Round 1, Day 3, Winnipeg, MB

Jericho vs. Murdoch

  • #1 Chris Jericho

  • #64 Trevor Murdoch

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#26 Bob Backlund vs. #39 Muhammad Hassan

1. Not a popularity contest.
2. Will rules of a region come into play (Remember, this is a TNA match, all matches are in a six sided ring)
3. Will crowd be a factor. All matches take place in Dallas, TX
#10 Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig vs. #55 Cowboy Bob Orton

1. Not a popularity contest.
2. Will rules of a region come into play (Remember, this is a TNA match, all matches are in a six sided ring)
3. Will crowd be a factor. All matches take place in Dallas, TX
#23 Billy Kidman vs. #42 Perry Saturn

1. Not a popularity contest.
2. Will rules of a region come into play (Remember, this is a TNA match, all matches are in a six sided ring)
3. Will crowd be a factor. All matches take place in Dallas, TX
Results are Here

This is a sort of tough choice here. But then again not really. Bobby Lashley has/had all the tools to be a great. But he wasn't at the stage yet, he was close but unfortunately if Bobby Lashley goes to MMA we will never see the potential develop. But My choice goes to the Japanese Buzzsaw, TAJIRI. or Yoshihiro Tajiri as he was known for a long time. The Tarantula is a brutal move that will be great in this match as it is under Extreme Rules and that I think means (I can't remember exactly here) that rope breaks aren't going to come into this. Tajiri has some of the stiffest looking kicks around. Combine the Asian Mist into the match and you have Tajiri walking out of this match with a green mouth and the victory.
Results are here

Murdoch is good but Jericho is better. Jericho is the all rounded talent that keeps people interested whether he is a Heel or a Face, you are interested in the Storyline. Jericho should win this with an old school Liontamer on Murdoch. A Lionsault would be good as well. But I see a Clean win for Jericho straight off the bat.
There's just nothing that Murdoch could do to pull off a victory. Jericho has more of just about anything than Murdoch has, sans strength. I say a clean win (Liontamer @ 7:00)
Yeah, Tajiri is small compared to Lashley, but his speed, quickness, and experience combined with the fact that the green mist and Tarantula are completely legal tips the scales in his favor just enough for a hard fought victory.
Results are Here

Candido was good. Alex Shelley is better at a younger age. Shelley has the best mixture of styles in a while since Chris Jericho. Shelley has shown in his Indy dates that he can bleed if required. While Isaid Shelley is better at a younger age this is taking into account How young Candido was when he won the NWA title. while it wasn't a big title it was still a companys top belt. Shelley however is that damn good, that he is criminally underused. So the Ending of the match is an @LX-Plex followed quickly by the Skull Fuck. With the Border City Stretch forcing Candido to tap out.
good exciting match between two talented wrestlers. both are in the category of UNDERSUSED talent ny WCW in my opinion.fairly exciting evenly matched close contest going on for abt 25 min with frequent momentum shifts.
saturn has slight power advantage and has slightly better grappling skills but kidman has an arsenal of flying moves and a speed advntage that begins to show more as match advances over 20 min.
kidman in my opinion was equal in ability if not better than even REY MYSTERIO when they fought each other in WCW.
in the end billy kidman prevails with a shooting star press out of top rope.
tough fought victory but thoroughly deserved.
What I've seen of Older Orton has pretty much been what WWE DVDs have showed me. Meh is all I have to say. Like his son he's fine I guess. Nithing to get excited about. Wheras Henning on the other hand was always entertaining. He could have had any sort of wrestling career he wanted. Announcer, manager etc. Problem is that he peaked too early.
Tough one. But Piper blows. Man he sucks. Haire on the other hand I really liked. Despite the fact he too sucked. Piper would win on mic work. Best heel ever in my opinion. But as a face he was terrible, and his in ring ability was poorer than Africa. But Haire should be a major player in WWE. I can honestly say I have no clue at all as to why he was never given a moster push. Although I heard a HHH rumour.
Perry Saturn was a mighty fine tag wrestler. But without somebody to take some of the load it showed how limited he was. He was ok. But compared to Billy Kidman he was nothing. Billy was something to get excited about 10 years ago. And if he hadn't recieved as many injuries then I could still see him as a solid WWE mid carder.
Hassan. Both were boring wrestlers. Backlund was decend but he was sooooooo boring. Hassan on ther other hand wasn't great. But then again he was never really put in a long running feud. If he hadn't been switched to Raw I imagine Hassan would be a much improved wrestler. Possibly a multiple time champ. And on the mic he was excellent. Fans booed him for no reason, the guy made perfect sense.
Regal. Love both. But in Ameriac Regal's English style really stands out. It's a shame he doesn't have an impressive look because he has every wrestling tool needed. It's also a shame that WWE fans don't get behind William Regal the wrestlers. he's so much more than a comedy GM.
Kennedy. Bad 2007 but he was very impressive in 2006. I still maintain that he will be great one day. Remember that he hasn't really had a MVP/Benoit type fued. With HBK it was a start. But his imminent feud with Flair wont help. Eric Young on the other hand is a comedy gharacter. If TNA were going to give him a serious push, then they would/should after Turning Point.
People like Scott Norton are ten a penny. He's somebody who it's hard to form a proper opinion on. Solid but you can't really remember much of what he does. Juvi on the other hand was better than Rey Mysterio, and he went crazy in a hotel lobby. Far more memorable.
Right. Who voted for Mosh. Negative rep rules y'know. I have to say I never really understood the whole Stone Cold thing. Stunning Steve was great. And the Stone Cold angles were great. But all Austin in WWE meant to me was cheap finishes. Great angles but wrestling wise he did nothing for me. After owen Hart broke his neck I mean.
People like Scott Norton are ten a penny. He's somebody who it's hard to form a proper opinion on. Solid but you can't really remember much of what he does. Juvi on the other hand was better than Rey Mysterio, and he went crazy in a hotel lobby. Far more memorable.

