ROH Sold

And yet, come Thursday you will once again be singing a totally different tune. Hypocrisy at its finest. Par for the course really.

Do explain how this makes me a hypocrite.

Because you're disagreeing with me. Wasn't that the basis for your statement?

Oh, I see. So unless we have nice pretty things to say about ROH, we must only be here to troll. Nevermind the fact this is a wrestling forum and ROH claims to be a wrestling promotion, us wrestling fans have no business on a wrestling forum talking about a wrestling promotion unless it's to say nice, and quite honestly, false, things about it.

I'm not asking you to say nice things about ROH. We all KNOW how you feel about ROH, because you make it abundantly clear. That's my point here. We KNOW you hate ROH. You keep telling us. You keep explaining it. We get it. You've made your position on the topic very, very clear. Now why do you continue to come to this thread to make potshots at the company at every available opportunity? It's perfectly within your right to do that, but man, it becomes overkill after awhile. That's where I'm getting the "trolling" accusation from man. It just seems like you come into these threads and say the things you say for the purpose of riling up anyone who disagrees with you. It's your manner of writing really, you make it seem like anyone who could even POSSIBLY disagree with you is a total buffoon and you seem to go out of your way in threads like this to make that clear. You just dangle the bait out, waiting for some indy or ROH fan who doesn't know you and your style of writing to come along and snatch it up so you can destroy him in a debate.
Do explain how this makes me a hypocrite.

I'm not asking you to say nice things about ROH. We all KNOW how you feel about ROH, because you make it abundantly clear. That's my point here. We KNOW you hate ROH. You keep telling us. You keep explaining it. We get it. You've made your position on the topic very, very clear. Now why do you continue to come to this thread to make potshots at the company at every available opportunity? It's perfectly within your right to do that, but man, it becomes overkill after awhile. That's where I'm getting the "trolling" accusation from man. It just seems like you come into these threads and say the things you say for the purpose of riling up anyone who disagrees with you. It's your manner of writing really, you make it seem like anyone who could even POSSIBLY disagree with you is a total buffoon and you seem to go out of your way in threads like this to make that clear. You just dangle the bait out, waiting for some indy or ROH fan who doesn't know you and your style of writing to come along and snatch it up so you can destroy him in a debate.

Because that's the point of a discussion forum? To debate/argue things with people?
Because it just shows how small-time this really is. Hell, my high school has a cable TV channel.

Whenever you start understanding things without me having to explain every tiny detail, I'll quit.

The two are completely unrelated. I like TNA, but didn't like the deal they had on FSN. Liking something and being able to analyze something are completely different.

I'm taking the "lets use facts to analyze this deal" approach, and you're using the "I like ROH, so I'm going to pretend this could be great" approach. Only one of us is using common sense, and it's not you.

The fact that I don't see this deal the way that you do in no way means I'm not using common sense. You are looking at the deal one way, I'm looking at it another. I don't care how strongly you believe it, your way is far from "common sense." I'm sure you'll have some kind of insult comeback, but it won't make you point any less opinion.
Do explain how this makes me a hypocrite.

I'm not asking you to say nice things about ROH. We all KNOW how you feel about ROH, because you make it abundantly clear. That's my point here. We KNOW you hate ROH. You keep telling us. You keep explaining it. We get it. You've made your position on the topic very, very clear. Now why do you continue to come to this thread to make potshots at the company at every available opportunity? It's perfectly within your right to do that, but man, it becomes overkill after awhile. That's where I'm getting the "trolling" accusation from man. It just seems like you come into these threads and say the things you say for the purpose of riling up anyone who disagrees with you. It's your manner of writing really, you make it seem like anyone who could even POSSIBLY disagree with you is a total buffoon and you seem to go out of your way in threads like this to make that clear. You just dangle the bait out, waiting for some indy or ROH fan who doesn't know you and your style of writing to come along and snatch it up so you can destroy him in a debate.

Irony submarine sandwiches for everyone!!!
I'm just going to say this one last thing before this thread gets even more off point.

I enjoyed this debate as it helped me get through an otherwise boring Sunday, so thanks for that. But we're going to have to agree to disagree. I think the deal gives ROH potential to grow, most likely not even close to the level of TNA is, but still grow. There are some parts of the deal that I think are risky and that I don't necessarily like, but if ROH is able to grow the way they want then I think the risks will be worth it.
Ok to summarize:

ROH fans: This could be just what we need.

