Raw Rating...2.5???

man lashley has nothing to do with the ratings lol, hes over with the crowd, like it or not, lashley and batista draw, so does cena but since hes been champ for son long even the 10 year olds are getting tired of him

and IMO lashley is a great wrestler, and one of the few guys in the WWE that has a great amature wrestling backround nowadays, sure he has no charisma or mic skills, and cant cut any promos, but if there is one thing hes good at, its in ring, hes one of the few wrestlers today that actually pulls off some entertaining powerhouse moves, if u dont like lashley in ring u just dont like powerhouse guy, cuz hes incredible, if only he could get a gimmick, some charisma, mic skills, and learn how to cut promos he could be huge (lol ok so he lacks almost everything a wrestler needs, but i still think hes awsome in ring) his cage match with hardcore holly in ECW ill never 4get, classic moment already 4 me XD

now i wouldnt say im a mark of the guy, i just think hes entertaining in ring and many ppl says he sucks just because he lacks other skills

anyways, i do remember when attitude changed belts on Raw or SD!, it was so awsome, they should go back to doing things like that, and cut down on the PPVs so they can build up feuds properly, if more PPVs = pathetic quality then go back to less PPVs i dont care as long as they're great =D
I didn't say Lashley was the whole F'n reason. But he is the main reason. I mean people hate him because its boring to watch him talk, like Johnny Nitro said to Mick Foley, listening to him is like watching paint dry.

True, his in ring ability is unmatched, but RAW is not about in ring ability. RAW is about promos and how good promos will make matches interesting. If RAW continues this way, it will turn out to be Smack down or ECW, where its the match that makes the good promos not good promos making a good match.
I didn't say Lashley was the whole F'n reason. But he is the main reason. I mean people hate him because its boring to watch him talk, like Johnny Nitro said to Mick Foley, listening to him is like watching paint dry.

BS. Lashley isn't even close to being the "main" reason in the ratings decline..Do you hear the pops he gets each week? Those same people watch the show each week on RAW also..No way is Lashley any sort of reason in the ratings decline. Hes out on injury right now and I doubt ratings will suddently just rocket up. They will stay right same area of 3's as it usually does..

The creative is more than likely the main reason..Its crap these days. We see the same matches and repeated promos and god knows how many squashes. The show is boring and predictable and people could be losing interest.

The Beniot situation as well. Most people that watch RAW and wrestling are kids and I'm sure mommy and daddy don't want them watching a show with men who SUPPOSELY beat their wives and take steriods. WWE was getting alot of negative reaction from the media and I'm sure it's having some kind of effect on ratings but even before this incident. The ratings weren't great.

I'm still not gonna rule out this wasn't some kind of typing error cause going from 3 weeks of 3.4 to 2.5 is amazing..
The Beniot situation as well. Most people that watch RAW and wrestling are kids and I'm sure mommy and daddy don't want them watching a show with men who SUPPOSELY beat their wives and take steriods. WWE was getting alot of negative reaction from the media and I'm sure it's having some kind of effect on ratings but even before this incident. The ratings weren't great.

If its Benoit, then why isn't Smackdown's or TNA's rating dropping like RAW does? AND why my mom? what did she ever do to you except at one night stand
If its Benoit, then why isn't Smackdown's or TNA's rating dropping like RAW does? AND why my mom? what did she ever do to you except at one night stand

I didn't say anything about your "mom". I'm saying some kid's parents might not want their kids watching WWE after seeing all the negative things said in the media also I clearly said before the incident the ratings weren't great.But no im not ruling out it didn't have something to do in a ratings decline..But for you to go and blame 1 wrestler for a ratings drop is idiotic. Especially when he is one of the top over faces in WWE..

You have no clue if SD! rating will drop or not. You havent seen the rating yet nor have you seen TNA'S. It could be a typing error because I wouldn't expect for the ratings to decline like that.
i really doubt they would make such a big error

and its true SD! and TNA ratings arent in yet.. if both are down then maybe it could have something to do with benoit

but i would like to belive that its because ppl are finally giving up on WWE, im seeing a title change very soon =D
i missed the first half hour of raw this week but the matches i saw were alright i dont know how they would of got such a low rating. If it is cos of the benoit thing it wasnt like he did it on live television they havent even talked about it.
I think its mainly the champions we have on raw atm
cena- what is it 318 days way to long he needs to lose it now to anybody
umaga- he shouldnt have this title give it to some one like carlito
cade and murdoch why do they have the belts on them when londen and kendrick are on raw. and why havent they been challenged by anybody.
candice might be the best champion they have on raw at the moment but cant wrestle that well give it back to Melina or Mickie James