Memorable for all the wrong reasons Juvi Juice was. Norton, on the other hand, is a legit monster. The man beanches over 600 lbs and is (like myself) a legend in Japan. He was the backbone of the original nWo. Flash is decorated and accomplished both as a tag team wrestler and a singles wrestler. I've said for years, if I could start my own fed with three guys, it'd be Vader, Jericho, and Norton.

Juvi would come off the top rope, get caught by Norton, and have his back snapped like a Slim Jim. Talk about an all-time spot monkey. Juvi was also a waste of talent thanks to his attitude. No ego in Norton. He had no problem going to Japan to make a go of his career, and has many memorable matches with the likes of Vader, Sasaki, Tenryu, etc.

Jake, you and I agree on lots of stuff. But come on, man, we both know Norton is and should be a legit threat to win this region. I want you on my side, man. No, no, I NEED you on my side.
Regal. Love both. But in Ameriac Regal's English style really stands out. It's a shame he doesn't have an impressive look because he has every wrestling tool needed. It's also a shame that WWE fans don't get behind William Regal the wrestlers. he's so much more than a comedy GM.

Absolute agreement. Both of these guys are awesome. Regal had a technical style in WCW that could neutralize ANYONE. He worked over limbs like nobody I had even seen. In fact, the only reason I know what limb psychology is, I learned it from Regal. I remember cringing when he stepped his toe on the top of an opponents knee to force them to the mat, only to apply another debilitating wear-down hold. Master of the European Uppercut. Lord of the stretch submission. He's the greatest WCW TV Champion of all time.

Hayabusa got a bad draw here. I'd pick him for an upset against a lot of guys, but Regal is a threat in this region and deserves respect.
whomeever seriously voted for mosh is a clown. Stone Cold, in utter demolishment. Stone Cold wasnt very technically sound, but was a great brawler and elicited crazy heat from the crowd with just about every last thing he did. Mosh,was, not fucking good at all lol. this would go about 2 minutes tops, austin goes over, in nasty fashion.
I straight up accidentally voted for Juvi. I suck at life lol. Juvi wouldnt be able to keep his ignorant ass attitude in check long enough to even mae into the building for the tournament probably. Juvi is one of the most frustrating guys ever. so much talent. such a moron. Norton destroys him all the way.
Hassan, while bland in the ring, was electric as far as heat. He was excellent. Like Jake said, he wouldve probably been a multiple time champ, and one of the top three heels in the company. Its a shame the public has to get their panties up in a bunch over nothing, and he had to get released. Backlund, on the other hand, never did anything that was particularly impressive to me. His WM 9 match with Razor Ramon was one or the worst WM matches ive ever seen. Hassan FTW.
aw now, I didnt think Piper was all THAT bad in the ring, he and Bret Hart put on a classic at WM 8....but im with you in not understanding at all why O haire isnt a major mahor player in the WWE right now. He was awesome, loved the gimmick were he "wouldnt tell us shit we already knew" or whatev. But, nonetheless, we are talking a legend with at least one classic bout under his belt against...fuckin sean o haire...piper for the win
STSA easily in under 1 minute. i don't even remember who Mosh is. Stone cold was always a good entertainer in the ring and still gets a great ovation everytime he gets in the ring. squash match here. winner Stone Cold
Jake, you and I agree on lots of stuff. But come on, man, we both know Norton is and should be a legit threat to win this region. I want you on my side, man. No, no, I NEED you on my side.

No chance. Norton if he was facing somebody else. But not Juvi. Face it they are both bland. But Juvi streaking and starting fights with Finlay & Rey wins it for me. Norton is a legend in Japan but there are other more important wrestlers over there. Vader being one. I can only support one non wrestler who wrestles in Japan. I'll go with the one who made the most impact.
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