OLD SCHOOL RAW: Who do you REALLY want to see?

Realistically Raw will be nothing special, with them using the modern stage, having the same list of LEGENDS appear that already make 1-2 appearances a year and they'll just be used as comedy relief.

Personally I'd love to have Randy Savages music hit at the beginning and find out he's guest announcer for the night and maybe have a surprise Lex Luger and Ultimate Warrior appearance.

But I have a feeling tonight will be a let down, can't wait to see Piper though!

I have to agree with this sentiment. It will be the same guys they have had make appearances here and there. Arn, IRS, Dusty, etc.

Did I see the Ultimate Warrior was going to be on it? I get this feeling it will be a gag on Warrior and have some comedy bit. They can't legally use Warrior though can they? Isn't that why he changed his name to Warrior?

I was excited to see someone else was signed on, until I saw it was Tatanka. Whoopeee.

And listing Vince McMahon as making an appearance is kind of a joke.

They had better introduce Iron Sheik right at the beginning of the show because it will take him the entire 2 hours to get to the ring.

Guys I would love to see are King Kong Bundy, Heenan, a sober Jake Roberts and Randy Savage. Heck, I'd even take "The Genius" because it will be someone different.
Raw will probably be nothing special because thats how all of their 3 hour monday nights have been in recent months but hey, I'll give you a few of my ideas for the Old School show and future story lines...

First off, the one person that I want back is Old School Kane! Bring Kane back out TONIGHT with the mask on, this would be the perfect time to do it and there wouldnt even have to be an explanation for it seeing as how there was no brand extension during the 90's so he was technically on raw and this could give him the edge (no pun intended) back to his character.

With all the comparisons to HBK, why not help out Morrison and bring him in a body guard. Who would it be? It could/should be either Big Sexy Kevin Nash or Psycho Sid! Both having worked dwith Shawn during the 90's, the much rumored return for Sid over recent years, and the limbo of Nash's career...this is definitely possible and SHOULD happen.

Bring out the Million Dollar Man who bashes Ted for losing the belt and then brings out his younger brother Bret (putting him now on the main roster) and have Dibiase Sr. run the mini faction along with maryse still being with ted. Now, goldust is clearly having problems with his girl so bring back terri reynolds for a run with goldust.

Gilberg, enough said.

Val Venus will probably make an appearance tonight and although I dont want him in a major storyline, given their gimmicks, why not place him and the godfather together as a tag team just to help with that division. Two veterans who won't really care about titles, just helping out the younger guys.

What ever happened to Ahmed Johnson and Savio Vega??? It would be great to have them come back for just a night. Or even if we saw a one night reformation of the Nation of Domination with those two, the godfather, and Faruq.

The possibilities are endless but instead we will probably get some BS from the WWE b/c thats what they have resorted to as of late.
like everyone I agree that this night will be a huge letdown, but if it was worth the billing we'd have the pleasure of FINALLY being reunited of 2 of the most beloved stars of the 90's, Randy Savage and Ultimate Warrior! To this day I still think the crowd at WrestleMania VI was more into that match than any other match I've seen, only being rivaled by Rock/Hogan at Wrestlemania X8 and Bret/Bulldog at SS in Wembley Stadium

another person that would be a good pickup for old school raw would be Vader, he was a monster heel that could be fun to use today
There are only three people I would really mark out for.

JR He needs to come back with The King for the announcement, if even just for tonight. I do not want to see the NXT group calling this Nostalgic night. We can't have Heenan and Monsoon so JR and The King are the next best thing.

Afa and Sika they could come back and teach the Uso brothers what tag teaming is really about. Maybe the four could be in a tag match together.

Sean Mooney Only because he was a big part of my child hood. Mean Gene is going to be there, why not Mooney?

While typing this I realized I would love to see the old R A W letters as the stage.
That would make my night.
1)The Rock - Who doesn't want to see The Rock cut another promo? The man was gold on the mic and there are a few guys on the roster I would love for him to have a promo with, Sheamus, Santino, and Jack Swager. He would tear them up, making fun of them so badly.

