Really Madden? Really?


Houston's Hometown Hero

Now anybody who knows me knows that I am a die hard wrestling fan. I do like watching TNA over watching WWE, but I really don't have a preference as I watch ROH, AAA, and anything that I can get in my area. But week in and week out, I see one Mr. Mark "Perfectly Good Waste of Adult Onset Diabetes" Madden come up with a new reason to pick apart the episodes of Impact that he claims that he doesn't watch but mystically knows segment for segment. Now Mr. Madden claims that he has issues with WWE as well, but the only WWE rant that I have ever seen from him, last week, felt like it steered more towards kissing WWE resident babyface, John Cena's ass than actually offring one bit of criticism towards anything WWE.

Well anywho, it seems that with his credibility running pretty low and the jig being up on the true motives behind him being so critical of TNA(having been turned down for a job and nobody really giving a shit who Mark Madden is), that he would have run out of things to bash in TNA. And you would be right, if not for Madden's most recent rant. Now this piece of four flushing art is ground breaking and monumental. Not because it's is to eloquently written, but because Madden actually is complaining about something that he himself is only speculating on. Yes, you heard it correctly. In Mark Madden's latest column, he makes up a TNA angle off of the top of his head and then bitches about how stupid it is.

Now I know alot of you are wondering where the question lies in this, so here 's one. Is Madden am evil genius who's insight is far above the average mind who is onto something or is he just a fat pathetic jilted washed up has been who needs to just go away? Come on people, you can be bi in this one and go either way as long as you compel me with an explanation.
Mark Madden makes a living saying and writing things that make people angry. It's what he does. You don't say stuff like you wished Ted Kennedy would have lived long enough to be assassinated unless its your job. Now he's playing Devil's Advocate, pointing out everything that is wrong with TNA in the hopes of one day making it better. A competitive TNA is good for the wrestling business, and it's a long way off from being competitive.
i don't even read his articles anymore i mean all he does is bash someone and it gets old/annoying you think he could post at least one positive thing about tna etc
Madden is just an angry never-was in the wrestling world and a Hogan hater. He was the worst part of WCW and he's bitter because he never was one of the boys. His opinion is nothing more than verbal diarrhea!:wtf:
Mark madden to me is like watching a movie a blind person. He means absolutly nothing to the world and is a glorified attention ****e. He's a fat nobody that nobody likes.
Sigh, Mark Madden is nothing but a loser. Week after week he bitches about this and that, insulting wrestlers who give their blood sweat and tears to entertain us week in and week out. I am sick and tired of hearing this fat piece of shit talk so bad about the wrestlers who give us their bodies every time they step out of the curtain. Mark has no room to talk about anybody because he never gets off his fat ass and does anything, let alone actually wrestle. My thing is, if you haven't been in the ring yourself, you have absolutely no room to talk shit about any performer, no matter how good or bad they are. Mark Madden, and I hope to god you read this, GO TO HELL! You are nothing but a fat piece of shit who has no basis to talk shit about any performer. Once you get off your fat ass and actually do something, then maybe you might be relevant, but until then, you are worse than bubba the love sponge. And your rants and raves mean nothing to anybody because quite honestly, YOU mean nothing to anybody, and you never will.
I agreed with what was said earlier when Mark Madden was called a Never Was. For Madden to be a has-been, he has to have been something at one point. The truth is that Madden was nothing more than hot air being blowing into a microphone when he was on Nitro during it's dying stretch. He was as horrible on that as "The Shore" gimmick is to watch. If there was a top 5 of horrible announcers, the names of Eric Bischoff, Michael Cole, Mike Adamle and Mark Madden would be in it. The fact that he bashes TNA for everything they do and yet he claims to not watch it, some would call that being a hypocrite. All that he says is nothing short of being the ranting of a washed up Never-Was and Never-Will Be who is pissed off about how neither the WWE or TNA gave him a job after WCW went down and how TNA hired Mike Tenay but not him. Hell, ROH hired Kevin Kelly and nobody seen him around in the wrestling business for years prior to this year. The words jealous prick come to mind with most of what he writes and frankly, it is true that he writes it just to piss people off because without it, it would be tired boring rambling nobody would give a damn about in the first place. It may be true that part of wrestling's problem is how it doesn't have a voice. While it may be true, the other part of the problem is having poor attempts for that voice be guys like Michael Cole or jealous jerks like Mark Madden. The problem in this case is not pro wrestling doesn't have a voice, but that if these guys are a voice for pro wrestling, nobody wants to hear it. Mark Madden is one of those that just needs to shut his trap and go away.
TNA has problems, a lot of them. but instead of constructive criticism he goes for cheap one liners and bad analogies. but he does what hes paid to do, get you guys all to talk about it.

