Anybody else sick of Mark Madden dissing TNA?

There seems to be two different arguments going on here. 1) Does Madden suck? and 2) Are his comments about TNA accurate criticism or just mindless ranting?

1) Yes, Madden does kind of suck. Not because of his TNA bashing, mind you, but because of his blatant refusal to let go of the past. Hell, two of his biggest targets for criticism are DDP (who hasn't had a regular wrestling gig since I believe 2002) and Bruno Sammartino, who hasn't wrestled since the eighties. When he actually takes the time to analyze the current landscape of wrestling, he tends to be fairly good, however.

Which brings us to...

2) For the most part, Madden is pretty accurate. While many may disagree with his method of stating his viewpoints, it's fairly difficult to actually dispute his insights.

Here's the thing with TNA. They are confusing, they are inconsistent, and overall they don't do enough to keep a lot of people interested. This does not apply to everyone, but it does apply to a lot of people. I watch RAW live, then DVR Superstars, Smackdown, and Impact. Of those three, I am least likely to watch Impact, and if I do watch it then generally it is just background noise while I am working on my computer. Nothing that happens captures my attention or interest. And when I do try to follow a storyline, chances are by the next time it's mentioned again, if ever, I will have forgotten about it.

I really believe that moving Impact to Monday nights was a truly terrible idea, or at least one that they tried too soon. For people without DVRs, it forced viewers to choose between Impact and RAW, and it appears that the majority picked RAW. Does that mean RAW is better? Personally, I think so, but in many cases it's probably less about RAW being better than about TNA being worse. And this is what Madden points out as well. He isn't saying that WWE is great, just that they are a better choice than the truly dreadful product that TNA is offering right now, and then giving his reasons for thinking this.
Just because TNAs ratings went down does not mean it sucks or some of the stupid catchphrases that the WWE sheep like to repeat are "true." The fact is the only thing Madden said that was true was the ratings went down. Everything else is a rambling opinion that has some questionable and contradictory ideas. To me the last thing I would describe that piece as is "correct."

Ok. Some of you don't understand the concept of what an editorial is. It is a opinion, not a news story. His reasons do not have to be factual, only what he sees through his eyes and what he thinks. Everything in these pieces is usually his opinion. Thats why its an editorial. Not a news article. See the difference?

I find Madden to be entertaining. My opinion. Those of you who dislike it so much do have an option, stop reading his editorials. Simple.

On a side note, why is it that TNA marks can bash the WWE all day long, but when anyone throws a shot at TNA(no matter if its legitimate or total b.s.), they seem to get overly upset and go on a tangent about how bad the WWE is compared to their beloved TNA. I enjoy both products myself, and admit both have flaws.

Back on topic, Maddens job is to make you think, while he shares his opinion on whatever subject he's writing about. Not everyones going to agree, find his work entertaining, or even be interested in what he has to say. It's like any other form of entertainment,(and don't get it twisted, what Madden does is entertainment not a news report) if you don't like it, don't read it, watch it, or listen to it. Madden does a nice job in writing provacative, insightful, opinonated pieces. Also known as editiorials.
I'm not sick of Mark Madden personally. It's like if the Yankees went to beat the Red Sox five years in a row and every series sweeped them, they would just continue to criticize them. Maybe not the best example there, but Mark Madden doesn't put the population to this site down at all. In fact, I believe that more than half of the users here enjoy him. I enjoy seeing him speak his mind and exercise his right of free speech, and to the OP, sorry to tell you, but he doesn't care about the IWC's opinions. Mark Madden is a comedic criticizer, and I enjoy him. Maybe the reason why YOU don't like him is because you can't understand some of the large words he uses. In the words of many people, "Don't hate the player, hate the game." In this case you could say that the "game" is the product of TNA. When TNA constantly fails in trying to become better than WWE and continuously becomes a Bitch Stewie clone, it's going to get criticized, A LOT. Mark Madden just adds comedy to that. Mark Madden will never be removed from this site unless he kills one of the admins, which I doubt will ever happen, so stop trying to prove your point. Not gonna happen.
Ima be short and sweet on this... When TNA puts on a shitty show, Mark is all over that shit ready to rip them a new A-Hole.

But when WWE puts on weeks and months worth of shitty shows.... He stays quiet.

What gives Mark? What kind of bitter personal vendetta you have with TNA. Is it employment related or what. Do you have personal enemies within TNA?

Why cant you be unbiased? Why cant you give reviews both good and bad about both shows? Why cant you say anything positive about TNA other than the perverted bitter old man answer "Lacey Von Erich is hot"?