2)Shawn Michaels - He hasn't been on WWE Television since the night after Wrestlemania this year.

3)Randy Savage - EVeryone else covered this. It has been years since he has with WWE. I would love to see him once again. OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4) Triple H - Been out due to injury and I wouldn't be shocked to see him especially after he came back on WWE fan appreciation day.

5)Ultimate Warrior - See Randy Savage.
Here is my list of names I would love to see back in the squared ring for one night. Appoligies if these have already been mentioned but here goes.

Randy Savage. No other wrestler has been so flamboyant in his ring entrance, Wrestling style, his interview segments,, his ohhhhhh yeaaaaa and many other reasons as to why I would love to see him

Tito Santana. This guy was a genius in the ring and was a true powerhouse and high flier. He never went heel and held the intercontinental title twice and the tag titles twice. he was one of the main faces of the old WWF for nearly 20 years

Jim Duggan. HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!. Now here is a guy that even though he never lifted WWF/WWE gold, he was a fan favourite and brought a light hearted atmosphere in all matches he was in.

The Bushwackers. Now again they never held Gold within the company and most times when they entered the ring they knew that they would not win but they just had fun, most times at their opponents expense. They had that silly arm waving, chicken stomping enterance and the fact that they used Lukes head as a battering ram and they licked their opponents heads and faces just made me laugh. To see them together again would be cool
Hot Rod. He would set the place on fire when his music fills the arena but he was so funny on the mic, in the ring and of course when he went nuts and totally destroyed his opponent or anything in his way.

Mr T. Now i know he was not a wrestler for long and he only had 2 matches. One as Hulk Hogans tag partner at Wrestlemania 1 against Roddy Piper and Cowboy Bob Orton and the second match at Wrestlemania 2 in a boxing match against Roddy Piper but I thought i would throw his name in there.

There are many more but those will do for now. I expect all the others will be mentioned by the rest of you in due course
Brock Lesnar. I know it's impossible but what I'd LIKE to see is a Taker promo and then Brock's music hits. It would be epic.

Since it's PG I'd say there's a better chance of seeing Papa Shango, rather than the Godfather. That would be fun to see.

Gangrel. That entrance never gets old.

bring back the ministry for one night. Taker, Bearer, Mideon, Vis. That would be awesome.

The Rock. he probably wants to plug the new movie. Perfect timing.

haven't watched RAW in awhile but this at least got me interested. Should be a fun show.
There are three people I'd absolutely love to see on Raw this week. I'll list them in order of most => least likely to happen.

Val Venis. I am a mark for this man, he is my favorite wrestler bar none. He showed in TNA that he's still got moves and because he's apparently signed a contract it could herald a return of the Big Valbowski which would be made of awesomesauce and win.

Rickie "The Dragon" Steamboat. This is less likely because he's still not 100% after his hospitalisaton in the summer, but he certainly fits with the theme of the evening and letitng the fans know he's OK after the beatdown would be nice, and could even set up my third superstar nicely.

Richie Steamboat. With a name like his, it's kind of obvious why a showdown with Nexus could feasibly result in his debut. The man himself is pretty good in the ring and if I'm honest I hope that this oldschool Raw will be used to put over new talllent rather than give the Legends more time in the sun they don't need. At all.
This has probably about a 2% chance of happening, but hear me out.
Anyone else think that this "Old School" RAW wasn't scheduled for the first U.S. live RAW after the election? Is it possible that the WWE truly goes "old school" tonight and begins to slide back towards the "Attitude" era (at least as much as possible)? THAT would be what I want to see more than anything else they could do......
I love the format and love seeing the old graphics. What I would love to see is the WWE keep this format. The crowd is white hot tonight over it and I really think a "nostalgia" push would turn the ratings and the company around. Now I'm not saying feature old stars every week, but keeping the old logo, music, and set design would really be a nice throwback to the classic days.

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