Really? Do you really think that's a good look... Really?


Occasional Pre-Show
G'day fellow wrestling.... Oops, I mean sports entertainment fans, I just wanted to create a thread that we can have a bit of fun with. Now, over my years of watching WWE there have been a lot of shall we say, questionable decisions when it comes to ring attire or a WWE Superstar's particular look, now three that immediately come to mind for me are:

1. Cody Rhodes - Can somone please get this guy some knee pads, when he comes out to the ring in his jacket it looks like he was in a hurry to get dressed and forgot to put on his pants and during his matches he just looks like he's wearing undies and boots (before Cody I never realized the true importance of knee pads).

2. Big Daddy V - who told this bloke that it was a good idea for him to not wear a shirt or even a bra. Don't get me wrong, just like Jerry Lawler, I too like puppies but not on a dude, especially a big, fat, ugly dude!

3. Randy Orton's beard - Mate, if it's been 3 months and you still can't grow a full beard, please, get the razor and shave that damn thing off it ain't a good look.
There, now that I got that off my chest it's your turn, feel free to talk about any company over the years WWE, TNA, WCW, ECW etc. have fun everybody.

Hey guys, Stein Lager in particular, just to clear things up I'm asking u to include any wrestlers u have seen over the years in the major companies WWE, TNA,WCW, ECW etc. thank you again.
While I defiantly agree with you on Cody rhodes, the look is different sure, but not in a good way. That's the type of wrestler I don't want onscreen when my mates to walk in on me watching wwe. Good wrestler good gimmick, but for christs sake put some kneepads on. As for big daddy v, aka viscera, king mabel, is he even in wwe? Or tna? Or even roh? Last I knew he was in all japan pro wrestling, and sorry to sound ignorant but who gives a fuck... Even if he was in wwe, I doubt I'd give a fuck what HE'S wearing. Now Randy orton, the beard or lack of or 15 year old douche trying to grow a beard, it gives him definition. Makes him look older and separates his viper gimmick from his old one. N to be honest op, it doesn't look THAT bad...

My gripes are with Kane being a bold ugly cunt for fucks sake put your mask back on grow your hair, your just not the same anymore. Undertaker reverted back to his deadman, revert back to the unstoppable big red machine... Not just some unimportant jobber.

Sheamus, you pasty motherfucker get a tan your hurting my eyes.

Robbie-e from tna, loose the Guido jersey shore look, you embarrassing yourself and your family. As for this new whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Chap on smackdown.

And Christopher Daniels from tna, lose the black nail polish. You will look back on your vids in 20 years and curse yourself for having black fingernails.. Seriously.

That is all I'm done :) good night and much love! (Terry Tibbs) lol if ANYONE gets that reference!
It's not really fair to ask Kane to put the mask back on considering how uncomfortable he reportedly was in it. Besides, last year proved that they can still give him a believable monster push if they really want to, mask or no mask. Honestly, I would rather see Taker go back to being the ABA, and that has no chance of happening either.

As for wrestlers who have a stupid look, I immediately have to agree with Big Daddy V. First of all, his monster push was already unnecessary, as I much preferred him as the comedy-type "Love Machine" character. But if they were going to do it, they could have given him some better ring attire that didn't showcase his enormous breasts quite as much.

On the same note, I'll throw Rikishi into the hat. I know he was popular in his time, but I'll never understand how people were able to watch him give people the stinkface and not throw up. The Kelly Kelly and Torrie Wilson incarnations of the move are ones that I can get behind; not his.
I like Cody Rhodes look.. No one else has it currently, so why not? Makes him unique and heck, you remember him because he is the only guy in the roster like that! He used to wear pads put they never used to be on his knees, more like Ric Flair, down to his boots.
G'day fellow wrestling.... Oops, I mean sports entertainment fans


I want you to go to the part where Vince McMahon says, "another wrestling organization," and replay it until you realize that we are indeed wrestling fans, and Sports Entertainment is a term WWE use to promote themselves so that they are not surrounded by the negative aura which comes with professional wrestling - steroids and the such.

