor cuts to his opponents because only fucking pansies would refer to those minor cuts as "injuries". For fucks sake, Mistico is famous for being a cry baby and even he's bled like crazy after accidental cuts in his CMLL days. When Drew tweeted the picture of his stitches, it seemed like he was bragging about how tough pro-wrestlers are instead of whining that he was hurt so badly.

There's no bandwagon to jump on because nobody is going to jump on one that you started, you're not that popular. You imagine that one hasn't magically materialized because Big E is black and you assume that affirmative action prevents the WWE from acting on a black man who you assume is behaving like an unsafe and dangerous maniac.

Big E doesn't want to rob you or eat your children, don't worry.
So, Ryback has been getting the IWC hate for injuring a couple of guys and alledgedly being so unsafe people are refusing to work with him.

And it got me thinking - 3 times Big E has hit his running steamroll and busted open Ambrose, Reigns and now McIntyre - why is there no IWC discussion about Big E being unsafe and dangerous like Ryback?

My opinion - like hating Cena, it became the cool thing to hate on Ryback but because there have been no mentions of Big E busting guys open, there's no bandwagon to jump on.

Discuss :)

Cant speak for Reigns or Ambrose but in McIntyre's case it looked more like his injury came from an accidental head collision during the Belly to Belly. Watch the two or so minute link WZ posted. You see Drew doing fine until the Belly to Belly. When hes on the mat you see him wipe something away from his eye(assume it was blood). Before the Belly to Belly you see close ups and everything and dont see any hint of an eye injury.

Secondly there is a difference between working stiff and working unsafe. Guys who have been said to work stiff at times include Stone Cold,JBL, and notoriously Hardcore Holly. Hell its rumored that people would be put in matches with Holly as punishment for screwing up. Maybe Big E is a little stiff right now. Then again for all we know it could have been timing issues or the others missing their mark for all we know.

Who knows really.... I know that area of the face is easy to bust open(eye brow area) i could imagine a strong person weighing as much as Big E goes running and cloth lining you could eventually lead to an accidental busted lip black eye or a few stitches.
The guy is a former weight lifter who uses some of that in his gimmick. Its only natural that he wrestles a power move set/style and sometimes guys get a little rough when they do that. Just like in pro sports, in pro wrestling you will suffer nicks and bruises from time to time. It is especially true in wrestling in moves that involve the head area. The skin is stretched pretty thin on the top of your head and face, its fairly easy to cut. Unless guys are complaining about his style, then I don't see an issue.

Also, in a lot of wrestling moves, its the guy taking the move who is more responsible for his own safety than the guy performing the move. Remember the Ryback/Ziggler incident? Most accounts were that Ziggler dug his own grave by trying to oversell the move and jump into it too soon. I'm not saying its always the fault of the guy taking the move, I'm just saying its easy to blame the guy who performs it.

There will always be freak accidents like Owen giving Shawn a concussion or Owen breaking Austin's neck(side note, Owen causes two fairly high profile injuries and he was never regarded as unsafe), but most of the time the cuts and lumps are part of the job and I'm sure Big E. will be fine.
Getting split open isn't the same as dropping somebody the wrong way, but it is still being reckless. Big E. seems quite excitable, maybe he should slow down a bit.

Then again, these were issues thrown at RVD & Jericho when they came to WWE. WWE is quite accepting of sloppiness.
How is Ryback "unsafe"? :lmao: This BS has already been disproved.

Good times. Ryback was professional, safe and easy to work with.
- Local athlete on working with Ryback.

It's your word against someone's who has already stepped in the ring with Ryback. So in short, what you say is irrelevant.

Oh and Big E sucks. I made a thread about this guy where I said there's no reason to support him. Ridiculous look, sounds nervous on the mic, and can't tell a good story in the ring. Boring. It's just a matter of time before Ryback turns face and gets a big push again.
Not to make light of being cut deeply enough to warrant stitches, but there's a world of difference between that and giving someone a concussion, picking someone up & dropping them the wrong way and damaging someone enough that they need surgery to fix it. Concussions are potentially life threatening and tearing up tissue in someone's knee is potentially crippling.

