RAW's Priceless new Stable.

just wondering like i dont want to get tooo far ahead of things, but do you think they could have other members too? like i think di'biase will come back and they'l tease some tension between him n orton n then they sort of jus shake hands n di'biase joins the group happily sort of thing. but what about that hart foundation thing? you think i dunno his name but bulldogs son may join the group too?

just wondering and do u think it would work better with 4 of them or maybe more?

There can be tons of members. A lot of 2nd generation stars are in FCW right now. Including Joe Hennig and Dakotoa Darsow (Smash from Demolitions son). Not to mention James William Reiher, Jr (Snuka Jr.) is still on the Raw brand He could end up filling the void for Dibiase Jr. until his turn.

I would mention TJ Wilson, DH Smith and Natalya but they are going to SD.

As long as they are careful about this and don't bring in 2nd generation too early from FCW or OVC and make the stable too big this could be the best thing to happen to WWE since St.Jericho first went heel.
it looks as if Snuka Jr has been foreshadowed into the group after wathin tonight. I was honestly sure that he was gonna come out and help legacy tonite, but we will c in the coming weeks, if not, months
surprise that snuka jr made it in. he should have been released before. but with this he could make some good out of himself. So let me think we have; rhodes,manu,snuka jr and dibase? i dont think that any one else will join the group because then it will jsut be to crowded. this could work out for legacy making them like a evolution
i think this has a lot of potential, orton as the leader, then manu rhodes and dibiase joining. hopefully they will expand with snuka jr, and then i also thought mayb DOLF ZIGGLER may join....dont kno why just think he would suit the group.

legacy do need a fued but for now its going ok as long as the writers dont mess it up.

e.g. orton should have beaten batista at armagedon to give the leader of the new stable some momentum...or at least have a dq finish with manu and rhodes intefering

if orton could claim the title at royal rumble then this would set the stable going well and truly....mayb throw the tag titles on rhodes and dibiase again, possibly manu intercontinental and have the stable owning all the titles!

but might get a bit boring
I believe Legacy is the best thing going on Raw right now.

The one thing every brand lacks is powerhouse stable. During the golden ages of wrestling, stables have been at the core of each wrestling promotion. the NWA/WCW had the Four Horsemen. The old WWF had Heenan's family. WCW had the NWO, as well as the Four Horsemen (granted, not nearly as powerful as it once was). The WWF in it's attitude era had DX, The Hart Foundation, The Nation, even the Corporation, Hell, even the UNION (Ok, let's not get crazy). There then was Evolution. And now, while TNA is building up the Main Event Mafia and the Frontline, WWE has..... La Familia? Really, WWE?

Priceless can become that dominant stable to rule over Raw. They all have a common theme to them, and they all are generally good workers. And the good thing is, there's always room for (pulls out a pool cue and snaps it over his knee) aggressive expansion. Dibiase when he gets back. You have Sim Snuka now, you can maybe pull up a few members of the New Hart Foundation. Joe Henning would be a wonderful fit. Hell, if you were desperate enough, you could draft Umaga back to Raw (Have the Undertaker banish him or something after their inevitable feud), and reveal his roots as a member of the Anoa'i family. He's legacy too, remember. Hell, it could pair up Manu and Umaga, and have another version of the Wild Somoans. And if you really want to get technical, you could even have Rey Mysterio turn heel, and join Legacy, because of his father, as well. There seems to be a lot of ways this company can take Legacy, but they have to be sure to build up the young kids to be on par, if not better, than the already established superstars. It can't be "Randy Orton & kids".

Now, in my opinion, they've already screwed up on the first feud. If I were part of creative, I would have immediately started a war of Legacy V.S. The Independents. Who are the Independents, you ask? They are wrestlers who worked their way into WWE by doing the Indy traveling, or by coming up through the WWE's developmental territories and really busting their ass to get into the company. Evan Bourne, Jamie Noble, Cryme Time. And who better to lead this feud then, well, CM Punk? All of them resent Legacy, because they didn't have to work to get into the company, they always had "daddy dearest" to open the door for them. This of course leads to an epic confrontation between the two leaders, Punk and Orton. Two men who symbolize the exact antithesis of what each stands for.