And stop the unpredictabillity and then they should get higher ratings
This is bad/great news from my standpoint as this looks like the WWE needs to freshen up its product and I think we can see that in the coming weeks leading up to Summerslam. On the other hand this is a direct result of the whole Benoit things and its starting to kickin.
Thank you to everyone blaming Cena for this one major rating drop off...for giving me a good laugh. You guys actually think that all at once 25% of the Raw audience got tired enough of Cena's title reign that they all turned off their TVs at once? If you wanna talk about the gradual drop from the low 4s to the mid 3s that's been happening being Cena's fault, at least than can be an argument. But to blame this on him is insane. Logically, if people are tired of Cena's title reign, then they should be MORE excited to watch the build-up for SummerSlam since last week finally introduced a challenger (Orton) who has a legit shot at taking over the belt. Also funny is the idea that Jeff Hardy's absence was in part responsible. I don't know if there was even a spoiler up about Jeff not being at the arena, but even if there was, I'm pretty sure that it wasn't read by enough people to cause the ratings drop. Besides, its the IWC who reads spoilers and for the most part Jeff Hardy is not an IWC favorite so that would make MORE people who read the spoilers tune in. Honestly, I have no idea what caused such a ratings drop. Maybe it was Shark Week starting, who knows. But I'm pretty confident that no one person is deserving of the blame. One last note...if, as everyone is saying, this could be a blessing in disguise because it will cause a shake-up at creative...just hope and pray that McMahon doesn't think that the answer lies with him getting back in front of the camera...
I don't think the ratings drop has anything to do with one person, or even a few wrestlers, most people who watch wrestling dislike half the card, and they don't switch off simply because the guy they don't like has the belt. I believe a lot of things contributed to the drop in ratings, mainly the writing, or the lack of. There are no main storylines, I mean the only long standing feud Raw has at the moment is well... the women, and thats not really a crowd drawer. They seriously need a big storyline, that doesn't involve Vince... I will still watch Raw simply because I am want to see a storyline start ... and I don't think a 4 week rivalry over the title constitutes as a feud... Bring back the attitude era, where feuds and storylines had depth, lasted longer than one ppv and where raw was exciting!
Im thinkin this is either a wrong rating or somthing treuly weird happend. I do agree that their's no story line to really hold raw together i mean for the whole year of 2005 you had batista chasing and beating HHH and it really held raw together, with the ammount of good talent returning from injuries soon ie HHH and Rey mysterio im thinking that these low rating are just temproary and they will im prove. This fall looks to be even better for the wwe with the returns of HBk, Edge (WOOT) and the undertaker.
Whats for sure is that USA is not pleased... They're pushing for 3 hours but the blame is as always... no entertainment!!!

This is what I recall seeing last night... you be the judge if you find this good enough to be on Monday Night RAW

1. No beginning pyro
2. Umaga showing no heel or face status
3. Randy Orton continuing "Legend Killer" gimmick thats been going on for at least 2 years now. Fighting a has-been wrestler, no disrespect to Sgt. Slaughter.
4. Davari's shouting segment
5. King Booker vs Jerry The King Lawler... THATS THE BEST THEY CAN DO!?!?!?
6. Carlito's talk show w/ Cena... should be just one on one talking trash to each other.
7. Womens tag match... Not one female wrestler making a name for themself because they're constantly in groups.
8. The Italian dude running his mouth to the ref
9. HHH Returns promo... making ppl wish he was actually there
10. Cena w/ an odd reaction after Carlito spits on him... Cena doesnt go after Orton, no brawl in the end, just a stupid stare-down

If you still have old WWF tapes like Best of RAW volume 1-3 watch it and you can see why theyre getting these pathetic ratings!

Just a note... Seems to me the brand extension in 2003 was the beginning of the downfall... aside from Austin leaving the company and WWE losing lots of fans including myself...

I know theres alot of WWE talent and they have to have them on separate brands, but if they made RAW 3 hours, they might make a difference...

