Really? Do you really think that's a good look... Really?

God, could people get off Cody Rhodes' dick for not wearing kneepads. It's a unique look that the other WWE wrestlers don't have and old wrestlers like Bruno Sammartino, Lou Thesz etc. never wore kneepads and were great wrestlers. I like the look, like I said it's unique.

Right now I think Heath Slater looks horrible in those tights. He didn't look good in his trunks either but at least he didn't look much of a pansy now. And god do I have to mention Jinder Mahal? The guy looks like a brown toothpick with a beak for a nose covered in white kneepads, trunks & boots.
i know im going to get some heat for this, but i LOVED zach ryder's one leg short and one leg long look. it gave him a new different look that's never been seen before that i liked.

john cena needs a new look. the jorts are terrible.
I would like to see Sin Cara' mask change. Don't hate it just can't stand not being able to see his eyes, I know that that is part of his mystique.

Kane. He no longer needs the mask, however, I would like to see him grow that fuzz that he had the week after he unmasked, maybe a little eye make-up, as well as some facial hari. That way he looks a little more like a "freak".

If I think of something else I will add to it.
I agree with u Takerfan, regarding Sin Cara, I've said since I first saw him the only thing that will hold this guy back is that we can't see his eyes, so it will be hard for the fans to connect with him.... At least with Mysterio u can see nearly half his face and u can see his facial expressions. This is important to build their character, which is something sin cara will struggle with once he starts getting involved in proper feuds.
Max Moon's costume. It was silly. He couldn't have become anything but a comedy guy; he couldn't have become a believable main eventer or even believable mid carder.

Zack Ryder's no-leg attire was pretty ridiculous. When I seen it, I strayed away from the match. It is obnoxiously bad. I prefer traditional attire, I guess.

And if you want to mention beards, Triple H's motorhead-esque handlebar beard/mustache looked awful. I know he has influences, but it looked completely bad on him.

I could endlessly go on, but I'll stop there.
The most recent one, for me, would be AJ Styles dressed as Ric Flair. It made me so angry seeing him not being himself, as well as wearing a crappy robe made of cheap materials. (I sew. That robe was a disgrace. 5$ molting boa trim? Really? REALLY?!)

It reminds me when I first started watching TNA and only could imagine little old grannies in the back churning out costumes. Especially when you see several wrestlers, all on one show, wearing outfits made from the same bolts of fabric. One show there was one guy with sparkly black trunks or pants, then Michael Shane/Matt Bentley comes out with a vest made of the same material. It looked like it was made as an after-thought from remnants. :banghead:
The most recent one, for me, would be AJ Styles dressed as Ric Flair. It made me so angry seeing him not being himself, as well as wearing a crappy robe made of cheap materials. (I sew. That robe was a disgrace. 5$ molting boa trim? Really? REALLY?!)

It reminds me when I first started watching TNA and only could imagine little old grannies in the back churning out costumes. Especially when you see several wrestlers, all on one show, wearing outfits made from the same bolts of fabric. One show there was one guy with sparkly black trunks or pants, then Michael Shane/Matt Bentley comes out with a vest made of the same material. It looked like it was made as an after-thought from remnants. :banghead:

Oh yeah that one really did suck.

Generation Me have had nothing but shit attire since their arrival in TNA, first it was the 'Hardy Boyz starter kit' and now they've got those silly coloured bell-bottom tights with the flappy bits. Damn they're incredible in the ring but it's impossible to take them seriously as a threat in those pants.
I must concur with the mentions of Zack Ryder's one long leg look, AJ Styles playing Ric Flair, and Big Daddy V's hot mess. I want to add a couple more, both wrestlers I really liked in their earlier looks.

1. Goldust
His original suit was awesome for the character and also unique in a land of tights. However, everything went terribly wrong when he morphed full on to "The Bizarre One." When he started with the dog collars, latex, strange make-up, etc. I think he lost all semblence of a wrestler and turned into sideshow parody. Granted, that may have been the point but his career never truly recovered.