1. Cody Rhodes - Can somone please get this guy some knee pads, when he comes out to the ring in his jacket it looks like he was in a hurry to get dressed and forgot to put on his pants and during his matches he just looks like he's wearing undies and boots (before Cody I never realized the true importance of knee pads).

Rhodes is scrawney, hes admitted that in interviews, he has a small metabolism and he can't help it, he doesn't like wearing knee-pads because he said he finds them uncomfartable and he doesn't see a need to wear tights.

2. Big Daddy V - who told this bloke that it was a good idea for him to not wear a shirt or even a bra. Don't get me wrong, just like Jerry Lawler, I too like puppies but not on a dude, especially a big, fat, ugly dude!

Thanks for making me throw up.

3. Randy Orton's beard - Mate, if it's been 3 months and you still can't grow a full beard, please, get the razor and shave that damn thing off it ain't a good look.

Orton's beard is epic. There was an online petition to make sure it got included in WWE '12, and Cory Ledsma went and added it to Orton's character, even had Randy come back to get it scanned. Orton's beard makes him look better, also since hes grown it, it seems his wrestling ability has tripled, which means it has magical powers you can't comprehend, someone needs to get Sam to get his ROB signature back - ROB = Randy Orton's Beard.

The only person I want to mention is when Zack Ryder wore that stupid long tight/short tight combination. That was the worst wrestling attire ever, and he actually thought that it was going to work which makes it even more stupid.
Cody's kneepads did bother me a little bit.

The Rock needs to grow his hair back! He doesn't have to have the big high-top he had in the late 90s, but at least grow SOME hair back! He looks like a freaking egg. I hope he grows it back before WM 28!

And no homo, but i hate when certain wrestlers grow beards. Randy Orton, Mysterio, Cena . . . these guys should have limited to no facial hair.

Oh and another thing, I hate when wrestlers (mostly in TNA) wrestle with the shirts on. Once again, no homo, but for instance.In Tna, Sting does it a lot, James Storm does it sometimes. Hell, even Ric Flair did it on the last episode of Nitro. It just bothers the hell out of me. But, I guess it's for merchandise selling purposes. IDK
Cody Rhodes doesn't need knee pads, he needs to rock some long Edge style tights. I just think it would be a better look.

Zack Ryder's old tights (one long leg, one short) those were terrible. His new look is much better.

Christian needs a new logo. He's had the same one since before his TNA run. Also he needs some knee pads under his tights like AJ Styles. AJ is also small, but the knee pads make him look a little stockier. I think that can give Christian the main event look.

John Cena. Like someone said, I'm not feeling the jorts. He's not a "thug" anymore and he should change his look. I think he should go back to his short tights. If not, why not some camo pants? or a Superman costume? They both fit his gimmick.

Del Rio needs a white speedo (only a wrestling fan can say that and not be gay lol), he looks damn near naked.

