Anybody else sick of Mark Madden dissing TNA?

Old storylines? old beaten up wrestlers? Im sorry but what is new about WWE's storylines that I havent seen a hundred times? Wrestlemania was a borefest with the exception of Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels, so what makes WWE any better? Im not saying TNA is perfect. TNA has its faults but the real thing that WWE has that TNA doesnt is the WWE name. Its known and established, its gunna be difficult to stand up to that no matter how good u are.

This has got to all be a joke right? Where shall I start... Oh yes lets first shoot at the TNA mark that started this stupid post. Madden is only tearing mostly into TNA because it has gone so far down hill that you can't bring it back. Hell at this point calling it WCW 2.0 in an insult to WCW!

Don't get me wrong It's not because of all the diffrent talent they keep bringing in. As guys like hardy, anderson, the pope, RVD, are all great wrestlers. It's not the collected talent that bothers me about TNA it's the lack of using it. It's the disorganized booking. For the love of god having Styles strut around like flair and having a feud over WWE Hall of Fame Rings is not something they should be doing to stand out! Not to mention they put their X Devision on the back burner still and they are not using their home grown established tag teams to their fullest potential.

That right there is the type of shots Madden was firing about TNA it's the booking that they are doing it's the writing. Brain dead people are insulted by the trash they try and pass off as writing. I love a lot of the TNA Talent I think they are great in the ring... However I think TNA needs to take the basics to writing course and stop trying to compete with WWE and just DO IT Put on a great well written product let the boys and girls go out there and bust their ass's and be an alternative to WWE.

Madden makes fun of them for the same reason I do they try way to damn hard which leads to them failing at life!
The best argument and constructive criticism involves 2 parts compliment and 1 part complaint. I don't read Madden or Kelly's commentary because they seem to all be negative criticisms. I've been watching wrestling longer than most of you have been alive and I'm not a TNA or WWE mark. I think they both offer what I tune into the station to see. Wrestling and Entertainment. They both have flaws but every form of entertainment has flaws.

My best advice is if you are sick of something don't put any focus on it be it watch the product or even talk about it.
Same ole shitick with him. He rants, throws in some, what he thinks are clever puns, and some bashing... i dont know. Its boring to me. I havent read anything from that fat loser this year. He just reminds me so much of a obnoxious idiot looking for attention.
I am not a TNA mark, and I could claim to be a WCW one when they still existed many years ago and I think Madden is a fat a-hole. He is bitter he doesn't have a job in the business anymore,what he says hasn't been relevant to the business since WCW went down and his word wasn't worth much then. The way he champions UFC over wrestling pisses me off, and that is what he is about, pissing people off.

I'm sure he does it on purpose, just to keep his name on people's lips. Keeps him a small place in the wrestling world.

He is actually a scumbag who threatened to take all the money made from Brian Hildebrand's charity show a few years back if Bruno or Cornette beat him up.

Wrestlezone shouldnt even employ a twat like that.
This really does come across as thread full of a bunch of whinging TNA marks. "Stop insulting my favourite promotion!"

Hey, we've all had problems with Madden's writing. He's controversial in just about everything he says. Ok, there's no need to repeatedly refer to valets/divas/nitro girls/knockouts like burnt out strippers. Ok, we get he thinks Lacey Von Eric is hot. Ok he doesn't like Russo.

The stuff he says about Hogan has been repeated by countless wrestling critics for the last 10 years.

He is a total douche bag when he's on WZRadio, there's no denying that. He keeps shouting at people who call in, to hurry up and ask a question, when they can't get a word in over his shouting.

I've joined the Madden bashing in the past. When he started slagging off 'Taker despite having (to my knowledge) never worked with or perhaps even met the Undertaker. Who the fuck is he to tell the world that Mark Calloway politicks his way through WWE and burys people when they've never worked together?

But i've read more stuff by Madden lately, that i've either tended to agree with or simply not agreed but not taken offense to also. He's a columnist. All he's got to do is write what he thinks. No one's asking you to agree, so therefore no one cares if you disagree, so let's not bother with all the 'Fire Madden' posts because WZ isn't going to bend to your demands, ok?
The problem i have with this guy and just about every other IWC darling columnist is this:

They never and I mean never, retract. Ever. I've lost count of the amount of times I've read one these "articles" and they've said something which later is proven to be false or untrue and they NEVER retract. They never say "hey, I was wrong, this guy can work/talk/carry the water etc etc.

Cant stand people who have the gall to express opinions about something they have LITTLE OR NO experience of and then not have the balls to admit when they are wrong.