Either way, the brand-extension to me is the reason why for the RAW rating decline for the past 4 years
I totally agree about the extension. If RAW was 3 or maybe even 4 hours and all the talent was on 1 show and they got rid of the sucky guys and had every title on one show it would be great. Especially if they went back to when titles changed hands more often than 320 days and they changed on RAW and not just PPV then, the ratings would skyrocket.
The bad ratings raw has been getting recently is probably because of the benoit tragedy but I think another reason is probably because jeff hardy didn't wrestle on raw, specially the way they have been marketing him lately. Right now WWE is probably going to just have to wait until Triple H comes back, and when Randy Orton wins the title at Summerslam which is probably going to happen.
WWE needs a cure here's how it needs to work:
1. Drop the brand separation: too many injuries for any show to work out well, plus since the split its been less interesting. They now make all brands perform at the PPV's which means I have a point on this one.

2. Too many belts: combine the tag belts combine the world titles. Back in the invasion storyline Foley had a great quote "everyone's got a freakin belt" they had the same amount of belts then as there are now. If Hornswaggle is the cruiser weight champion drop the title wwf/wwe has never put nearly enough respect for that division and if they can't learn how good the matches can be from TNA then forget it. Going down to 5 belts is asking alot but it would make the champions seem a lot more relavent.

3. Too many PPV's If everyone is wrestling on all shows granted some will favor certain shows it gives people a reason to watch all of their shows to keep up with where the stories are going and builds up PPV's much better, especially if you lose a few ppv's like back down to 12.

4. There needs to be stables. Its very much a free for all and any alliances made are short lived. It seems they only try around survivor series to even have a team of 5. Ministry of darkness, the corporation, the dx army, Hart's team canada they got ratings. Kennedy orton and edge could make a great heel stable, and the new breed was wasted

5. Title excitement: The belt should be bounced around more often I don't need attitude style 20 changes a year but if i watch and know cena is going to have it at all times why watch. Even though I hate cena it would at least be worth watching him win and lose it to say orton or hhh a few times back and forth which turns into a long fued instead we keep getting fed these 2 or 3 match sweeps. ratings did better when rvd edge and cena had the belt moving IT works everything im saying has worked and can work and should be heavily pursued.
Whats for sure is that USA is not pleased... They're pushing for 3 hours but the blame is as always... no entertainment!!!

This is what I recall seeing last night... you be the judge if you find this good enough to be on Monday Night RAW

1. No beginning pyro
2. Umaga showing no heel or face status
3. Randy Orton continuing "Legend Killer" gimmick thats been going on for at least 2 years now. Fighting a has-been wrestler, no disrespect to Sgt. Slaughter.
4. Davari's shouting segment
5. King Booker vs Jerry The King Lawler... THATS THE BEST THEY CAN DO!?!?!?
6. Carlito's talk show w/ Cena... should be just one on one talking trash to each other.
7. Womens tag match... Not one female wrestler making a name for themself because they're constantly in groups.
8. The Italian dude running his mouth to the ref
9. HHH Returns promo... making ppl wish he was actually there
10. Cena w/ an odd reaction after Carlito spits on him... Cena doesnt go after Orton, no brawl in the end, just a stupid stare-down

If you still have old WWF tapes like Best of RAW volume 1-3 watch it and you can see why theyre getting these pathetic ratings!

Just a note... Seems to me the brand extension in 2003 was the beginning of the downfall... aside from Austin leaving the company and WWE losing lots of fans including myself...

I know theres alot of WWE talent and they have to have them on separate brands, but if they made RAW 3 hours, they might make a difference...

Either way, the brand-extension to me is the reason why for the RAW rating decline for the past 4 years

I happened to tune into USA about 10 minutes before RAW and during like the last commercial break for the show before it they did in fact show some of the opening pyro and JR was saying something but then it went to the other show; that may be why the ratings are low because people thought RAW wasn't coming on.
Carminooch07 you can and all the other people can come up with "theories on how to fix everything" in the WWE but dropping the Brand Extension is not one of them. If that happens Guys like Lashley,Kennedy,WGTT,London/Kendrick,Cryme Tyme,etc would not make it on RAW everyweek. Id rather tell WWE to keep RAW at a 2 Hour Show because its always been like that for the most part. A 2.5 I wouldn't call the panic button if went down further then yeah maybe though I do find it odd that it went down from a 3.4 to a 2.5 in one week. I think once Triple H comes back it will go back up again. Plus lets see what the Rating does Next Week before then.
Carminooch07 you can and all the other people can come up with "theories on how to fix everything" in the WWE but dropping the Brand Extension is not one of them. If that happens Guys like Lashley,Kennedy,WGTT,London/Kendrick,Cryme Tyme,etc would not make it on RAW everyweek. Id rather tell WWE to keep RAW at a 2 Hour Show because its always been like that for the most part. A 2.5 I wouldn't call the panic button if went down further then yeah maybe though I do find it odd that it went down from a 3.4 to a 2.5 in one week. I think once Triple H comes back it will go back up again. Plus lets see what the Rating does Next Week before then.