Kelly Kelly. You wanna make the crowd pop? Come out naked.
I am going to go in a TOTALLY different direction. I'm going with Vince McMahon's hair. I kind of feel sorry for him. After her got it shaved at WM a few years back, it just never grew in the same.
Ok then if people like Orton's beard, I'll replace that suggestion with the Lycra top William Regal used to sometimes wear with his trunks, it made him look like he was wearing a woman's swimming costume, he looked like a member of the East German Women's Swim team in the 70's. I'll also throw in Dave Taylor's attire for the same reason.
I never paid attention to these things much. I don't see a point in analyzing people's attires. It mostly just comes down to what the performer is comfortable with. If Cody Rhodes doesn't want to wear knee pads, then why wear them? I think he looks fine, too. I mean, do you really pay that much attention to whether or not the performers are wearing pads or not? If Swagger came out with just some tights and a pair of Asics on, what would it matter? I'll give some credit where it's due and say that it's hard to not notice his lack of knee pads when Matt Stryker used to constantly obsess over it, but in the end, it doesn't matter a whole lot. Like I said, I kind of like it just because in some small way, it makes him look different. In a business where standing out is key, I'd give him credit for it. The things you've mentioned, OP, are not nearly as dumb as some of the crap that guys wore back in WCW or even WWF, but most of those were due to idiotic gimmicks. Look at Kevin Nash's first character in WCW; Oz was a horrendous character and he wore that hilari-stupid mask, along with the bright green tights and cape. Who could forget the Ding-Dongs tag team? In WWF, look at the Max Moon costume. Who in their right mind thought it looked good? I noticed someone above mentioned Giant Gonzales' costume. It was definitely one of the dumbest costumes ever. It was like Slim Goodbody, and anything that makes me remember that guy is a bad thing. How about the Shockmaster and his glittery Stormtrooper helmet? Or the infamous Yeti and his mummy robes? In the face of all this, I seriously think Cody Rhodes' bare knees are perfectly acceptable. Some people probably have made some stupid moves, like Kane revealing himself to be an overgrown fetus, but at least there aren't any people in the WWE that I can think of who wear disastrously stupid costumes.
I am going to go in a TOTALLY different direction. I'm going with Vince McMahon's hair. I kind of feel sorry for him. After her got it shaved at WM a few years back, it just never grew in the same.
I had never thought about that, but yeah. The poor guy probably thought it would grow back the same way, but it never really did. It says a lot about his dedication, though, that he was willing to get all that hair shaved off for the sake of a good celebrity storyline. Vince has never been afraid to sacrifice for the sake of his company, and I guess his hair was no exception.
Well I agree, Rhodes needs something on those legs. If he finds regular knee pads uncomfortable I'm sure WWE could come up with something that suits his needs.

Big Daddy V was all about his size. His look in WWECW made him look more menacing.

Orton's beard makes him look more like a man. Not everybody can grow a full beard and thats no reason not to have some facial hair on yourself.

That being said I found Chavo's shorts in his last WWE run ridiculous. If you're not going to work out your legs, just wear tights.
I'm not sure how huge man tits hanging out all over the place makes someone "menacing." His face and his size are really all he needs to look intimidating and like a guy you don't want to mess with. While he was on ECW, I and a lot of others couldn't focus on anything menacing about him because he was so damn disgusting. I didn't even like him as that character anyway, but if they really wanted to make him a monster heel, he could have easily gone back to his Ministry days attire or something similar.
Im gunna get alot of heat for this but...Zack Ryders one leg shorter then the other attire. OMFG that attire annoyed me so much it looks stupid and i beleive someone on TNA had a a similar attire aswell a couple of weeks ago.It annoys me so much i have to turn the channel over! obviously someone in WWE agreed with me and told him to put underpants on.
Well obviously I wouldn't, but man tits aren't intimidating, they're just extremely undesirable. But I still wouldn't want him running at me anyway, because he would probably squash me like a bug. And that's what the real deciding factor should be when it comes to the kayfabe psyche of wrestlers. Unless you wanted to give him another comedy character who kills people with his tits.

Come to think of it, that might have actually been pretty funny.
Well obviously I wouldn't, but man tits aren't intimidating, they're just extremely undesirable. But I still wouldn't want him running at me anyway, because he would probably squash me like a bug. And that's what the real deciding factor should be when it comes to the kayfabe psyche of wrestlers. Unless you wanted to give him another comedy character who kills people with his tits.

Come to think of it, that might have actually been pretty funny.

What I'm getting at is that his look was supposed to make him look more undesirable or whatever other word you want to use. When you look back at Vicera and Big Daddy V, Big Daddy V looks the more intimidating out of the two.
Over the years a lot of people have disgusted me with their ring attire, here re my most notable ones :

1 - Snitsky : After he lost his long goatee and apparently stopped brushing brushing his teeth something, he just looked stupid, they were trying to make him look scary, but bald head, yellow teeth, and no offense to Snitsky but an ugly face, just made him look like a roided old man.

