Rob's Advice Thread.

I'm with Impactplayer here, but I'm old school and would do things the proper way. If I'm ever to break a girls heart I'm gonna do it to her in person no matter how much it hurts it is proper. At least to me it is. Don't care how others do it, as it's their choice. I don't think it is a big deal to break up over the phone as it use to be (like Blue said).

Easy for you to say Theo, you got that beard to hide behind.

I also hope it goes like this:

THEO: I'm really sorry, but this isn't working.

HOT GIRL: [Crying] But....Why....I'm sorry. I can change!

THEO: [Places hand on shoulder for comfort] No. Don't you ever change for someone.

HOT GIRL: [Looks up at Theo, tears in her eys]

THEO: [Reaches into beard. Removes tissue and gently wipes HOT GIRL's tears away.] I'm sorry. [Begins to walk away]


[THEO stops in his tracks, and slowly looks back. A tear sparkles in the moon light]

HOT GIRL: [Shyfully] Can... Can I... [She hangs her head down in embarassment]

THEO: Of course. [THEO walks back to HOT GIRL and slowly lifts her head. They make eye contact and smile.]

[HOT GIRL slowly raises her hand, and strokes the beard, one last time.]

[THEO smiles, before turning and riding away into the night on a white stallion.]

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