Well I gotta ask you buddy, when did you start watching RAW because if you watched it during the Attitude Era you gotta accept the fact the creativity and ideas for the show now are complete trash. Im not giving advice on how WWE should get better Im simply giving my advice of why they have these ratings...

I mean did you really enjoy RAW, did you turn off the show and say to yourself, Holy Sh!t that was a good show...

Because the last time I did that was before the brand extention, and if you think Im just bsing Ill have you know that I stopped watching once Bischoff came in and Austin left

And let me also say...

Many of those names you said would not make it, they are the future of the WWE, the only ppl that wont make it to the RAW are the ones the fans dont care about All those you named the fans like and they're gonna have to be put in better story lines and not be in stupid segments like Carlito's stupid talk show. You say HHH comes back it will bring the ratings up again, you cant rely on just HHH to get the job done.

Every talent whether they are Main event, upper midcard or midcard and sometimes jobbers need to contribute to the show, you cant just expect HHH and/ or Orton to get high ratings

back in the Attitude Era you had Austin,Rock, Kane, Taker HHH, and Foley Main eventing

You had the infamous Austin/McMahon fued
You had DX, Nation of Domination, the Oddities, the Ministry of Darkness, the Corporation, the J.O.B. Squad and the union
You had popular female wrestlers like Sable Debra and Chyna
You had a great upper midcard with Edge, Christian, the Hardyz, the Dudleyz, the Hollys, Acolytes (APA) Head Cheese (Al Snow and Blackman)
You had great segments like the 24/7 Hardcore championship rule

Speaking of which you had kickass titles like the European and Hardcore championship

I could go on forever with why the ratings are so bad...
You guys know whats the real reason? Its not my mom by the way

If moms dont allow kids to watch Wrestling TV, then why isn't TNA and Smackdown Ratings going down?

The real reason is probably because of the WRONG pushes on stupid newcomers and hopeless guys. Not that i dont like people like Santino Marella, but these superstars are advancing to quickly. NO, they dont start off on ground zero, they start off on a big feud. Look at Santino, he can't wrestle(worst than Ric Flair and Great Khali) and Santino certainly cant entertain. His accent thing is getting very old and there is no more fuel for him to even exist.
If they push Santino Marella, why dont they push guys like Shelton Benjamin or Use Snitsky. They have all it takes to entertain us but they are still in that midcard stats.
I really think that they(viewers) just got bored of RAW's frequent new and boring guys. I am bored too, when Santino or the Divas come on, i went to play Counter Strike. When John Cena comes on, I watch the inspirational channel. When Randy Orton comes on, I eat. Whats left? Really, i think the first 10 mins of RAW is the only thing i watch.

i also found this interesting site that shows Raw's Ratings From Sept. 4 1995. It was really interesting on how during the Attitute Era, The ratings are as high as 8.1! Look at this 2.5 rating, it was common when WWE RAW just started in the mid 90's, but in 10 years, it never went this low.

the site:
I've read alot of reasons being thrown around as to why Raw's ratings are as low as they are. You could attribute a little bit of it to the whole Chris Benoit thing I guess, you could put more of the blame on the injuries. When you look at the big picture, it's all about a lack of star-power on all three brands.

Go to the WWE website and scroll through the Raw roster and eliminate Bobby Lashley due to injury, Jeff Hardy due to a possible suspension, HBK due to injury, Steve Austin(since he's never there), and HHH who hasn't returned yet from injury.

Who do you have left that could REALLY draw? Who do you have left that has marketability on the mainstream? If you were to take a group of people that weren't wrestling fans and ran down the names of the superstars active on the Raw roster right now, the only person they MIGHT know is John Cena.

Your other top names right now are King Booker, Mr. Kennedy, Carlito, and Randy Orton who have all been floating around the mid-card for the past couple years.

I don't care how many amazingly talented wrestlers you put on any television show, you're not going to draw the high ratings that you're looking for if you don't have star power. That's the bottom line.

When HHH comes back, you may see the ratings go up a bit. Love him or hate him, he's a draw. Who the hell is Santino Marella getting television time? Cody Rhodes? Stars of the future, perhaps....but putting them on isn't going to help their ratings dilemna. As risky as this may be, what I would propose would be to bring back NAMES, bring in people to the FULL-TIME ROSTER that we know.

