RAW's Priceless new Stable.

After everyone saying it would happen it finally did. Manu seems to have good mic skills Dibiase and Rhodes are good wrestlers and they have a great heel leader in Randy Orton I guess they could throw in some other people like primo colon but as is this is going to create a lot of storylines and feuds. This is going to be a good push for all involved
Orton, Rhodes, Dibiase, and some older wrestler could reform Evolution and make Raw really interesting. They really need to make Orton into the next Triple H. Speaking of which, they need to eventually make Orton come out on top of that feud. It would look really bad if Orton keeps losing to Triple H like he does. They could even make Evolution a six man group with two past, two present, and two future stars. Orton and Jericho could be the two present stars.
I am really excited about this finally happening. We've heard for months now that a 2nd/3rd generation stable was on the way with various names being tossed in and out. From the first time I saw Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase team up, I knew they'd be a part. I think these two will be huge stars in the future..they both remind me of Randy Orton.

Speaking of him, I am extremely relieved that he is the leader and not John Boring Layfield. Orton has all the capabilities to lead a stable and is easily one of the top 2 heels in the company along with Edge. His mic skills seemed to have improved during his absence too, hopefully that keeps up.

The only questionable decision here is Manu. From the looks of it, he is good in the ring and not bad on the mic either. But his look is just kind of strange with the rest of them.
I definitely think they should make this stable reminiscent of Evolution in a couple ways. First, they should dress the part. Not necessarily suits and things, but like a nice shirt and jeans (that includes Manu); it would look like the style of guys in their 20s. Next, when the time is right, I'd have these guys holding all the gold. RKO as WHC, Manu as IC champ, and Priceless as Tag Champs.

Here's another idea that could make this stable even better. Have Natalya come over and either have an on-screen relationship with Orton ala Edge/Lita, or just have her as a female member who could hold the Women's title. It would give her more credibility and make her seem like a force in the division. I think she's the next great female wrestler.

Whatever happens, I hope they keep this up. I like how it's not formed yet, but you know it's coming. Maybe have Priceless and Manu trying to earn RKO's respect until they finally declare them as a faction. I hope they give this a good bit of time too. It'll freshen RKO's character and give a huge rub to the rest. After a year or so, these guys could be midcarders and nearly ready for the big time. I also agree that they could use the "Destiny" gimmick maybe even as the name of the group, because Randy, Cody, and Ted talk about it all the time anyway. I can't wait to see where this is going.
I like this mainly because forming a group of 4 pushing the 3 young guys means that they'll be pushin 4 other guys to face them... Meaning CM Punk, Kofi Kingston and Cryme Tyme are all gonna get a massive push to be the top faces on raw to face the new forming group which will be very nice to watch... The idea of natalya joining them is a smart one.. People usually leave out the women In the faction cause it holds them down but she would help big time.. She's a tough wrestler and people need to really sit there and watch her wrestle.. She reminds me of a hart when I watch her and that name needs to be pushed
This is a very good idea by WWE. I am glad that Randy Orton is finally getting his chance to lead a stable. We all saw how it failed with La Familia even though Edge was a good leader. If they want the stable to be successful, they have to do what they did with Evolution. They are off to a good start as they have a tag team, an enforcer and a world champ. They can alweays add somebody because that will only benefit the stable. Of course this could also lead to great feuds with several superstars including Punk, HBK, Batista and Cena when he gets back. I cannot wait to see it up and running.
How can you call Priceless talentless?

The only positive about them is that they play the perfect heel tag-team that pretty much suck individually but work incredibly well together to sneak the wins. Also, it seems like Cody does all the work and Dibiase just gets tagged in to get beat on. He's done like 6 moves in total since his debut and he's mediocre on the mic. Rhodes is improving slowly both on the mic (despite the lisp) and in the ring though and he's a far cry from what he was with Holly, so I'll give him some credit. but Dibiase's yet to impress me, needs to pick up the slack.
Im gonna have to disagree with that. Firstly i cant imagine anyone harder to work with as a rookie then Holly, Cody did well with that. Their mic work isnt bad really considering their age [early 20s?]. As they get more expirence they will get alot better. Working with Orton can only help.