I have a feeling Mark is gonna do one of three things.

1. Write a column saying stuff like "Ha I got all of you Marks reading my column so Im doing something right"

2. Completely ignore this post, and continue his bitter columns toward TNA.

3. Read over the posts, and then try to come up with a clever column concerning this.

This sure went back and forth. One, I'm not a TNA Mark; I watch TNA, Smackdown, Raw and AAA religiously. but I do think TNA overall has better wrestling than WWE puts on. And I like wrestling for wrestling; I don't really care about storylines, divas pretending to wrestle, people pretending to get beaten up by midgets, promos or joke segments. Two, when I said I wasn't reading any more of Mark Madden's post; I meant it...starting with Surprise!!! I didn't reference it at any point in my thread and I couldn't tell you if it bashed TNA or not, but going on "boy who cried wolf" reasoning, you can't really blame me if this time Madden had something else to say except for trashing TNA and taking untimely and off-topic jabs at DDP.

More importantly, this thread has gone off-topic extremely. None of this was intended as a defense of TNA's product or an attack on WWE's, none of this was supposed to be about the product or profit differences between TNA and WWE, and none of this was intended for people to spend six pages calling other people idiot's on account of difference of opinion. If you think WWE is better than TNA or vice versa fine, but there are plenty of other threads for that. My only POINT is that Mark Madden rarely does anything but bitch about TNA and his 'business involvement' is usually just a lead in for him to bitch about the same half dozen guys who burned him while he was there. He is an adequate writer, but I strongly disagree that he ever says anything refreshing to hear. I'm not saying that what he says isn't true, it's just never anything new, relevant, or done in a respectable manner and almost always explicitly against TNA and nobody else. TNA has 1.0 rating (not bad for cable) they are clearly spending more than they are making (WCW ran that way for the first couple of years under Bischoff and succeeded), MNW2 didn't work out, and Nasty Boys have no business being in the ring; do you guys REALLY need Mark Madden to tell you all of that?
Let me introduce myself. I was an obsessed WWF fan until WCW had the NWO. Then I was an obsessed WCW fan until they folded. I went back to watching WWF full time. When they became WWE, I lost interest because I was 23 and the audience they began targeting was about 8 years old. I, like most people from my era, quit watching and the ratings went from 5 down to about 3. Most people I know my age who still watch every week either lack excitement in their lives or are of the lowest common denominator. Sometimes I'll force myself to watch a month of WWE and i'm so disappointed. Same goes for TNA. However, like one guy mentioned above, I really loved the first TNA Impact of the year when Hogan came back. This poster was dead on when he said he'd rather watch Hogan than watch this year's Wrestlemania. It really was a borefest.

Before I get going here, let me make one more point. I watched WCW when Mark Madden was there. I didn't like him or hate him. He did nothing for me. That is the mark of a bad commentator. I barely noticed he was even there during that 8 week span. He was there when WCW was stale, and he was there when the ratings went down the tubes. Not like ratings matter that much to me, but Mark Madden's cynical comments and ugly overweight frame wasn't getting the job done when it came to hooking new viewers. I never heard his name again, completely forgot all about him until last year when I read one of his columns. The first one I found funny, although completely biased and absolutely irrevalent. I did like his attacks on guys like Hogan with major egos. However, in time I became extremely sick of hearing the same unneccessary attacks on the same exact people belonging to the same exact company. Vince Russo sucks, Hulk Hogan's a piece of work, the TNA knockouts are hot, TNA's ratings what?? Everyone knows all of this. He's not saying anything new. He's just kicking a 5 month old toddler when he's down. TNA fans know their ratings haven't gotten any better, but anybody who knows anything knows that WWE needed a lot more than 5 months to become established.

Ultimately, his lazy opinions are from someone with an axe to grind. All this guy is doing is adding fuel to the fire of elitist WWE fans who feel their corporation is being threatened by the extremely underdog competition they now so passionately hate. Madden's using his personal agenda to anger both sides of the war to make a living because the people he criticizes so passionately took away his dream and means of making a living ten years ago. No matter how well he can get a reaction out of wrestling fans, he is not a good columnist. I could get the same rise out of WWE marks by using twisted logic to brainwash 8 year old TNA marks by saying negative stuff that's completely untrue about WWE. He's not so much smart as he is lucky to be in a position to be heard by a wrestling audience, and lucky to have been around long enough to know how making a living off wrestling works. Now he's using this site to brainwash a younger generation of wrestling fans and screw over his old colleagues who ten years ago screwed him. In all this time he's been alive, he's at least learned how to manipulate people naiver than him to make a buck.

