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Why do people like Ryback?

I don't give a shit about ur headbanger fandom. If ur a fan, that's cool. But defending rybotch to the extent that u do tells meeverything I need to know. I don't have a problem with ryback fans. The fact, backed by the ratings, confirms ur a toolbox.

Serious question: are u a sports fan? Do u have any remote grasp on what the genenral public wants? I'm confident ull respond otherwise.

"Cenas the right choice cuz he sells merch." The definition of crazy is doing the same thing repeatedly. Cena is not filling up arenas: the wwe is did. But the constant rejection (not from buyrates) of wwe fans is telling. He gets boo'd by close to, if not, 80% of the audience.

But u showed me. God ur so distant from reality. Its awesome

Oh goodie. another idiot with no clue.
From what I've seen purely off TV and PPV so far, I'd be much happier if Big E was in the spot Ryback is in. He seems better in every respect, but I'm not going to pretend there's not a valid fanbase for Ryback even if it's built mainly off WWE's masterful attempt to get him over. The guy's not THAT good, but let's not pretend he's bad or even average.
Alright, cool guys. I really don't give enough of a shit to debate this. It's subjective and I'm grossly outnumbered. I do, however, find it humorous how people flood to defend what they enjoy if someone disagrees. Jesus. Learn to turn the other cheek. Really not that big of a deal that someone doesn't like rybotch.
Alright, cool guys. I really don't give enough of a shit to debate this. It's subjective and I'm grossly outnumbered. I do, however, find it humorous how people flood to defend what they enjoy if someone disagrees. Jesus. Learn to turn the other cheek. Really not that big of a deal that someone doesn't like rybotch.

You asked the question you fucking ******. Just because you're in the minority doesn't mean you get to be a defensive little baby about it. Learn to be an adult. The only thing you've been right about this whole thread is that this isn't that big of a deal, which makes your little pout here all the more embarrassing. Grow up.
From what I've seen purely off TV and PPV so far, I'd be much happier if Big E was in the spot Ryback is in. He seems better in every respect, but I'm not going to pretend there's not a valid fanbase for Ryback even if it's built mainly off WWE's masterful attempt to get him over. The guy's not THAT good, but let's not pretend he's bad or even average.

Masterful Attempt to get him over? Has he -ever- won a ppv match of any importance? Everything that has happened with Ryback from the start of his feud with CM Punk has been a booking nightmare. If this heel Ryback really takes off it'll be in spite of that booking.

If you're talking about Ryback before this heel turn, I'd agree that he was as a whole package, probably above average. This heel turn is starting to show he might be THAT good.

Side note: He needs to stop ending promos with Ryback Rulez!
If you didn't dig Ryback's promo you're set too deep in your ways or you're stupid. That's all I can come up with.

I think it's preconceived notions...that's all I can come up with.

If you already have in your head this notion that the entire Cena vs Ryback program is going to be absolute shit, sometimes that notion doesn't change so easily.

For whatever reason people seem to have come up with a lot of notions about Ryback already. I've stayed mostly neutral, but interested in him up until this heel turn. Since the heel turn his work has been REALLY good. He's been blowing everything he did previously out of the water, and I'd say above average was the best way to describe his face run...WWE really has a chance here though.

Look, it's only been two weeks, so let's see if this can continue, but if Ryback continues to perform on this level I will be screaming for him to win the belt off of Cena at Extreme Rules, or at the very least for some sort of DQ finish, it's very unlikely that'll happen, but if this continues I'll be calling for it. Ryback's booking needs to start actually being protected though, regardless of if they give him the belt or not....history shows that an extended feud with Cena is the exact opposite of protected booking.

Shield interference might be the best out at this point for Extreme Rules, maybe book a tag team match of Cena/Ryback vs The Shield for the following ppv or Raw. It's hard to argue Cena dropping the title 1 month after winning it from The Rock, but Ryback needs to be protected no matter what.
You asked the question you fucking ******. Just because you're in the minority doesn't mean you get to be a defensive little baby about it. Learn to be an adult. The only thing you've been right about this whole thread is that this isn't that big of a deal, which makes your little pout here all the more embarrassing. Grow up.

The fuck? Hahaha
The only thing I like about Ryback is watching him destroy his opponents with ease. Plus, hearing Cole say "he's marching around the ring with ease" is priceless.
I really like Ryback, but I can see why most purists don't... Also, I thought he did a fine job in his promo, it's not the best promo of all time and he showed some rookie mistakes like speaking very angry, while he was listening to Foley very calmly (it looked weird), but still a fine job and it got a reaction.

Now I've read that Ziggler can't cut a good promo, and I have to disagree here. He is a good talker.
I really like Ryback, but I can see why most purists don't... Also, I thought he did a fine job in his promo, it's not the best promo of all time and he showed some rookie mistakes like speaking very angry, while he was listening to Foley very calmly (it looked weird), but still a fine job and it got a reaction.

Now I've read that Ziggler can't cut a good promo, and I have to disagree here. He is a good talker.