You could continue to push new faces to the top but at the same time, you need a fair mix of proven veterans. That's just how I see it...
Things need to improve, and fast. The RAW ratings haven't been this low since like 1996, and that's when there was competition. And an even bigger kick in the nuts is that there's no Monday Night Football. Seriously, what are they competing with? Baseball? I doubt they target the same demographic as them anyway. This is going to be hard to swallow.

Now, what I'm going to try to do know...is break this down into what I think is causing people to just forget about RAW. This may break some hearts of some marks, and it may put a smile on some of your faces. No doubt this can/will be challenged, but hey, most of you won't even bother to read this. OK. I'm going to break this down as simply as I can.

The fact of the matter with RAW is, they just don't have anybody with enough star power to keep you watching every week. I'm sorry, but the majority of WWE fans don't tune into RAW to watch John Cena. Even if they do, he's so damn predictable. The end of the match is different, but the outcome remains the same. It doesn't matter who he's facing. If John Cena defends the WWE Title at a PPV, he's going over. Face it, if you want to defend Cena, defend him. But I swear, the ending of RAW's and PPV's are the same thing ALL THE TIME.

I don't want to only bash on Cena though. There are countless of other things, and or people to be held accounted for a 2.5 rating. One could be the writers. It's true, that Cena lost his first match on RAW in months last week, and I will say that that was one of the better RAW's I've seen all year. Why? Because it was unpredictable.

Let me ask you all a question. When was the last time that you sat and watched RAW and actually didn't see something coming? Edge winning the Title was at a PPV, so that doesn't count. You've got to go pretty damn far in your mind to remember the last time where you didn't see something coming on RAW. That's what I blame. I also blame the feuds. They have what? 3 weeks between every PPV? Either you're going to have an half-assed Title feud or a cheap feud thrown together at the last second. That's not only going to equal low ratings, but poor buyrates as well.

I also have to blame the low ratings due to the injuries. Whether you like them or hate them, Shawn Michaels and Triple H bring in at least a small portion of the ratings. When you lose not only them, but now Bobby Lashley and Jeff Hardy, you're losing some star power. I don't understand why Triple H isn't returning on RAW, which is in dire need of something exciting, but opting instead to just flatout make his return at SummerSlam. The reasons for these injuries? The same reasons why most wrestlers use steriods. They're simply overworked.

Also, where are the stars now? Are you only tuning to RAW to see Cena? No. What happened to the days where you'd tune into RAW to see Austin, Rock, 'Taker, Trips, Angle, Jericho, and others? How can you seriously expect Cena to carry RAW on his own? He can't. Plain and simple. He's not as big a name as The Rock, and it doesn't help that he's being pushed to high hell. Believe it or not, a large part of the WWE doesn't only rely on children, but on the 18-39 demographic, and that certainly took a hit this week, scoring only a 1.9. The lowest I've seen in years.

Could the writers be to blame? Are lame storylines like the Vince McMahon dying angle to blame? I don't know. I wouldn't be able to you, but I believe that as stupid as that storyline was, it was effective while it was going because at that time RAW was bringing in 4.0's. However, I do think that the McMahon death angle was tasteless, not to mention that it foreshadowed things to come.

This and more, all bring me to my conclusion. Again, this is my opinion, and I could be wrong but....I place the blame soley on the Chris Benoit situation. Not only is the WWE looking horribly bad in front of the media, but Congress is now asking for all the drug test results for WWE. You can say that it won't prove anything, but judging by the ratings, it certainly is taking its toll.

Look at it this way. The three weeks after the Benoit incident, their ratings fell to 3.4, pretty off their usual rating. Now, it's fallen to a 2.5. I could be wrong, but parents may be telling their children to turn off RAW and do something else.

Apparently though, McMahon doesn't feel that way, and it's a shame too. He blames it on the writers, for crappy storylines. What you've got to notice, is the group of writers the WWE has are the same group of writers that were fired from sitcom television shows. Pro Wrestling is a much, much, different thing than regular television. Every match on RAW seems the same. They really don't switch it up. The face comes in charging, then the heel gets his heat. Then the face comes back and wins. It's so typical that it's driving me, and apparently other fans, sick.

Could this be a mistake by the boys at Nielsen? Or did people just stop watching this week? I don't know. But I will tell you this, USA Network used to praise RAW as being their highest rated show. Now that the ratings are falling, expect USA Network execs to get on Vince's ass about bringing back Jericho, and possibly The Rock for a few appearances, because they really are slumping now worse than ever before.

