Raw Rating...2.5???

There's are many reason why ratings are dropping;

1. Raw Creative Team sucks: They cannot write or book to save their lives. That's why you're getting stale feuds and weak storylines. I mean look at this way; the feud that Cena has with Khali, is the same feud that Cena has with Orton, or the same feud with Lashley. Cena's opponent attacks him and tries to weaken before the PPV, and then, Cena ends up winning. There's no uniqueness or difference between any of the feuds at all. Also, the creative team cannot push or make new stars. The fact that they had to take Booker and Kennedy from SD, two of SD biggest stars, tells you that the RAW creative team cannot make any stars. And RAW is supposed to be your A show. And the people that do push aren't entertaining in the ring or on the mic. So, that's why you're getting characters like Umaga, Santino, John Cena's "untouchable" Marine gimmick, etc.

2. Cena being "Superman" gimmick character: It's obivous that Cena has gotten stale, not only in the ring, but, on the mic and his character have grow stale among the WWE fans. So much so, that the kids and casual fans that he's supposed to be appealing to, are turning away from Cena. How sad is that? They are getting tired of him always overcoming the odds, and always saving the day. That's why Hogan started to get booed in the '90s before he joined the NWO. He's a prime example of a character created by the RAW creative team. Because if you remember, when he was on SD, he had the rapper gimmick, which he had far better promos, then, what he has now.

3. Redundant feuds, non-interesting storylines: Guys that are on TV are stuck in the same exact feuds that were done before, just before, they started that feud. For example: Cena's feud with Khali is no different than his feud with Orton, or Carlito getting stuck in the same storyline with Torrie than what we was in with Trish Stratus.

4. Too many PPVs: There are far too many PPVs, so, there's a very limited time that they build up a good feud. I mean, you have two weeks in between New Year's Revolution and Royal Rumble. And, One Night Stand and Vegenace are only 2 weeks apart, so, how can you build up a good feud with 2 people so that people will want to see them in a match, so the matches mean something. It either seems lackluster or rushed. Thus resulting lackluster RAW shows and low PPV buyrates.

5. Lack of starpower: Right now, all of WWE's major stars are injured right now. HHH, HBK, Edge (transfer to SD, but injured), Lashley (just got injured). Mostly all of the most over guys on RAW are on the shelf. The only starpower you have is Cena, right now, a lot of people are tired of seeing him. That's why people can't wait for HHH to come back. Quite frankly, I don't what to see HHH hog the title like he did back in 2002-2004. But, that's another rant. But, anyway, the lack of stars on RAW right now, is what's turning most casual fans, because those are the fans are the ones that mostly watch RAW.

Those are some of the reason that I can think of the top of my head.
I think it's rather obvious why WWE's ratings are falling...their product is laughable at best. RAW isn't even worth watching anymore. I sat through so much Cena, Lashley & Vince McMahon Kiss My Ass Club for so long, that honestly I've just grown tired of RAW. I have no reason to tune in anymore. Who do I want to watch? The Sandman? He's garbage in anything that isn't hardcore. I like Carlito alot but I'm not going to tune into a program for one wrestler (unless of course that wrestler is someone like HBK, Rock, or Austin). RAW has just become a sad, sad joke. Cena and Lashley....terrible. Just total garbage. I attempted to watch that promo that everyone was raving about the other week.....did I miss something here? How was that promo different from the ten thousand times we've seen a "contract signing" done before? Didn't we just see this like 6 monthes ago with Umaga & Cena? Haven't we seen this ten thousand times? I mean god the WWE just has NO new ideas, WHATSOEVER. Seriously, not one. What is there to look forward to, seriously? Umaga? Jeff Hardy? Maybe if they decided to actually use Mr. Kennedy after that huge push they gave him instead of just deciding to bury him for no reason whatsoever after giving him a #1 Contender's shot, maybe I'd tune in.

I will say though that if I'm flipping through to RAW and Melina is on....damn right I will be watching. Can't get enough of that sexy Melina.

Honestly, I'm surprised the ratings aren't lower. The lack of quality the WWE is producing these days, I wouldn't be surprised to see TNA overtake them in ratings at this point.
Nielsen Media Research has contacted various programmers due to a glitch in Monday Nights Ratings. This could be an explanation into the drastic drop that Raw received this week.

WWE is still in the process of changing up it's storylines to help boost ratings as after three weeks of getting a 3.4 rating, they know they still have a problem.

There is the update, it will be intersting to see if it was a glitch or not. I for one think it is a glitch, but I still think the ratings are bad, even at around a 3.0, especially during a monopoly. Hopefully it's a glitch so we dont' have to see any more Mr. McMahon on Raw.
There is the update, it will be intersting to see if it was a glitch or not. I for one think it is a glitch, but I still think the ratings are bad, even at around a 3.0, especially during a monopoly. Hopefully it's a glitch so we dont' have to see any more Mr. McMahon on Raw.

There was no doubt from the moment the 2.5 number was reported that there was a glitch, and I'm sure the WWE recognized this immediately, even if wrestling news sites didn't. But like you said, the rating is still bad, remember they were bad BEFORE this week...McMahon is definitely coming back to Raw and, whether the smarks like him or not, it'll help the ratings.

The product is stale right now, there are no decent storylines to follow. There's simply no reason for the casual fan to think "I gotta watch Raw this week." They need to get something going, something big.
crap... if its a glitch then that just means WWE will continue to sit on their asses and do nothing to make Raw better, same old crap, ratings need to drop so they can get a reality check

if i had to watch WWE on TV i would stop just to get the message across that nowadays they're boringg
I agree with allot of other people here, There story lines are not entertaining . There matches on Raw are predictable.. If you know what the card is on the next PPV and you saw Raw the week before. You will know who wins the matches.. They need to do something, I'm not sure what but something to make it interesting

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