Good post
People are perfectly okay with others not liking Ryback. They "get angry" because you act like a moron. Stop it.

Clearly that is not the case. Your demonstration to address the issue is an ideal example. He sucks. My disagreement with the majority is certainly not an expression of stupidity. All it has lead to is wwe apologists such as yourself racing to their (wwe's) defense because you fail to fathom people not getting behind the "superstars they're supposed to." Get off your high horse. It'll do you a decent amount of good.
Clearly that is not the case. Your demonstration to address the issue is an ideal example. He sucks. My disagreement with the majority is certainly not an expression of stupidity. All it has lead to is wwe apologists such as yourself racing to their (wwe's) defense because you fail to fathom people not getting behind the "superstars they're supposed to." Get off your high horse. It'll do you a decent amount of good.

You say "he sucks" and that those that like him are "WWE apologists" as if you're the authority on the matter. You aren't. Different strokes for different folks. Plenty of people here have made perfectly reasonable statements for why they like Ryback. You're being completely childish about this. Name calling and accusing others of being apologists is not the way to earn yourself or the point you're trying to make any credence. Try making a case for why Ryback sucks without calling him some unclever portmanteau of his name and an insult, and maybe folks won't come down on you for being a jerk.
You say "he sucks" and that those that like him are "WWE apologists" as if you're the authority on the matter. You aren't. Different strokes for different folks. Plenty of people here have made perfectly reasonable statements for why they like Ryback. You're being completely childish about this. Name calling and accusing others of being apologists is not the way to earn yourself or the point you're trying to make any credence. Try making a case for why Ryback sucks without calling him some unclever portmanteau of his name and an insult, and maybe folks won't come down on you for being a jerk.

I didn't even start the name calling. And I don't even care: you do (or at the very least, it appears to be; u might give as little of a shit as I). However, I was called stupid (cue the "bitching" card) for not agreeing with the majority and responding to the OP. He wanted to know why people liked ryback. Everyone shat on him ("oh nos I'm name calling). I don't have a problem with you or any ryback fan. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: that's cool man.

Ryback can hardly cut a promo and is more than likely going to drop someone on their head, unless by some miracle he can't lift them (see: Tensai). Is that a soft enough criticism for you?
I didn't even start the name calling.

Again, you make childishness your calling card. "I didn't start it!" is something a 7 year old says when his older brother picks on him. Get outta here with that shit.

And I don't even care: you do (or at the very least, it appears to be; u might give as little of a shit as I).

Yes, clearly you don't care. Responding to every post and criticism, and then throwing up your hands in a huff is a sure sign that you don't care.

However, I was called stupid (cue the "bitching" card) for not agreeing with the majority and responding to the OP.

Nate may have jumped the gun by calling you stupid, but you aren't exactly disproving him.

He wanted to know why people liked ryback. Everyone shat on him ("oh nos I'm name calling). I don't have a problem with you or any ryback fan. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: that's cool man.

If it's cool then your business here is done. Why come back and debate when you don't care? And I'm sorry for calling you a ******, btw, I mistakenly thought that you were the OP.

Ryback can hardly cut a promo and is more than likely going to drop someone on their head, unless by some miracle he can't lift them (see: Tensai). Is that a soft enough criticism for you?

It's neither soft or harsh-- it's untrue. He lifted Tensai. God forbid a guy make one mistake, though. But hey, let's just focus on that one botch and ignore all of the successful Shell Shock's he's performed! And just because you don't like his promos don't make them bad. I didn't really care for his promo Monday night, but not because of the delivery. I don't think his character should talk so damn much. I wouldn't care if he was The Rock on the mic; it doesn't suit his character to sit and talk back and forth with an old man threatening him with a chair. That's on creative, though, not Ryback.

There are ways to go about having this discussion without being petulant. PRMETFAN clearly doesn't care or just realizes that he's in the minority, as he has all but disappeared from this discussion. You, on the other hand, hang around and take exception with everything that's said, dropping "WWE apologists" at every opportunity. If you don't care, then act like you don't care. If you don't like WWE, then by all means, stop watching and use the forum's other sections to discuss things that you actually do like.
I was just entertaining myself. I've seen worse, I've done worse. He just seemed like they type of guy to get all bent out of shape about being fucked with for his grammar.
My God. As I stated from the jump, if you like Ryback - that's cool. I don't. And I used the "wwe apologist(s)" line to counter balance the shit thrown my way. I refuse to take the time to read the last page and a half (cue the ripping on your end).

I flat out don't like the guy nor the character. Jesus. Get over it man. I have absolutely no problem if u like him. More power to you. Wasn't trying to turn this into a flame war. And as I said from the beginning, I don't give a shit (and, of course, cue: 'well why you keep responding?')

Well, I like pro wrestling. Get off ur high horse. That's it. I'm not hurt or offended by your responses. I just find it hard to grasp that a grown ass adult would endorse Ryback or Cena. But you're clearly a special case study (and finally, cue the: oh nose you made an insultz)

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