Drew McIntyre Tweeted a statement regarding the cut:

"This isn't ballet people. Check out #MainEvent tonight. @BigELangston & myself aren't scared to get physical #men"

That's not to say that Big E doesn't have some rough edges that can be polished. Injuries can happen to anyone in any wrestling match at any given time. There's always going to be some degree of injury involved in pro wrestling, there's no way around that. A few battle scars here & there have to be expected in pro wrestling. If you can't take a few bruises or maybe a cut every once in a blue moon, then you shouldn't be involved in any form of athleticism. A big difference between Ryback & Big E is that, allegedly, people consistently complained about Ryback being reckless. I haven't read anything like that on Big E. Another problem Ryback has had is, again allegedly, him behaving like a disinterested & moody prick while interacting with fans and not wanting to do media interviews.
Big guys = big moves and big hits. This why in "real" sports like MMA, UFC, boxing, olympic wrestling, etc. you don't have 300 lb guys going against 200 lb guys.

Cuts, bruises, and injurys will happen. It's part of the game.

If these two guys were so dangerous, they wouldn't be on Raw and Smackdown all the time.

You pair off guys like Big E. and Ryback vs guys like Ziggler, Kofi, Slater etc who knows what will happen. Both guys just have to do the best they can to protect each other and put on a good match. But you take a guy used to lifting 400-500lbs on a regular basis and then he has to toss a guy who around 200-220lbs, it can come down to the whoops I didn't know my own strength scenario a lot of the time.

Big E is IC champ and has a bright future.

WWE f'd up Ryback with their great booking and story telling. Right now it looks like he is just in limbo and the WWE just isn't sure what to do with him now. If they could go back in time, I am sure they would have done things different w/ him.
Cuts, bruises, and injurys will happen. It's part of the game.

Yes that is true but we may have only seen about 10 cuts since HIAC and Big E caused 4. When someone's count for injuries however minor you see them grows it will have some impact on there career. Yes 10 years ago people bladed and caused far worse cuts but this is PG era WWE where if someone is cut the doctor is right there with the towel so the TV cameras don't pick it up. I don't like that WWE hide the cuts as I think it doesn't sell the brutality of a move but if WWE don't want to see blood and 1 guy is a cause of 4 occasions of blood being seen then I think it is a problem, in 1980 no one would care but now blood is a big deal
So, Ryback has been getting the IWC hate for injuring a couple of guys and alledgedly being so unsafe people are refusing to work with him.

And it got me thinking - 3 times Big E has hit his running steamroll and busted open Ambrose, Reigns and now McIntyre - why is there no IWC discussion about Big E being unsafe and dangerous like Ryback?

My opinion - like hating Cena, it became the cool thing to hate on Ryback but because there have been no mentions of Big E busting guys open, there's no bandwagon to jump on.

Discuss :)

So your argument is that there is no bandwagon because it hasnt been mentioned on the internet or smth?

Dude, its just a fkn bruise, a cut.I know we are in the 2013-2014 world where our dear planet is filled with over-sensitive little humans, but this is just stupid.Big E is way better in the ring than Ryback but he is still a little green, all he did was bust open a few guys big deal, he didnt put them on the shelf almost, like someone else.

Btw just cause you want to start a bandwagon, doesnt mean it will, you're not that important, if your post would have been more thought out with some legit stuff written in it maybe you would have had a shot but what you said made everybody resent you.

Conclusion : Big E is safe but rough around the edges and so were a lot of the past and today's mega stars, Ryback atm is still not ( for a guy who spend what? 7 years in the WWE machine training ).
Secondly there is a difference between working stiff and working unsafe.

That's true. Big E looks like a bodybuilder more than a wrestler. He can't manage the grace and fluidity needed to deliver his moves the way less musclebound wrestlers do. At the same time, how do you tell him he has to be more careful when he works? Doing that might lead to even worse injury because it might cause Big E to deliver moves halfway, leading to the "tossing him down head first" type of thing that can be disastrous.

