Ricky Talks Shit About Another ASSignment

Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend
Seriously. I think I have like 2.5 or 3 weeks left of the semester. Shit, I think it's 2.

Writing about a woman who "hemorrhaged" for 12 years. Where's my motivation?
Seriously. I think I have like 2.5 or 3 weeks left of the semester. Shit, I think it's 2.

Writing about a woman who "hemorrhaged" for 12 years. Where's my motivation?

Oh come now.... Don't fall away

And leave love bleeding in my hands....

In my hands, again
Something about let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do sounds fitting here

LOL. No. It was a very patriarchal society, men would not really speak to women except for their wives and/or mothers, and the only real thing that women would do is go to fetch water out of the well. Now, a deceitful man could gain honor by stealing the virginity of a woman at the expense of the honor of her brothers. Honor was a major element in antiquity. Because the only time that women left the house was to fetch water, men that were looking to "have a good time" would wait at a well and would literally have the chance to talk to every woman in the village.

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