Also, could this be the start of a new type of Era in WWE? I understand that the old WWF slumped in 95, 96, and 1997, and then had a 3 year Attitude Era. Could this slump be the time to start fresh for WWE? Who knows? What I do know, is that if Vince McMahon was irate about a 3.4, heads will be rolling when he finds about a 2.5.
That's why I love T.I.V.O I've been a wrestling fan for 15 years, and this is the first time like since 1994 that I'm not looking forward to Monday's anymore, I TIVO it, and probably watch 10 min totall of RAW fast forward thru all the crap, Cena BORING, carlito BORING, Randy Orton BORING, king booker BORING, even MR.Kennedy who is from Green bay, I'm from Wisconsin is starting to get really Boring too, there's just nothing there, no storylines, there's trying to make cena be The Old Rock of the 90's never gonna happen just sucks

Same here. RAW is so boring I just find myself fast-forwarding through all of the crap.

To be honest, the problem's obvious why it's low. There is a lack of depth in storylines and none of the feuds are beefed up anymore. Remeber Austin vs. Rock or Austin vs. McMahon? Those feuds had it all. They were really entertaining and they left you on your feet. Now-a-days it's just one month, let's move on storylines that are boring. I want a good feud. I want one that isn't rushed and laid to the side for the next person in line. I also don'tr want to see the same people week after week. The WWE beat WCW back during the Monday Night Wars because it was giving their new talent their time to shine. Now they stick to HBK, Triple H, Cena, Orton, and the such. Yes I like them and they are entertaining but I want to see new people come in and say, "Hey you had your shot and now It's mine"!

Also I think the edginess of the WWE is gone. It's not risque unless you watch a women's match. Noone brings the entertainment value up. There's no cussing and no real agressiveness anymore. Now it seems like entertainment for people 64 and up. It's boring as hell.

I think that people just got sick of it and decided not to watch this week. All of it's big draws are either injured or pushed to mid-card. They want one wrestler to dominate the whole roster and I find it to be repetitive. I want something fresh and I want something well-developed.

No thought is put into anything. Some of it is made last minute. Raw and jsut about all WWE programming is BORING! Their PPV's are lackluster and they have one every 3 weeks plus they build nothing up. Cena vs. Michaels was good, I'll admit but that was because it was given the proper amount of time to develope. You didn't know if HBK would turn on Cena or what would happen! But now, there is nothing exciting anymore. I bleive they put more time into the Women's Division more then anything else, next to making Cena look like Superman. Back to the Women's Division, they build up their talent and they don't keep the title on one person. They just gave their belt to someone who was fresh to the picture and was promising. No, they aren't the best now but they will be. The only problem with the division is they have no good characters. Look at Sable, look at Chyna, Debra, The Kat, Sunny and such. They had something that really attracted the fans and that was personality.

I hope the WWE does something soon because if this keeps happening this way, not only will I be fast-fowarding RAW each week, but I'll stop recording it and watch something better!
I agree with whoever metioned the lack luster PPV's and the time between them. Judgement Day 07 happene to be on WWE 24/7 and I didn't even watch it. Well I did watch it, I just ended fast forwarding through the whole thing. Should WWE go back to combining the rosters and having only one belt? I think so. The only way the WWE can go to back to where it was before (attitude era) the only option is to combine all the rosters again. Do you know how many people could be chasing after that one belt? John Cena, Batista, HHH, Undertaker, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Bobby Lashley, HBK, Kennedy, Booker T, and a few others. What about the upper mid card? Elija Burke, John Morrison, Shelton Benjamin, CM Punk, Carlito and so on. Also they would have 3 to 4 weeks to build up a PPV with 2 shows instead of one. Since the ratings dropped all the way to 2.5, hopefully the WWE is starting to look at this as an option.

It's going to be interesting to see what the ratings for IMPACT are going to be. If anything is going to light a fire under Vinny Mac's ass, it will be knowing that his fanbase is going to be looking at TNA Impact for some excitement.
its going to be interesting to see next raw, i wanna see what vince is gonna do after this, anyway i think every1 here has a valid point on what raw needs to improve on (theres so many things) though i dont think they need more big names and vets, what they need is better wrestling

i tune in to raw, SD! and ecw to see the young guys wrestle, obviously i love to watch taker, HHH, HBK, i actually want them to be champs, but i like to see how the younger guys are, if it werent for matt and MVP i wouldnt even watch SD! (now that edge is gone and rey never comes back =/)

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