As for Dibiase doing six moves,pretty much every wrestler has a limited moveset that they do, its just the nature of the business these days. Batista does a clothesine, a slam, a spinebuster and spear and a powerbomb. Taker [my God] does a clothesline, a chokeslam, old school and a tombstone. And a big boot. Matches arent long enough for any wrestler to showcase their entire moveset, especially a tag macth-you've got four people trying to get over.
I like the Hall of Fame idea for the new stable, with all four guys being able to play off the ability to use their fathers' successes to pass themselves off as upstart rookies, much like DiBiase Jr has done.

As far as Manu is concerned, I don't see the big problem. All everyone does is complain that Umaga is a stereotype and then everyone wants to see the next Samoan assume the same savage persona. Afa Jr has aligned himself with a group of individuals likely to hotshot to success.

Given the little i've seen of Afa Jr, the guy isn't bad in the ring. He's a big guy but he's not exactly a slouch in the ring. He's powerful yet has a decent amount of speed as well.

And out of interest...why is Cody Rhodes now so popular when two months ago he was awful and didn't deserve a belt? If Cody can get popular, I see no reason why Afa can't do well, especially if he can go in the ring
The development of this new stable is the sole reason I look forward to Monday nights (besides football, obviously). I like that they're taking their time with the storyline development, as mentioned earlier, although I wonder what all this "impressive" talk is about. If that doesn't wind up being the name or key gimmick to these guys I'm going to be very annoyed, since whenever any of these guys come up on screen the word is said about 40 times in 5 minutes.

Aside from that, I love the idea. I'm a big RKO fan and Evolution is probably my favorite faction in a long time, so the idea of another faction based around Orton is very a very impressi.... I mean exciting idea.
the members of cryme time and priceless should get finishers...i mean, dibiase finished charlie hass with a russian leg sweep...i mean, i've seen this move being used just to slow down the oponent but manu's finisher, that modified neckbraker in mid air, that was pretty impressive...
the members of cryme time and priceless should get finishers.. i mean, dibiase finished charlie hass with a russian leg sweep...

Actually, each of them have finisher's. Cody Rhodes uses an Impact DDT to finish off his victims. Which is basically ironic considering he and DiBiase Jr. are claiming to be better than the 80's Era Superstars.. yet he uses an 80's Era finisher.

Ted DiBiase has found a way to bring back the Russian Leg Sweep, AND combined it with his Father's Million Dollar Dream, which is downright impressive to me. And the move is two-fold.

The Dream submission aspect of it begins wearing you down, and he suddenly drops you backwards, which gives a full-effect to the back of your head. It's like double the impact to the victim's head.

Finally, Cryme Tyme aren't 'single's wrestlers' so they don't have 'single's finishers'. But they do have a Tag Team finisher. I believe it's some type of neckbreaker, and I've seen it done before, I believe Shad holds the opponent in place and J.T.G. hits it. I can't honestly recall, because Cryme Tyme rarely win anymore.
oh...it's just that i never saw them use it...and i couldn't differentiate between the ddt and leg sweeps...my bad...btw, did you hear about that rumor of wwe promoting dibiase as the new orton and letting him feud with taker and end taker's streak at WM 25 since dibiase's dad introduced the undertaker
Ted DiBiase has found a way to bring back the Russian Leg Sweep, AND combined it with his Father's Million Dollar Dream, which is downright impressive to me. And the move is two-fold.

The Dream submission aspect of it begins wearing you down, and he suddenly drops you backwards, which gives a full-effect to the back of your head. It's like double the impact to the victim's head.

the Million Dollar Dream on Haas this past Monday was basically just a Russian Leg Sweep, I think Dibiase might have got caught up in the moment and forgot to hold the submission aspect for a few seconds.
A lot can happen in two months, so what's going on with this stable?

Randy Orton; He's still not in charge, kayfabe wise he's put DiBiase out with injury. He still has yet to decide whether they are the guys for him. He will lead Rhodes at Survivor Series.

Ted DiBiase; Showing promise, he was injured by Orton. Theories range from him going to film the Marine 2 (which I still don't believe) to him taking a few weeks off as he's just gotten married (bearing in mind his last TV appearaance was the Raw before his wedding).

Cody Rhodes; I don't know what to think of him as an individual, he just seems to be rather whiny to me in the past two weeks (Batista incident and the superstar forum avec Stephanie McMahon).

Manu; I am thoroughly impressed with this young man, is showing great potential. He is surprisingly not in the Survivor Series team.