2 - Cody Rhodes : I'd like to know why the guy with the scrawniest legs in the roster decided to go on without knee pads while the others cover their knees with tights, knee pads, pants, etc.., I mean sure his character is badass and I can really get over him.. but his look is probably the worst look on the roster right now, can't believe the guy actually had a "Dashing" gimmick.

3 - Giant Gonzalez : Now I know the guy was a bad wrestler, all he did was chops and claws, but what was also sad about his WWE career is that they give him a sasquatch muscle suit to cover up his body probably cause all he had was his height and he wasn't muscular at all.

I could name probably 5 more wrestlers who had disturbing looks, but these are the ones that came to mind, and Big Daddy V a lot of people pointed him out, I think his look was unique and intimidating, but that's just me.
Christian needs a new logo. He's had the same one since before his TNA run. Also he needs some knee pads under his tights like AJ Styles. AJ is also small, but the knee pads make him look a little stockier. I think that can give Christian the main event look.

Oh yeah? Since when do knee pads make someone look like a main eventer? I don't understand that quote at all :(

and Orton's beard is just fine.. that'd be like saying, Scott Hall has been in the business for how many years with stubble and still can't grow a full beard..
and one last thing, I hate the word jorts.. what is that, jean shorts thrown into one word.. ok, since when are those out of style.. everyone still wears jean shorts, myself included.. :)

anyway, I can't really think of anyone right now that had an attire that bugged the crap out of me..
I agree with Cody Rhodes. Half the time I mistaken him for being naked. It just doesn't look right.

Randy's "thing" actually suits him. A viper is wild. Obviously so is Randy and I agree with the guy that said it seperates his gimmicks. The Legend Killer and the Viper... hmmm?

Big Daddy V. So, Big Daddy V is allowed to show his tits yet Kelly Kelly isn't? C'mon WWE. Something just isn't right there. One, Big Daddy V has tits and two, why hasn't Kelly Kelly not come out in her no clothes attire. I'm sure you have that somewhere in the back. She has an excuse now she is WWE Divas Champion (not that the title mean dick anymore).

Why complain about what Kane wears? Could be worse, he could wear a mankini. The masked character looks better, but, wasn't it just over a year ago he won the World Heavyweight Championship and his monster reign began?

John Cena... dear me. Didn't The Rock's words reach into your mind. Get rid of the Red Shirt, the Green Shirt, the Purple Shirt, the Shit-Coloured Shirt, the Orange Shirt, the Pink Shirt, the Yellow Shirt and the New England Patriots Shirt.

So, I think I've shat all over WWE's terrible, terrible dress code. 'Nuff said really.
Cena attires always look like crap, why an old man wearing shorts?
Zack Ryder one leg shorter...awful
Scotty 2 Hotty stupid hat, it anoyed a lot to me back in the days
Brutus Clay, a guy so fat should cover his body WAY more
Cody needs knepads

I disagree with the Big Daddy V, he actually looked more scary than never with that look, I don't know why the poepl focued more on his tits xD
I'm gonna go with a guy who's entire gimmick has gone to shit.


This whole "crazy" angle is dog shit. Sting has always been a great character, but this last look makes me want to change the channel as soon as he comes on. His "Joker" makeup looks like shit. Its a ripoff of a three year old movie. He just looks like a fool with lipstick smeared all over his face. Not to mention the fact that he does wrestle with his shirt on. That really puts it over the edge or terrible.

The real problem is his acting. He just can't play crazy right. It looks like community theater. For you older fans, you can't deny that the voice he uses is an absolute ripoff of Jim Carrey's Fire Marshell Bill character from In Living Color twenty years ago. It's exactly the same. Last night I was watching Impact and they showed him cackling in the rafters and he looked like a transvestite having a seizure. It just sucks.

Sting has gone from the stoic avenger of TNA to a middle aged man with smeared lipstick doing a bad Jim Carrey impressing while wrestling in a T Shirt. Terrible.
Not one to usually pile on Cena, but seriously, has it been close to a decade now since jorts were in fashion?