Most journos have an agenda or an axe to grind. Most wrestling journos do too, but they also seem to have this condition where, they are clearly jealous of anyone remotely successful in an industry they never had the skill,will or sheer amount of guts it takes to make it in.

Dont care if you share Maddens opinions of Hogan, frankly, they are irrelevant. Hogan drew money therefore earned his spot. End of.

This guy has a hard on for Hogan basically because he got buried for being useless in the business and is clearly happy being over with the SMALLEST minority of fans (The IWC)

Way to go genius. You're over with the most ill-informed fans of any genre of entertainment or sport on the planet.

They think working is if you can do a bunch of flips in sequence.

Nuff said.
I don't have a problem with mark maddens' column, because most of the things he's saying is true. I believe mark wants tna to succeed just like a lot of us, but he gets frustrated with all of the idiotic things they do in tna and I do also. A lot of you may not like what he says but its all true and tna will NEVER succeed until Dixie wakes up and get a clue.
This should tell you enough about Mark Madden. He went from working for WCW as a commentator to now doing weekly columns for and tries to bury the people that he once worked for. I would just like to know if he has anything else to talk about other then TNA. He doesn't give any professional criticism because it is all jokes at a company that is filled with people trying to make a living. Wrestling fans can make fun of TNA all they want, but when a person is in a position like Madden he needs to try and be a writer and not some pissed off ex employee trying to take shots. If this was a writer for a newspaper he would have been fired the minute he turned over his first column.
I for one am shocked that a bunch of TNA marks are boohooing whenever someones dares to criticize their precious show.

WWE uses surprise well (unexpected winner to a match, or unconventional wins), TNA uses it in the most idiotic way (which washed up star will show up tonight? tune in to find out!).

Mark Madden obviously wants to see TNA succeed as everyone knows that competition would be good for both companies. Raw wouldn't be as stagnant as it is now if there were some actual competition.
Ok, Mark Madden know's what he's talking about. Look at the time period that the guy's worked for WCW. He was there for their heyday, and he was there for their free fall into Vinnie Mac's hands. He know's the wrestling business. How many of you Madden haters have actually ever working in the business? And by that I don't mean booking your neighbor in the community center. It's crazy for ANY of us to think we know ANYTHING about the business other than what we hear in shoot interviews and columns from past/current talent. And the idea of thinking that's all 100% truth is crazy. Once you admit you know next to nothing about wrestling, the sooner you'll stop being such a damned smark.

Madden does a great job stating his OPINION about what he sees in the world of wrestling. You don't like what he has to say? Don't read it. But don't sit on this board and cut him down like your opinion matters to anything that will ever happen in wrestling ever. He knows things. You don't. It's the truth. Go complain about Cena somewhere.
Yeah madden certainly has a way of getting under peoples skin that for sure. I do get sick of his TNA bashing once in a while, but at the same time I feel the guy does make some pretty solid points, its just too bad his douchebaginess can sometimes nullify the strong point he made. There have been times where madden columns were well written with strong points and only a little bashing, when he does that I have no problem with the guy.

My biggest problem with the guy is that he just seems like some angry, bitter man who got his feelings hurt by the wrestling business, he thinks he knows everything and anyone who disagrees with him in any way is an idiot. Madden's problem is he's got to learn how to listen, and when someone argues with him, it would probably be a good idea to defend your point rather than bashing the person he's talking too.

Me:"Sorry, Madden I have to disagree"
Madden: "I bet, you're just one of those internet pundits who thinks he knows something about wrestling when you actually know nothing".

That's my biggest issue with the guy, its more important to him to get into it with the audience then to defend his points. Not only that he really needs to learn that he doesn't know as much as he thinks he does, just because you're friends with Ric Flair doesn't mean you know everything about wrestling, and just because the IWC hasn't worked in the wrestling business doesn't mean that they can't come up with good, strong points that have merit. The only reason this guy worked in the wrestling business as long as he did was because he was friends with Hall and Nash, if that didn't happen he would have been gone almost as quickly as he showed up, he certainly never would of made it to the commentators table. Hall and Nash were the only reason people kept this guy around, and when he didn't have Hall and Nash anymore, his career in the wrestling business was over. Hall and Nash were the reason for your employment Madden, not your unbelievable insight on the product.
I live about 65 miles from Pittsburgh and have to hear this jackass on the radio all the time. I dont like it, so I switch it. The only thing this jagoff should comment on is the temprature of his last Primanti Bros sandwich! Now he is polluting my favorite wrestling site with columns as useful as Hellen Kellers vagina! I would rather read his opinions than hear them, but I choose not to. I believe Madden is from Pittsburgh, so he is a major homer. He rants and raves and makes players seem better than they are. I dont really give a shit about what happens in TNA, but I stay updated because I am a fan of wrestling. I think the wrestling world could do without Bubba the LoveSponge and Mark Madden, stick to radio, that way I can switch it to a channel your NOT on!