Others: So how is this different from all the other times where "this could be just what we need?"

ROH fans: Well here there's more exposure.

Others: Here's why there isn't more exposure.

ROH fans: This could be just what we need!

Ok to summarize:

ROH fans: This could be just what we need.

Others: So how is this different from all the other times where "this could be just what we need?"

ROH fans: Well here there's more exposure.

Others: Here's why there isn't more exposure.

ROH fans: This could be just what we need!


ROH fans: This could be awesome are here's why *list of reasons*

ROH haters: No it won't because *list of reasons*

Fans: Here's why that list is wrong

Haters: ROH sucks because *same list of reasons*

Fans: Here's why that list is wrong

Haters: Same list with slightly different insults

Here's the more accurate portrayal
ROH fans: This could be awesome are here's why *list of reasons*

ROH haters: No it won't because *list of reasons*

Fans: Here's why that list is wrong

Haters: ROH sucks because *same list of reasons*

Fans: Here's why that list is wrong

Haters: Same list with slightly different insults

Here's the more accurate portrayal

And the difference is that ROH fans have been saying things like this for years and it's never panned out, which is what the others have been saying would happen for years. It happened in ECW, it's happening in TNA, it's happened in ROH.
Do explain how this makes me a hypocrite.

Sure. How many examples would you like.


The practice of professing standards, beliefs, etc, contrary to one's real character or actual behaviour, esp the pretence of virtue and piety

I'm not asking you to say nice things about ROH. We all KNOW how you feel about ROH, because you make it abundantly clear. That's my point here. We KNOW you hate ROH. You keep telling us. You keep explaining it. We get it. You've made your position on the topic very, very clear. Now why do you continue to come to this thread to make potshots at the company at every available opportunity? It's perfectly within your right to do that, but man, it becomes overkill after awhile. That's where I'm getting the "trolling" accusation from man. It just seems like you come into these threads and say the things you say for the purpose of riling up anyone who disagrees with you.

Except you do exactly the same thing. You will almost inevitably show up in the Thursday live discussion for a few minutes so that you can take a few potshots at TNA. Posts like:

But KB! They filmed promos with the wrestlers talking about their new focus on wrestling! That's just as good as actually focusing on in-ring time, isn't it?

We! Are! Talking!

which show no real interest in structured debate and express no sentiments that you don't express every single week. You simply reaffirm your already well publicized beliefs as to why the show is bad and usually launch a few pops at the people who enjoy it.

In other words you do "exactly" what you are now trying to condemn Slyfox for doing, the only difference being that Sly is actually promoting informed and logical discussion on the subject at hand. Hypocrisy.

Belittling anyone who disagrees with your point of view isn't the point of a discussion forum.

The last time you disagreed with my point of view you elected to express your disagreement with a slew of personal attacks about how everybody hates me. A very inconsistent standard. One might even say a hypocritical one.

Need I continue?
And the difference is that ROH fans have been saying things like this for years and it's never panned out, which is what the others have been saying would happen for years. It happened in ECW, it's happening in TNA, it's happened in ROH.

So having optimism is wrong. Got it.
So having optimism is wrong. Got it.

Optimism when the same thing has been tried for years with the same results? yes that would be bad.

ROH was doing fine as an indy company that lived on DVD sales and live event attendance. They knew who they were and they were the king of the indies for a very long time. Within the last two years or so they've tried to become a more national company and while that's a good thing to try, there are companies that simply don't belong there and it's bad to try to do so. ECW tried and went out of business doing the exact same thing. It worked ok for awhile but then it just failed utterly and completely and now there's no ECW. Difference between being optimistic and trying to stretch too far. Right now instead of a wrestling guy owning it, a broadcasting company that isn't doing too well themselves owns it. That takes away a lot of security they had and puts them at a bigger risk for only a potential reward. Not something I'd want a company I liked doing but that's just me.
I wouldn't exactly compare this to ECW. Heyman was miserable on his network because they were censoring him constantly. I don't see ROH having that same problem, this is a welcome change for them.

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