You know, I could become a columnist for this site, like any WWE mark, trash TNA and criticize their product. Does that mean all WWE marks are great columnists because they say the things that the majority of this site's WWE mark fanbase wants to hear and believe as truth??

Does that mean if Madden were a TNA mark who preached patience and time that he'd be a bad columnist because the majority of WWE marks that overwhelm this site would feel threatened by his allegiance to the enemy??

What I am saying here is that, like one really smart guy said quoting Madden's own words himself pages ago, Mark Madden is a lazy armchair columnist. The guy is either too lazy or perhaps too smart to write to an intelligent audience he knows isn't really there. He's targeting the majority who aren't intelligent, he's targeting the kid who has the attention span of a 2 month old puppy. His prime audience is lameass teenagers who seem to think the wrestling world is in great shape. Another intelligent post hit the nail on the head pointing out the fact that any adult who likes the state of wrestling has a lot in common with an 8 year old kid. Most wrestling fans of 10 years ago have little in common with the wrestling fans of today, and this is why a lot of old wrestling fans don't bother watching anymore. It's not intriguing, it's not interesting. It's insulting to the intelligence. Only 8-year-old-like adults like Mark Madden are still watching it. Wrestling has dumbed down to unprecedented levels, it is nowhere near the exciting and intelligent product that successfully targeted the adult mentality to win a ratings war. It's a product that targets the lowest common denominator, 8 year old kids and women (most likely their single mothers) who want to watch a bunch of buff stiffs in tights who all look the same wrestle without any kind of meaningful storyline.

Anyway, Madden takes the lazy way out and he purposely pits WWE fans up against TNA fans. He sides with WWE because that is where the majority of his audience lies. If he sides with them, he can keep his job and get revenge on those who stood in his way back in WCW. He bashes TNA, not because what he's saying is an objective truth, but because, like another one of the very intelligent posters here said earlier, guys like Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, and Hall essentially mocked him and disposed of him. Here on this site this Rush Limbaugh wannabe can angrily take out his frustrations on those who were responsible for his years out of the business obsessing about his failure. Here, he can say everything that the WWE marks want to hear so to brainwash them into hating those within the wrestling world (most specifically WCW and TNA personnel) who stood in the way of his dream and quickly ended his pathetic career. The guy was nothing more than a third string commentator for about two months. Here, he still has a pathetic career as a third string columnist who is an enormous hyprocrite.

Lastly, i'd just like to say that, objectively, TNA cannot be discarded as a failure just yet. I don't watch the product, mind you, but then again i don't have to to be able to know that Rome wasn't built in a day. Haters are too quick to pounce on everything they see with a criticism. I was a WCW hater when I loved WWF and then I was a WWE hater when I loved WCW. There were WCW haters when they averaged 4.7 ratings every week, criticizing everything that 4.7 million homes were loving. Mark Madden hated WCW when he was on air there, he likely hated it from the moment he was labeled useless by Bischoff and company. Anyway, back to my point. TNA cannot be considered a failure until years from now when we look back. Was WCW a failure the entire time they weren't beating Raw in the ratings head to head? No not at all, but they might be perceived as a failure if the Net existed like it does now and there was a guy like Madden around with an agenda abusing his position of power to purposely turn people off of the product.

Bottom line. The wrestling world will never be as enjoyable as it once was if we're going to have WWE marks and axe-to-grind columnists like Mark Madden always crushing the first signs of competition. Competition brings out the best in a product. It must be given a chance so that the state of wrestling in general can flourish again. Competition will force both companies into being a little less about business and much more about enjoyable product. For this to happen, guys like Mark Madden have to be either ignored or understood by WWE marks as the biased unintelligible hacks that they are. It is up to WWE marks to find a way to ignore the WWE propaganda, grow up and lose that tunnel vision which guys like Madden thrive upon to make a living. Read his column, enjoy it all you want, but at least become intelligent enough to see through it for what it is.

No, I'm not "sick" of him by any means, because I never liked him to begin with. I always thought he and the rest of the IBC (Incessant Bitching Crew) champions like Jim Cornette and Lance Storm were all pretentious ********s who's opinions were worth little more than their polar opposites in the industry who may have thought any particular aspect of the business the IBC were shitting on at any given time was actually positive in some fashion.

