Big E. Langston Debuts

I am loving the fact that they are introducing guys in attempt to make them stand out and be special out of the gate. This whole "pay your dues and sit in the midcard for 10 years" shit has rarely worked for anyone. Losing streaks do not get people over, wins do matter Jericho!

Tensai, Sin Cara, The Shield, Karma and Big E Langston have all had debuts where they were presented as top guys, it did not work out for Tensai cause its just midcarder Albert that people still remember. Sin Cara hasent worked either. The Shield have worked and here you got 2 potential main eventers and Rollins could also be a main eventer one day, Karma had a kid etc

Never debut guys with no gimmicks or with some shitty losing streak gimmick. Only reason Ziggler and Daniel Bryan survived these horrible angles were because they were too talented to get buried.
As I read though this thread, I somehow feel oddly detached from most of the critics here. It's like observing something but reporting it as another. Comparing E Langston with Mark Henry and Ryback? Come on, he looks NO taller than Dolph! And he moves slower than Big Show! I'm looking forward to his first match too, but I'm not pinning high hopes on him.
He's big, he's black, he looks like crap. Somebody that muscular should look more intimidating. He reminds me a bit of Tensai. Huge guy who just looks a bit comical. What happened to that Mason Ryan fella? Now he could play a bodyguard.

Hopefully Langston goes on to prove me wrong and puts in some intimidating performances.
I don't think Langston is anything more than a bodyguard. Ziggler fancies himself HBK. This is Sherri and Diesel. Pretty basic.

Stop with the "must be Vince's idea" bullshit. CM Punk has been champ for 400+ days. Vince like guys that make him money. At one point in time, that was bodybuilders.
His debut didn't really make much of an impact on me. He doesn't show much charisma, but that's to be expected flee most bodyguard roles. It must seemed very random. I'm not familiar with his work on NXT so maybe he does good promo work. We'll see if he has any character development. As of now he seems like Tensai and Zeke Jackson.
Big E is not the next Ambrose on the mic (#heel). A while back on NXT he walked out to defend Dusty Rhodes against Camacho, Dusty made a "hannicapped matth" and asked Big E if it was okay with him.

My jaw dropped as this guy gasped for air a few times into the mic (after intimidate-walking the whole of six metres), said "yes" and started his 5count-thing like he was in absolute emotional shock and just caught Camacho doing his mom. He needs AJ much more than Dolph does.
Big E. Langston is what Carlton Banks would look ifhe turned into the Hulk. (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air referance incase anyone didn't know)

Just think how funny it would be to see Big E. doing the Carlton Dance.

Guess its just a matter of time when he turns on Zigs an AJ after he relizes how nuts she tired of being blamed for loses. Which he will get a push for a month or 2 and then dropped down to mid card to where we don't see him on TV anymore.

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