Who cares if it's in fashion or not? Although to be honest, the only people I can think of who pulled off the jorts look perfectly were Raven and Trent Acid. If Cena wants to go the sportswear look then why not have him wearing some actual shorts similar to NBA style with his colours and logos? That way it's a throwback to the past when he'd wear the jerseys etc and keeps him looking in character and fits in with his rapping. It's mainly the rock crowd who wear jorts isn't it?

Cody without the kneepads reminds me of Flair when he'd wear kneepads on his shins (remember when Nash and Hogan called him out on that during commentary back in WCW?) but otherwise, I never pay much attention to him. Still believe he's the least talented of the Rhodes family.

Quick side note, Kane can't and won't wear the mask or grow his hair because his hair has been receding badly plus he hated wearing the mask, found it too uncomfortable and couldn't breathe properly in it which is why he changed to that stupid half mask but even so, his hairline and lack thereof means no mask for him.

Shame cause his 97 look was the best.

I actually find it difficult thinking right now what attires and looks I don't like in any company.
i can think of a few examples of looks for wrestlers tht over the years bothered me...

1. Big Daddy V- do i really need to explain why this guys look was horrible? someone needs to give him a massive shirt or atleast a massive bra! seriously thank god hes not on my tv anymore!

2. Snitsky (after he shaved his head and lost the beard)- this guy was just digusting looking! yellow teeth,back zits and i felt like i was gonna throw up everytime i saw this guy i knew it was time to change the channel!

3. Robbie E- stop trying to be a jersery shore bitch this look/gimmick is just stupid i dont have a problem with this guy too much as far as in ring ability goes but his look makes me not even give him a chance :shrug: he should get a different look,loose Cookie let her go back to being Becky Bayless and put her in matches!

theres more but i dont want this to be very long so ill just say i really hate how trunks look on a wrestler tbh i think trunks are just weird they look like adult diapers or underwear pretty much and if it was up to me nobody would wear trunks they would just wear tights or like normal pants stuff like tht idk but sadly trunks will never die in wrestling :disappointed:
I am going to go in a TOTALLY different direction. I'm going with Vince McMahon's hair. I kind of feel sorry for him. After her got it shaved at WM a few years back, it just never grew in the same.

I was just thinking about that last night. I miss Vinnie Mac's sweet Pomp.

The knee pad thing used to bother me with Cody Rhodes, but it suits him now and I rarely notice it.

Zack Ryder's old half tights were friggin' ridiculous. Glad he changed that.

And one last thing. When it comes to Cena and the "jorts", I don't think he should change them. They are one of, if not the biggest standouts of his gimmick. Definitely better than those yellow ass April O'Neil from TMNT pants he wore waay back.
was never a fan of HBK's brown tights when he came back at Elimination Chamber, also The Miz's first costume he wore during his tag team run with John Morrison wit that awful Chick Magnet shirt and that hat! I'm pretty sure we can all agree on Orlando Jordan. also Rico back in the Chuck & Billy days, for an ex vegas cop he was lookin rather suspect lol even though he was hurt at the time i was also never a fan of the supportive short tights triple H wore when he was still wrestling wit a pulled groin muscle. matt strykers argyle outfits were ridiculous as well. Jack Swagger's Todo Americano was horrible idea, Hogan's Mr. USA luche libra mask was horrible as well, and to say the least Rey Mysterio's Flash/Joker costumes were fails at bet as well.

Oh yeah? Since when do knee pads make someone look like a main eventer? I don't understand that quote at all :(

i think they mean like how The Miz was just a tagteam/midcarder for a while then when he started wearing tights, kneepads and padded boots (basically Y2J's costume) he started looking more like a wrestler (instead of the ridiculous gloves, hat and home made lookin designs on his shorts) and people started to take him a little seriously and eventually made it to the main event

that bluish vader/mr. perfect looking singlet that Big Show started wearing was also a horrible idea. and i know its supposed to be looks that didnt look right or were fails but how did you guys feel about Ziggler's brown hair change? i thought it was way better than his ric flair/mordecai colored bleach blonde hair, i mean its not like ppl dont already compare him to Billy Gunn, why look more like him?

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