Need advice ASAP!


Where it at doe?
Ok well today was probably the day that made me the most angriest ever in my whole life ( I havea bit of an anger problem because it builds up). Anyways my best friend that is a girl ( I am not gay btw for people who were thinking, no offence to anyone) just told me the worst story of my life.

Ok before I tell you, you guys should no that her parents are kinda strict. Like they don't really like there daughters having boy friends, cannot do anything without there permission and they are christian. Oh and she is 15 like myself.

Anyways she told me the worst story of my life. Her parents found out she had a boy friend after 6 months and they just went mental. They were calling her a **** and a bitch and everything. But that isn't the worst part, she told me her dad hit her several times ( not all on the face) and just drove off because he is that angry. Then she told me that her dad slapped her across the face when she was 13.

Now to me that is jsut totally wrong, hitting your daughter or any girl is very offensive to me and I would liek advice on how to deal with it.

I really want to bash the fuck outta this twat that is called a father. I really do but anyways should I ring the cops? Like I don't think she wants anythign to happen to her father but seriously should I, or should I go confront him myself. Be aware that she has 3 sisters as well (17, 12 and 11). So please help me.
If you're seriously worried about her, maybe speak to a teacher. It's not as drastic as the police, and having an impartial adult aware will give new light to the situation and they can decide whether what he's done is deemed as wrong, or illegal. They have training in this type of thing to stop child abuse, and will be able to make more of an informed decision than what you and I can do.

Some parents hit their children, while I don't agree with it, I'm not sure what the laws are regarding it where you are. Don't do anything yourself, I'm sure I don't need to explain why that would be a bad idea.
That is a dilly of a pickle my Australian mate... this is the worst kind of treatment that anyone can recieve & it seems in my area of Australia it happens a lot. Drugs, rape... the works. This is really low when your dad beats you up just because she has a boyfriend.

I am guessing that talking it out is the worst possibility? If it is, I have some advice for my man. Aussies help Aussies.
Yeah I know becca I just get so angry you know...

FalKon you are actually correct, I shouldn't speak out about it because I know she would want me not too, but she don't know you guys and you guys are very helpful.

Sorry it took so long to reply as well, computer stuffed up..
Becca has the right idea. Speak to a teacher, point out that you prefer to remain anonymous, and let them do what they feel needs to be done.
It's impossible for me to stay annoymous because I am the only one that knows excpet for her older sister...
Well this isn't ASAP advice, but I'd go talk to the father. Don't involve the police, because it's just more hassle than it's worth.

It depends how badly she got hit, I mean some parents slap their children to keep them in line kinda thing. It's just their way.
Well this isn't ASAP advice, but I'd go talk to the father. Don't involve the police, because it's just more hassle than it's worth.

You want the poor kid to walk right up to the dad that's slapping his daughter around and say "hey, knock it off"?

Dude. May as well tell him to stand in traffic holding a picket sign. Please, for the love of god, do NOT go talk to the father.
You want the poor kid to walk right up to the dad that's slapping his daughter around and say "hey, knock it off"?

Dude. May as well tell him to stand in traffic holding a picket sign. Please, for the love of god, do NOT go talk to the father.

Well involving the police might not be what the daughter wants. Other than that, what else would get him to stop?
I'd say get her (the girl) to talk to someone with you. If she's not there, it's a 15 year old with a story. Also, have some kind of proof or it's adults' words vs. kids'.
OIL, as much as I respect you, but talking to her father is the worst idea here, he's already pissed that she has a boyfriend, getting personally involved will make it worst.

I think the best thing is what Becca said, pass concern onto someone like a teacher, or encourage your friend to speak to the teacher, I think you need to remain a middle factor and offer advice to your friend. You can tell the teacher, but the better half is to get your friend to, don't force her to. But you need to remain as a comfort to her and be a confidante. I think if you spoke to your teacher behind her back, it might damage things between you two.

Only do what your friend will allow you to do, but encourage her to speak up to a teacher or someone who can help her, a helpline maybe?
I think if you spoke to your teacher behind her back, it might damage things between you two.

Yeah, probably. But if it comes down to a decision between a friend's friendship and their personal safety... it sucks, but there are situations where you have to lose a friend to save them.
The thing is, what if it's bad abuse? As in, the hits are leaving bruises ect? I mean, I couldn't just go to a teacher or something to ask about it.

I think the dad needs to grow up a bit, and realise that children grow up, and it's normal for them to have relationships.
I think you should tell the police. It may not be what she wants, but it would be the best course of action, imo
Pippens pretty buff, he should go talk to the father
Well this isn't ASAP advice, but I'd go talk to the father. Don't involve the police, because it's just more hassle than it's worth.

It depends how badly she got hit, I mean some parents slap their children to keep them in line kinda thing. It's just their way.

I want to know how this isn't ASAP advice. Should I wait a few months for her to get hit some more.

You want the poor kid to walk right up to the dad that's slapping his daughter around and say "hey, knock it off"?

Dude. May as well tell him to stand in traffic holding a picket sign. Please, for the love of god, do NOT go talk to the father.

Yeah I really don't want to comfront her father but I',m not scared of him. He's 5'7 or something haha.

I'd say get her (the girl) to talk to someone with you. If she's not there, it's a 15 year old with a story. Also, have some kind of proof or it's adults' words vs. kids'.

Yeah thanks, this really helps and evidence is always a plus.

The thing is, what if it's bad abuse? As in, the hits are leaving bruises ect? I mean, I couldn't just go to a teacher or something to ask about it.

I think the dad needs to grow up a bit, and realise that children grow up, and it's normal for them to have relationships.

But it is leaving brusing. She has a bruised arm and a bruised eye. Well the bone right under the eye whatever that is called.

I think you should tell the police. It may not be what she wants, but it would be the best course of action, imo

Yeah I did mention the police because Asutralia as a very strict "violence against women policy" so yeah I dunno.

Pippens pretty buff, he should go talk to the father

:lmao: Always makes me laugh.

Kick his ass, Seabass.


If I cared about her as much as you seem too, I'd would be doing the above. Then again i'm very protective over loved one's.

Yeah you know I really do care about her. She is like my little sister and I seriously like her better than my parents because I hate my parents. So she is like the #1 thing on this planet for me. Anyways I am very protective as well. Like I wanted to bash this kid because he used her sister. Haha but I was drunk tho.

Anyways thanks alot guys... Really this means alot.
Pippen my young friend, this saddens me. Reminds me of a similar situation. All you really can do is tell someone(teacher, cops, guidance councilor, ect).

And how can she be your #1, when I obviously am? And my best friend is a girl, just sayin' :)
Pippen my young friend, this saddens me. Reminds me of a similar situation. All you really can do is tell someone(teacher, cops, guidance councilor, ect).

And how can she be your #1, when I obviously am? And my best friend is a girl, just sayin' :)

Well yeah I amgoing tot alk to her about it anyways.

Oh and you are my best friend... I just meant my best girl friend you know. Oh and I meant like when boys have girls as there friends most people that don't know them think they are gay you know. No offence but thats just what happens where I live...

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