What say you all?
JohnTenta4HOF too bad Creative doesn't have your idea because I just love the sound of Umaga joining Legacy and forming a Tag Team with Manu. That would kick super ass and would revitalize the tag division for sure. They are extremely athletic and quick for their size and I love their ring work. Umaga needs to start speaking English also and that would be a perfect way to bring him back on Television. Besides, he needs something to do anyway because he doesn't fit well tagging with Rhodes in my opinion. I like them bringing Snuka in, but it doesn't look like it will be right away.

Hopefully it won't get out of the hand with a heel 2nd/3rd Generation group vs a face 2nd/3rd generation group....that is so WCW. We don't need another nWo Hollywood vs nWo Wolfpac
Umaga is still on SD! and should be redebuting anytime now and is set to feud with the undertaker, so I doubt that'll happen any time soon.

They are going to do a lot of tweener stuff with Deuce just like they did with Orton before he started Legacy. Duece/Snuka Jr/Whatever you want to call him will end up getting a lot of aid (unbeknown to him) from Legacy in his matches. He'll wonder wtf is up, confront them and then end up joining. Or something along those lines.

Snuka Jr. will probably be in Legacy by end of January. That's a good 4-5 weeks of solid building him as a upper mid-card and legacy candidate.
Well, I searched the forums and nobody has started a thread on Legacy (which is fucked by the way).

Sim Snuka threw down the oppressive Kayfabe character chains last week and renounced the gimmick that was handed to him. He was formerly named Deuce (yes, they named him turd). In a Deuce? thread, many ideas were being brought up as to what will become of Legacy.

Will they go cross brand, and have an NWO type prescence? Or will they bring in Sim Snuka and stop the recruituing process? These ideas were also discussed.

And will others throw down these chains? Will Umaga disown his gimmick and join the Samoan wing of Legacy? Will Jesse? These questions need to be discussed.
Nothing to contribute about Legacy eh? Does this mean that they've usurped La Familia's spot as most boring, insignificant faction ever?

It was interesting seeing Sim plead his case last night to Orton (as an aside, I thought he was taller). With Manu proving suspicion's that he's a worthless turd, I'm hoping they up the recruiting process. His lack of charisma and, well, everything else needed to be successful bring everyone else down. Cody and Manu are easily the oddest couple in the WWE right now.
Here's my Priceless/Legace update on wha I think with what's been going on recently.

Orton; I am beginning to like Orton more and more as the year goes on, I lovve the way they didn't throw him in as leader straight off, and even before that he took down DiBiase, one of the founder members.

Cody Rhodes; Any guy who has the tri force on his boots makes me win them over. I enjoyed him initially as a singles wrestler, and even with his run with Bob Holly, I said then he had a promising future, and still stand by that. He works well as a heel and I think he's a good assett to this stable.

Manu; Initially I liked him, he's quick in the ring for his size and that much I do like. The problem is he keeps getting beat, you can't build him up as a strong competitor for him to keep losing.

The future of the stable

Ted DiBiase; He'll come straight back into Legacy when he returns, Legacy needs him and he needs them for the time being.

Sim Snuka; Why? He's 37 and has been jobbing for quite some time, this would only damage the group, though it could help him, I honestly thought he'd be released by now.

Either way I am enjoying this group, I love stables and Raw needs something like this.
I'm excited about the Legacy stable angle. I hope they have good booking, and not just squash matches. There's been a need for a younger stable for quite some time now. Years back there was discussion of having Orton, John Cena, Shelton Benjamin and Johnny Stamboli as a young stable with Paul Heyman managing/being the mouthpiece. That never happened, but I hope this stable works out.
Well, I searched the forums and nobody has started a thread on Legacy (which is fucked by the way).

Sim Snuka threw down the oppressive Kayfabe character chains last week and renounced the gimmick that was handed to him. He was formerly named Deuce (yes, they named him turd). In a Deuce? thread, many ideas were being brought up as to what will become of Legacy.

Will they go cross brand, and have an NWO type prescence? Or will they bring in Sim Snuka and stop the recruituing process? These ideas were also discussed.

And will others throw down these chains? Will Umaga disown his gimmick and join the Samoan wing of Legacy? Will Jesse? These questions need to be discussed.

