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Robert Roode

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Pet Shop Boy

What is everyones thought on this guy?

I really like him, he put on some great matches with Kaz, and I quite like his Ted Di Biase like gimmick. His mic skills arent that bad either, although their styles are different I can compare him to John Morrison in WWE because I think they are equally as talented. Roode is obviously older and more experianced but I think this guy could be great. What are other peoples thoughts on Roode? Do you reckon he could make it to the top of TNA?

Obviously I would put a couple of guys like AJ, Daniels, and Truth above him in regards to moving up to main event status, but I think Roode could be the companies top heel along with Cage, especialy considering AJ, and probably Angle will be turing face sometime in the not too distant future.
hmm robert roode... this is guy is very talented, and i consider him to be way more talented than john morrison, his mic skills are light years ahead of john morrisons, and his promos are way better also, in ring hes pretty impressive, not something incredible but he can pull off some great matches when he wants/needs to, he rarley botches his moves (unlike john morrison) and he can tell a story during a match, he has really good heel heat and i think he could be TNAs second biggest heel after christian, this guy has everything goin for him and i wouldnt doubt it he was TNA champ one day.. but i see his feud with samoa joe to be his first step in the main event scene...

and i dont think daniels can cut it being at the top of the company, i dont know he hasnt proven to me that he can, and killings doesnt seem like much now that TNA has much more star power... aj has been great b4.. i would want to see how he could pull it off being at the top again with so many different main eventers... i think he could be the mysterio of TNA..
Truthfully, this guy bores me to tears. He is solid in the ring, cuts a nice promo, but he is just missing that "it" factor. Nothing that I have seen since he's made his return has made me say "wow, this guy could really be something". Maybe he's someone that will grow on me, but for now I have no interest in him.
Roode is a poor man's Mr. Perfect (RIP). From how he presents himself to the perfect plex. Throw in a Ric Flair type robe and we have an actual throwback type wrestler in the "sports entertainment" era. His mic skills are alright but if he fine tunes them enough, he could be the biggest heel in TNA. What really should happen is James E. Cornette could be a rogue commissioner and have Roode as his centerpiece in his stable. BTW, I'm still waiting for Cornette to turn heel.
I really like the guy, but I think Tna always puts him the most pointless, the most boring storylines they could come up with. I think they should really give him a new persona and he'll go places. Maybe bring back D'Amore and make him Roode's manager.
he's a talented athelete and he pulls off his character very well. given the chance he could do a lot for TNA. just please get him and eric young apart and give him some big name competition. don't see him reaching the top yet because he's not a big name compared to christian, angle, sting, joe etc. but if they build him up, he could b
His mic skills are ok but he is missing somthing about him that stands him out from the rest. He will never be main eventer but maybe a little push couldent hurt. i would like to se him fued with maybe The Truth or somthing.
I hate the guy, I find him annoying as all fuck, I can't stand his promos all he does is constantly scream at Ms. Brooks, that's it, his matches are less than great, far from horrible, but still less than great, I haven't really seen him show me that much, he's just bland/boring and I rarely pay attention to his segments, sorry but I guess I'm not really a fan of Mr. Roode
well ppl dont think hes main event yet cuz hes stuck in pointless feuds, but now i think we'll see him more in the main event scene after his feud with joe, the question is, will joe put roode over? i hope so

i think he has great potential but TNA doesnt show it well, hes getting better on mic and promos each week and in ring he delivers IMO, i hope he at least gets a shot at the main event scene just to see how he does
Whoever thought of putting Joe and Roode together in a feud is an idiot. Why would u put two of ur fastest rising stars against each other? whoever wins wouldn't accomplish much from it, and whoever looses, looses momentum. They should put roode against someone like Jarret for now, and then move him up the ranks to eventually face or beter yet retire Sting, or imagine him vs Angle, thats about as close we'd get to Mr Perfect/Rick Rude (in their prime)vs Kurt Angle.
Robert Roode to me is one of those guys who is 20 years too late. Everything about him would be perfect for the 80's style wrestling in WWE or WCW.

You look at him now and he does not fit in at all lol. His in ring wrestling is descent. His promo's are good. And he looks like an old generation wrestler to me.. he has that look.. like when i see him it brings me back to the old days of WCW and WWE. He does not fit in at all though in TNA because he's a mid carder for life IMO.. he seems intercontinental material to me. Thus TNA can't do anything with there mid carders... he's not X Division material... nor is he World Champion material.. IMO He belongs in WWE because he just does not look right or fit in with TNA.