Personally, I just can't read a column in which the author does nothing but bitch and whine. I read enough of that here – I don't need more of it.

Madden may have legitimate gripes, but his incessant bitching lost any potential readership from me long, long ago, so what he says falls on deaf ears.
more times than not I agree with Madden...although one editorial I did not

LokiCobain, you miss the point on a business's success...the only way to guage it is Ratings & Money(Merchandise sales, ticket sales, PPV revenue). how else you calculate the success besides mainstream exposure?
Old storylines? old beaten up wrestlers? Im sorry but what is new about WWE's storylines that I havent seen a hundred times? Wrestlemania was a borefest with the exception of Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels, so what makes WWE any better? Im not saying TNA is perfect. TNA has its faults but the real thing that WWE has that TNA doesnt is the WWE name. Its known and established, its gunna be difficult to stand up to that no matter how good u are.

I'll only say this..twice.. TNA SUCKS.. TNA SUCKS. I've been trying to keep this about TNA because it was posted in the TNA section BUT since everyone else is involving the WWE here we go:

What separates the WWE from TNA? Well the talent for one. Right now it's essentially WWE vs WWE in TNA. Anderson, Hardy, Angle, Hogan, Flair,Moore, Hall, Nash.

WWE has done a DECENT job at moving up it's OWN talent: Hart Dynasty, Kofi, Evan Bourne.. Yes I KNOW he was in TNA for a bit, but let's face it that run with the company was an absolute joke for his career.

TNA is also a known name not as well known but people are aware of what TNA is. Fact remains if I wanted to see a storyline where a "monster" raped a woman I'd watch the erotic fetish network. Yes I'm talking about the TNA's handling of Abyss right now. I wasn't a fan of the Kane/Katie Vick angle by any stretch but for TNA to try this story....joke

Now let's move onto the HoF rings...are you kidding me. Well polish my nuts and serve me a milk shake if all it takes is a HoF ring to give someone "immortal powers"... Hell Hogan choose me next! That right there is attempting to appeal to a KID fan (IE PG rating by TNA). What comes to mind when you think of little rings giving superhero type powers. Yeah a cartoon action hero. *YAWN*.

The ONLY thing fresh and enjoyable about TNA is STING and RVD right now. But then again Sting even working a match against a jobber makes the jobber look good. No I'm not saying RVD is a jobber I'm saying Sting is just that damn good.

TNA should have stuck to what they were good at. LAX was brilliant because it appealed to Hispanic fans from ALL OVER. There are a lot of Hispanics in the world. HELLO TNA when you can get a big group of people to watch you that's called RATINGS. You know..the thing you can't seem to develop.

WWE sticks Buzz, Ashton, & Jerry Springer out there and those 3 draw higher ratings for WWE than the ENTIRE TNA show. Now before someone says something like "oh well how do you KNOW those 3 drew"... Well because people would have to sit through them to know what "surprise" matches they are getting. If the WWE product was THAT boring, people would switch and watch something else.

TNA's best shot as I said was at the start of the new year. I, myself am guilty of sitting through the entire program of TNA and not switching the channel to WWE. Wanted to see if perhaps TNA was on to something. usual, just another big let down.

Was it just me or wasn't it Vince Russo that said at Bash At The Beach that the people would never see that "piece of s*it" Hogan again. Yet here they are in TNA working together. Not real well either by the way. If I had to sit through Brooke crying to her daddy not to get into the ring one more time...I'd PUKE.

In conclusion.... I am a WCW mark. I don't enjoy WWE's current product, however it is still head and shoulders above anything TNA is doing. Now if the beautiful people started pole dancing during the matches and it became a TV MA rating show...Their ratings might just pick up.

Let the bashing/Flaming begin!!
Your post has nothing to do with whether or not you are you sick of Mark Madden. Your post is only to trash TNA because you like WWE better. You
sound like just another WWE mark helping Mark Madden keep a job here.

It's funny. The few intelligent and relatively objective posts here respond to the thread's question and put up a good solid argument that can't be argued by the average WWE mark. The majority of the unintelligible ramblings here are either in favour of Mark Madden or sidestep the question completely and turn into long diatribes about why they think in their opinion TNA sucks. These people often mistake their opinion for fact because there are so many similarly stubborn people like them out there digesting the same WWE propaganda and vehemently spewing it out in defense of their very hardheaded stance. They rhyme off a list of reasons as to why TNA will never be as good as WWE..all the while claiming to have no allegiance or bias..and the thing that gets me about their complaints is that they despise the wrestlers, personnel and ideas that were so successful and entertaining back when wrestling was twice as popular and enjoyed by adults.
Your post has nothing to do with whether or not you are you sick of Mark Madden. Your post is only to trash TNA because you like WWE better. You
sound like just another WWE mark helping Mark Madden keep a job here.

