Big E Langston the next Intercontinental Champion?


Pre-Show Stalwart
For those who didn't Smackdown, after CM Punk defeated Big E Langston, Paul Heyman came out with Ryback and Curtis Axel while cutting a promo against Punk referred to Langston as a "marginal at best rookie". This is followed by Axel and Ryback making their way to the ring to attack Punk who was in the ring by himself but as they were about to attack Punk, Langston came back into the ring and helped Punk fight Ryback and Axel. This in turn caused a face turn for Langston who since Summerslam has made appearances few and far between and this seems like they finally have something for him. Seeing as R-Truth seemingly finished as a feud for Axel and his Intercontinental Title it would make sense for Langston to now feud with Axel over the title.

Do you think Langston and Axel will feud? If so, do you think Langston will win the Championship?
I hope so. Axel is boring, and not someone they should have stuck with Paul Heyman. Ryback should have been the only "new Heyman guy". Axel just didn't make any sense.

Axel will drop the title to Langston, and probably be never heard from again.
They need to give Langston a chance to get his "5 count" shtick over before he starts holding titles. He was one of NXT's most over acts and I'd like to see him have time to develop his character on the main shows.
So long as the next IC champions isn't a default Kofi or Ziggler, I don't really care.

I can't imagine Axel vs. Langston is going to be a quality feud, even with Heyman doing his part to inject some interest into it. I also can't see anybody actually caring too much. But sure, the title is worthless, put it on Langston. He's an improvement on Axel, I guess.
I think Axel will lose the title and Ryback and Heyman will lose and we will see Heyman off TV for a few weeks and then Axel cut a promo about how Ryback let Heyman get hurt and unfortunately we will see a Axel vs Ryback feud. They should bill it as Boring vs even more Boring.
I'm biased cause I really like Langston.I think he diserves to be given a shot, not a big one, dont put too much pressure on him, but give him more time than now. The dude is a natural face and with his agility and moveset as a big guy I think he can really capture the crowd's attention.

And I agree with Jake, no more ziggler/kofi random IC titles runs.Can we please have some planning going into a championship reign?
So long as the next IC champions isn't a default Kofi or Ziggler, I don't really care.

I can't imagine Axel vs. Langston is going to be a quality feud, even with Heyman doing his part to inject some interest into it. I also can't see anybody actually caring too much. But sure, the title is worthless, put it on Langston. He's an improvement on Axel, I guess.

What's wrong with ziggler and kingston? their 2 of the best mid card's of today,

And as for Big E i would love to see him get a good push, but's lets not do another ryback push, ryback's push was great i loved ryback's and cm punk battle for the wwe championship last year, i just hope wwe won't push big e that quickly, cause big e need's to learn the rope's before a big push to the top.
Well Ziggler I think is passed the IC champion shizz, his problem atm is not holding the IC title its holding a world title and advancing in his career, not stagnating.

The anual Kofi push never works out and the guy is good in his role of just a v good high flyer used to put over people in the ring.
I hope to God it's so. Axel is not working out, period. He's been around Heyman for the better part of the post-WM year and still can't draw crowd attention on his own. Big E outclasses him and could surely do a better job as champ. Plus, the new face turn gives its own momentum and E can finally stop getting lost in the shuffle.

The only outlier here is what the hell happened to R Truth? He was just in the promo video for Hell in a Cell, I doubt he's just gonna get dropped off the face of the planet and replaced with Big E. A heel turn and Big E's first title feud, maybe?
Good lord almighty I hope this doesn't happen. Big E. Langston is one of the worst wrestlers I've ever seen in my life. Even Dolph Ziggler can't get a decent match out of him, he can't talk to save his life, and he has the charisma of a dead fish. Langston shouldn't be anywhere near ANY title without going back to developmental for YEARS to improve.
What's wrong with ziggler and kingston? their 2 of the best mid card's of today,

Not denying this, but Kofi in particular has been given so many mid-card title reigns that he's become irrelevant, and Dolph has lost an incredible amount of momentum since his injury after Wrestlemania. To give them the title now would just be a transitional, throw-away reign. Better to put the title on some young blood.

I don't really blame Axel for the atrocity of his title reign, I blame the circumstances and the booking he's been through. Axel would have served MUCH better in his original intended path of being built up as a main title contender, but Fandango got injured and he got the IC Title. Even then, Axel still could have been good, but man, they've been booking him awfully. They made him lose to Punk in just over 5 minutes for gods sake. He's losing any important match that isn't for the IC title, and he's barely clinging onto it at the moment.