altho his writing and TNA's are about equally bad in thier own way, so maybe they should hire him.
They already have a walking gas bag full of hot air in TNA that's painful to read or listen to. It's called Don West. With all of TNA flaws, why make them worse? The only thing that could help Madden get a job in any wrestling company is a roll of duct tape
I can do nothing but agree with all that has been said. Every post he writes sounds more and more like an attempt to lash out at a former girlfriend who dumped him hard. I did like his point about how hogan and many others seem to think what made the nwo go was him turning heel. As i remember at the time hogan was pretty much booed outright during all his matches cause people were tired of his one horse show. That was especially evident one evening on nitro against arn anderson before the outsiders even joined the show. It seemed more like "Hogan is cool now cause he joined the Outsiders" alot more than "The new guys are cool now cause hogan joined them".

But that just illustrates my point. That was one thing in an entire post i liked, along with a bunch of other crap that i had to skim thru to even find it. If i gotta work that hard to find something worth a damn in his posts then maybe he is just writting to hear himself talk nowdays. Maybe I'm wrong, but this is the opinion i formulated from it.
Honestly, who cares. Its his job. His job is to say stuff that gets people talking. In this case its the IWC. He's basically a shock jock and a good one at that. Wonder how long until people will be calling for his head on a fence post like Don Imus, I dont think he needs to go as far as saying the N word as people already hate the guy. His job, I love the articles because most of what he says is true, he just isnt the most credible person to be talking about the wrestling biz. Then again, Imus wasent the most credible person to talk about basketball.

Bottom line, he accomplished his mission. Cause we're talking about him. Good job Mark.
Madden is just an angry never-was in the wrestling world and a Hogan hater. He was the worst part of WCW and he's bitter because he never was one of the boys. His opinion is nothing more than verbal diarrhea!:wtf:

I agree with you. Madden is a smark dumbass, who wishes he was still in the wrestling business. But he wasn't the worst part of WCW. That would be Vince Russo, he bankrupt them.
Madden columns make wrestlezone interesting. His rants are fun and they add contrast. Though i disagree with 90% of what he says, I must admit that sometimes there's quite a bit of truth in his rants. I enjoy his shock humor and in your face opinion, and he'd surely be missed if he leaves wrestlezone.
First time posting anything in the forums, but read every day

Mark Madden is a complete and udder waste of sperm. I've been reading his garbage for a long time now and I must say that they are really great... well they are for toilet paper after I print them off. All he seems to do is bitch and whine about things that he has no knowledge of. Frankly, his comments about anything TNA related are just so biased it isn't even funny. ok.. so big deal you didn't get hired by a company, does that give you reason to bash them? Let me try that with one of the hundreds of companies I have applied with.. oh wait, i would get in legal trouble if I did that. but I guess that IS his job.. to write garbage. In any case... nothing he ever says should be taken seriosuly as he is just some never was who got lucky working for WCW.
This guy gets paid to write the crap he writes? Who pays him and why? He worked for a company that went out business nine years ago. He wasn't a big deal then. To read his columns he has all the answers to make a company successful, you would think they were beating down his door to hire him to run
As much as you hate madden. His angle was right. Hogan turned heel so before you bash is diabetes butt .. you have to know hes right.
I'm middle of the road with this one:

On one end, I think it's blatantly obvious he's envious he didn't get hired by TNA. If he didn't WANT to work for TNA, he wouldn't be so critical, but rather, uninterested in the product. Especially for someone who claims he doesn't want to work in wrestling anymore. I mean, after all, his colleagues found jobs in a new, upstart promotion whereas he found himself on the receiving end of indifference.