So what's going on with this stable? With DiBiase out of action for the time being, and Orton yet to decide what the fudge he's doing, that leaves Manu and Rhodes as a tag team, which really does not fill me with confidence. I like how the story began to unfold, but with DiBiase out it's taken a step back. I thought the four of them together would have worked well, and I really don't want the likes of DH Smith etc. to be put in this group.
Jeez this is one little storyline that they are actually keeping me guessing with. Team Priceless currently made up of Manu, Dibiase, and Rhodes. The three of them are doing pretty well for themselves, but have yet to really make much in the way of waves outside of taking out CM Punk. Enter Randy Orton in a sort of reverse role than what he played in Evolution. Manu and DiBiase,are all still kind of new, with the exception of Rhodes who I guess has been there a little longer, none the less though all three of these guys want to establish themselves as good heels. Right now on Raw Randy Orton is probably the best choice to really give these guys the boost they need. Look what HHH did for Orton by bringing him into Evolution. The same thing could possibly come out of this stable. Should Orton join it in the near future, not only do I feel that the WWE would have come up with a very dangerous faction, but possibly a new guy or two into the upper mid card scene, if not main event.

Right now though with DiBiase being out for a bit I'm thinking that things will continue to be kind of tense between RKO and the rest of Team Priceless. Upon his return I think him and Orton will have a match, where I'm guessing DiBiase will earn Orton's respect or something. Whatever happens, it should be interesting as long as WWE keeps these guys together.
Yep, J.R. even said "we saw the Evolution of Legacy" tonight. Plus, Orton himself said tonight "Legacy" is born, so it wasn't even dropping hints. They straight out named the stable already. Makes you wonder if DiBiase Jr. will have a place when he returns or if he'll be looking for revenge as a tweener. Considering he wasn't around enough for the fans to care that Orton "took him out", it would be better for him to return under Orton as part of the stable.
See.. I didn't watch all of RAW, I just saw the very ending of Orton's match. So, I hadn't seen all the hints and what not. But I do like the name, it fits with the whole 2nd and 3rd generation superstars thing they have going.

But I don't see how DiBiase Jr. is gonna fit into everything once he gets back. Unless they have him kind of be the outcast of the group, seeing as how Orton "took him out" a few weeks back. I'd say, as of right now, if they keep up the momentum with this faction and everything, they could potentially be the next DX.. But I don't want to jump the gun really, but hey, it's very well possible. With the amount of talent you got there, the sky is the limit.. Unless the WWE writers find a way to screw it up.
just wondering like i dont want to get tooo far ahead of things, but do you think they could have other members too? like i think di'biase will come back and they'l tease some tension between him n orton n then they sort of jus shake hands n di'biase joins the group happily sort of thing. but what about that hart foundation thing? you think i dunno his name but bulldogs son may join the group too?

just wondering and do u think it would work better with 4 of them or maybe more?
DX was more of a copy of the nWo. They were social outcasts, degenerates and behaved like immature men-children. This three-man second generation stable behave very maturely, are dead serious, so they're leaning more towards Evolution if any comparisons are to be drawn. I still see the difference between Legacy and Evolution, though. Triple H brought Evolution together to showcase the development of the business, from the seasoned veteran, to the current main event star, to the muscle and next link, to finally, the future. Orton recruited Rhodes and Manu to establish a group of solely the future, likely trying to weed out the past (IE: Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker.) Hell, Legacy works against younger wrestlers, too. They're smug in the way they think. They're second generation so they think they're automatically better than guys like Cena, Punk and Kofi.
uh, when they said "these guys could be the next DX" im thinking they meant as big as DX, not act the same as DX, legacy is more of a evolution/4-horseman type thing...its made of 2nd/3rd generation stars thus allowing them to have that cocky heel attitude thats needed as for the 4th member im sure theyll tie dibiase back in somehow, hopfully creative will get really creative about it....there will more than likely always be a little something between ortan/dibiase that will lead to the destruction of the group in the end when that time comes (or if theyre like the 4 horseman they will all become huge, and just put guys over while staying over themselves)

