Round 1, Day 8, Long Island, NY

Foley vs. Test

  • #3 Mick Foley

  • #62 Test

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
#3 Mick Foley vs. #62 Test

1. Not a popularity contest.
2. Will rules of a region come into play (this is an ECW Regional match, so this match is conducted under extreme rules.)
3. Will crowd be a factor. The matches take place in Long Island, NY.
#30 Jay Briscoe vs. #35 The Texas Tornado Kerry Von erich

1. Not a popularity contest.
2. Will rules of a region come into play (this is an ECW Regional match, so this match is conducted under extreme rules.)
3. Will crowd be a factor. The matches take place in Long Island, NY.
#14 The Samoan Bulldozer Umaga vs. #51 Haku

1. Not a popularity contest.
2. Will rules of a region come into play (this is an ECW Regional match, so this match is conducted under extreme rules.)
3. Will crowd be a factor. The matches take place in Long Island, NY.
#19 Jerry The King Lawler vs. #46 Mistico

1. Not a popularity contest.
2. Will rules of a region come into play (this is an ECW Regional match, so this match is conducted under extreme rules.)
3. Will crowd be a factor. The matches take place in Long Island, NY.
#6 Booker T vs. #59 Tatanka

1. Not a popularity contest.
2. Will rules of a region come into play (this is an ECW Regional match, so this match is conducted under extreme rules.)
3. Will crowd be a factor. The matches take place in Long Island, NY.
#26 Bruno Sammartino vs. #38 CIMA

1. Not a popularity contest.
2. Will rules of a region come into play (this is an ECW Regional match, so this match is conducted under extreme rules.)
3. Will crowd be a factor. The matches take place in Long Island, NY.
I was/am a huge fan of Mick Foley. He was under so many gimmicks, and we remember tham all. Not only do we remember them, btu he sold us each and every new one. The majority of wrestling fans took to him. He could also work an audience.

Test, was awful. His gimmcik was awful, he couldn't sell a match, and he has very little ability. He ould have been flattened in this match.
#11 Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner vs. #54 Pat Patterson

1. Not a popularity contest.
2. Will rules of a region come into play (this is an ECW Regional match, so this match is conducted under extreme rules.)
3. Will crowd be a factor. The matches take place in Long Island, NY.
Ah I remember looking at Mistico when he was in PWI and I had no idea who he was. He is pretty talented at what he does, he's like the better version of Rey Mysterio IMO.

However I still voted for Jerry Lawler, as I am more familiar with him, and even though he doesn't wrestle as such very often he's cool in the ring, and the crowd love him. Whether that's to do with him working the audience, or just the fact he's in the heart of most wrestling fans I don't know. And he also seems to stick up for a lot the people want to see.
#22 The Wildcat Chris Harris vs. #43 Val Venis

1. Not a popularity contest.
2. Will rules of a region come into play (this is an ECW Regional match, so this match is conducted under extreme rules.)
3. Will crowd be a factor. The matches take place in Long Island, NY.
Venis is the guy who makes people like Chris Masters, Carlito and any other rookie look great. Had he not been lumbered with the the porn star gimmick I'm pretty confident he'd be a WWE main eventer. It's a shame that he feuded with Foley instead of getting Billy Gunns spot in 1999. With Foley they just didn't mesh, but with The Rock I feel it would have been different.
Before You vote for Lawler ask yourself. Have you ever seen a good match of his. If you have then vote for him. But if your exposure to Lawler has been pretty much just WWE then I implore you to vote for Mistico. I assure you he's considerably better. as I imagine you will all find out when WWE hires him in 2015. Probably when he's way past his prime.
Again how many Patterson matches have you really seen. The Boot Camp match with Slaughter and a couple from 1999. All crap. Steiner on the other hand is awesome. Even as a washed up steroid freak that he is today, he still has plenty to offer.
I am a huge fan of the skill Umaga possesses. I love watching him work. I love the shock when people see him for the first time and think he's going to be like the Great Khali but he isn't.

Haku was also good I won't deny this, but I see something in Umaga. I think if Umaga could pull of promos, and have mic skills he's be well on his way to becoming one of the 'top' stars. Umaga would win this I think because of the way he can work a match, and how opponents get more than they bargained for.
If Test had any talent or aptitude for wrestling then he would be a star. He's been pushed over and over again and he failed every time. Why? Because he sucked. If he was any good it would have been him carrying the ultra green Lashley last year, not the other way round.
Tough one. But it has to be CIMA. Sammartino's matches are ok, but they really don't hold up well if you watch them now. He's a lengend and he's not somebody like Billy Graham who didn't have any wrestling talent. But by todays standards he's very basic and very slow.
Now if Tatanka was any good them people would remember his mammoth undefeated streak. If people remember it's because he was on WWE screens about two years ago. His wrestling ability hadn't deteriated one bit. He was just as shit as he was in 1993.
This is actually a dream amtch. I'd love to see this. Ultra stiff Yoda thinks it would be.

I didn't actually have Haku on my list. But I'm still picking him over Umaga. I'm high on Umaga now. But Haku was around forever, which I just can't see happening for the former Jamal.
Which one is Jay again? You should have just grouped the two Briscoes together. They still wouldn't have stood a chance. I doubt Kerry would have made it as a superstar in WWE. But if he didn't have drug problems he would have gone to WCW and he would be held in as high regard as other former WWE stars like Rude, Steamboat etc.
Definately Booker T. I hated the King Booker gimmick, but before that he was really entertaining and he was one of the few people I noticed in WCW the few times I watched it. He was quite a good seller, and had good in ring ability. He'd have won this easily.

The only reason I remember Tatanka is because I find his name funny to be honest. Seriously, he is nothing to the WWE. He won't be remembered and did nothing to go down in history specifically.
This match would be motherfucking out of control lol. and AWESOME. two crazy, tough, samoans, who would absolutely destroy each other, or at least attempt to. I gotta take Umaga here, as he may end up being one of the best big men we have ever seen by the time its all said and done.
I agree dream match this match would be brutal, I am kinda split here. Both where out of control monsters/killing machines. Haku edges it for me though, Umaga still though vastly improved, still has a bit of work to do to reach Haku's level. He probably will reach it someday given the right push, and providing he continues to improve but not at this moment in time.
Results are here

Sort of tough but not really. Jerry Lawler has faced off against Hulk Hogan numerous times and Hogan has never beaten him. He has a Pretty fist drop. but Mistico is so talented it is not funny. If the WWE got him and they wanted to build the Cruiser's up again I would build it around this guy and Jamie Noble. Not many people you can say that you can build a division around and Mistico is one of them. He is that damned good.
Booker was the best thing to come out of WCW and come to the WWE because he had already established himself as a Main Eventer in WCW. Tatanka is only remembered for his undefeated streak while Booker has had some great matches in both WCW and WWE. Booker takes this match fairly quickly and moves on to the next round.
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there is only one way this match can go. And that is to Booker T. Tatanka did have that undefeated streak for a bit. And the Indian Gimmick is nowhere near as good as Chief Jay Strongbow or Wahoo McDaniel. Booker T is one of the wrestlers that if I hear is on a card I will make an effort to try and find the match after it has aired.
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