Cut to Big E Langston. A fresh face, seems to be somewhat over, and not only a good chance to be a great IC Champion, but a good chance to appeal to the big guy, African-American demographic that WWE are looking to target. He's a charismatic guy, and his in-ring work is good enough. Big E could be in-line for a massive push soon if he handles this well, and the IC Championship could be a fundamental part of that.
Not denying this, but Kofi in particular has been given so many mid-card title reigns that he's become irrelevant, and Dolph has lost an incredible amount of momentum since his injury after Wrestlemania. To give them the title now would just be a transitional, throw-away reign. Better to put the title on some young blood.

I don't really blame Axel for the atrocity of his title reign, I blame the circumstances and the booking he's been through. Axel would have served MUCH better in his original intended path of being built up as a main title contender, but Fandango got injured and he got the IC Title. Even then, Axel still could have been good, but man, they've been booking him awfully. They made him lose to Punk in just over 5 minutes for gods sake. He's losing any important match that isn't for the IC title, and he's barely clinging onto it at the moment.

Cut to Big E Langston. A fresh face, seems to be somewhat over, and not only a good chance to be a great IC Champion, but a good chance to appeal to the big guy, African-American demographic that WWE are looking to target. He's a charismatic guy, and his in-ring work is good enough. Big E could be in-line for a massive push soon if he handles this well, and the IC Championship could be a fundamental part of that.

I'll agree that kofi has got pointless title reign's but he's one of the best worker's in the wwe, and if dolph did win it would be a major setback,
I would love to see one of the shield take the IC championship, there the best worker's wwe has got, and has pretty much carried the main event of every smackdown and raw in the past 2 months.
There's a definite possibility. As far as big guys go inside the ring, Langston is one of the best WWE has had in quite a while. He's a genuine powerhouse and while he's obviously thickly muscled, he's not some slow, plodding dinosaur like Mason Ryan or Batista. When you look at a lot of the big guys WWE has been going for the past few years, for the most part, they're big & strong while also being pretty fast & agile; such is the case with guys like Sheamus, Ryback & Roman Reigns.

According to some reports I've read, Langston has earned high praise from the locker room and WWE officials for the often good quality of his matches at house shows over the past summer against guys like CM Punk and Randy Orton. Also, reportedly, John Cena is said to be a really strong supporter of Langston and with Cena coming back to television in a little more than a week, Langston could be featured more prominently as a result. Langston's star looks to be on the rise and he has a good deal of support from the locker room and among WWE officials.

Neither Langston nor Axel have matches for HIAC, so it's possible that WWE could set one up for them at the ppv. However, personally, I think it's a little too soon for Langston to get the title. If Heyman comes to ringside with him, if they wind up having a match, use him to help Axel score a win, but I wouldn't have Axel come off as looking weak. Later on in the night, Axel could break into the Cell in order to help out Ryback & Heyman if it looks as though they're on the verge of losing. The heels beat Punk down for a bit only for Big E. Langston to come in and make the save by taking Axel out of the picture and maybe helping to keep Ryback occupied long enough for Punk to let out some frustration on Heyman before ultimately hitting him with the GTS or making him tap to the Anaconda Vice. This'll give Langston some good heat and signal a continuance in his program with Axel. I think Langston's face turn needs a little more fleshing out, so follow up on Raw and give him a match against Axel for HIAC and then spend the next month building the feud while continuing to flesh out Langston's character and have him capture the IC title at Survivor Series or, at the latest, TLC.
Although the Intercontinental Title is toxic, I can't really think of anything else for him. I rate Big E very highly, he is good in the ring, has charisma and the look of a top guy. Big E can definitely have an impact on the WWE, right at the very top. I do think it is a little soon for the WWE Title and I'm unsure if putting the WHC on him is the right move.