On the other end, I think he's right about a lot of the things he says. Do I watch TNA? Yes. Do I criticize TNA? Yes. And why not? I'm a wrestling fan. I long for wrestling competition. I'm also a baseball fan, and I have my baseball team that I root for, but dammit when they lose, and they lose due to sheer stupidity, errors, or mismanagement, I bitch. I complain. And I'd love to find someone who doesn't.

TNA frustrates me because they have some good stuff and they don't do good things with it. That company's biggest enemy is itself. But that's a topic for another thread.
Mark Madden, you are no better than Todd Pettengil. At least Todd was smart enough to get out at the right time, and now he's successful in the radio industry. Mark, give the execs at the Travel Channel a call. You'd have potential on Man vs. Food.
This guy gets paid to write the crap he writes? Who pays him and why? He worked for a company that went out business nine years ago. He wasn't a big deal then. To read his columns he has all the answers to make a company successful, you would think they were beating down his door to hire him to run

Clearly WXDX pays him. Previously to that he was employed by ESPN, but then he said that he wished Ted Kennedy would have lived long enough to be assassinated, so they canned him.
i'm so glad a thread like this started i hate this man he's so forgettable i barely remember him in wcw his pro wwe articles are a joke he's almost offering to suck vince's dick with the way he swoons wwe product. ive stopped reading the "articles" , if you wanna call them that, that he puts out since i hear enough random tna bashing from the wrestlezone forums. the guy is pissy tna didn't offer him a job and hes getting back at them like a child but constantly crying about a product he claims he doesn't watch yet knows sooooo much about. i can't read his crap and i'm tired of seeing articles from that fat shit on this site. thank you so much wrestlezone forums for showing me alot of you hate this asshole as much as i do
Madden actually is complaining about something that he himself is only speculating on. Yes, you heard it correctly. In Mark Madden's latest column, he makes up a TNA angle off of the top of his head and then bitches about how stupid it is.

You mean the column where he correctly speculated a Hogan heel turn? Where he correctly speculated Hogan and Bischoff would be They? Where he correctly speculated that it would not be compelling?


Enough said I should think.
I agree with the fact that Mark Madden is a two-bit hack that should never be allowed in a wrestling arena without buying a ticket.


He makes good points. When he talked about "The Shore", he was spot on. Here was a segment that was cut short on a live telecast because a bunch of people that DID NOT PAY to watch the show gave him shit. That's right, that was at a FREE EVENT that anyone can get into.

If I'm not paying to get into something, I'm not going to give a vested interest. After all, I didn't pay to see a show, I decided to come in for the free Air Conditioning.

That's TNA's issue. That is something that the idiot pointed out.

He pointed out that Foley vs Flair doesn't make sense. It doesn't. What good does it do either one of them? Oh, it's supposed to elevate their two factions. One faction lost relevancy back in 2001, and the other shouldn't need to be elevated, as you already have TNA's top star, one of their top tag teams, a guy that's looked at as the future of TNA (though how long can a wrestler really be the "future" of a company) and Kazarian.

What's sad is that you point out that he's a waste of sperm that didn't matter in the days of WCW and that all he does is bitch about TNA. Well, look at the crowds that they get for live events away from the Impact Zone. A report that I read estimated that only about 3000 people attended Bound For Glory, their version of Wrestlemania. Where is he wrong? 3000 people for a show at a venue that holds over 8000. From what I saw from the show, it looked empty.

So before you start saying that he's just badmouthing TNA, take a read of some of his columns and point out areas where he's flat out wrong. His job isn't to give TNA Creative Criticism. His job is to be a provocateur, something that many of you haven't quite noticed.
Though he may be smug... he was right, and hes usually on point. Hes worked with basically the entire TNA staffs current regime, and he knows what hes talking about. He might have a bias towards TNA for whatever reason, but its all accurate.
The best part about each of these Madden hate threads that pop up every few weeks is that you all are only blindly helping him out with promotion. He's a critic; do you people not understand what that job entails? I love how upset you all get over it. You either care waaaay too much about TNA, or you are consumed with jealousy for the man.

It's an opinion page, people. Each of you getting butt hurt and voicing it here only serve to drive his numbers up. If he hurts your feelings that badly, why not stop reading his articles?

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