It's funny. The few intelligent and relatively objective posts here respond to the thread's question and put up a good solid argument that can't be argued by the average WWE mark. The majority of the unintelligible ramblings here are either in favour of Mark Madden or sidestep the question completely and turn into long diatribes about why they think in their opinion TNA sucks. These people often mistake their opinion for fact because there are so many similarly stubborn people like them out there digesting the same WWE propaganda and vehemently spewing it out in defense of their very hardheaded stance. They rhyme off a list of reasons as to why TNA will never be as good as WWE..all the while claiming to have no allegiance or bias..and the thing that gets me about their complaints is that they despise the wrestlers, personnel and ideas that were so successful and entertaining back when wrestling was twice as popular and enjoyed by adults.

You know it would help if you quote whoever you are speaking to. It's difficult for everyone to figure out exactly who "you" is when there are several dozen "You's". And if you bothered to read everyones posts you would see that the majority did infact say why they are/arent sick of Madden. Including myself. And you know the funny thing.. You failed to even say what you felt about Mark Madden. Perhaps these forums are new to you...and judging by your post count being at 2 I'd say you are relatively new. But if you are going to criticize someone for not responding to the topic, perhaps you should learn to respond yourself...:disappointed:
Hey 'KoC417's (there are you happy now) I've never called posters out by name on any site because i think it's a bit disrespectful. I'm not really a blogging or chatting type of guy, i don't really have a lot of time to sit around and analyze stuff all day.

It's easy to see how flawed your reasoning is by how you twisted logic to say i didn't respond to the thread. I did respond. My entire first response said it all. My second was just to bring to your attention that in your latest post you hadn't said anything relating to the thread.

I did read 'your' posts earlier concerning the question, but I still don't understand why attacking TNA becomes your sole focus. I know that's Madden's schtick and you're explaining how you agree with Madden and what he doesn't like. But, you're not stating that. You're just saying what sucks about TNA. Your gripes may be similar to Madden's but you're not really objectively looking at Madden's shortcomings. You're just saying TNA sucks more than WWE for reasons 1,2,and 3 and that Madden is a great columnist because he's able to see that TNA sucks. Not naming any names and I'm not saying this is you KoC417 but a lot of people here who agree with Madden stubbornly see the world the same way. He says the sky is blue, the grass is green, and Hogan's head is bald and people here think he's great for bluntly speaking the truth. Saying things are one way or the other is a lazy route, it's not speaking truth at all...there's a lot of truth in Grey areas and a whole lot more to understanding the world around you than by rushing to judgment about something before it's ever given a quality chance. Just to make sure it's clear once again like I said in other words for half an entire page here earlier, I find Mark Madden's posts as enjoyable as any other posting on Wrestlezone. Intelligent once and a while, illogical from time to time, annoying and cynical almost all of the time, and essentially full of bias. Sure I read his stuff, only because I never agree with his what I believe to be his flawed reasoning and bluntness. But then again, I read almost everything on this site I don't agree with as well as the stuff I do agree with. Just because people say stupid stuff that doesn't correspond with what i think, doesn't make Mark Madden a great columnist. Just because someone says something I completely agree with without properly analyzing both sides doesn't make them a great poster. In Madden's case, his essentially one-sided takemakes him a douchebag who riles people up with his own biased and agenda-concerned opinions.

There you go. Post #3. Does that make me a better poster now with a much more stronger and educated opinion?
I'm not sick of Mark Madden. At least he, unlike most of the people who run their mouths, has been in the industry and knows how it works. I may not always agree with what he's trying to get across, but I do believe that he wants Professional Wrestling to be good again. I can also say that I don't believe that he really doesn't give a Rat's Ass about the industry either because if he didn't he wouldn't talk about it. Madden is entitled to his opinion just like everyone else. Look at it this way; at least he's the one writing these things instead of, say, Bubba the Love Sponge who doesn't know disk about this industry.