Madden would make a decent judge on Iron Chef America though, then his opinon will be valued.
Mark Madden is the only reason to visit this god awful website. He's the only one on here who tells it how it is and has an opinion that is worht reading. In addition he's not Kevin Kelly and he's not on these idiotic "reporters" who don't know how to proofread and are just recycling storeis from other websites. If Madden was smart he takes his column and go to a respectable website.
Mark Madden is right. But, TNA has ruined the element of surprise in their storylines, plain and simple.
Prince Punk, why did u quote me and not even respond to what I said other than call it a joke? Im right thats all WWE has on TNA is the name, Im not saying TNA is perfect, but neither is WWE. Onto the subject of Mark Madden, I enjoy his columns and agree about 60% of the time.
Mark Madden is a joke. has always been a joke and will always be a joke. his claim to fame is that he was a lousy commentator in WCW,before he made it to the anouncers table he hosted a sh*tty phone and internet chat line and claims to be friends with people like Kevin Nash and Scott Hall.
He is just a low rent radio host don't think he's anywhere near an expert and shouldn't be posting columns on a wrestling site. I read his first ever column on the site and only made it about half way through. then didn't read any again until his newest one. Thinking that it might be decent because of the Title...well I was wrong..I made it through 4 or 5 sentences and closed it.
Will never EEEEEVVVVEEEERRRRR read another of his editorials on this site again!
Mark Madden is the only reason to visit this god awful website. He's the only one on here who tells it how it is and has an opinion that is worht reading. In addition he's not Kevin Kelly and he's not on these idiotic "reporters" who don't know how to proofread and are just recycling storeis from other websites. If Madden was smart he takes his column and go to a respectable website.
see you dude nobody her will miss you..wether tna or wwe fan or a fan of both like myself i think we all agree that this is the best wrestling website out there and if its such a bad site then why in the blue hell would you log on to it?
This is what's wrong with you TNA fans, you can't take criticism. All he's doing is pointing out the obvious: directionless booking, horrid marketing, rehashing old storylines, and pushing old talent to the forefront. Booking: the never finished the "mystery driver" angle with Styles/Tomko. THey never explained Joe's "kidnapping". They hurry through matches to get to lame segments, and boring promos. Marketing: staying in the impact zone week in week out, and don't charge ppl for coming. There's no excuse for that, tell Jimbo to rustle up 20 bucks to go the wrestling show! And when they do branch out, they leave an event center 3/4 empty, i should know, i went to one in Charlotte last year. I also loved how you bragged about going head to head with Vince, and after 3 months of ass-whipping you went back to Thursday nights. HOgan and Bischoff and Dixie and Russo are running the company in the ground. Truth hurts
To be completely honest, I don't usually read Mark Madden's columns. After all, if you've read one, you've more or less read them all as they all seem to revolve around the same subjects.

