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Robert Roode

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When he was in Team Canada, I thought he was stale as hell. But he easily benefited the most from their break up. I love him on the mic and I love his gimmick. His in-work is top notch too. I saw in an interview that he's a real student of the game. He watches tape after tape of guys like Mr. Perfect and Ted DiBiase to better himself and I really respect that. He's a definite superstar in the making, but he just needs that one big feud that can help him reach that main event status, similar to Taker/Kennedy. I really would've liked for TNA to continue his feud with Joe, but TNA stays completely in character and prematurely ends a good feud with a lot of potential.
He sucks. I see no reason why he should be pushed. No offense, the guy isnt big enough to be pushed, and he will never be WHC material. Ever. Unless they make a midcard title for tna, then they should forget him and push guys who actually show promise like Harris. That or actually start using Rhino again.....
Then wouldn't he just be "an Arn Anderson wannabe?"
I think Roode is a perfect heel. He's just perfecting his persona right now, then it's BIG things... or should be!
I love his Perfect/Rude/DiBiase blend. I just wish TNA had an Intercontinental-level belt to farm up main eventers and give something for the midcarders to go for. But then would that be too many belts???
I agree with others here who have said he is lacking that 'IT' or the intangible quality that makes wrestlers superstars. Maybe he has it but just hasn't found his niche. Only time will tell...:blink:

His mic skills are ok but he is missing somthing about him that stands him out from the rest. He will never be main eventer but maybe a little push couldent hurt. i would like to se him fued with maybe The Truth or somthing.
i like robert roode. he is probably my favorite wrestler in TNA and quite frankly, one of the few reasons to watch it. AJ was great, but his “der der" gimmick is, well, kinda dumb and the heavyweight devision is nothing differant from RAW or Smackdown. i dont know though, i like Roode where he is right now, but eventually i would like to see him on top. if TNA had a midcard title, it should definantly be around Roode's waste, just to make him a bit cocky.
I think Roode should be put in the x-division. Does he do crazy moves like them? No. But he is very fast paced and could cut it in the X Division.
I was so impressed with Mr. Roode yesterday. The only dissapointment was that he lost his match to Booker T. Could you imagine him as World Champ though? It would be incredible. I think that Booker will win the title first though & then Bobby will defeat him for it next year.
Roode, like Kazarian, is still pretty young and has a lot of time to improve his already good skills. I'm beginning to be a bit tired of his a-hole gimmick with women but like I said, he has time to evolve and improve. Some wrestlers stagnate, but Bobby "It's Robert" Roode has a lot of potential for TNA so long as he doesn't just become a poor man's Triple H.
I really enjoy seeing Robert Roode not only wrestle, but work on the mic. I think in all honesty, this storyline with Ms. Brooks & the "#1 Fan" is only dragging him down though.

Robert Roode is in a position, to where he could be a leader to his own faction. Roode reminds me of Ted DiBiase with the gimmick he currently has. And with that, I think Roode could easily find a tag team partner, & become huge. Furthermore, Robert Roode has the talent & ability to become a World Champion one day.

If anything, Championship wise, hurts him.. its that the X-Division Championship isn't looked at, as a mid-card title, so much as a Cruiserweight title. And T.N.A. ultimately has no mid-card Championship.. so Roode is stuck having to wrestle without a major purpose, since he isn't yet able to become a World Champion.
I wouldn't mind him being the leader of a faction, but a lot has to be solved before that can happen. One of which is his situation with Ms. Brooks. I'm not going to say that she is holding him back, but I thik that most of Bobby Roode's fans realize that he is going to become World Champ without her.
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