The people that make me mad are the people who talk trash about how horrible RVD is because he's a mid-carder at best because that's where he was in WWE. Jeff Hardy isn't champ because he will be in jail for sure soon which is so funny because they aren't a Judge or Jury and have no clue what is actually going on in the courtroom. Oh, and "WWE Reject" is a joke. Again, I love to bring up that nobody ever refers to Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, or Triple H as WCW rejects. Wrestling is fun like that, some wrestlers have been known to change companies quite often. Do you really think that Jerry "The King" Lawler only ever worked for WWE? Ric Flair never exclusively worked for WWE. Rob Van Dam is another one. Team 3 D also. So, those who call these guys "WWE Rejects" and talk about how we obviously have no clue as to how the industry works need to look in the mirror and realize they have no clue how not only this industry works, but life either in general.
So 62 replies and over 6000 views on the topic. I'd say Mark Madden's doing just fine. Just because someone has a differing opinion than you, doesn't mean he's WRONG. It just means you disagree with him. I personally enjoy his views on the business as a whole and he knows damn good and well what goes on backstage and what makes a product work. Could he book? No. But he can give insight as to what would help draw bigger ratings for TNA and what's not working.

Why? Because he was with WCW when the ship was nearly underwater and he seen what they were doing wrong on a regular basis. So he knows what he's talking about. He also did the original 1-900 hotline for WCW, too. It's not like he doesn't know what he's talking about. He worked in wrestling and although his thought processes may not be too agreeable to most of his readers, but that's what he goes for. He wants to stir conversation.

So you bit, hook...line...and sinker.
I've been on this forum for a little over a year now, and a Mark Madden thread(both spam and non-spam) seem to pop up every now and then. Madden is a pretty intelligent guy, and this thread got a bunch of responses, so I think he's doing a good job at getting everyone's attention. Can Madden be a dick most of the times? Yes he can. But just because he's very open and blunt about his views of the TNA product, it doesn't mean he's wrong. I'm not a big fan of Madden either, but the guy sure can get the attention of a lot of wrestling fans.
Did I really get that many posts for this thread? Wow, maybe I should start taking credit, too for being "controversial."

I'm assuming, since this thread is a couple of days old, that this is all dead. I've gained a new outlook on things in this forum, particularly that people who don't like TNA troll the TNA threads just to attack TNA for whatever reason, even when it's not really involved in the discussion, and that people honestly believe Mark Madden has something refreshing and interesting to say. I'm glad at any rate that people like Ilapierre and many others share my feelings that he doesn't. And why are TNA Marks more likely to answer the question of the thread?
Did I really get that many posts for this thread? Wow, maybe I should start taking credit, too for being "controversial."

I'm assuming, since this thread is a couple of days old, that this is all dead. I've gained a new outlook on things in this forum, particularly that people who don't like TNA troll the TNA threads just to attack TNA for whatever reason, even when it's not really involved in the discussion, and that people honestly believe Mark Madden has something refreshing and interesting to say. I'm glad at any rate that people like Ilapierre and many others share my feelings that he doesn't. And why are TNA Marks more likely to answer the question of the thread?

Tbh dude Im totally with ya. Not so much that he doesn't know anything and never had anything remotely interesting or insightful to say; I would just appreciate it more if his "stinging" criticism was handed out in equal measures to both TNA and WWE. (And just to preempt any WWE fanbois: I'm not saying TNA is any less, or more for that matter, guilty than WWE. But consider the fact that WWE has been the only major promotion for nearly 10 years; they have a bigger responsibility to protect the industry and therefore you cant complain about warranted criticism even if it does seem over the top some times)

Like a lot of people I get the sense he has an agenda or Axe to grind and that destroys his credibility in my honest opinion. Do I believe hes as geniunely disgusted with TNA or its product as he portrays? Fuck no. Why? Cos like I just said, he clearly has a disdain for the peeps running the show so if they shit gold he'd complain it wasn't silver.
So I broke my rule and read madden again only because I saw NXT as the topic and wanted to see if he was a total hypocrite or not. Surprisingly he spent no time bashing TNA and quite a bit of time bashing WWE but he still took the bait. How can he call for these long-term cohesive stories when he cannot even string together two opinion columns that do not contradict eachother? If you write about the cheapness of depending on surprises that do not make sense at the expense of your episodic stories how could you support what happened on raw? It would seem to be exactly that. He was kind of screwed anyway because it clearly worked. So you could almost give him a pass for admitting that until he tried to pretend this was episodic booking. Then he proceeded to bash the writers who too often do what he was claiming worked last week, calling it boring among other things. So basically he still is a tool. Bash the company of the week and its writers by throwing in a few obvious things with lots of questionable opinions. Any moron can do that and he is no exception. It is the second and the last piece of his I will read.

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