while were at it, I'm tired of hearing "manu is stale" hes a samoan, how many samoans do you know that actually have a gimmick, (that play an actual samoan not like the rock/Joe) when they start, they always play a backbone type person that comes in dominant, look at umaga i dont think ive ever heard him speak an actual word other than "UUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" for real...yet, hes still over as a great monster heel just give him a little while, hell prove himself one of the most usefull in the group, look at how arn took care of the four hourseman, he was the entire backbone of the group no doupt....i think that will be manu's role in "legacy"
I'm very interested to see where this group goes. Orton is already established as one of the top three heels in the WWE (the others of course being Edge and Jericho) while Rhodes and Manu (and DiBiase, but hes gone so I digress) have begun to show the cockiness that Orton is known for and are getting legit heat. This will give more heel "street cred" to Orton for pulling together this group to help him do his dirty work, and Priceless will get more heat for being aligned with him and also get brought even closer, if not into the main event scene. I can actually see this group being more successful than Evolution for all members involved, not to mention where it goes with the fans.
I don't know about you guys but as a Puerto Rican I love Carlito. And while I love the fact that him and Eddie Colon (Primo to you guys) are Tag champs on Smackdown. I say that he joins Legacy come draft time. He obviously needs to change his gimmick a little bit to a bad ass kind of but he is a 2nd generation superstar. He can join Legacy. Natalie Neidhart can be one of their arm girls. Unless they plan to keep the group 4 horsemen serious even though Debra was with Mongo during some of his Horemen stint.
I love this stable. It has potential to be one of the most successful stables since Evolution. 3 new guys following a superstar who is at the top of his game. The WWE have really made something good here, so far. The name "Legacy" is a great name for a stable and is a name that will hopefully be remembered for many years to come. Randy Orton is possibly the best heel in the WWE to carry a stable, at the present moment. Cody Rhodes is a star in the making. I don't care what anyone says, but if he improves at the rate he is currently, then I have no doubt in my mind that he will be a World Champion one day.

I can't see Manu being as successful as Cody or Ted, but he would make a perfect Intercontinential Champion, with improvement of course. He can be the "hitman" of the stable. Just like Batista was in Evolution. As for Ted, well many have called him the breakout star of the stable, but Rhodes has shown me more than DiBiase in terms of in ring ability. But with improvement, Ted DiBiase Jr could certainly breakout and become very successful. He has the look and the mic skills, he just needs to improve his in ring work.

With Orton as their leader, I can't see anything but great things to come for this awesome stable. It should be interesting when Ted returns, seeing as Orton was the one to take him out. This should be a long lasting stable. After 2 or 3 years, then the stable can break-up and all members can go their separate ways. Having the stable for a short amount of time won't benefit anyone. Long lasting stables are the way to go, look at the success of DX and Evolution for perfect examples.
Right, what I meant to say when I brought up the DX reference, was that they could be as BIG as DX, not necessarily act like DX. 'Cause I'm pretty sure turning them into any sort of comedy gimmick would kill everything they've built up. I do like the serious, Evolution/Four Horsemen style gimmick they have now, it works for them.

But now you have people talking about who else should be added to Legacy.. and I'm leaning towards not adding anymore people. Leaving at four still gives them a numbers advantage, yet still gives them room to build them up, instead of letting the lower members get lost in the shuffle of a huge faction.

Instead, I say if WWE is really wanting to add people.. Why not just have almost another version of Legacy on Smackdown? I mean, there is the reports still going around that the Hart Foundation is reforming over there anyway. Then you could easily build them up as a face faction and then eventually, it could lead to a cross-brand feud between Legacy and the Hart Foundation. And if they pull it off right, it puts over all the new guys and girl, while still cementing Orton's spot as one of the greatest heels.
Clearly Manu is the weak link of the foursome. I can't see him being all too valuable outside of possibly being the muscle...despite how he's not THAT much bigger than the other guys (especially Orton). Rusty says he could be IC champ some day, and while I can see it happening, I sort of have to disagree. I have a feeling he'll be relegated to the spot of the guy that gets nothing in the stable...similar to Kama's role in the Nation of Domination. He's there as a fall-guy lol.

But as for the stable as a whole? They have the necessary tools to become great stars. Orton is the best he's ever been, especially in terms of his mic-skills as of late, and Rhodes and DiBiase (Rhodes more so in my opinion) have taken their first few steps towards becoming great superstars in the future. One or both of these two will be a midcard champion by this time next year - mark my words.

What they're missing, though? - A feud.

Granted, this JUST started officially, so we have to give them time. But who really are they going to feud with? They've already had short feuds with Cena/CT, as well as Punk/Kofi, and they're currently in a feud with Batista, who has no allies. Raw is pretty much booked with no midcard faces right now that could be real threats. They aren't going to team Batista with Jamie Noble, D-Low Brown, and Val Venis lol. Stables seem to work best when they have some faction to feud with, rather than just a bunch of random people.

We'll see. We'll see.

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