Round Three: #5 The Mighty Lariat! vs. #12 Bond Girls In Heat

The Mighty Lariat! vs. Bond Girls In Heat

  • The Mighty Lariat!

  • Bond Girls In Heat

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Vote Bond Girls in Heat. Michael Norcal somewhat irks me.

EDIT: I kid, I kid, we have a love hate relationship.
I think fewer people should be voting for our opposition. In addition to that, each of the votes we've amassed should be worth two points.
If Cody Rhodes could dump Hardcore Holly as a partner mid-title reign, surely we can drop MRC mid-match.

PM tdigs. Make it happen.
NorCal's great, Lariat is a beast in old school. Never had much reason to look therre before, but my god he's good.
I have to agree with my partner on this one. Lariat can only beat us in a "Pork the Single Mother" cage match, which this is not.
Flawed reasoning, if I'd ever seen it.
lulz. You know better than this, GD.

I have to agree with my partner on this one. Lariat can only beat us in a "Pork the Single Mother" cage match, which this is not.

Man I wish it was though. Me and NorCal would be doing a stretch-her job in that matchup. See what I did there? With the play on the world 'stretcher'? P-P-P-P-P-P-Power!
If I had to lose to someone, there're at least three other teams I would have wanted to do the honors for instead.

Darn I meant to vote Bond Girls here- sorry guys. Not like my vote would have made much of a difference, but you have to remember what old Puffy said.

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