Ive always been a fan of larger stables like the NWO(before it got completely out of hand) and the corporation so I wouldnt mind them adding 1 or 2 more guys to make them have 5 or 6 members(assuming Dibiase comes back with them) and I think that would work. Actually I wouldnt mind if there were 7 or 8 guys but the problem is though with the brand split there isnt a ton of other guys on Raw so I dont know if a stable much larger than that would work. Ideally for me I would like for another stable to form to feud with them because I love stable wars but there simply isnt enough people on the Raw roster to do that if you put another 5 or 6 guys in another stable those stables would take up most of the roster so thats not gonna happen. So to answer the question I think they maybe bring in Snuka and thats it. By the way I found it funny watching him plead with Orton to get in the group, he looked and sounded so pathetic.
So we have the LEGACY. We have Randy Orton, a multiple time world champion and a rising start to say the least. He has become someone that the company can depend on to hold the title. He has become someone that the company can depend on to show that he is truly ready to lead the way. Then, we have Manu, Afa Jr to many. I believe he has the potential to become the next Batista in the way he is seemingly the muscle of the group. He should be a great enforcer for at least a year or two. He does his part. Then, we have Cody Rhodes in the Randy Orton role. I am glad that they are using his second generation status but not relying too much on it by giving him a stable to work with and some tag team partners of course so it only makes sense. Ted Dibiase will be back in the stable I can pretty much depend on that. He is going to be just like his father was if not better. He has the potential and he sounds good on the mic. Then, there is Snuka. Yes, he is getting there in age but this guy can really work well with good writing and good teammates which he has in Orton, Rhodes, Manu and Dibiase. This will be the next good stable.

Manu the turd. This pic says it all.

When he was brought into the fold, I thought he was going to be the enforcer of this group. Since, he has been booked as Joe Midcarder. From all that I've seen he has little to no charisma, elementary mic skills, and a move set that lacks originality. What's the plan with this guy?

Hopefully Ted DiBease comes home soon and restores some dignity to this group. Cody Rhodes is drowning in the mediocrity that surrounds him.
All they are doing is building Manu as the underdog. Orton keeps wanting Manu to prove himself as a member of the legacy but everytime he falls short.

This will keep going (even with Snuka Jr. They will end up feuding) until finally Manu snaps (probably on Snuka Jr.) and just demolishes whoever he is fighting against at the time.

Then Orton will say "Keep doing that and you'll be fine" Worded differently obviously, but same results.

Snuka Jr. will end up in the Legacy as well, but I'm not sure how since they hinted towards him vs. Manu a few times.
The Legacy really has got good potential on RAW. They got Randy Orton (World Heavyweight Championship contender), Rhodes and DiBiase (World Tag Team Championship contenders) and Manu (Intercontinental Championship contender). This could set up great matches where the stable helps each other out during their matches and could gain a lot of heat because of it. Think of it...Orton vs Cena (WHC Match) and with Cena being the superhero of WWE, attacking and assaulting him unfairly thus Orton getting the win.
I think that they could have had Orton Rhodes Dibiase and Jericho could be in group in a way to bring down Cena and he could recruit Cryme Tyme to fight back, as jericho fits in perfect and crme tyme and cena also worked so there would be a proper feud there but i think the whole legacy group has great potential just hope wwe dont ruin it and make it as good as evolution
Tonight, Manu got kicked out of The Legacy. What now for him? Back to FCW?

While I personally would like to see is them using this tactic. Manu comes back next week. Says Matt Hardy fluked him. Finnally spits some mic game. Throws some heart into his match for once. Comes in just screaming at him. Really pulling some heat. Its not hard, to get mad, and scream at someone. Watch Ric Flair clips, wow, all he does is get on the mic, and scream a lot. Why can't manu do it!? Its highly unlikely it will happen.

Manu is done. Theres nothing he can do. He blew his chance. Lets give a cold hearted Good-Bye to Manu!
i am possibly thinking there will be a counter stable to the legacy of members who have been kicked out of it with Manu, Ted Dibiase and maybe Snuka/Hennig/Smith in the future

Just an idea though
Raw was/is becoming too heel dominated, so maybe Manu turns face and gets a push against Orton now that Batista is out.