However, it does seem that this thread is full of whining TNA marks that are upset as Madden bashes their favorite promotion and isn't at all bashful about doing it. I wonder if they're more upset by what he says or the fact that he actually says what's on his mind to begin with. Madden may quite be a classless cunt and a bitter washout in pro wrestling. I dunno if he is or not as I don't really know the man. Whether he is or he isn't, however, doesn't take away from the fact that a lot of what he says is correct.
Why does everyone keep saying he is usually right or rehashing his piece and then not giving any reason why, just like he failed to. It makes no sense. This is the thing that annoys TNA supporters. Any idiot can see that TNA had a decline in ratings. Now there are plenty of theories as to why that happened but running your mouth of about why you dislike the product and then using the ratings argument as your "reasoning" is flawed in many ways. Just because TNAs ratings went down does not mean it sucks or some of the stupid catchphrases that the WWE sheep like to repeat are "true." The fact is the only thing Madden said that was true was the ratings went down. Everything else is a rambling opinion that has some questionable and contradictory ideas. To me the last thing I would describe that piece as is "correct."
yeah, Madden says the same stuff over and over, but honestly can you tell me most of it isn't well thought out, logical and the most important thing, entertaining? Whether you agree with Mark Madden or think he's a bloated self loathing sycophantic hypocrite, everyone reads his articles. Its actually awesome that he's such a dick, because half the stuff he writes, makes a lot of sense. Can anyone understand why WWe was able to make Jeff Hardy one of the biggest stars in the company and the hottest star since Austin, but TNA has a midcard boring fat drugged up version? Part of the blame goes to Jeff, but a lot of it has to do with TNA and how they've handled him. Madden points that out, He points out everything wrong with wrestling storylines and companies, and yes its the same thing all the time. The thing is if no one points it out and no one says it, people will just accept the same mundane product. Madden has done his job, he's entertained, gotten under the skin of and gotten wrestling fans (at least the IWC) talking. I hope we can enjoy Madden for a long time to come.
I thought Mark started writing on here (wz) as a favor to mr friday afternoon from Bellview. Glen was writing his post mortem columns on here while working as a road agent for TNA. Glen was trying to come off as a good guy who knew the business (which are both true in my inexpert opinion), but years of being a punchline (a professional punchline for YEARS off a gimmick so awful it stuck) nobody wanted to take him seriously. So Mark came on heeled himsdelf up and put some serious shine on Glen. Since Glen was defending TNA, Mark tore it up while being an ass (he is awfully good at that, btw, big fan, big fan m-f 3-6 wxdx fm). He does have some history with a lot of the TNA/WCW guys from way back - some really good (Hall, Nash, Bischoff, Raven) some pretty bad (Hogan, Russo, Sting). His insight might be a little dated, but he used to write for a great wrestling promotion, was on air for a good while.

He has all the things that make editorials intersting to me: intelligence, wit, insight and most importantly AN AXE TO GRIND. Every week I turn on TNA and hope to see DDP. Not because I like ddp, truth be told I think he's a boring, shriveled @ss. But because the sarcasm, hate and bile that would come streaming to me through wz might make me piss myself.
I think it's great how a battle of calling each other TNA marks, and WWE marks is just funny. But to answer the question... No I'm not tired of Mark Madden, and respect his opinion on the wrestling business.

Most of the folks out here, are calling what Madden is saying, bashing on TNA. Well,
Number 1.) How can he be bashing on the product if what he is saying is dead on. So many Facts he has discussed in his articles about TNA. and Yes he criticizes the WWE as well. The difference between the two, is he doesn't have to do it a lot, because TNA creates a lot of opportunity for bashing.

Number 2.) He has a great knowledge of the business. He was in WCW for a quite sometime. He saw things in the backstage, that wouldn't probably make people look at Kevin Nash twice and say.. Really? He was involved in a lot of the company's ideas, and columns. He did his research. He worked pretty hard. Yes, his he fat, stupid.. No.

Number 3.) A lot of those guys that work in TNA, he used to work with. He saw up front, what all those guys did to the company. He saw how Hogan wouldn't perform if so and so win. He Kevin Nash, does sleep with anything with a vagina that went backstage. He saw good talent get held down because of lazy and greedy people. In my opinion. If someone wants to make a comment about that, then do it.

So your answer is no, I'm not sick of Madden. He knows whats going on, and his opinion makes sense. He has been closer to the wrestling business then anyone on here. So, just read, and if you don't like it, send him an e-mail telling him why. I bet that get more accomplished then creating a thread to get people to bash on him.
Look, I will end this topic here:

Mark Madden does not deserve to have an editorial spot on this site, all he does is tarnish the sites reputation. When I first read one of his editorials I could not believe that such a clearly bitter and biased person was given a spot on the site seemingly on name value only. Sure he was in the business but he comes across as having the knowledge of a 10 year old Cena mark.

Sure TNA does have a lot of problems but do we really need an editorial every week or so highlighting those problems? We all know what their problems are, we don't need to read an exaggerated version of it over and over again.

In closing, Madden is just a pained and bitter man who does not deserve the title of a "wrestling expert". An expert is capable of taking a stance of an unbiased critic, which Madden is obviously not capable of.

I for one will never be reading one of his editorials again. I'd rather not waste my time reading something I have read over and over for the last 5 months. I suggest you all do the same. Hopefully the Administration of the site will realise no one wants this man's "writing" (if you can even call it that) on the site and give him the boot.

/end thread
Prince Punk, why did u quote me and not even respond to what I said other than call it a joke? Im right thats all WWE has on TNA is the name, Im not saying TNA is perfect, but neither is WWE. Onto the subject of Mark Madden, I enjoy his columns and agree about 60% of the time.

Because it was a joke of a thing to say. Of course WWE has the name and brand that is marketable they also have the better production value. As far as talent goes and style that's a diffrent story. But that's like saying the NFL is bigger than the AFL only because they have the name...

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