I remember Billy Gunn doing it to Chris Benoit; Benoit was hurtling face-first to the mat while being body-slammed, leaving him no way to compensate. As far as I could determine, it happened because Billy seemed to hesitate halfway through the maneuver, almost as if he realized he was performing the wrong move and wanted to change up before committing. I thought Benoit had had it.

Big E is still inexperienced; he's going to have to learn to work safer.....but he's always going to have that overly muscular body to deal with. Plus, young wrestlers make more mistakes than older ones.....and some cause injury.
Working "stiff" and working "sloppy" aren't the same thing. A guy being busted open isn't going to put him out of action or in a wheelchair.

I don't even know if Ryback really is as reckless as his reputation says he is, I don't analzye matches like that when I watch wrestling. I'm not looking at every technical aspect to look for mistakes in how he's doing moves (ie. "oh he should have cupped his hand under the guys neck more solidly to ensure he landed properly").

But I'll take the reports at face value that he can be "dangerous" sometimes.

Big E causing guys to get stitches isn't "dangerous". It's not ideal, but it's not something they need to be overly concerned about. Except for the fact that they never want blood shed on their shows.
The guy is a former weight lifter who uses some of that in his gimmick. Its only natural that he wrestles a power move set/style and sometimes guys get a little rough when they do that. Just like in pro sports, in pro wrestling you will suffer nicks and bruises from time to time. It is especially true in wrestling in moves that involve the head area. The skin is stretched pretty thin on the top of your head and face, its fairly easy to cut. Unless guys are complaining about his style, then I don't see an issue.

Also, in a lot of wrestling moves, its the guy taking the move who is more responsible for his own safety than the guy performing the move. Remember the Ryback/Ziggler incident? Most accounts were that Ziggler dug his own grave by trying to oversell the move and jump into it too soon. I'm not saying its always the fault of the guy taking the move, I'm just saying its easy to blame the guy who performs it.

There will always be freak accidents like Owen giving Shawn a concussion or Owen breaking Austin's neck(side note, Owen causes two fairly high profile injuries and he was never regarded as unsafe), but most of the time the cuts and lumps are part of the job and I'm sure Big E. will be fine.

First off Owen/Shawn was an angle... based off of Michael's real issues after the beating and his not wanting to job the title...again. Owen just made it a really good kick ;)

In Austin's case, yes there was a problem, as Austin has alluded to several times, Owen had a "mental block" on the move and Steve had told him 3 times that day it was to be a Tombstone... Owen was intent on sitting despite being told not to and he ultimately did it his way... unintentionally, almost autopilot but that's what caused the problem. Austin expecting one move and getting another. That isn't unsafe per se and it was the only mistake Owen really made in his career other than climbing the ladder, but it was a big one.

Here's why you can't compare Big E and Ryback. Ryan Reeves has been in the WWE system now for 7 years, nearly 8 - that's a long time to learn your craft, learn safety and get the bugs ironed out in your work before even making it to TV... he's been given a lot of leeway since being on TV as well but is still hurting people when he works them, as someone said, he is sloppy and that more than anything will do for him in the WWE... if after 8 years he is really NO better, then they have to look at someone who is.

Big E is a lot younger into his career, he has had a period in NXT and a year on the roster now...but still half the time Ryback has had in the system. He is someone who will inherently work "snug" because of his size and build. If he hits you you're gonna know it, when he throws you for a bump, it's going to hurt and sometimes cause injury if he doesn't do that, he becomes like the Warrior or Dino Bravo, clearly not hitting people and looking fake... most wrestlers prefer snug to fake.

Drew McIntyre or Roman Reigns won't mind if they get the odd shiner/cut from that cos they would have been in a good match with a guy they can trust on the whole and enjoy working with...at worst he's young and improving all the time... and they've given out and will give out one or two of their own from time to time. The same guys with Ryback might not feel quite the same going into the match or coming out of it if they are hurt the same way...

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