2. Raven
Arguably my favorite wrestler ever, his switch to the skirt toward the end of his WWE run was not the right direction to go. Similar to Goldust, it seemed to be Raven being strange just for the sake of being strange. It may have given him a different look, but did him no favors in being taken seriously.
2. Raven
Arguably my favorite wrestler ever, his switch to the skirt toward the end of his WWE run was not the right direction to go. Similar to Goldust, it seemed to be Raven being strange just for the sake of being strange. It may have given him a different look, but did him no favors in being taken seriously.

Raven's original grungy look in ECW, with the ripped denim shorts, band t-shirt, leather jacket and shirt tied round his waist is my favourite look in wrestling, ever. I fucking love it, it is still so cool.

However, I agree on the skirt/kilt. WTF was he thinking? I thought it looked ridiculous, and he looked even worse when he had his head shaved and as it was growing back it went all curly. Not a good look at all. It irritated me that my favourite wrestler was wearing a kilt, I don't see how it was relevant to his character at all.

Also, an honourable mention has to go to Mike Awesome's WCW mullet and 1970s jacket combo. That was just appalling, a terribly gimmick and an insult to one of the few young heavyweights who could have made a difference in WCW's latter years. Unfortunately, the gimmick and the shitty attire made that impossible.

And lastly, Jeff Jarretts horrible white attire he used to wear as Double J in WWF when he had long hair. It was cut in strips, and I fail to see what the point of it was. It made Jarrett look like a gay spaceman.
And lastly, Jeff Jarretts horrible white attire he used to wear as Double J in WWF when he had long hair. It was cut in strips, and I fail to see what the point of it was. It made Jarrett look like a gay spaceman.

Oh, gawd. I hated Jeff's ugly woman hair. On one of Lawler's shows (I forget the name), he'd play clips from the 70's-80's. One started out from the back and all you could see was long 80's hair, I thought it was a woman. Then the camera zoomed out and showed it was Jeff all dressed up like Sonny Crockett from Miami Vice. I was mortified. :eek3:

I was fine with Raven in kilts, but I didn't care too much for the panty shots. Didn't care for the head shaving either. It really showed off his monkey ears. :p

How the hell is this look even legal? He looks like a some hippie's dad just got off the couch following a nap. One thing I always found appealing about Matt Hardy were his wardrobes. He looked great with so many different looks:



His look is a clear testament of his issues in life. He's fallen.

Another mention is Kaz' new long tight's look. Now he looks like a poor man's AJ Styles. Given they are in the same faction, that isn't a good thing.
Okay, almost two years of watching wrestling.

Justin Gabriel's beard- So back when he was in Nexus he comes out with some fuzz on his face. At first I was cool with it but now it's just ridiculus! I mean yes it got rid of his "cute young man" look but now he looks like a teddy bear. Some girls would foam at the mouth because of that but me?

I'm so sick of it I'm willing to dress up like Sweeney Todd with baber tools. Just watch me!

Oh, and I agree with Cody Rhodes and the mask. I will personally recycle it. I actually think Cody's really cute- the eyes make him handsome.
Every single wrestler that wears a long t-shirt with little panties. Jesus f**king Christ you guys really need to wear some pants, or take the shirt off, because you just plain look gay. Wear shorts, wear long pants, wear a tank, anything, stop making wrestling look gay, it walks a fine line as it is with moves like the 69 tombstone, and the crotch-eating powerbomb.

Stone Cold Steve Austin,
1, I get that you may have needed them, but you looked like Forrest Gump with those knee braces on both legs. Every time I saw you come to ring wearing those I thought to myself "RUN FORREST RUN!"
2, isn't it nice that Cena gets crap for wearing jorts but everyone forgets you did it too?
Kofi Kingston with his bright trunks. I've tried to like this guy recently but I just can't and the main reason is the the trunks he wears. I don't know too much about fashion, but even I know that the colors he wears clash. But another thing is he wears kickpads that don't even match his trunks.

JTG. I hate this guy and I hate his attire. The way he wears his jeans is awful, I mean how can having one jeans leg up and one down look good? It doesn't, I'm not a fan of wearing jeans low so you can see underwear, come on pull your jeans up.

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