Raw Heels - Jericho, Orton, JBL, Rhodes, Regal, Kane, Santino, Knox, Snuka
Raw Faces - Cena, Punk, Rey, Kofi

Michaels is kind of in a tweener zone right now, basically a face but having to do heelish things for JBL.

There is room for Manu as a face, but he's going to have to be booked right. Maybe have a feud with Snuka until Wrestlemania, and if he gets over, maybe a mini feud with Orton while Orton bides time until Batista gets back from injury.
Manu probably isn't out of the stbale, they're just trying to lead it somewhere. Possibly with him taking out John Cena to get back into the group. Not that he's a loss, at least Snuka looks like he could fit in with the group. Manu doesn't look intimidating at all, which is a crime for a fat Samoan. The whole look doesn't fit into the group. I guess it's ok to have some diversity, but I don't see the point in him being involved if it isn't going to turn him into a star. They'd be better off with D.H. Smith.
I am loving this Stable! It just seems to fit very well, its early days but you can only really see great things happening with this group.

Randy Orton: The Perfect Guy for the Leader Role; Good on the mic, Good in the ring, A Main Eventer so poeple can take him seriously as a Powerfull Threat. I see WHC title reigns for RKO while The Legacy is around and of course heading up a Heel Stable will only help Orton gain more Heat

Cody Rhodes: The Protege, again working with RKO is only going to help Cody get better (In Ring & Mic etc) and put him over for the evantuall breakout fued and i can also see possible IC & Tag Title reigns

Manu: okay, what are WWE doing with this guy? they debuted him as a muscle type character yet have him jobbing to guys who are half his size. He is good in the ring (his indie days show this) and could really work as a power figure but at the moment wwe need to do something remarkable to make me want him in the legacy or just boot him back to FCW and give him a re-debut and a gimmick change

Ted DiBiase jnr: I see him as the Next Big Thing, Good on the mic, I Like His in ring work and he just has that undescribable factor which makes a Star, Definate Titles for him Coming up, In the next 4 or 5 years im guessing he is going to a World Title reign unless he goes and f**cks himself over.

Sim Snuka: Whats the point? hes 38 now, and for me way too young to be in this Stable. It may work but at the moment i dont see his point of being there

Now There is Bound to be more Wrestlers joining at some point and i may aswell profile what they could do/bring to the Legacy


Goldust: I cant see him being involved within the group but i can see a Fued with Cody at some point definatly. Brother vs Brother and all that but at the end I can see Cody coming out on top as Goldust is past his Prime


Carlito: Unless they Branch out The Legacy to all brands, Carlito would have to be drafted to Raw and personally i cant see him wanting to do it. He would be overshadowed by RKO and he works much Better in the Tag Division with Primo atm, so a No to The Legacy.

DH Smith: I could Possibly see this happening but Apprently they are planning to Bring the "New Hart Foundation" to smackdown which i would much prefer

Natalya: see DH Smith

Primo: see Carlito

Jesse: If he picked up a Serious Gimmick or copied it fathers it may happen. Would also leave the Festus character to evolve which would be good

Umaga: This would give Manu either no chance or hope. They may decide to reform a Wild Somoan esque tag team which would help bolster the tag team ranks.


Joe Hennig: Do it! Ive been wanting him to come up for a while and he would work really well in the set up. Please? :p

sorry if i left anyone out
Orton, Rhodes, DiBiase, Manu, and Snuka. It's a stable of 5. That's good enough. I hope there are no more members. Have Snuka and Manu team up. Perhaps even Rhodes and DiBiase again on and off for a while. This group has a ton of potential.
If they don't feel Manu "fits" on Raw with Priceless they will probably make him jump ship to Smackdown and re-create the Wild Samoan's with Youmanga.
Shane McMahon to Legacy.

Having in a McMahon's ear has always been a benefit to 'get things done'. Shane'O would fits the profile of the group being a third generation(?) in the 'business'. He also seems to have an axe to grind giving reason to start a feud/rivalry with Stephanie for control of Raw, possibly usurping her position.

Shane joining Legacy would be a huge moment and hit the accelerator on this angle.

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