He would be a perfect IC champ or United states champ. And maybe even a WWE champ because Orton and Cena are mid carders to me and they have been heavy weight champs for some reason over there so.. why not Roode lol.
I think he's great, in ring not the best but he's still good, his promos are awesome and he can draw heat faster then a ball of fire. Only thing he needs to change is the Pay Off aka the perfectplex or as i like to call it....the moneyplex. When he does it it just doesn't have enough impact(pardon the pun) behind it, besides that i think he's a break out heel for TNA.
see, everyone seems to hate him... Not me, he's impressed me as a singles wrestler and I think he's great.... Great gimmick, great personality.. All he needs is to showcase his ring skills a little more.
Great competitor...his mic skills are great...awesome at generating heat...and personally i love watching his matches, as they are always entertaining
Robert Roode is awesome, I can see him as a main eventer and a possible TNA champ, just need to do something about that *floatation floozie*
Personally i see him as the current version of Ted Dibiase, he's all about the money and cheats to win and does what ever he has to do to get what he wants.
Robert Roode is pure gold on the mic and in the ring. His mic skills are very good and he plays the money obsessed heel very well, the way he abuses Mrs Brooks too gets him over tons as a heel. His ring work is also nothing short of excellent , I really liked his match with Joe the other nightand hes had alot of other matches Ive really enjoyed and I can only hope its just a matter of time until hes a world champ.
i disagree with beth... Ms Brooks has been one of the main reasons he's been so good as a heel. between using her to cheat, seduce and then turning on her for his losses, she helps him get over. he needs to find some way to get rid of her so he keeps the heat when it finally happens. but i think he's good enough on the mic and in the ring to keep gettin heat
Well the problem i have with Roode is he's a guy with all the talent in the world but the writers have no fucking clue what to do with him. Look at his pointless feuds with Young that lasted 6 months and Kaz where did that go? No one benefitted from those fueds and now he doesn't really have any momentum and is in a feud with Joe.But anywho i quite like Roode he pretty good in the ring,good on the stick and seems to have enough protenial to be a big star.
He doesn't have the "it" personna.

He comes across as a "Rude, Perfect, Flair, DiBiase, and HHH" wannabe.

His mic skills are average to say the least. Matt Morgan showed us unknown mic skills a couple of weeks ago.

What he needs is either a new original gimmick by himself or he needs to go back to tag-team wrestling and be an 'silent enforcer' in the mode of Arn Anderson.
I do not think that Mr. Roode needs to go back to tag teaming. Bobby Roode is an exceptional heel & a pretty good wrestler also. I wonder why he has kept onto Ms. Brooks for so long though, since he has became TNA World Champ with her. I am looking forwarrd to the day that he drops Ms. Brooks & focuses on becoming The World Heavyweight Champ. I also think his mic skills are underrated.
I totally agree with CAMFLAM. I just don't think this guys is going to get anywhere in TNA. He already lost to that good for nothing Rikishi or whatever his name is and he jobbed to like every main eventer in TNA. I myself am a huge Robert Roode fan. He needs to exit TNA. TNA is clearly stuck on big names and haven't concentrated on new names. Robert Roode is a perfect example of that.
as far as heels in TNA go, i think this guy's right on the money (no pun intended) he's a big dude with god mic skills and knows how to draw heat. I also think he's very comfortable with his current gimmick and it comes off well. as far as his in ring performance, its not stellar, but its not bad either. i think with a few more moves added to his arsenal and a good rivalry with a top star, and i can see robert roode becoming the HHH of TNA
He's grown on me. I didn't realize until Impact last week but I really enjoyed his tactics from the way he treated Ms. Brooks during the match to the post match beatdown of Chris Harris and particularly his reaction to the catfight a little later on. With some more buildup and some wins he could be a viable main eventer.
Robert Roode has come along way and he actually is effective as a heel but i also dont think he could main event and win the world title, maybe he might next also feud with the x division alongside team 3d but what would be good is if we had a team canada reunion between eric young, petey williams and robert roode, i dont think there should be a fourth member this time cause eric, petey and robert were the main guys of team canada and maybe we could see eric and robert as tag champs again and petey will not be used as a jobber anymore and might win the x title, maybe im wrong cause the triple x reuninon aint goin nowhere so why would they bother about team canada when there more interested in developing the crappy knockouts and wwe rejects, actually if there was a team canada reunion maybe angel williams could manage afterall she is canadian and maybe they could have a fourth member christian cage who would be the leader, aj and tomko left him, so he needs a new crew and team canada could be the answer, i also think he could be good in wwe, i can just imagine it but i dont thin they would give him a title well except for a tag title, so robert you're just going to have to except the fact that you will always be a tag team champion and nothing else but keep up your good work and i hope the new fan who will eventually align herself with you doesnt suck you of the heel heat you carry now
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