A feud between him and Axel could be interesting. Both are capable in the ring but have different styles. Big E winning the title would be good for two reasons; 1) he would be guaranteed to be on TV and it would give him greater exposure and 2) It frees Axel to move on to something else.
With recent title runs WWE has proven it does not know how to set up a mid card feud. We can argue as much as we want about how bad the main event feud is but my point is Axel is feuding with Punk on behalf of Heyman for a few months, this means he is not feuding with a contender until an upset victory the penultimate Raw before a PPV so he is not in a feud. The Shield was HHH attack dogs for 2.5 months of there 5 month title rein which didn't lead to many title defences and before that WWE teased Show and Henry vs Reigns and Rollins at Summerslam but instead had them appear on the Ambrose vs RVD pre show which Reigns interfered in and did nothing about. WWE does not know have to effectively use its midcard and that's part of the reason Raw is so shit these days. If Mondays Raw was HHH's promo to open the show, ADR vs Bryan and Shield vs Rhodes in a 1 hour show it would be the best programme WWE has ever produced it built stories had lots of drama, But instead of leaving it at that they added 2 hours of pure shite filler that took the show from a 8/9 out of 10 to a generous 6.
I was never a fan of Langston. I didn't watch him in NXT and I gave him very little attention when he was in the ring. I didn't hate him either though. He was just there. For some strange reason though I was happy to see him seemingly turn face on Friday. I don't know why but when it happened I suddenly had interest.
I like Curtis Axel mainly because of his stuff he did with Santino of Foreign Exchange. I found it funny. Plus I enjoyed Mr. Perfect so I was hoping his son would be cool too.
If there is some sort of feud between Langston and Axel I wouldn't mind it. If Langston wins the IC title I wouldn't be bothered.
From my point of view I'm not saying Langston should win the title right away because that would look sloppy but I clearly think a survivor series title win or something similar is probably on the cards. Personally I think Axel isn't much chop I went to two of the WWE house shows in Australia earlier this year he was without Heyman and while he can go in the ring, he just has the personality of a potato.
i think in time and eventually he should be the next ic champion. i would have a month or two month long feud where he gets a bit of mic time (likely on smackdown) and let him be a face that fans can rally behind and then let him take the title off Axel.
I suppose this works, but really, who cares? It's not like the IC title has any value, and both guys have the charisma of a tree stump.

I'm not sure what can be done to make any of these guys get over with the fans, but I'll say this: I think it's pretty telling that the last two guys to make an impact in the main event scene (Punk and Bryan) had experience outside of a WWE/WWE developmental territory ring.

Consider Curtis Axel: I can't say what kind of talent he has; he's obviously got the right pedigree. But he's also got no experience in any system beyond the WWE developmental territories. His dad, Curt, spent years in the AWA and a shorter almost forgotten stint in the WWF before becoming Mr. Perfect. Again, there's no comparison in terms of skill or ability in promos, but who knows where this kid would be today if there were other options around for these guys to develop their skills.
Good lord almighty I hope this doesn't happen. Big E. Langston is one of the worst wrestlers I've ever seen in my life. Even Dolph Ziggler can't get a decent match out of him, he can't talk to save his life, and he has the charisma of a dead fish. Langston shouldn't be anywhere near ANY title without going back to developmental for YEARS to improve.

Even Dolph Ziggler couldn’t get a good match out of him? That should be more of a wake up call about Ziggler than Langston. I don’t hate Dolph but his matches have always been better when his opponent was the more experienced performer. I don’t think Dolph is someone that carries his opponents to good matches.

Langston is definitely green but the potential is there. You say he can’t talk to save his life but when has he been given that opportunity? He’s just getting his feet wet and learning to perform. Langston is another guy that has been rushed to the big time because there aren’t any territories where he can learn and develop before being exposed to a national audience. He has to learn on the fly. I like his potential but there are going to be growing pains along the way. It would be nice if he could spend more time in developmental to gain more experience but it seems if a guy is in developmental for more than two or three years he's either expected to be ready to step up or is shown the door. In reality it could take someone several years before everything clicks and they're ready for the big time. Instead of spending more time in WWE developmental it would be really nice if Langston could travel around the country and work different territories so he could learn from different people. Too bad that just isn't an option anymore.
Langston's twitter alone is entertainment enough. That guy is hilarious. He will work as a face. His theme, entrance, and look are all great. His ring work is solid and he has enough high impact moves. Just bring back the 5 count gimmick and he'll kill it.

As far as him being the Intercontinental Champion, I guess it's okay. He has much more appeal than Axel, that's for sure. He probably won't win it until Survivor Series because WWE will not want to take the title off Axel so soon this Sunday. It will give Langston some direction and help him tear the mid-card up. He could also end the almost year long reigns of heel champions.
I have no problem with Langston getting the strap at some point in the next month or so. Axel has kinda stalled during this Heyman/Punk feud so maybe dropping the title can kick start something for Axel. For Langston, the face turn is smart as I can see him playing a better face than heel. His match against Punk was a great step in becoming a face as he pushed Punk hard, lost, but did so without trying to cheat throughout the match. Helping Punk out after and having Heyman give the throw away line about Langston was also good as it spearheaded the change. Everything's in place, now its on Langston to deliver.
I'll mark out for it we all thought he was going to be boring because he is built like Ryback and "The Bully" is a bigger star than Langston but Langston certainly delivers and I want to see it every one was all give McGuillicuty (Axel) a push and he's boring even his ring skills what was every one thinking

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